ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1 9 9 7 /7 0 1 Cham pions of sch o larly com munication B y J in n ie Y . Davis A new approach by the NCSU Libraries A decade ago, easy and affordable access to scholarly and research publications seemed threatened as academic libraries initi­ ated massive serials cancellations in the face of rising costs and rampant inflation. Many librar­ ians and faculty became aware of the paradox of the present system: the intellectual product created by scholars is often sold back to their institutions and libraries after they relinquish control to publishers by waiving their own copyrights. Electronic publishing, initially touted as a way to circumvent the costs and limita­ tions o f the traditional scholarly publishing model, came to pose potentially greater restric­ tions and additional costs for libraries and their users. With the recent entry o f telecommunica­ tions and entertainment industries as major play­ ers in the copyright debate, colleges and uni­ versities now face a future in which their faculty and students may have fewer rights to the fair use o f published materials. In response to this situation, in 1992 the University Library Committee at North Carolina State University established a Scholarly Com­ munication Subcommittee of faculty, librarians, administrators, and students. The University Library Committee also succeeded in submit­ ting a resolution passed by the NC State Fac­ ulty Senate in 1995, which endorsed the need to increase faculty awareness of issues pertain­ ing to copyright and scholarly publishing. To achieve that goal, the Scholarly Communica­ tion Subcommittee has since carried out an active program of educational events, bringing to the NC State campus speakers such as Ken­ neth Crews (director, Copyright Management Center, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis), Ann Okerson (formerly direc­ tor, Office of Scientific and Academic Publish­ ing, Association o f Research Libraries), and Karen Hersey (intellectual property counsel at MIT). By learning from these speakers and inves­ tigating what other universities were doing in the area o f scholarly communication, the sub­ committee originally had defined as one of its action goals for 1996-97 the promotion of an NC State University “copyright management center.” In fall 1996 a subcommittee subgroup consisting o f David Zonderman (Department of History, subcommittee chair), David Broome (associate university counsel), and Jinnie Davis (library liaison to the subcommittee) drafted a proposal for such a center. Informed by fur­ ther discussions with Vice Provost and Direc­ tor of Libraries Susan K. Nutter, the proposal reflected a widening of its scope from a copy­ right management unit to a Scholarly Commu­ nication Center (SCC). Unlike most other uni­ versities, in which the copyright management center focuses on guidance to faculty on copy­ right issues, a broader Scholarly Communica­ tion Center would also serve as a source of legal guidance for the library staff and would deal with a wider range of issues, such as data­ base licensing and user privacy. The library administration’s commitment to this effort was embodied in its creation, through internal reallocation of resources, of a full-time position o f scholarly communication librarian. Ideally, this position would be filled by a li­ brarian who understands the values of the pro­ fession, but who also possesses a J.D. and exper- J i n n i e Y. D a v is is a s s i s t a n t d i r e c t o r f o r P l a n n i n g a n d R e s e a r c h a t t h e N orth C a r o l i n a S t a t e U niv ersity L ib ra ries ; e - m a il : j i n n i e _ d a v i s @ n c s u .e d u 702/C&RL News tise in intellectual property law. Not only are faculty pleased with the prospect of having an attorney who can help them with questions affecting their teaching and research (e.g., “Do I need to get per­ mission to use material I found on the Internet?”), but the university’s Legal Affairs staff also endorses the concept with enthusiasm. Both university coun­ sellors and librarians recognize the tremendous in­ crease in legal activity from the NCSU Libraries; it is estimated that this position will be able to address about 50 percent of the questions and issues relat­ ing to intellectual property that now go to Legal Affairs. The potential for even greater activity is sig­ nificant, as the NSCU Libraries expands its scope to new areas to ensure that its policies and proce­ dures are in compliance with copyright law: imple­ mentation of an electronic reserves system, ex­ ploration of the electronic submission of theses and dissertations, and distance learning issues. The Legal Affairs staff welcomes this position as one that— while not acting as official legal counsel for the university— can help extend the support o f the Legal Affairs office. The NSCU Libraries, Legal Affairs, and the Univer­ sity Library Committee all agree that the SCC is most appropriately housed in the library, with the scholarly communication librarian re­ porting to the director of libraries. Space for the SCC was established on the sec­ ond floor of the main D. H. Hill Library. In an area newly dedicated to support for learning and research in the digital age, the Scholarly Com­ munication Center will be fortuitously adjacent to the Information Technologies Teaching Cen­ ter, Learning Technologies Center, Scanning and Digitization Laboratory, the recently created De­ partment for Digital Library Initiatives, and the university’s new Center for Teaching and Learn­ ing. Interviewing for the scholarly communica­ tion librarian began in summer 1997. For the NSCU Libraries, an added incentive for a Scholarly Communication Center is the opportu­ nity to have a meaningful role in shaping policies related to copyright and fair use at the national and international levels. The first line in the NCSU Li­ braries’ mission statement is: “To define the lead­ ing edge of information services, access, and deliv­ ery.” Following this creed, the SCC was envisioned as taking a leadership role in safeguarding the rights of the scholar and the research library in the schol­ arly communication process. With a librarian-law- yer leading the Scholarly Communication Center, the NCSU Libraries will be in an excellent position to champion the protection of scholarly communi­ cation for the academy. ■