ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries N ove m b e r 1 9 9 7/729 THES IACFDLISAESD D e a d lin e s : Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication o f the issue {e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R a te s : Classified advertisem ents are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. G u id e lin e s : For ads that list an application deadline, we suggestthat date be no soonerthan the 20th day o f the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 fo rth e October issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. In te r n e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide W e b a t Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL N ews is published. C on ta ct: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL Ne m/s Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@ P olicy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting th rough ALA publications or placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­ tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at P owell's Technical Bookstore, 33NWParkAve., Portland, OR 97209: phone: (800) 225-6911; fax: (503) 228-0505; e-m ail to: kirste n ® POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN—INSTRUCTOR. University Library. Reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Services, assists in the bibliographic and financial management of all nonperiodical acquisi­ tions for the university libraries. Train, supervise, and evaluate student assistants and others in bibliographic verification and preorder searching using print and nonprint sources, OCLC, and local data­ base. Assist in revision of collection development guidelines, prepa- LIBRARIAN I-III Instruction Services Coordinator AM EN DED POSTING • The Healey Library at the University o f Massachusetts Boston is looking for a dynamic leader to plan and implement a library instruction program which builds on the Library’s current pro­ gram, and which promotes library and internet research skills. The person w ill work with faculty and staff throughout the campus to design and eval­ uate programs which address cunent curricular sup- poft needs; develop policies and procedures for this program and develop and evaluate a variety o f deliv­ ers; mechanisms including computer assisted and weB* based instructional delivery models The person w ill also introduce and train librarians in appropriate insteaetional methods; evaluate their delivery of instmc)i®n, and participate in (he provision o f refer- encse services at Ihe reference desk which w ill require same evening and weekend hours Q U A LIFIC A T IO N S : A LA accredited Masters in lib ra ry Science. One to five years previous experi­ ence in providing library instruction which includes using electronic resources such as the INTERNET 0PAC, and CD-ROM’s. Demonstrated experience in developing computer-assisted and web-based instruction Excellent communication skills essen­ tial. Please send your cover letter, resume, names and addresses o f three references to Office o f Human Resources, c/o Recruitment 510-175, U niversity o f Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, M A 02125. Application closing date is Novemher 24, 1997 An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX employer ation of accreditation reports, and inventory management. Monitor ystem-generated fund accounting; allocations, encumbrances and xpenditures reports, and items ordered and received reports. Per­ orm liaison work with faculty to promote acquisition service. Library nd university committee service expected. Requirements: ALA- ccredited MLS. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in higher-education environment; library automation background; bility to use knowledge and skills in acquisitions work and in anagement of bibliographic records. Preference given to candi­ ates with strong interest in academic acquisitions services and ublishing market, gaining experience with OCLC, and assuming upervisory responsibility. 12-month library faculty tenure-track posi­ ion. Librarians at ETSU have faculty rank and status and must meet niversity requirements for tenure and promotion. 24 annual leave ays, 12 paid holidays, and sick leave. Nonrefundable contributions o state or other optional retirements paid by the university. Copayment roup health and life insurance. Professional travel and educational evelopment support available. Appointment recommended at In­ tructor rank; salary minimum is $27,000. Send application letter and omplete resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of hree references. Apply by deadline of December 1,1997, to: Library earch Committee, East Tennessee State University, Box 70665, ohnson City, TN 37614-0665. AA/EOE. DMINISTRATIVE LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Must ave management experience, MLS, and comprehensive knowledge f Hebrew and Jewish studies as well as academic library experience. econd subject master's preferred. Computer skills necessary, in­ luding working knowledge of OCLC and RLIN and familiarity with ocal online integrated systems. Excellent benefits; salary commen­ urate with experience. Fax resume to: Director of Personnel, Library f the Jewish Theological Seminary, at (212) 678-8961, or mail to 080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 RCHIVIST, WILLIAM S. COHEN COLLECTION (Search Re­ pened.) Funding currently guaranteed for two years. Extension eyond this period subject to availability of funds. The Raymond H. ogler Library, University of Maine, is seeking a knowledgeable, r s e f a a a a m d p s t u d t g d s c t S J A h o S c l s o 3 A o b F dynamic, and service-oriented individual to organize and manage the 730/C&RL News William S. Cohen Collection. This collection, recently donated to the university, consists of more than 1,000 archival boxes containing correspondence, reports, news clippings, and personal memorabilia. Responsibilities include: Collection organization, preservation, man­ agement, and development; creation of finding aids in both paper and digital formats; assisting collection users; outreach; supervision of support staff; participation in fundraising and grant writing. Reports to the Head of Special Collections. Required: ALA-accredited MLS with an emphasis on archives, or the equivalent graduate-level training in archives management; demonstrated knowledge of the application of information technology to archives; evidence of effective planning and management skills; excellent oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Graduate degree in American history, politics, or related subject area; supervisory experience; experience organizing political collections; experience with preservation/digitization projects. Salary: $29,000-$35,000. Excellent benefits package, including TIAA/ CREF. Start date: Position available immediately. To apply: Send letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Mary Casserly, Collection Development Division Head, 5729 Fogler Library, U niver­ sity o f Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5729. Review of applications will begin on November 17, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. The University of Maine is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR CATALOGING SERVICES/AUTO­ MATED SYSTEMS. Olive Kettering Library, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, seeks a tenure-track librarian. Responsibilities: Per­ form classification and cataloging, including original cataloging, of all materials in a variety of formats. Continue the ongoing automating of library functions. Supervise microcomputer and automated systems software, hardware, and applications. Serve as a reference librarian, including weekend and evening rotation. Share responsibility for teaching students and faculty use of information retrieval systems. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school. Prefer at least three years experience in an academic cataloging department. Expertise with OCLC, MARC formats, and local auto­ mated systems. Thorough knowledge of LC classification, AACR2, and LCSH, as well as familiarity with HTML and Web page design. Must have a service-oriented view of librarianship. For a complete job description, visit the library’s homepage at http://www.antioch- Send letters of nomination or application, including the names of three references, graduate transcripts, and curriculum vitae to: Human Resources, Systems Librarian, A n tioch College, P.O. Box 465, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Antioch College provides equal employment opportunity for all qualified applications and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, ancestry, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, family status, or disability. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. William Paterson University is an Affirmative Action/ \ W il l ia m Equal Opportunity Institution j P U A N T I V E E R R SO S I T N Y Celebrating 142 years o f academic leadership, William l}atersoıı University is situated on a 300-acre, wooded campus in suburban Wayne. N/. 20 miles from New York City. Hie University serves 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students and em ploys 1.000facu lty an d sta ff The Sarah Byrd ; A skew Library invites applications fo r the follow ing position HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES R eporting to the D irector o f L ib ra ry Services, the Head o f Technical Services is responsible fo r the o ve ra ll supe rvision o f a fu lly automated technical services u nit, in clu d in g acquisitions, cataloging, processing o f lib ra ry materials and serials. The p rim a ry function o f this positio n is to p ro vid e leadership in p lan n in g, im p le m e n tin g and e valu a ting departm ental operations and services, setting goals, d e v e lo ping in itia tive s and establishing p rio ritie s in these areas P rim ary liaison w ith OCLC and Palmet. Supervises fou r f u ll­ tim e professionals, 11 fu ll-tim e su p p o rt staff and oth e r p a rt-tim e staff Participates in co llection developm ent a ctivities and user education programs. Required q ua lifica tio ns in clu de ALA-accredited MLS and second m aster's degree o r ABD , fiv e o r more years professional lib ra ry experience w ith dem onstrated p ro ficien cy in a technical services area in c lu d in g substantial know ledge o f cataloging; increasingly responsible s u p e rviso ry experience w ith lib ra ry p rofessional and s u p p o rt staff, p re fe ra b ly in an academ ic lib ra ry , thorough know ledge o f o nline integrated lib ra ry systems (preferably DRA), b ib lio g ra p h ic u tilitie s and networks (preferably OCLC); evidence of strong com m unication and organizational skills; and the a b ility to w o rk w ith a ll personnel in a collegial, consultative, collaborative team environm ent The sa la r y ra n g e is $ 4 3 ,9 2 2 -5 6 5 .8 9 2 T his is a 1 2-m on th, ten u r e - tr a c k p o sitio n For m ore in fo rm a tion a b o u t the L ib rary : http://w w w .w R eview o f applications will begin im m ediately a n d will continue until the position is fille d . Send a letter o f application and resum e to R a j S in g h , A s s i s t a n t V ice P r e s id e n t f o r H u m a n R e s o u r c e s , W i llia m P a t e r s o n U n iv e r s ity , P.O. B o x 913, W a y n e, N J 07474-0913. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. The College of Staten Island of the City Univer­ sity of New York invites applications and nominations for the position of Chief Librarian and Chair of the Library Department. The Chief Librarian is appointed by the College President and reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. He/she is responsible for strengthening the library in the academic life of the college through leadership and administration of the library’s operation. In addition, the Chief Librarian is expected to play a leadership role in the continuing development of the campus approach to educational technology and the digital library. He/she is expected to be active in seeking outside funding through grants and other forms of support. CSI is a senior college located on a 204-acre campus. The Library is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for the delivery of library services. Holdings consist of 198,000 volumes, 1,450 periodical subscriptions, 700 microform subscriptions, CD-ROM databases, digital resources, and media materials in many formats. An active library instruction program serves approximately 12,000 students in associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degree programs. Require­ ments: an ALA-accredited MLS; a second master’s degree (a doctor­ ate is preferred); substantial library administrative experience, includ­ ing experience in planning, personnel, and budget; a clear vision and understanding of the evolving role of the academic library in an integrated electronic environment; a record of scholarly and profes­ sional achievement that will qualify the individual for a senior faculty appointment in the Library Department; demonstrated ability to work with others within a collaborative and collegial administrative frame­ work; commitment to a high level of information services to students, staff, and faculty, including a broad program of library instruction; effective oral and written communication skills; a commitment to academic excellence and educational opportunity. To start: July 1, 1998. Rank: Associate Professor, $46,673-$70,064; Professor, $58,084-$82,650. The committee will begin reviewing applications December 1 ‚ 1997, and the search will remain open until the position is filled. Candidates should submit a letter that addresses the require­ ments defined above, a current curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chief Librarian Search Committee, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, College o f Staten Island/CUNY, 2800 V ic to ry B lvd., S taten Island , NY 10314; e-m a il: EEO/AA/ADA employer. CIRCULATION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Auburn University at Montgomery seeks qualified individual for tenure-track position. Faculty rank. Required: An ALA/MLS degree or equivalent; one year professional library experience, including six months experience in reference service or bibliographic instruction; knowledge of basic reference sources; experience with an automated circulation system; supervisory experience; good communication, interpersonal, organi- http://www.antioch- November1997/731 zational, and written skills. Desirable: Experience with collection development and computer-assisted reference service. Responsibili­ ties: Supervise the library’s Circulation staff, plan for and implement a new automated circulation system; oversee the circulation of regular and reserve materials; formulate and/or revise policies and procedures for circulation; assist in the provision of reference ser­ vices and bibliographic instruction. Possibly assist with collection development activities in an assigned subject area. Salary: $26,000, plus standard benefits. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Betty Tims, Chair, Circulation Librarian Search Committee, A u­ burn University at M ontgom ery Library, P.O. Box 244023, Mont­ gomery, AL 36124-4023. The committee will begin reviewing applica­ tions November 20, 1997, and will continue until the position is filled. AUM is an EEO/AA employer. COLLECTIONS ARCHIVIST. The Iowa State University Library in­ vites applications and nominations for the position of Collections Archivist, at the rank of Assistant Professor, who will report to the Head, Special Collections Department. The Collections Archivist leads the department’s new collections management unit, which is responsible for effectively managing the preservation and access of archival materials such as university records, faculty and alumni papers, private manuscripts, organizational records, films, and pho­ tographs. The unit staff is comprised of the paraprofessional Collec­ tions Assistant and approximately 1.0 FTE of student assistants. The Collections Archivist performs as well as supervises unit staff in accessioning, arranging, describing, preserving, cataloging, and managing web access. Also assists the department head in appraisal of the above archival materials. Works closely with the library’s Technical Services and Automated Systems Divisions. Assists the department head with grant writing and grant project administration, contributes to the overall management of the department with other departmental faculty, and provides support as necessary in other areas of the department. Qualifications: Required: MA or ALA- accredited MLS degree with a minimum of nine hours of archival studies course work. Knowledge of current standards and changes in the archival profession. Experience and/or knowledge of archives/ manuscripts appraisal, processing, archival cataloging (MARC/APPM), CATALOGUE LIBRARIANS The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for two temporary cataloguing positions. The Library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the Colonial Period, 1493 to ca. 1830. These are two-year, grant-funded positions to catalogue colonial Spanish American imprints, primarily from Mexico and Peru. