ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1 9 9 7 / 7 1 7 Preservation fiew s Jan e Hedberg Com m ission and CLR m erger final T he long-planned m erger o f the Com m ission on Preser­ vation and A ccess and the C o u n c il o n L ib r a r y R e ­ sou rces was officially com ­ pleted on Ju ly 1, 1997. T o ­ gether they have form ed a new organization called the Council on Library and In­ form ation Resources, using the acronym CLIR. Its goals are “to identify the critical issues that affect the w elfare and prospects o f libraries and ar­ chives and the con stituencies they serve; to con v en e individuals and organizations in the best position to eng age th ese issues and re­ spond to them ; to encou rag e institutions to w ork collaboratively to achieve and m anage ch an g e.” T h e com m ission will continue as on e o f fou r program areas, and CLIR Presid ent Deanna Marcum has assured com mission spon­ sors that it is a “centrally important program .” T h e other three program areas are digital li­ braries, the eco n o m ics o f inform ation, and leadership. M axine Sitts, com m ission program officer sin ce 1989, has left to b eco m e a private c o n ­ sultant in com m unications and publications. Abby Smith is the new program officer. Smith has m ost recently served as the assistant to the A ssociate Librarian o f Congress. She will b e responsible for developing the projects, ac­ tivities, and publications o f the com m ission. In Septem ber, CLIR m oved to new office space in the B rookings Institution building. Staff may b e reached at 1755 M assachusetts Ave. NW, Ste. 500, W ashington, DC 20036-2188; phone: (2 0 2 ) 9 3 9-4750; fax: (2 0 2 ) 9 39-4765; e-m ail: in fo@ Abby Smith may b e reach ed at (2 0 2 ) 9 3 9-4758 or asm ith@ NEH publishes report T he National Endow m ent for the Humanities has published a report entitled NEH in the Digi­ tal Age. It addresses m any o f the issues raised at NEH’s 30th anniversary symposium and e x ­ plains how NEH is using tech nolog y to fur­ ther its mission. For m ore inform ation, c o n ­ tact the NEH O ffice o f P ublications and Public Affairs, ph on e: (2 0 2 ) 606- 8 4 0 0 ; e - m a i l :i n f o @ n e h . W h a t's happening T h e re are n o w tw o W eb sites that o ffe r d iaries o f preservation activities. For th e d igitally m ind ed, the “W hat’s happening?” page o f the PADI (Preserving Ac­ cess to Digital Inform ation) W eb site lists recen t activi­ ties in digital preservation by date. Although PADI is the result o f collaboration am ong many Australian cultural and inform ation organiza­ tions, the entries cover international events. T he URL is padi/happen.html. For the book-m inded, the “B o o k L a b .C o m N E W S ” p a g e o f th e B o o k L a b .C o m W e b site lists b o o k -re la te d events and publications by date. T here is som e advertising here, but also an eclectic assort­ m ent o f hot links to interesting sites. In addi­ tion, BookLab.C om has full-text versions o f BookNotes, a series o f short publications about hand bookbind ing, library conservation, and the future o f the paper b ook. T he URL for the n e w s is h ttp :/ / B o o k L a b .c o m / n e w s p a g e / in d e x .h tm l a n d fo r B o o k N o te s is http:// /booknotes/index.htm l. Check out the AIC W eb site T he American Institute for Conservation o f His­ toric and Artistic W orks (AIC) W eb site has recently undergone renovations. In addition to the usual information about the organiza­ tion and its m em bership, the site contains in­ form ation on caring for works o f art on paper, and for photographs and paintings, plus di­ saster p rep ared n ess inform ation for p h o to ­ graphs, family heirloom s, and textiles. T here is also inform ation on selecting a conservator and a free referral service for conservators. This site is hosted by Stanford University on Con­ servation OnLine (CoOL) and the URL is http:/ / ■ Ja n e Hedberg prepares this columnf o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation an d Access. Submissions m ay be m ade to: Ja n e Hedberg, Wellesley College;