ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1 9 9 7 / 723 G rants a n d Acquisitions Ann-Christe Young The Linda Hall Lib rary o f Science, Engineering, and Technology has received a gift o f $500,000 from Mrs. C. Hum bert Tinsm an Sr. and the late Mr. Tinsm an. The gift, $50,000 annually for ten years, is for the purchase o f rare books for the library’s already w idely recognized sp e c ia l c o lle c tio n o f rare books in the history o f sci­ en c e and technology. The Linda Hall Library is the larg­ est privately funded library o f s cie n c e, eng in eering , and tech n o log y in North America. The U n iv e r s ity o f Illin o is L ib r a r y 's M ortenson Center for International Library Pro­ grams has received a $36,270 grant from the Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute’s Re­ gional Library Program to help create a coun­ trywide library and literacy program for Haiti. The one-year project will bring four Haitians to the university library to increase their know l­ edge o f librarianship and literacy programs so that they can develop training workshops for their colleagues in Haiti. Clinch V a lle y College Lib rary has re­ ceived a $500,000 gift from the Slemp Founda­ tion to purchase com pact shelving for the ad­ dition to the Jo h n Cook Wyllie Library and to equip and furnish a new Special Collections and Archives Room. The gift will also enable the library to index existing collections and ac­ quire new materials to enhan ce the special col­ lections/archives. T h e Slem p Found ation is nam ed for C. Bascom Slemp, a m em ber o f the House o f Representatives, and later, private sec­ retary to President Calvin Coolidge. The Hill Monastic M anuscript Lib rary o f Saint J o h n ’s University has been awarded a $213,000 grant from the Getty Grant Program to com plete the entry o f the library’s Latin incipit card file into an electronic database for publi­ cation on CD-ROM. The resulting database will b e a valuable reference tool for manuscript scholars and art historians throughout the world. Incipits, the first words o f a text, are the surest and easiest way to identify a medieval manu­ script and have long b een an important tool for medieval scholars and art historians. The G o lda M eir Library o f t h e U n iv e r s ity o f W isco n sin -M ilw au k ee has b e e n aw ard ed a $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 grant from the Helen Bader F o u n d a tio n , In c ., fo r th e preservation and cataloging o f a collection o f rare pam­ phlets that docum ent Euro­ p ean Je w is h history. T h e pam phlets w ere published in E u rop ean Je w ish com m u nities from the 1800s through the 1930s and docum ent all as­ pects o f Judaism , Jew ish culture, and Jew ish scholarship in Germany and eastern Europe. Few cop ies w ere printed, and even few er c o p ­ ies survived Nazi Germany. After the preser­ vation work, the bibliographic records for the pam phlets will b e added to the library’s o n ­ line catalog. University of California at Irvine Univer­ sity Advancement received $100,000 from Carl A. Kroch (K roch and B ren ta n o ’s bo o k sto re chain) to fund a charitable gift annuity that will ultimately endow the UIC Libraries’ exhibits pro­ gram. This is among the largest gifts ever given to the UCI Libraries. T he earnings from the in­ vested endowm ent will b e used primarily for labor, materials, publications, and other costs o f mounting professional-quality exhibits in the Muriel Ansley Reynolds Exhibit Gallery o f the Main Library. The Huntington Library has received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellow Foundation. Part o f the $570,000 grant will allow the library to com plete a $1.2 million retrospective con ­ version project with RetroLink, Inc., which will bring online the library's main rare b ook and research holdings, as well as the curatorial li­ braries o f the Art and Botanical Divisions. O nce the catalog is linked to the Huntington’s hom e­ page (www. later in 1998, re- Ed. n o te : Send you r news to: Grants & Acqui­ sitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; e-mail: 7 24/C&RL News search ers and scholars will have full b ib lio­ graphic access from any location with Internet access. A c q u isitio n s Two W illiam Fau lkn er television scripts have b e e n found at D uke University’s Special C ollection ’s Library, just in tim e for the c e n ­ tennial o f the N obel Prize—w inning au th or’s birth on Sep tem ber 25. T he m icrofilm cop ies o f “T he B ro o c h ” and “Shall Not P erish,” the only tw o know n scripts adapted by Faulkner from his ow n short stories and subsequ ently telecast, w ere found last N ovem ber. Literary scholars previously thought th e scripts w ere lost or destroyed. Sam ple pages o f the scripts c a n b e f o u n d o n t h e W e b a t h ttp :/ / s c r i p t o r i u m .l i b .d u k e . e d u / h a r t m a n / jw t / lux.htm l. The T re a s u ry o f C hinese Classics, one o f the m ost significant publications in C hinese history, was p resented to the New Y o rk Pub­ lic Library by the C hin ese A ssociation for Pro­ m otion o f Culture E xchang e and C ooperation, the U nited W orld C h in ese A ssociation, and Cheng Cheng Enterprises Holdings, Ltd. T he 123 illustrated volum es, w ritten in C hinese, cov er a span o f 5 ,000 years o f history, phi­ losop h y , relig ion , arts, literature, m ed icin e, war, scien ce, and tech nolog y. A lim ited edi­ tion o f 10,000 cop ies, the Treasury o f Chinese Classics represents the efforts o f m ore than 3 ,7 0 0 scholars and experts in C hinese cultural circles. S eve ra l ra re editions of The F rie n d , a periodical edited by Sam uel Taylor Coleridge, have b e e n d iscovered in an acquisition by the University o f M anitoba Libraries’ D epartm ent o f Archives and Special C ollections. T h e c o l­ le ctio n w as form erly o w n ed by B arb ara E. R ooke, a m ajor Coleridge scholar. T h e ed i­ tions include an extrem ely rare collectio n o f the original 28 issu es o f The Friend‚ dated 1809/10, an 1818 edition o f essays in three volum es, an 1844 edition in three volum es ed ­ ited three years after C oleridge’s death from his ann otated 1818 cop y by his neph ew , and an 1865 edition in o n e volum e with pencil annotations. The p a p e rs of A hm ed M. K a th r a d a , parliamentary cou nselor to South African presi­ dent Nelson Mandela, have b e e n acquired by Michigan State University Libraries’ Special Col­ lections Division. Kathrada is a veteran o f the South African liberation struggle and was held as a political prisoner with N elson Mandela. T h e collection consists o f m icroform cop ies o f Kathrada’s prison corresp on d en ce, including hundreds o f letters to and from family m em ­ bers and friends written from 1964 to 1989. The A ugusta B a k e r Collection of A fri­ can-Am erican Children’s Literature and Folklore has b e e n established in the Special Collections area o f the Thom as C ooper Library o f the University o f South Carolina in Columbia. The collection, recently donated to the library by Baker, was assem bled during the 40 years she spent as child ren’s librarian at the New York Public Library and the d ecad e she served as storyteller-in-residence at the university’s College o f Library and Inform ation Science. The N ative A m erican W om en P la y ­ wrights Archive was dedicated at the Miami University Libraries in O xford, O hio, earlier this year. Created by Humanities Librarian William W ortman and a theater graduate student, the archive is intended to identify Native American w om en playwrights; collect, preserve, and p u b l i c i z e t h e i r w o r k ; a n d e n c o u r a g e perform ance and con tin ued creativity. T he creation o f the archive was supported by an anonym ous $20,000 donation. ■ Advertiser index ACRL 720 Am eritech Library Services Cover 2 B aker & Taylor 681 Brodart 692 CHOICE 712 EBSCO Cover 3 E BSC O .doc 697 Engineering Info. Inc. 691 Library Corporation 708 Merck Publishing Cover 4 Minolta 714-715 OCLC 684, 710 Sociological Abstracts 702