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; 2-3 years of professional rare book cataloguing experience using AACR2-Rev,, Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Books, LCSH, and MARC formats; familiarity with the RLİN cataloguing system; reading knowledge of Spanish and Latin; course work in colonial Spanish-American history. Salary range is $29,000-$32,000 based on experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names/addresses of three references by November 20. 1997 to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. › BROWN U N IV E R S IT Y World Wide Web site management and HTML, and archival preser­ vation management. Effective interpersonal skills as well as excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work within a strongly participatory departmental environment. Must be able to lift 40-pound boxes multiple limes daily. Evidence of abilities to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Preferred: Knowledge of archives and special collections in still and moving image, audio, and digital formats. Minimum of two years of relevant archival experience. Experience with managing and reducing archival backlogs. Experi­ ence with personnel management. Grant writing and/or grant project administration experience. Salary: $28,500 minimum, depending upon qualifications. Application deadline: Review of applications will begin December 1 ‚ 1997 and will continue until an adequate pool is developed. Anticipated start date is March 1 ‚ 1998. For a copy of the full position announcement, please contact the Iowa State Univer­ sity Library’s Administration Office at (515) 294-1442. Or, you may view the Internet posting of the Notice of Vacancy at the following address: http://w l. Iowa State University has a strong commitm ent to equal opportunity and affirm ative action. Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirm ative action employer. COORDINATOR, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. The Appalachian State University Library seeks a creative and enthusiastic individual to work collaboratively with six colleagues in a team-based organiza­ tion. Collection Development Team activities include: allocating approximately $1.8 million materials budget; evaluating and select­ ing library resources in all formats to support a wide range of Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 ‘ Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 73 2 /C&RL News Io w a St a t e U n iv e r s it y D e a n o f L ib r a r y S e r v i c e s Io w a S ta te U n iv e rs ity in v ite s n o m in a tio n s an d a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e p o s itio n o f D ean o f L ib ra ry S e rv ice s . T h e d ean serv es as th e c h i e f a d m in is tra tiv e o ffic e r o f th e U n iv e r s ity L ib ra ry sy ste m and h as p rim ary re s p o n s ib ility fo r c o lle c tio n d e v elo p m en t a n d m a n a g e m e n t, lib r a ry s e r v ic e s , b u d g e t, p la n n in g , an d p e rs o n n e l fo r th e lib ra ry , an d m a n a g e m e n t o f th e lib r a ry ’s in f o r m a tio n te c h n o lo g y . T h e d e a n re p o rts d ir e c tly to th e p ro v o s t an d is th e o ffic ia l re p re s e n ta tiv e an d a d v o ca te fo r th e lib rary in th e u n iv e r s ity , th e s ta te o f Io w a , an d th e la rg e r a ca d e m ic co m m u n itie s . A C a rn e g ie F o u n d a tio n R e se a rc h I in s titu tio n an d m e m b e r o f th e p r e s tig io u s A A U , Io w a S ta te U n iv e r s ity is a c o m p re h e n s iv e la n d -g ra n t in s titu tio n . It is lo c a te d in A m e s, a co m m u n ity o f 5 0 ,0 0 0 p e o p le k n o w n for its e x c e p tio n a l q u a lity o f life. Io w a S ta te e n r o lls m o r e th a n 2 5 , 0 0 0 s tu d e n ts in its u n d erg ra d u a te , g rad u ate a n d p ro fe s s io n a l d e g ree p ro g ram s in its n in e co lle g e s . It e m p lo y s 5 ,8 0 0 fa cu lty an d s ta ff, an d h as an a n n u a l b u d g et e x c e e d in g $ 6 5 0 m illio n . T h e u n iv e r s ity is in th e m id s t o f a $ 3 0 0 m illio n ca p ita l c a m p a ig n , w h ic h in c lu d e s lib ra ry e n d o w m e n ts in s u p p o rt o f re s o u r c e s , se r v ic e s , an d eq u ip m e n t. T h e u n iv e rs ity s e e k s a d is tin g u is h e d le a d e r fo r its lib ra ry s y ste m w h o is w ell in fo r m e d re g a rd in g th e iss u e s fa cin g re s e a r ch lib r a rie s an d th e tren d s th at a ffe c t th e m . C a n d id a te s are re q u ired to h av e th e M .L .S . d e g ree fro m an A L A -a c c r e d ite d in s titu tio n , alo n g w ith th e c r e d e n tia ls to be a p p o in te d at th e ra n k o f p r o fe s s o r w ith te n u re . C a n d id a te s m u st a lso h av e an u n d e rs ta n d in g o f, an d c o m m itm e n t to , d iv ersity in h irin g an d p r o m o tio n . A d d itio n a lly , c a n d id a te s w ill b e ev a lu a ted a c c o rd in g to: ( 1 ) ack n o w le d g e d n a tio n a l s ta n d in g in th e p r o fe s s io n ; ( 2 ) e x p e r ie n c e a t th e u p p e r lev e l o f re s e a r c h lib ra ry a d m in is tra tio n , in c lu d in g s u c c e s s in a n a ly sis an d lo n g -ra n g e p la n n in g , b u d g e tin g , e x te rn a l fu n d -ra is in g , an d p e rs o n n e l an d o rg a n iz a tio n a l m a n a g e m e n t; ( 3 ) s c h o la r ly an d p r o fe s s io n a l d is tin c ­ tio n ; ( 4 ) e x p e rie n c e in in te g r a tin g e m e rg in g te c h n o lo g ie s an d e le c tr o n ic re s o u r c e s w ith tr a d itio n a l lib ra ry c o lle c tio n s an d s e r v ic e s ; ( 5 ) c o m m itm e n t to th e in te lle c tu a l a n d s e r v ic e m is s io n o f th e lib rary in th e c o n te x t o f th e u n iv e r s ity , th e s ta te , th e n a tio n an d th e w o rld , as w e ll as to th e in te lle c tu a l life o f th e u n iv e rs ity ; ( 6 ) th e a b ility to p r o m o te c o lla b o r a tio n , s c h o la r s h ip , an d s e r v ic e in a co lle g ia l s e ttin g ; an d ( 7 ) s tro n g in te r p e r s o n a l s k ills , w ith d e m o n s tra te d a b ility to in te r a c t an d w o rk e ffe c tiv e ly w ith o th e r u n iv e r s ity o ffic e r s , fa c u lty , s ta ff, s tu d e n ts , an d th e g e n e ra l p u b lic in a d iv erse u n iv e r s ity c o m m u n ity . T h e Io w a S ta te U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry sy ste m , w ith an a n n u a l b u d g et o f n e a r ly $ 1 3 .5 m illio n , s u p p o rts n a tio n a lly re co g n iz e d c o lle c tio n s o f tw o m illio n v o lu m es, 2 .3 m illio n m ic r o fo r m s , an d 2 1 , 4 0 0 c u rre n t s e r ia ls. A n a u to m ate d L ib ra ry s y ste m (N O T IS ) is in o p e r a tio n , w ith a p la n n ed m ig ra tio n to a client/ se rv e r sy stem in 1 9 9 8 . T h e s ta ff to ta ls 1 7 4 , in c lu d in g 5 0 p ro fe s s io n a l p o s itio n s w ith fa c u lty s ta tu s. T h e L ib ra ry is a m e m b e r o f A R L , C R L , B C R , an d O C L C . T h e s ta rtin g d ate is n e g o tia b le , a n d th e s alary is c o m m e n s u r a te w ith q u a lific a tio n s . R ev iew o f ca n d id a te s w ill b e g in o n D e c e m b e r 1 an d w ill co n tin u e u n til th e p o s itio n is filled . N o m in a tio n s and a p p lic a tio n s sh o u ld be s u b m itte d to : M a rk C . E n g e lb r e c h t, D e a n , C o lle g e o f D esig n , C h a ir , L ib ra ry D ean S e a r c h C o m m itte e , O ffic e o f th e P r o v o s t, 1 0 7 B e a rd s h e a r H a ll, Io w a S ta te U n iv e r s ity , A m e s, Io w a 5 0 0 1 1 . A p p lic a tio n s s h o u ld in c lu d e a s ta te m e n t o f in te r e s t, a c u r r ic u lu m v ita e, an d th e n am es an d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f fiv e re fe r e n c e s . F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n a b o u t Io w a S ta te U n iv e rs ity an d a b o u t th e L ib ra ry , see o u r W o rld W id e W eb s ite s a t an d h ttp:/ / w w w Io w a S ta te U n iv e r s it y is a n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity / a ff irm a tiv e a c t i o n e m p lo y e r a n d e n c o u r a g e s th e n o m i n a t i o n a n d a p p lic a ti o n o f w o m e n a n d m i n o r i t y c a n d id a te s . November1997/733 undergraduate and graduate programs; assessing the collection and developing strategies for attaining the collection levels needed to support curricular offerings; and participating in cooperative collec­ tion development activities in a three-institution consortium. Collec­ tion development librarians work closely with the Materials Process­ ing, Reference, and Access Teams as well as classroom faculty in managing the collection. Responsibilities include liaison work with selected departments and possibly some duty in another library team, depending on interest, experience, and library needs. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the library and university, and to be active in professional service and scholarship. Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school and a second ad­ vanced degree. At least five years of experience in collection devel­ opment in an academic library, including oversight of major projects. Ability to manage change and provide vision in a team environment. Experiences should include areas such as collection assessment, budget preparation, liaison with classroom faculty, and analysis of user needs. Broad knowledge of the publishing industry. Active interest in electronic resources and their impact on library collections. Effective written and oral communication skills. Preferred: Working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Experience with approval plans. Familiarity with electronic product licensing issues. Experi­ ence or training in working in a multicultural environment. Appala­ chian State University is located in western North Carolina, in the historic college town of Boone, nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian has a student enrollment of 12,100 students, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a part of the University of North Carolina system. Library holdings include more than 713,000 books and bound periodicals, about 6,000 current periodical, newspaper, and serial titles, and almost 1.4 million microforms. Appalachian is a member of SOLINET and the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three state universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces Inc. system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is FILM AND TELEVISION LIBRARIAN UCLA Library Underthe general direction of the Head of the Arts Library, has collection development and management responsibilities for the monographic and serial collections in film, television, and video art; works closely with the Head of the Arts Library and other Arts librarians to develop nonbook special collections in film, television, animation, and video art; participates in the development of the Arts Library’s electronic resources and Web pages; participates in scheduling and coordinating reference desk hours; promotes and delivers library instruction to faculty and students, developing new modes of instruction using appropriate instructional technology and collaborating with other librarians, provides general reference assistance in the areas of architecture, art, art history, and theater as well as specialized reference services in the areas of film, television, and video art; engages in outreach and provides specialized library instructionforclasses and other campus groups involved in the study of film, television, or video art; serves as the library’s primary liaison to the Film & Television Department within the School of Theater, Film, and Television; serves on librarywide committees and task forces when appropriated. Required: Demonstrated understanding of the trends, concerns, and methods of both librarianship and film/television studies. Subject expertise in film/television studies, as demonstrated by educational achievement and/or publications. Familiarity with western European languages sufficient to permit effective reference work and collection development. Effective oral and written communications skills, and ability to work well with faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and other library users. Flexibility in carrying out assignments in response to achanging environment; good interpersonal skills and an aptitude for working creatively both in a team situation and independently. Desirable: Graduate degree in film ortelevision studies; experience in providing reference services and/ or instruction in academic library settings. Computing skills to work in an advanced technological environment with a mix of PCs and Macintosh equipment. Working knowledge of Internet applications (including design of World Wide Web pages) and instructional technologies, as demonstrated by current achievements in educational or professional settings. Familiarity with handling rare or fragile materials, gained from educational, scholarly, or work experience. Awareness of principles of cataloging and classification, gained from educational or work experience. Salary: $34,188-$54,636. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei A ssociate University Librarian for Personnel and Adm inistrative Services U niversity Research Library UCLA 11334 URL, BOX 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include acomplete statement of qualifications, afull resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons whoare knowledgeable about theapplicant’s qualifications forthis position. Candidates applying by December 1 ‚ 1997, will be given first consideration. 734 / C&RL Neu‹s Dean of University Libraries (Search Reopened: Previous Candidates May Reapply) St. John’s University, New York, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of University Libraries. The individual selected for this position will provide the leader­ ship and vision necessary to support, expand and advance the University Libraries’ goals and objectives in harmony with educational and research programs of the University and the University's Mission and Strategic Plan. A major component of the Strategic Plan is the developm ent of a dynamic, U niversity-wide and interdisciplinary inform ation technology architecture at the core of which will be a state-of-the-art computer system with community, national and international networking capabilities. Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Community, St. John’s is a doctoral I University comprised of nine schools and colleges. With more than 18,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students, it is the largest Catholic University in the nation, with campuses in Queens and Staten Island, New York, and in Rome, Italy. The University is committed to academic excellence in teaching and scholarly research and to a core curriculum in the liberal arts and sciences. The Dean oversees University Libraries on all campuses, and also oversees service devel­ opment to students and faculty in the University’s off-site programs. This person reports directly to the Provost, the University’s chief academ ic officer, and is a mem ber of the Academic Deans’ Council, the Provost’s principal administrative team. With a materials budget of approximately $2 million, the libraries’ collections exceed 1.3 mil­ lion volumes and 5600 periodical subscriptions. Library services are delivered by 33 FTE faculty and 68 FTE staff. The Dean has administrative responsibility for library-wide planning and policy direction, budget and personnel administration and fund-raising initiatives. The Dean represents the libraries within the University and throughout the larger library and educational communities. The successful candidate should possess the following qualities: • ability to articulate the present and future challenges facing academic libraries and be an effective advocate for libraries and librarians; • ability to assume leadership role as the libraries integrate new media, technology and programs with traditional library collections and services to the faculty and student communities; • ability to establish and maintain collaborative and effective relationships with administrators, faculty, staff and students; • strong appreciation for and commitment to excellence in scholarship, research, instruction and public service. Candidate should possess the following credentials: • an ALA-accredited MLS and an earned doctorate; • a record of success in increasingly responsible positions as a library administrator in an academic or other research environment; • successful experience in fiscal planning and management; • academic credentials and a record of research and service commensurate with a tenured faculty appointment. Applications, which will be kept confidential, should include a brief statement of interest and a curriculum vitae. Screening of applications will begin immediately. Salary range commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send application or nomination byJanuary 15, 1998 to: Dr. Jeffrey Fagen, Chair-Search Com m ittee, O ffice of the Provost, St. Jo h n ’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jam aica, New York 11439 St. John’s is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. November 1991/735 tenure-track and is available March 1, 1998. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by January 12,1998. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal oppor­ tunity employer, and is committed to hiring women and minorities. COORDINATOR OF INSTRUCTION SERVICES. Central Michigan University Libraries. The Central Michigan University Libraries are seeking qualified applicants for the position of Coordinator of Instruc­ tion Services. Principal responsibilities include providing leadership through planning and coordinating the university library’s user in­ struction program; working with librarians and academic department faculty to develop and maintain technology-based instructional mod­ ules; developing instructional methods and materials to enhance the program; providing user instruction to individuals and groups; provid­ ing sessions for librarians on electronic tools to be used for user instruction; collaborating with university staff and librarians in support of distance education programs and Internet courses; providing reference and research support as assigned. Minimum qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program. Leadership ability. Demonstrated teaching skills, with at least two years teaching experience, prefer­ ably in an academic library. Excellent communication skills. Enthusi­ DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY State University of New York The Fashion Institute of Technology seeks an innovative and collaborative leader to serve as Director of Library and Media Services. The successful candidate will have a strong service orientation and superior management and interpersonal skills. Successful experience in integrating new information technologies into library services is essential. The library serves undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in fashion and related design industries and professions. Resources include RLIN, DRA/multiLIS, holdings of 130,000 print and 25,000 nonprint items, 1,000 current periodical subscriptions; six full-time and 11 adjunct librarians, and 50 support staff. FIT confers associate and baccalaureate degrees in Business & Technology and Art & Design and also offers master of arts degree programs in gallery and retail art administration and museum studies. RESPONSIBILITIES; Long-range planning and budget preparation; oversight for collection develop­ ment policies; administration of library, including media services and production; service on college faculty committees. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS plus two years of appropriate experience, preferably in an academic setting, with significant administrative and managerial experience. Participatory management style desired. Subject master’s degree preferred. Experience with and knowledge of computer information services and databases essential. Active professional involvement in local and national library organizations. Commit­ ment to special collections and preservation. Subject knowledge in art and/or business areas. This is a faculty appointm ent reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Salary is competitive, with excellent benefits. Position will remain open until filled; preference will be given to applications received by October 27,1997. Address applications to: D irector, Search C om m ittee G ladys M arcus Library, FIT Seventh Ave. at 27th St. New York, NY 10001-5992 fax: (2 1 2 )2 1 7 -5 2 6 8 Please refrain from telephone or e-mail inquiry. FIT is an EO/AA employer. asm and service orientation. Knowledge of a wide range of electronic/ nternet and print reference resources. Knowledge of HTML and xperience with Web page design. Ability to carry out assignments ndependently and cooperatively. Evidence of potential for earning enure and promotion as a library faculty member. Preferred qualifica­ ions: Experience teaching in a hands-on computer laboratory. Expe­ ience designing successful Web-based instructional modules. Su­ ervisory experience/potential. Additional graduate degree. During 1996-97 CMU librarians conducted 300 instruction sessions, most ourse related, for 7,300 participants, and taught 22 sections, 24 tudents each, of a one-credit course. The libraries’ objective is to rovide outstanding instructional services across the spectrum of rint, on-site, and technology-based approaches. Salary commensu­ ate with qualifications; minimum $36,500. Excellent fringe benefits. osition is a 12-month tenure-track faculty appointment, reporting to he Head of Public Services. Submit letter of application addressing ualifications for the position, resume, and names, titles, addresses, nd telephone numbers of at least three references, via mail, to: Bill iles, Chairperson, Coordinator of Instruction Services Search Com­ ittee, 207 Park Library, Central M ichigan University, Mt. Pleasant, l 48859; or fax to (517) 774-2179. Position is available immediately. pplications will be accepted and reviewed until position is filled. entral Michigan University, a state institution offering bachelor's hrough doctoral degrees, has an enrollment of approximately 16,500 n-campus students and 12,000 off-campus students. CMU is lo­ ated in Mt. Pleasant, an attractive small- city 66 miles north of I e i t t r p c s p p r P t q a M m M A C t o c 71 6 / C&RL News FIVE POSITIONS The University of Mississippi The University of Mississippi Libraries invite applications and nominations for the following position. CATALOG LIBRARIAN Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of Technical Services, the Catalog Librarian is responsible for original and complex adaptive cataloging of monographs and serials in all subjects and languages for general and special collections. W orks as a mem ber of the cataloging team (two other professionals, three support staff, and numerous student assistants). Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31,1997; excellent written and oral comm unication skills; extensive com puter knowledge; ability to work collegially and with initiative in a team environment. Knowledge of MARC formats, LC classification, and LCSH. Familiarity with OCLC and cataloging in an automated environment. Preferred qualifications: Cataloging experience in an academ ic library using Innovative Interfaces. Reading knowledge of French and/or German. Fam iliarity with automated authority control. Rank and salary: Appointm entto this entry-level 12-month tenure-track position will be at the Assistant Professor level, with a salary of $25,000. HEAD OF LIBRARY SYSTEMS Responsibilities: Reporting to the Dean of Libraries, the Head of Library Systems administers the library’sintegratedonlinesystem (lnnovativelnterfaceslnc.);providestechnical supportformultiplatform library m icrocomputers and peripherals; supervises the library’s LANs and networks; coordinates systems training for library employees; and functions as technical liaison to vendors and campus computing. Supervises tw o FTE staff m embers and student assistants. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31 ‚ 1997. Excellent organiza­ tional, analytical, interpersonal, written and oral comm unication skills. Knowledge of networking architecture; understanding of MARC record structure, library cataloging standards, and bibliographic control in an automated environment; and familiarity with the emerging trends in information technology. Preferred qualifications: Two years experience im plementing and operating library-related integrated systems (preferably Innopac), or equivalent. Prefer working knowledge of UNIX, W indows, DOS, Macintosh OS, SGML/HTML, and W eb development. Experience in an academ ic environment. Some supervisory experience. Rank and salary: The appointee to this 12-month tenure-track position will carry rank and salary comm ensurate with experience and qualifications. Minimum salary is $40,000. ARCHIVIST/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN Responsibilities: Responsible fo r organizing and cataloging archival and m anuscript collections. Assists in reference service for Archives and Special Collections; in planning exhibits, special catalogs, finding guides, and related publications; in supervising senior library assistants (1.5 FTE) and student assistants. Reports to the head of special collections. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31 ‚ 1997, with a concentration in special collections/archival administration; knowledge of automated access systems for manuscripts and archives, including the integrated USMARC format; facility with Web construction; including Web page design; demonstrated effective oral and written comm unication skills, and evidence of success in interaction with colleagues; ability to perform physical activities associated with archival environ­ ments (i.e., ability to lift 40 pound boxes). Preferred qualifications: An additional graduate degree in history, English, southern studies, o ra related subject. Knowledge of preservation for special materials, ability to meet library faculty requirements for tenure. Rank and salary: A ppointm entto this entry level 12-month tenure-track position will be a tth e assistant professor level with a salary of $25,000. ASSISTANT M USIC/BLUES ARCHIVE LIBRARIAN Responsibilities: Reports to the Music Librarian/Blues Archivist. Provide research supportforthe Music Library/Blues Archive, including reference and bibliographic assistance for users both on site and by phone, fax, and mail. Make decisions regarding applicability of copyright law and donor agreem ents to requests by a diverse user group, both profit and nonprofit. Provide a range of public relations services about blues m usicand the Blues Archive to the university community and the public. Provide verbal and written introductions to the collectionsfor visitors and prospective donors. Assist students, staff, faculty, (Continued on next page) November1997/737 (Continued from previous page) and visitors in using materials from the Music Library/Blues Archive. Assist with maintenance of collections, including preparation of accession records for blues acquisitions and maintenance of blues subject files. In charge of the Music Library/Blues Archive, its staff, and its student assistants in the absence of the Librarian/Archivist. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31 ‚ 1997, with bachelor‘s degree in area relevant to the position. Ability to provide music/blues reference service in person and by phone, fax, and mail. Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal skills. Familiarity with library procedures and equipment, including computers and word processing. Ability to learn and assist research in music and musicians. Ability to learn and enforce the policies of the Music Library/Blues Archive, particularly those dealing with the legal use of sound recordings, photographs, and unpublished materials. Ability to work independently without direct supervision. Ability to prioritize, organize, and work under pressure. W illingness to undertake tenure-track requirements in librarianship, research, and service. Preferred qualifications: Second master's in music or other area relevant to the position. Supervisory experience. Ability to conduct research in blues or American music topics. Publications on blues or American music. Performance experience in the blues or American music field. Bank and salary: Appointment to this entry-level 12-month tenure-track position will be at the Assistant Professor level, with a salary of $25,000. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/ENGINEERING BIBLIOGRAPHER Responsibilities: Provide general reference desk service to all library users and specialized reference support to engineering students and faculty; some evenings and weekends required. Instruction to individuals/classes on information retrieval and the effective use of print, electronic, and Internet resources. Collection developmentfor graduate and undergraduate programs in the College of Engineer­ ing. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31, 1997, experience using standard reference sources, experience using internet applications and electronic sources of information, public service experience, effective interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to work in U.S. for more than one year. Preferred qualifications: Undergraduate orsecond master's degree in scientific or engineering discipline. Experience in creating and maintaining WWW pages. Work experience in academic reference. Teaching experience. Rank and salary: Appointment to this entry-level 12-month tenure-track position will be at the Assistant Professor level, with a salary of $25,000. Founded in 1848, the university is located in Oxford, a cultural city in north Mississippi cited by Fortune Magazine for its livability, located approximately one hour south of Memphis. The university libraries include a recently completed $14.5 million expansion and renovation of the John Davis Williams Library, a new Science Library, and internationally recognized Music Library/Blues Archive. The libraries are members of OCLC, SOLINET, Innovative Users Group, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Coalition for Networked Information. Library collections comprise 850,000 volumes and 6,800 journal subscriptions, a regional depository for U.S. Government publications, and renowned special collections of southern writers from William Faulkner to Larry Brown. A recent $8 million gift from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation raised the library's endowmentto $10 million. An annual $4.5 million State allocation assists 26 library faculty and 33 staff in serving 10,600 students and over 500 faculty. For more information: visit, the library homepage at APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications should include a letter describing interest in a specific position, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, e-mail address, and telephone numbers of three references. Review of applications will begin on December 12, 1997, and continue until each position is filled. Screening interviews may be conducted during ALA in New Orleans. For referral to the appropriate search committee, please send nominations and applications to: John M. M eador, Jr. Dean of Libraries J. D. W illiam s Library The University of M ississippi U niversity, MS 38677 The University o f M ississippi is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer a n d does n ot discriminate on the basis o f age, race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, m arital status, national origin, disabilities, o r status as disabled o r Vietnam-era veteran. 73 8 / C& RI. News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES U niversity of W isconsin-Eau Claire The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is seeking a dynamic and energetic leader as Director of Libraries. The candidate must possess innovative leadership skills and a demonstrated record of achievement in moving an academic library forward in supporting the curriculum. Candidate records must show management of a program including the development and application of electronicformats, automated library systemsandotherinformation and technology resources while balancing attention to print formats, the core collection and traditional library services. The University provides a strong liberal arts program and professional education in a faculty/student collaborative learning environment. Reporting to the Assistant Chancellor for Information and Technology Management, and working with the Provost and the Deans, the Directorplans and develops library services and information resources that strengthen the University’sacademic programs and priorities. Support of thecurriculum lies at the heart of this position, andindudesdirect work with department chairs, faculty and studentsinacollaborative teaching and learning environment. The Director provides leadership and resources for an experienced and knowledgeable library staff. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Knowledge of emerging technologies and trends in higher education and their impact on the nature of the academic library and the University learning community of the future; innovative leadership skills in managing a program incorporating electronic formats and automated library systems supporting the curriculum in strong new ways; progressively responsible library administrative, planning and management experience; an ALA-accredited MLS in Library/Information Science; a minimum of five years professional experience in a comprehensive library; outstanding oral and written communication skills; experience in program and financial planning. QUALIFICATIONS CONSIDERED ASSETS: A second advanced degree; capacity for developing and sustaining effective relationships with administrators, faculty, staff and students; ability to serve as an advocate, spokesperson and leaderforthe Library’s educational mission atthe campus, community, state and national level; involvement in academic programs which demonstrates an understanding of the needs of a scholarly comm unity and the intellectual depth to win the respect of the faculty; a record of scholarly and professional achievement appropriate for tenure at UW-Eau Claire. McIntyre Library maintains an active bibliographic instruction program and provides access to a wide array of electronic resources. A selective federal and state depository and a regional historical research center, the Library has a collection of more than 528,189 volumes, 260,000 government documents, 1,237,074 microforms, 1,700 current periodical subscriptions, and 3,000 cubic feet of archives and manuscripts. The Director supervises 16.5 faculty/academic staff professionals and 19.25 (FTE) classified staff, is responsible for personnel, and administers a budget of approximately $2.2 million. The Library Director engages in cooperative planning atthe UWSystem and state levels, participatesonthe UW-Eau Claire Distance Education Council and will oversee the Library’s migration to its third online system. THE UNIVERSITY: The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, with an enrollment of 10,500 students, offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business and Professional Studies (which includes the Schools of Education, Human Sciences and Services, and Nursing). Forthe past twoyears, U.S. News and World Report ranked UWEC among the top five most efficient regional universities in the Midwest and among the top 10 for value in relation to quality. UWEC supports campuswide fiber optics, intrabuilding wiring, an innovative faculty and student technology training program, a student-computer ratio of 11 to 1 and a recently expanded library facility with ethemet connectivity. Known as Wisconsin’s most beautiful campus, UW-Eau Claire spans both banks of the Chippewa River in the heart of west central Wisconsin’s largest city. With a population of 56,000, Eau Claire is90 minuteseastofMinneapolis/St. Paul and isthecommercial, educational, cultural, and medical center of the region. Additional information about UW-Eau Claire and McIntyre Library may be found on the World Wide Web ( This annual appointment includes faculty rankand begins February 1,1998, or as soon thereafter as possible. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of nomination or application, resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Michelene Belger Office of Information & Technology Management Schofield Hall Room 212A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire, Wl 54701 The review of the candidates begins December 15, 1997, and continues until the position is filled. Nominations and applications from under-represented groups are encouraged. November1997/739 Lansing, positioned in the center of Michigan’s lower peninsula. Visit the libraries’ homepage at CMU (AA/EO institution) encourages diversity and resolves to provide equal oppor­ tunity regardless of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant criteria. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Southern Arkansas Univer­ sity. Duties: Provide leadership for library; develop budgets, policies, priorities, and strategic plans; promote faculty-student relations and direct library support for educational, public service, and continuing education opportunities in an extended campus region. Reports to Vice President for Academic Affairs. Qualifications: Strong leader­ ship, interpersonal communication, management, and planning skills; vision and knowledge to develop and direct library computer informa­ tion systems; commitment to diversity; five years academic library experience and a record of professional achievements. ALA-accred­ ited MLS required; earned doctorate in an appropriate discipline preferred. Salary and title commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications will be reviewed as received. Starting date negotiable. Southern Arkansas University’s library serves 2,600 undergraduate and graduate students and holds approximately 150.000 volumes, 8,500 AV pieces, 925 periodical subscriptions, and 328.000 government documents. Send letter of interest, vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three people who may be contacted as references to: Office of Personnel, Southern Arkansas U niversity, SAU Box 9288, Magnolia, AR 71753-5000. AA/EOE. DOCUMENT DELIVERY LIBRARIAN. The University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the general direction of the Head of Access Sen/ices, the Document Delivery Librarian supervises document delivery ser­ vices and interlibrary loan operations. This includes hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating three full-time staff and student assis­ tants; coordinating interlibrary loan activities with branch libraries; the evaluation of mediated and unmediated electronic document deliv­ ery; provision of training to library staff and library users in the use of various online document delivery systems; determination of the need for fee-based services; development of guides to document delivery services; coordination with Collection Development in recommenda­ tions for the acquisition of electronic delivery systems and resources; representation of the library in consortial and shared-resources programs; and other duties as assigned. This position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional service as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; two years paraprofessional or one year professional experience in interlibrary loan or document delivery; experience with major bibliographic utili­ ties; library instruction concepts and/or staff training; supervisory experience. Desirable: Strong interpersonal and communication skills; working knowledge of library systems software and interlibrary loan statistical software; second master’s degree; evidence of research or creative achievement. Deadline for applications: December 15,1997. Salary: $32,000. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; comprehensive medical protection; and group life insurance. Univer­ sity libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the university libraries consist of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.5 million volumes, 16.000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collec­ tions in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operate a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of assistant professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor, to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Libraries, U n iversity o f O klahoma, Norman, OK 73019; phone: (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. Wash­ ington State University Libraries. Position available: Currently va­ cant. Faculty position requiring a solid knowledge of cataloging rules. Exercise innovative thinking in approaching cataloging of new forms of information, including serials (print and electronic), images, and networked information. Work with library and teaching/research fac­ ulty to bring about creative solutions to bibliographic access issues. Perform liaison responsibilities with other Technical Sen/ices units, Public Services, and Library Systems to resolve problems and new technical challenges. Participate in formulation of OPAC policies and decisions, including display issues. Act as team leader for cataloging of serials and nontraditional materials, working with staff to plan and execute cataloging/access projects. Reports to Head, Bibliographic Control, in the Technical Sen/ices Division. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent at time of hire, knowl­ edge of AACR2, LCSH, MARC formats, and guidelines under devel­ opment for electronic resources; experience with computer applica­ tions in libraries, serials cataloging, and use of bibliographic utilities, preferably OCLC; working knowledge of at least one foreign lan­ guage. Preferred: Working knowledge of SGML, HTML, TEI, and visual basic programming language; strong communications and organizational skills and aptitude for complex, analytical work, with attention to detail. Salary: From $26,000, commensurate with quali­ fications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing addresses of three refer­ ences to: Donna L McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Library Administrative Office, W ashington State U niver­ sity, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins January 15, 1998. WSU Libraries’ hjomepage address: http:/ / WSU is an EEO employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. (Search Extended). Loyola University Chicago seeks an experienced, innovative librarian to provide overall management and visionary leadership for its Catalog­ ing Department, which has two professional librarians, eight support staff, and 12 to 15 student assistants. The department is responsible for cataloging of monographs in all formats, including electronic, and audiovisual resources for five libraries in the Chicago area and Rome, Italy, and for authority control and maintenance of the NOTIS online catalog. The department head plans, organizes, and monitors the operations of the department; is responsible for personnel; and provides oversight for all cataloging activities throughout the Biblio­ graphic and Access Services Division, including development, stan­ dardization, and consistent application of all policies for cataloging. Oversees the implementation of outsourcing of some cataloging, using OCLC PromptCat and other services. The departments in the Bibliographic and Access Services Division are closely integrated, dynamic, and highly collaborative and cooperative. The successful candidate will work with other members of the management team of the division to develop and implement division plans, The department head is a member of the Libraries’ Planning Council and the Biblio­ graphic and Access Services Management Group, is chair of the Cataloging Policy Board, and serves on other committees as appro­ priate. Reports to: Assistant University Librarian for Bibliographic and Access Services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of 5 years progressively responsible experience in an academic library; significant supervisory experience; superior oral and written commu­ nication and interpersonal skills; thorough knowledge of current practice and future trends in cataloging; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, US MARC formats and other relevant cataloging tools; thorough knowledge of authority control; demonstrated creativ­ ity in the application of technology to the cataloging process; demon­ strated planning skills; experience with in tegrated library sys­ tem s and bibliographic utilities, especially NOTIS and OCLC. The individual in this position needs to be flexible and able to work in a com plex, rapidly moving organizational setting. The successful candidate will have strong collaborative and collegial skills, the ability to transform vision in to reality, and a com m itm ent to excellence in service. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications and experience, from a base of $42,000. Librarians have limited faculty status, earn 20 vacation days, and have a standard package of fringe benefits, including university contributions to TIAA/CREF. Q ualified applicants should send a letter of applica­ tion, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Karla D. Petersen, Assistant University Librarian for B ibliographic and Access Services, Cudahy Library, L o y o la U n iv e rs ity C h ica g o , 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Applications received by Novem ber 15, 1997, will receive first consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Loyola University Chicago is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity educator and em ployer. HEAD, LEWIS LIBRARY, AND ASSISTANT TO THE ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION SERVICES. Loyola University Chicago Libraries seeks a dynamic leader to manage its Lewis Library in downtown Chicago and to sen/e as Assistant to the Assistant University Librarian (AUL) for Information Services. Lewis Library serves the undergraduate and graduate programs of the 7 4 0 / C&RL News Schools of Business, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, and houses approximately 250,000 volumes; the Head of the Library is in charge of executing the annual operating and strategic plans to provide excellent service to students and faculty in these programs, as well as for some general undergraduate studies. The Head is responsible for hiring, training, and evaluating four professional librarians and, indi­ rectly, five full-time support staff and approximately 7.0 FTE part-time staff; she/he also oversees the purchasing of equipment, supplies, and services for the library. As Assistant AUL for Information Services, the position holder is a key player in the division’s planning activities and functions as deputy in charge of these in the AUL’s absence. Also serves on the University Libraries Administrative Group, Libraries Planning Council, the Library Board (ex officio), and other committees as required. Reports to: Assistant University Librarian for Information Services. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of five years progressively responsible experience in an academic library, including supervisory and planning responsibilities; excellent oral and written communications skills; up-to-date knowledge of library tech­ nology and, especially, electronic resources available to serve the library’s mission. The successful candidate will have strong collabo­ rative and collegial skills, be familiar with strategic planning, and have a strong commitment to excellence in service. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience, from a base of $42,000. Librarians have limited faculty status, earn 20 vacation days, and have a standard package of fringe benefits, including university contribu­ tions to TIAA/CREF. Qualified applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Alan Barny, Assistant University Librarian for Information Services, Loyola University Chicago, Sullivan Center, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60526. Applications received by December 1, 1997, will receive first consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Loyola University Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE, LOOP CAMPUS. (Search Reopened). DePaul University Library is seeking a Head of Reference for its Loop Campus Library, the location for the business and computer science collections. The Head of Reference is responsible for providing SOCIAL WORK LIBRARIAN Jackson State University School of Social Work The School of Social Work at Jackson State University is seeking to fill a Social Work Librar­ ian position. This position requires a master’s degree in library science from an accredited program of the American Library Association and at least three years of professional library work experience, with a minimium of oneyear in an institution of higher education. Preference is given to substantial libtary work experience in the subject area (social work) or related subject areas (social or behavioral sciences or health sciences). Responsibilities will include building a collection and database of library resources for a professional School of Social Work; provides acquisition services; references and other user services; working collaboratively with social work professional staff and faculty, and with other university professional programs; supervising students and providing library instructions for students and other users; conducting database searches; and providing cataloging services in collaboration with other university library staff. Letter of interest, three letters of reference, and other scholarly work should be sent to: Gwendolyn S. Prater Dean, School of Social W ork Jackson State U niversity 3825 Ridgewood Rd. Jackson, MS 39211 Phone: (601) 987-4388 Fax: (601) 364-2396 Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Jackson State University’s School o f Social Work does not discrim inate on the basis o f race, color, gender, creed, age, ethnic o r national origin, disability, political orientation, o r sexual orientation. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN The University of Northern Colorado The University of Northern Colorado seeks appli­ cants for the position of Instructional Services Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Sci­ ence, position number 20639. Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accred- ited library school; experience in a college, uni­ versity, or research library. This is a manage- ment-level, term-track position. The position reports to the Associate Dean for Public Services and Personnel. Responsibleforplanning, imple­ menting, coordinating, and evaluating an instruc­ tional program for on- and off-campus students. Must have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to identify and respond to instructional needs. Minimum $31,700. Starting date is May 1, 1998 (negotiable). The position is contingent on funding from the Colo­ rado State Legislature, approval by the Board of Trustees, and subject to the policies and regula­ tions of the University of Northern Colorado. All application materials will be accepted until December 15,1997. Send letterof application highlighting candidate’s suitability, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Instructional Services Librarian Search Com m ittee c/o A dm inistration Office Jam es A. M ichener Library University of Northern C olorado Greeley, CO 80639 UNC is an A A E O em ployer a nd com m itted to fostering diversity in its student body, faculty, and staff. AAEO Office, C arter 2011. November 1997/741 innovative as well as traditional reference and research services to faculty and staff at the Loop Campus and supervises five full-time professionals, several part-time reference librarians, and students. The Head takes a leadership role in designing and implementing information services for Loop Campus Library constituencies, works closely with the Instruction Coordinator to support library instruction, participates in a comprehensive collection development program, and develops active working relationships with faculty in order to identify, assess, and implement information needs and services. The newly renovated, networked Loop Campus Library is located in DePaul Center which serves as the cornerstone for DePaul’s Loop Campus in downtown Chicago. DePaul University is a private, com­ prehensive, urban institution of over 17,000 students, with five Chi- cago-area campuses. The successful candidate will have an ALA- accredited MLS degree; a strong sen/ice orientation; skill in the use of electronic information sources, including Web-based and other Internet sources; excellent oral and written communication skills and interpersonal skills; demonstrated initiative and flexibility in a de­ manding and rapidly changing environment. Preferred qualifications include business reference experience; two or more years of supervi­ sory experience; experience in an academic library; and a commit­ ment to professional development. Excellent benefits include free tuition, medical/dental package, four weeks vacation, and TIAA/CREF pension plan. Salary starts at $41,000, depending on experience and education. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application with resume and the names of three current references to: Doris R. Brown, Director of Libraries, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul U niversity, 2350 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60614- 3210. DePaul University, an employer of choice, is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES. Virginia Com­ monwealth University is seeking an experienced archivist/librarian to manage its book, manuscript, and university archives collection in its academic campus library’s Special Collections and Archives unit. Reports to the Assistant Director for Academic User Services and ASSISTANT BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL SERVICES LIBRARIAN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE LIBRARY Dartmouth College Library seeks an experienced catalog librarian to serve as Assistant Bibliographic Control Services Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Bibliographic Control Services Librarian, the incumbent man­ ages cataloging processes and creates catalog records for a wide variety of materials in many languages, subjects, and formats. Designs and im plements procedures to integrate remotely accessed and locally m aintained electronic information resources into the catalog. As a m em ber of the departm ent's m anagem ent team, provides assistance and leadership to a staff of seven Bibliographic Control Specialists in the creation of original and complex copy cataloging records in many languages, subjects, and formats. Interprets current cataloging rules and standards for the staff. Designs and executes initial and ongoing cataloging training programs for the staff. Provides leadership in serials cataloging issues. W orks with staff throughout Collection Services in the design and documentation local bibliographic and authority control policies and procedures. Participates in planning and decision making fo r the department, and, through service on library committees, in a variety of other library operations. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of three years post-MLS cataloging experience in an academic or research library. Demonstrated knowledge of current cataloging rules, standards, and formats. Demonstrated competence in the use of an integrated library system, an online bibliographic utility (OCLC, RLIN), and networked cataloger’s workstations, and an understanding of the interfaces between each of these tools. Reading knowledge of two foreign languages; European languages preferred. Familiarity with currenttrends in cataloging, especially those related to electronic information resources. Demonstrated team-based comm unication and problem-solving skills, as well as interper­ sonal and written comm unication skills, experience in cataloging serials, electronic resources, or nonbook form ats is highly desirable. SALARY AND BENEFITS: R ankand salary comm ensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum salary of $32,500 for Librarian II; full benefits package, including 22 vacation days, comprehensive health insurance, TIAA/CREF, and relocation assistance. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE INFORMATION: APPLICATIONS: Applications received by December 15, 1997 will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until the position is filled. Position available April 1 ‚ 1998. Send resume to: P hyllis E. Ja yn es D ire cto r o f U ser S ervice s 115 B a ke r Library H anover, NH 03 75 5 -3 5 2 5 D artm outh C ollege is an AA, EEO, M /F employer. M ino rity candidates are e ncouraged to apply. 7 42/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY MILNER LIBRARY Illinois State University’s Milner Library seeks two creative, energetic librarians for full-time, 12-month, tenur- track positions that provide ample opportunities for professional growth. As Illinois’ oldest public university, ISU strives to offer an outstanding undergraduate education to 17,500 undergrads in 35 disciplines, as well as to serve 2,500 graduate students through diverse master’s and doctoral programs. Milner Library supports those programs with a service-focused staff of 110 and a collection of over 1.3 million volumes. Illinois State is located in Normal/Bloomington, a rapidly expanding community of 100,000 two hours from Chicago and three hours from St. Louis. QUALIFICATIONS APPLICABLE TO BOTH POSITIONS: ALA-accredited master's; strong service orientation; commitment to working in a collegial, participative environment; appropriate academic library experience; exceptional potential for leadership. Scholarship, service, and participation in library and university governance, along with second advanced degree, are required for tenure or appointment beyond the rank of instructor. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Provides shape and direction to required course-integrated instruction in the university’s innovative general education program, which integrates extensive library instruction into its three interdisciplinary core courses emphasizing problem solving, critical thinking, and multidiscipline foundations of learning. In addition, offers expertise in enhancing presentation skills to subject librarians who provide discipline- related instruction. Develops a strategy to guide the existing instructional programs, currently reaching 13,400 students in 660 sessions, into the 21 st century, utilizing the latest technological innovations in teaching. Enhance library visibility on campus by effectively marketing programs to faculty and departments. Maintain program statistics, and oversee the library’s electronic classrooms. Will include long-range programmatic and facility planning; outreach programs to nontraditional groups; and regular reference desk assignments. SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated expertise in library instruction; ability to formulate, articu­ late, and implement a coherent program of library instruction; excellent management, marketing, and interpersonal skills. Second advanced degree strongly preferred. PSYCHOLOGY REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Service-oriented position with responsibilities that include traditional and electronic reference service and collection development in psychology, philosophy, religion, and education; library instruction; liaison with faculty and students in the Departments of Psychology and Philosophy. SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of psychology; appropriate reference and instruction skills; and willingness to work in a collaborative, consensus-building environment. A second degree in psychology and relevant academic library experience, including library instruction, collection develop­ ment, and Web development skills, highly desirable. SALARIES: Negotiable depending on education and experience. $32,000-$35,000 minimum atthe rank of Assistant Professor. Preferred beginning date: March 15,1998. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications accepted until positions filled, but for maximum consideration, applications should be submitted not later than January 15,1998. TO APPLY: Submit letter of application, resume, and at least three references to: LI Coordinator Search C om m ittee or Psychology Search C om m ittee Attn: Cheryl Elzy M ilner Library Illinois State University C am pus Box 8900, Norm al, IL 61790-8900 For more information, visit Milner Library at Illinois State University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. November1997/743 works very closely with the Head, Collection Management. Respon­ sible for the management of the unit through the general administra­ tion, planning, evaluation, and implementation of the unit’s collec­ tions, reference services, and technical processing; promotes the unit’s holdings; selects specialized materials in a wide variety of formats; supervises support staff. Responsible for cultivating ties throughout the university, community, and the commonwealth. Shares responsibilities relating to general reference and collection develop­ ment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS desirable or other appro­ priate academic master's degree. Course work in archival manage­ ment, a master's in archival studies, or archival experience also desirable. Experience with a wide variety of specialized materials, including books, book art, graphic arts, museum pieces, and digital information. Experience with automation and technological tools for electronic preservation and access. Familiarity with emerging tech­ nologies also a plus. Of particular importance are an understanding of the principles of text encoding (SGML and TEI guidelines); expe­ rience in the digitization of archival materials; experience with Web page design, construction and maintenance; and knowledge of digital scanning systems and OCR. Ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Dem­ onstrated experience in digital technology and record of success in developing and/or implementing virtual projects highly desirable. Complete position description as well as information about University L ib ra ry Se rvices and the u n ive rsity are ava ila b le at http:// Salary: Minimum $32,000, plus ben­ efits. Submit resume and the names and phone numbers for three current references to: Sarah Barbara Watstein, Assistant Director for INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIAN Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan The Oakland University Library seeks a dynamic individual to initiate information literacy programs that will develop students’ lifelong learning skills. Additional assignments will include work in collection developm ent and in other professional areas, based upon the library’s needs and the successful candidate’s qualifica­ tions. Primary responsibilities: Building close working relationships with faculty and students in selected disciplines to expand the use of com puter and information resources through in- depth consultation and instruction; providing leadership in the developm ent of the information literacy program; serving as a collection developm ent liaison to selected academ ic departments; participating in the continued developm ent of the library’s W eb site; fulfilling scholarship and service requirements for promotion and tenure. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Two years of professional experience in an academ ic library. Experience in teaching information skills to students and faculty and working with them in applying information technologies. Demonstrated ability to plan, initiate, and im plement effective programs and services; to w ork independently and as part of a team; and to w ork with diverse faculty, staff, and students. Effective oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Potential to meet library’s require­ ments for prom otion and tenure. DESIRED QUALIFICATIO NS: Undergraduate o r advanced degree in the sciences, engineering, or social sciences; or experience working with science, engineering, or social science faculty in an academ ic institution. Experience in collection developm ent activities. Experience with the authoring of web pages. Scholarly publications; participation in professional organizations. RANK, SALARY, BENEFITS: Tenure-track, eight-month, bargaining-unitfaculty appointment. Professo­ rial rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $34,000. Excellent fringe benefits program (including TIAA/C R EF and Fidelity retirem ent plans). GENERAL INFORMATION: O akland University is a comprehensive, state-supported institution of approxim ately 14,000 students that offers a diverse set of academ ic programs at the baccalaureate, m aster’s, and doctoral levels. The university is located 30 miles north of Detroit on a 1,500-acre campus. For more information, see the Oakland University W eb site, http://www, and the OU Library W eb site, http://www. kl APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e- mail addresses of three current professional references to: M ild re d H. M erz C h a ir o f S ea rc h C o m m itte e K res ge L ibrary O a k la n d U n iv e rs ity R o ch es ter, Ml 4 8 3 0 9 -4 4 8 4 fax: (24 8) 37 0 -2 4 7 4 In order to ensure consideration, applications must be received by January 15,1998. O a klan d U niversity is an affirm a tive action, e q u a l opp o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r a n d encourages applications from wom en a n d m inorities. http://www 74 4 /C&RL News Academic User Services, University Library Services, Virginia Com­ monwealth University, VCU Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin December 15, 1997. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. The Ottenheimer Library at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has an immediate opening for a librarian with responsibilities as a department head for Interlibrary Loan and as a reference librarian. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Assistant Director for Instructional and Public Services, this person will super­ vise a department that conducts all interlibrary loan transactions for the library, and will provide general reference service on rotation at the reference desk. Flexible schedule includes work one night per week and some weekends. Department operations include handling DEAN OF LIBRARIES James Madison University James Madison University isseeking leadershipforthe university libraries. Located in Virginia’s beautiful Shenandoah Valley, James Madison University is a public, comprehensive university offering quality undergraduate education. The university also offers graduate programs at the master’s and doctoral level. James Madison University, often cited in the national media as one of the best regional public universities in the country, has been a leader in higher education in the state and region. The Dean of Libraries reports to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs and is administratively responsible for Carrier Library and two branch libraries. The Dean provides leadership, planning, and a shared vision for library services in support of the academic programs. The libraries’ physical facilities are well equipped to support the demand for digital technology, with over 150 networked computers, the Innovative (III) library system, and a fu ll partnership in Virginia’s Virtual Library (VIVA) consortium. The services to the university are exemplary with an especially strong instructional and academic departmental liaison program. Librarians enjoy faculty status and are active partners with the classroom faculty. Collections are over 600,000 volumes. The annual operating budget exceeds $3 million. The staff includes 17 library faculty and 36 classified employees. QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will be an experienced and seasoned administrator and leader whose style is open, collaborative, and who has a proven commitmentto shared decision making. The Dean is expected to have excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills as well as an ability to lead to ensure the institutional and library goals are realized. Also essential will be experience in planning and implementing technology initiatives in libraries. Since the Dean will also have a significant voice in universitywide technology planning, it is essential that sheor he have considerable understanding of the issues affecting information systems in higher education. Academic credentials must include an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Graduate work beyond the MLS highly desirable. The position will be available July 1 ‚ 1998. Interested applicants are encouraged to view the following URLsforfurtherinformation:; Applications, including a vita and the names of three references, should be send to: Alm a Hale-Cooper C arrier Library Jam es Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Fax: (540) 568-6339 Phone: (540) 568-6996 e-m ail: halecoac@ jm Salaries are competitive. Benefits include Trigon (BC/BS) health and dental insurance; a variety of retirement plans, including TIAA/CREF and the Virginia State Retirement system; 20 days vacation, Terms of appointment are faculty rank and status and a multi-year renewable contract. Screening for applicants will begin November 17,1997, and will continue until a successful candidate is found. Jam es Madison University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action, equal access em ployer a nd especially encourages applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. personnel matters, improving procedures for more effective service, and reviewing document delivery services. Reference duties include helping to select reference titles, explaining CD-ROM services to students, interpreting the DRA system to patrons, and providing bibliographic instruction. Knowledge of the Internet and other online systems necessary. Position requires working closely with the class­ room faculty and participating on faculty committees and in profes­ sional organizations. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, with minimum of three years professional experience required; back­ ground in public services work, especially reference, preferred. ILL experience helpful; excellent interpersonal and communication skills necessary. Minimum salary $32,500 for 12-month faculty tenure- track position at rank of Assistant Professor; 22 days of paid vacation plus holidays; TIAA/CREF; dental and health insurance, disability and life insurance also available. Applications received by December 1, 1997 will receive first consideration, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send resume and transcripts with November1997/745 names of three professional references to: Maureen James-Barnes, Chair, Search Committee, Ottenheimer Library/UALR, 2801 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. U n iversity of A rkansas at Little Rock/Ottenheimer Library: Located in the capital city, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is one of five U-A system campuses. Student population is 11,000 as of fall 1997. For more information, visit the library’s Web page at, or e- mail the Search Committee Chair at The Univer­ sity of Arkansas at Little Rock is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. Under Arkansas law, all appli­ cations are subject to disclosure. Persons hired must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States. LIBRARIAN/ REFERENCE/ILL. 10-month, tenure-track, assistant professor, ALA-accredited MLS or MLIS degree, science background a plus. Begin July 1 ‚ 1998. Provide instruction to library users in both print and electronic information sources within the context of an undergraduate liberal arts college. Work in close collaboration with other members of the library staff to develop and implement programs and services that will enable users, particularly in the sciences, to locate, obtain, and use materials in an evolving electronic environ­ ment. Assist in providing general reference service (including some evening hours), liaison with classroom faculty in the sciences, and occasional participation in the general education program. Oversight of interlibrary loan service another major responsibility. Ability to work well with users and staff. Send letter of interest, resume, transcript, and at least three current letters of professional reference, by Decem­ ber 1, 1997, to: Edward I. Stevens, Director of Library Services, Eckerd College Library, 4200 54th Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL33711. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. EOE. NETWORKED RESOURCES EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. Responsi­ bilities; Under the direction of the Coordinator of User Education Programs, the Networked Resources Education Librarian is respon­ sible for designing and implementing library instructional services for a networked information environment where user self-sufficiency is vital and remote access is increasingly the norm. The librarian will develop and teach classes covering a variety of networked resources and tools and will design and implement instructional materials (tutorials, help screens, etc.) for use in a Web-based Library Wide Information System. The librarian will actively promote and market library programs and services to a diverse university community and participate in providing general reference services, including evening and weekend hours. Reports to Head, Reference Sen/ices Depart­ ment. Research, publication, and service to the libraries, university, and profession are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appoint­ ment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: A master’s degree accredited by the American Library Association or the equivalent library professional degree accredited by an appropriate foreign association; one year public service experience in an academic or large public library; demonstrated expertise in producing print, Web- based, and other electronic user resources; knowledge of HTML and other Web protocols; ability to plan and implement new programs and services; and strong oral, written communication, and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Instructional design experience. Salary: Commen­ surate with education and experience. Salary minimum for Assistant Librarian— $28,000; Senior Assistant Librarian—$32,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries— UL-112, U n iversity at Albany, State U n iversity o f New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin December 20, 1997. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences that may be contacted. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. NONPRINT MEDIA SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track library faculty appointment. Available March 1998. Responsible for the planning, development, coordination, and daily operations of Nonprint Media Services. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, relevant experi­ ence, excellent communication skills, and strong technical back­ ground in nonprint media hardware and software, computerized library systems, and electronic information sources. Second ad­ vanced degree required for tenure. Send letter, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three references to: Eugene T. Neely, Dean of Libraries, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ORIGINAL/SPECIAL MATERIALS CATALOGER. Reports to the Dean and Director of Penrose Library and supervises the O/SMC unit. The unit is one of three (also including copy cataloging and acquisi­ tions) comprising the Monographs Team, which determines mono­ graphic processing policy and procedures. The O/SM cataloger is responsible for original (descriptive and subject) cataloging of mono­ graphic materials in a variety of languages, subjects, and formats, including music scores, monographs, dissertations, special/nonroutine materials, retroconversion, foreign language, audiovisual, and other nonbook materials; responsible for ensuring that all collections are represented in DU’s online catalog; coordinates workflow of all materials cataloged in the unit; works with the serials/binding unit on dissertations processing policy; trains and supervises library assis­ tants assigned to the O/SMC unit, and resolves cataloging questions raised by those performing complex copy cataloging, classification, etc.; collection development responsibility as bibliographer for the Foreign Languages and Literatures areas; and participation in profes­ sional and scholarly activities, including library, university, and pro­ fessional committees, research, and publication, and other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a minimum of three years post-MLS cataloging experience which includes original cataloging; excellent communication skills. Director University Library Search Extended Cleveland Stale University invites applications and nominations for the position ot Director of the University Library. The University seeks a dynamic and innovative leader who will provide vision and direction with regard to all aspects of Library operation, including the coordina­ tion ot traditional library materials and services with the expansion of newinformation technology resources. The Director will report to the P rovost th rough the Vice P rovost tor Inform ation Technology and Academic Innovation. Minimum qualifications include an M.L.S. degree from an ALA accred­ ited program; successful administrative experience in an academic or research library; and sound knowledge of all aspects ot academic library operations, including collection development and management and security, automated systems and services, bibliographic control and management, resource sharing, academic budgeting, tundraising, and grantsmanship. Preferred qualifications include an advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline and substantial experience in the implemen­ tation of new electronic technologies in support of library services, including electronic reserves, CD-ROM, Internet resources, OhioLINK, and similar consortia. T h e CSU L ib ra ry is h o u se d in a s in g le , c e n tra lly - lo c a te d facility. Its collections contain over 600,000 volumes, with an acquisi­ tion philosophy based on “access to information'’. Cleveland State University is a large, public comprehensive urban University serving Cleveland and the Northeast Ohio region and enrolling approximately 16,000 students in six academic colleges and a Graduate College. Cleveland is home to a rich array of public and academ ic library resources. The Cleveland metropolitan area approximates 2 million people and features a th rivin g business com m unity, in cluding 21 Fo rtu ne 500 c o rp o ra tio n s , a gro w in g "high te ch " m a nu factu rin g sector, and a strong intrastructure in support of regional economic developm ent. The G re a te r Clevela nd area offers an o utstanding quality of life, combining the cultural and other amenities of a large city with a wide choice of attractive communities in which to live. Applicants are encouraged to submit a current resume, a statement of interest and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five ref­ erences to: Chair, L ib ra ry Search C o m m ittee, O ffice o f the P ro vo st and S e n io r V ice P resident, C leveland S tate U niversity, E. 24th & E uclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. The Search Advisory Committee will begin screening completed applications on November 1 5 ,1997;the position will remain open until it has been filled. Salary is competitive. Cleveland State University is an A A /E 0 E committed to nondiscrimina­ tion. M/F/D/V encouraged. 746 / C&RL News Preferred: Cataloging experience in an academic library. Music cataloging experience. Experience with authority control, knowledge of a foreign language, knowledge of Innovative Interfaces Inc. systems, supervisory experience, and skill in working in a team environment. Salary: $30,000-$35,000. Benefits: TIAA/CREF pen­ sion plan; medical, vision, and dental plans available; tuition ben­ efits; 24 vacation days per year. Status: Faculty status, non-tenure track appointment. Deadline: Applications postmarked by December 15,1997, will receive greatest consideration. The position will remain open until filled. To apply: Please submit a letter of application, referring to Position #914, addressing your ability to meet the above qualifications, and a current resume, including the names, ad­ dresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current references, to: Toni Miller, Office of the Dean, Penrose Library, U n iversity of Denver, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208-2007. The University of Denver is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and staff and encourages applications particularly from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. PRINCIPAL CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Principal Cataloger will coordinate original and copy cataloging efforts for the Appalachian State University Library, including: Supervision and training of four copy catalogers and one government documents assistant; coordi­ nation of authority control and bibliographic maintenance; and plan­ ning special projects and bibliographic database enhancements in a university consortium environment. The Principal Cataloger will participate in original cataloging in all formats, such as monographs, serials, nonprint materials, and kits, for the Instructional Materials Center, and will train and coordinate the other faculty in the catalog unit. The cataloging function is part of the Materials Processing Team, which also includes serials, acquisitions, and material prepa­ ration functions. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the library and university and to participate in professional service and scholarship. The Principal Cataloger serves on the Information Organization Team and on the WNCLN Network Biblio­ graphic Committee, and may serve on other teams as well. Require­ ments: Minimum of five years professional experience as a cataloger in an academic library, including professional experience with origi­ nal cataloging. Ability to manage change and work in a team environment. Working knowledge of: MARC formats and AACR2; Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal classification schemes; automated bibliographic control systems; and online library systems. Commitment to enhancing the online public access catalog through new and imaginative ways of providing information and to staying abreast of current trends in technical services. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Must have excellent written and oral commu­ nication skills and strong service orientation. Commitment to profes­ sional service and scholarship. Preferred: Experience in supervising and coordinating cataloging staff members, second advanced de­ gree strongly preferred; experience or training in working in a multicultural environment; and experience in working with the Inno­ vative Interfaces system. Appalachian State University is located in western North Carolina, in the historic college town of Boone, nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian has a student enrollment of 12,100 students and offers undergraduate and gradu­ ate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a part of the University of North Carolina system. Library holdings include more than 713,000 books and bound periodicals, about 6,000 current periodical, news­ paper, and serial titles, and almost 1.4 million microforms. Appala­ chian is a member of SOLINET and the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three state universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces Inc. system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is tenure-track and is available March 1 ‚ 1998. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curricu­ lum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed appli­ cations must be received by January 12, 1998. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and is committed to hiring women and minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND USER EDUCATION COORDINA­ TOR. Washington State University, Owen Science and Engineering Library. Position Available: Currently vacant. Under the direction of Head, Science Libraries, is responsible for coordination of library user education in Owen Science and Engineering Library, with additional responsibilities in reference, database searching, collec­ tion development, liaison to departments, participation on library committees, and other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent. Recent experience in a science/engineering/medical library and/or subject background. Effective interpersonal relations and communication skills. Preferred: Recent experience in user education; knowledge of Dialog and STN database searching: use of electronic resources. Salary. From $26,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave/year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing addresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Admin­ istrative Services, Library Administrative Office, W ashington State University, P.O, Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins December 12, 1997. WSU Libraries’ homepage ad­ dress: WSU is an EEO employer. Pro­ tected group members are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE/LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Lydia Olson Library at Northern Michigan University seeks applicants for a Refer­ ence/Library Instruction Librarian. This librarian gives direct assis­ tance to users seeking information, instructs patrons in the use of library resources, and helps facilitate access to information in a variety of formats. This librarian also coordinates and provides leadership for the library orientation and instruction program. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum two years experience in reference and library instruction in an academic library; demonstrated teaching ability; an appreciation for and demon­ strated commitment to library and information instruction; a second advanced degree, master’s level or higher, is preferred. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience, tenure-track. Send letter of application with resume, copies of transcripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Search Committee, Olson Library, Northern M ichigan University, 1401 Presque Isle Ave., Marquette, Ml 49855. Applicant review begins January 19, 1998, and continues until position is filled. Northern Michigan University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age in its programs or activities. Persons having civil rights inquiries may contact the Affirmative Action Office at (906) 227-2420. Persons having inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may contact the ADA Coordinator at (906) 227-2970. TECHNICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Be a part of an empowered professional team in university’s main library. Provide reference services, including presentations, orientations, instruction, tours, print and nonprint selection and development, literature searching and analysis, reference interrogation, service promotion, faculty and department information needs assessment, monitoring professional trends. Act as liaison with computer science and electrical engineer­ ing departments. MLS, reference service experience, excellent com­ munications, interpersonal, and computer skills all required (DOS, Windows, Windows95, MS Word, MS Access). Must be profession­ ally current, with extensive internet and Web searching experience. Preferred: Undergraduate and/or second Master’s degree in com­ puter science or electrical engineering, science and technology library experience, HTML and Web authoring skills. Send resume to: Personnel Box TR-L, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Univer­ sity Heights, Newark, NJ 07102-1982. EOE. TECHNICAL SERVICES AND AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. Lorain County Community College invites applications for the following 12- month professional position: Technical Services and Automation Librarian. Provides leadership for planning, developing, and main­ taining new technological applications in the library in support of the teaching/learning mission of the college and manages all facets of Technical Services (acquisitions, cataloging, and serials control). Administers the library’s online integrated system (Innovative Inter­ faces), OhioLINK and other online and CD-ROM databases available through the library’s LAN; updates and enhances the library’s homepage on the WWW; provides original cataloging copy for library materials as needed; maintains standards for the input of biblio­ graphic data into the library’s automated catalog; supervises techni­ cal sen/ices and automation staff; coordinates library staff training on automated systems; builds collaborative partnerships with Computer Services staff; examines, tests, and recommends new automated products and services for the library; and assists in the development of off-campus electronic access to library resources. Minimum re­ quirements include an MLS from an ALA-accredited library program; three years project management experience implementing/support­ ing integrated library automation systems (ideally, Innovative Inter­ faces); two years technical services experience, including original cataloging of monographs and/or serials using OCLC. Must have a working knowledge of information standards (Z39.50, MARC, HTML), CD-ROM technology, telecommunications, windows operating sys- November 1997/747 terns, and network applications. Excellent oral and written communi­ cation skills essential as this individual will serve as a bridge between technical and nontechnical staff. Personnel supervisory experience preferred. The salary range for the Technical Services and Automa­ tion Librarian is $37,697 to $44,765 and is enhanced by an excellent fringe benefits package. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a comprehensive résumé and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three work-related references. Additional documentation will be required after receipt of the initial materials. Official transcripts are required prior to employment. Forward all materials to: Errol M. Browne, Director of Human Resources, Lorain County Community College, 1005 Abbe Rd. North, Elyria, OH 44035. The screening process will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled an affirmative action, equal opportunity. Late Job Listings AUTOMATED SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. University of W isconsin-Eau Claire. R e­ sponsible for planning, implementing, and operating the library’s automated system, LAN and desktop environments, and Web based services; assessing and evaluating library computing needs; supervising hardware selection and installation; assisting in developing grant proposals for innovative technology applications; participating with IC SS team in planning and distributing library databases and curricular specific software. Library will m igrate from KeyNOTIS to a client/server based automated system within two years. System s L ibrarian will participate in evaluation of UW systemwide automation vendor proposals. Library automation initiatives include strong em phasis on the Web for campus and distance learning; m ultiple library LAN applications; campuswide access to government electronic databases. Reports to D irector of Libraries; supervises two. Requirem ents: MLS/ALA or m aster’s degree related to library automation; minimum of two years library automated systems experience; experience with MARC and OCLC (or other national database); demon­ strated commitment to responsive service; proficiency in multiplatform computing and networking. Considered assets: Awareness of library information access issues and trends; ability to work cooperatively; effective analytical and organizational skills; strong oral and w ritten communication skills; demonstrated knowledge of NT, UNIX, SQL, distributed system s and relational databases, TCP/IP networking, LANs, CD- ROMs, SGML/HTML, file servers, print servers, DOS, Windows, Windows95, MAC, and Novell. University of W isconsin-Eau Claire spans the banks of the Chippewa River in west central Wisconsin’s largest city, 90 m inutes east of Minneapolis. UW EC enrolls 10,500 students in undergraduate and graduate programs in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Professional Studies. M cIntyre Library, with the largest circulation of the nondoctoral UW system libraries, is open 24 hours a day throughout the sem ester. UW EC supports campuswide fiber optics, intrabuilding wiring, an innovative technology-training program, an 11-to -l student/computer ratio, and a recently expanded library facility with ethernet connectivity. Additional information about the campus and library may be found a t This is a 12-month tenure-track faculty appointment. Review of candidates begins November 15, 1997, and continues until filled. Available Ja n u a ry 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 , or as soon th ereafter as possible. The Search and Screen Committee reserves the right to conduct telephone interviews with selected candidates. F in a lists will be required to send official transcripts. A full vacancy announcement may be obtained by contacting Phyllis Hambleton a t address listed below. Send le tter of application or nomination, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Phyllis Hambleton, A dm inistra­ tive A ssistant, W illiam D. M cIntyre Library, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, E au Claire, W I 54702-5010. An AA/EO employer. DIRECTOR OF THE DUGGAN LIBRARY. Hanover College invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Duggan Library. Hanover College, founded in 1827, is a coeducational liberal a rts college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, and is situated on a 650-acre campus overlooking the Ohio River. 95 percent of the 1,100 students reside in college housing. Hanover enjoys a student/faculty ratio of approxim ately 11 to 1, h as selective admission standards, and offers a curriculum solidly grounded in liberal arts w ith an em phasis on critical thinking and research skills. The D irector of th e L ibrary reports to th e Vice P resid ent and D ean of Academic Affairs, and is the ch ief ad m inistrator responsible for planning and directing all phases of library operation. The Director will assum e a strategic role for planning, and 74 8 /C&RL News in teg ratin g the library program and technology with the curriculum and in fo rm atio n serv ices. T h e college is ag gressiv ely seekin g a can d id ate w ith d em on strated lead ersh ip and m an ag em en t exp erien ce, along w ith d em on strated a b ility to work in a cooperative atm osp h ere w ith stu d en ts, facu lty , a d m in istra to rs, and consor­ tium m em bers. T h e D irector is one o f five professional lib ra ria n s w ith n o n ten u rab le facu lty s ta tu s , w ith both s t a ff and stu d en t support. T h e su ccessfu l can d id ate will possess a m a ster's degree (or h ig h er) from an A LA -accred ited program . Evid ence of s u b s ta n tia l sch o larly ach iev em en t in one of th e tr a d itio n a l d iscip lin es of th e lib e ra l a r ts is h ighly d esira b le. T ra in in g and exp erien ce should include com pre­ h en sive know ledge of lib ra ry au tom ation ; advanced in fo rm atio n tech n ologies; program developm ent, s t a ff su p ervision, along w ith a v ision for th e future of libraries. A competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package is included. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e v is it th e D u g gan L ib r a r y ’s W eb s it e a t http:// P lease send a le tte r of application, vita, and th ree le tters of recom m endation to: Jo h n Ahrens, C hair, L ibrary D irector Sea rch Com m ittee, c/o C hristin e Wilcox, Hanover College, P.O. Box 108, Hanover, IN 4 7 2 4 3 -0 1 0 8 ; phone: (812) 8 6 6 -7290. Review of applications begins im m ediately, and continues u ntil the position is filled. Hanover College is an equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL LIBRARIAN ELECTRONIC RESOURCES COORDINATOR. Arizona S ta te U niversity L ibraries. G eneral Sum m ary: This is a full-tim e continuing appointm ent-track (Academic Professional) position requiring professional development and service. The position serves as a m em ber of the Collection Development Team which reports directly to the Dean of the L ibraries. U ses excellen t interpersonal sk ills working in a collaborative, team environment. Shows flexibility in carrying out assignm ents in response to changing circum stances. E s sen tia l Functions: The person in th is position is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the budget, selection and dissem ination of electronic library resources for the U niversity L ib raries. P a rticip a tes in professional development and service activities. This position is responsible for advancing the L ib ra ries’ strategic plan in th e area of electronic inform ation. Contributes to team governance and operations. Q ualifications: Required: A m erican L ibrary Association accredited M aster of L i­ brary/Information Science degree. A minimum of five years post-M LS experience in an academ ic research library. Experience, accessing^. ordering or im plem enting electro n ic hhrary^technoįogfes~ ıhlĭ~ (custom er^eıyice ‘environment. D em onstrated an alytical and organizational skills. D em onstrated understanding of lib rary system s hardw are and software th a t are used to support electronic resources. E xcellen t com m unication skills. R an k dependent upon quality and level of professional prepa­ ration and experience. Preferred: Successful experience negotiating library licenses associated w ith electronic technologies. Experience in collection development in an academ ic or research library. Experience in reference or bibliographic in stru ction in an academ ic or research library. E xperience in analysis of lib rary collection and needs. M inim um salary: $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . Application deadline: Monday, D ecem ber 2 9 ,1 9 9 7 . Application procedure: Send le tter, resum é, and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of four recen t professional references to: K u rt R. Murphy, A ssistan t Dean for Personnel, U niversity L ib raries; Arizona State University; Box 8 7 1 0 0 6 ; Tempe, AZ 8 5 2 8 7 -1 0 0 6 . F or more inform ation: e-m ail karie@ asuvm .inre.asu.ed u; phone: (602) 9 6 5 -4 9 1 4 ; fax (602) 9 6 5 -9169. Fu ll position description is available upon request. A SU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse work force. ! Recruit the best... . . . Advertise your job openings __________ in C&RL News__________ Structure Bookmarks November 1997/729 Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue {e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices LIBRARIAN I-IIIInstruction Services Coordinator AMENDED POSTING• The Healey Library at the University of Massachusetts Boston is looking for a dynamic leader to plan and implement a library instruction program which builds on the Library’s current pro­gram, and which promotes library and internet research skills. The person will work with faculty and staff throughout the campus to design and eval­uate programs which address cunent curricular sup- poft needs; develop policies and procedures for this program 730/C&RL News William S. Cohen Collection. This collection, recently donated to the university, consists of more than 1,000 archival boxes containing correspondence, reports, news clippings, and personal memorabilia. Responsibilities include: Collection organization, preservation, man­agement, and development; creation of finding aids in both paper and digital formats; assisting collection users; outreach; supervision of support staff; participation in fundraising and grant writing. Reports to the Head of Special Collect William Paterson University is an Affirmative Action/ \ WilliamEqual Opportunity Institution jPUANTIVEERRSOSITNYCelebrating 142 years of academic leadership, William l}atersoıı University is situated on a 300-acre, wooded campus in suburban Wayne. N/. 20 miles from New York City. Hie University serves 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students and employs 1.000faculty and staff The Sarah Byrd ; Askew Library invites applications for the following positionHEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICESReporting to the Director of CHIEF LIBRARIAN. The College of Staten Island of the City Univer­sity of New York invites applications and nominations for the position of Chief Librarian and Chair of the Library Department. The Chief Librarian is appointed by the College President and reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. He/she is responsible for strengthening the library in the academic life of the college through leadership and administration of the library’s operation. In addition, the Chief Librarian is expected November1997/731 zational, and written skills. Desirable: Experience with collection development and computer-assisted reference service. Responsibili­ties: Supervise the library’s Circulation staff, plan for and implement a new automated circulation system; oversee the circulation of regular and reserve materials; formulate and/or revise policies and procedures for circulation; assist in the provision of reference ser­vices and bibliographic instruction. Possibly assist with collection development activities in an assigned CATALOGUE LIBRARIANSThe John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for two temporary cataloguing positions. The Library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the Colonial Period, 1493 to ca. 1830. These are two-year, grant-funded positions to catalogue colonial Spanish American imprints, primarily from Mexico and Peru. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; 2-3 years of professional rare book cataloguing experience World Wide Web site management and HTML, and archival preser­vation management. Effective interpersonal skills as well as excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work within a strongly participatory departmental environment. Must be able to lift 40-pound boxes multiple limes daily. Evidence of abilities to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Preferred: Knowledge of archives and special collections in still and moving image, audio, and digital formats. Minimum of two years of relevant 732/C&RL News Iowa State UniversityDean of Library ServicesIowa State University invites nominations and applications for the position of Dean of Library Services. The dean serves as the chief administrative officer of the University Library system and has primary responsibility for collection development and management, library services, budget, planning, and personnel for the library, and management of the library’s information technology.The dean reports directly to the provost and is the official representative and a November1997/733 undergraduate and graduate programs; assessing the collection and developing strategies for attaining the collection levels needed to support curricular offerings; and participating in cooperative collec­tion development activities in a three-institution consortium. Collec­tion development librarians work closely with the Materials Process­ing, Reference, and Access Teams as well as classroom faculty in managing the collection. Responsibilities include liaison work with selected departments and possibly som user needs. Broad knowledge of the publishing industry. Active interest in electronic resources and their impact on library collections. Effective written and oral communication skills. Preferred: Working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Experience with approval plans. Familiarity with electronic product licensing issues. Experi­ence or training in working in a multicultural environment. Appala­chian State University is located in western North Carolina, in the historic college town of Boone, nes FILM AND TELEVISION LIBRARIANUCLA LibraryUnderthe general direction of the Head of the Arts Library, has collection development and management responsibilities for the monographic and serial collections in film, television, and video art; works closely with the Head of the Arts Library and other Arts librarians to develop nonbook special collections in film, television, animation, and video art; participates in the development of the Arts Library’s electronic resources and Web pages; participates in schedul 734 / C&RL Neu‹s Dean of University Libraries(Search Reopened: Previous Candidates May Reapply)St. John’s University, New York, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of University Libraries. The individual selected for this position will provide the leader­ship and vision necessary to support, expand and advance the University Libraries’ goals and objectives in harmony with educational and research programs of the University and the University's Mission and Strategic Plan. A major component of the St November 1991/735 tenure-track and is available March 1, 1998. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, ad­dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by January 12,1998. Appalachian is an affirmative action, DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICESFASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY State University of New YorkThe Fashion Institute of Technology seeks an innovative and collaborative leader to serve as Director of Library and Media Services. The successful candidate will have a strong service orientation and superior management and interpersonal skills. Successful experience in integrating new information technologies into library services is essential.The library serves undergraduates, graduate students, and research sm and service orientation. Knowledge of a wide range of electronic/ nternet and print reference resources. Knowledge of HTML and xperience with Web page design. Ability to carry out assignments ndependently and cooperatively. Evidence of potential for earning enure and promotion as a library faculty member. Preferred qualifica­ions: Experience teaching in a hands-on computer laboratory. Expe­ience designing successful Web-based instructional modules. Su­ervisory experience/potential. Additional graduate de FIVE POSITIONSThe University of MississippiThe University of Mississippi Libraries invite applications and nominations for the following position. CATALOG LIBRARIANResponsibilities: Reporting to the Head of Technical Services, the Catalog Librarian is responsible for original and complex adaptive cataloging of monographs and serials in all subjects and languages for general and special collections. Works as a member of the cataloging team (two other professionals, three support staff, and numerous student a November1997/737 (Continued from previous page)and visitors in using materials from the Music Library/Blues Archive. Assist with maintenance of collections, including preparation of accession records for blues acquisitions and maintenance of blues subject files. In charge of the Music Library/Blues Archive, its staff, and its student assistants in the absence of the Librarian/Archivist.Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, awarded by December 31 ‚ 1997, with bachelor‘s degree in area relevant to the position. Ability 738/C& RI. News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireThe University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is seeking a dynamic and energetic leader as Director of Libraries. The candidate must possess innovative leadership skills and a demonstrated record of achievement in moving an academic library forward in supporting the curriculum. Candidate records must show management of a program including the development and application of electronicformats, automated library systemsandotherinformation and technology resources November1997/739 Lansing, positioned in the center of Michigan’s lower peninsula. Visit the libraries’ homepage at CMU (AA/EO institution) encourages diversity and resolves to provide equal oppor­tunity regardless of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or other irrelevant criteria.DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Southern Arkansas Univer­sity. Duties: Provide leadership for library; develop budgets, policies, priorities, and strategic plans; promote faculty-student relations and direct library technical challenges. Participate in formulation of OPAC policies and decisions, including display issues. Act as team leader for cataloging of serials and nontraditional materials, working with staff to plan and execute cataloging/access projects. Reports to Head, Bibliographic Control, in the Technical Sen/ices Division. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent at time of hire, knowl­edge of AACR2, LCSH, MARC formats, and guidelines under devel­opment for electronic resources 740/ C&RL News Schools of Business, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, and houses approximately 250,000 volumes; the Head of the Library is in charge of executing the annual operating and strategic plans to provide excellent service to students and faculty in these programs, as well as for some general undergraduate studies. The Head is responsible for hiring, training, and evaluating four professional librarians and, indi­rectly, five full-time support staff and approximately 7.0 FTE part-time staff; she/he also oversees library’s mission. The successful candidate will have strong collabo­rative and collegial skills, be familiar with strategic planning, and have a strong commitment to excellence in service. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience, from a base of $42,000. Librarians have limited faculty status, earn 20 vacation days, and have a standard package of fringe benefits, including university contribu­tions to TIAA/CREF. Qualified applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and the names, SOCIAL WORK LIBRARIANJackson State University School of Social WorkThe School of Social Work at Jackson State University is seeking to fill a Social Work Librar­ian position. This position requires a master’s degree in library science from an accredited program of the American Library Association and at least three years of professional library work experience, with a minimium of oneyear in an institution of higher education. Preference is given to substantial libtary work experience in the subject area (so INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANThe University of Northern ColoradoThe University of Northern Colorado seeks appli­cants for the position of Instructional Services Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Sci­ence, position number 20639.Required: Master's degree from an ALA-accred- ited library school; experience in a college, uni­versity, or research library. This is a manage- ment-level, term-track position. The position reports to the Associate Dean for Public Services and Personnel. Responsibleforpl innovative as well as traditional reference and research services to faculty and staff at the Loop Campus and supervises five full-time professionals, several part-time reference librarians, and students. The Head takes a leadership role in designing and implementing information services for Loop Campus Library constituencies, works closely with the Instruction Coordinator to support library instruction, participates in a comprehensive collection development program, and develops active working relationship manding and rapidly changing environment. Preferred qualifications include business reference experience; two or more years of supervi­sory experience; experience in an academic library; and a commit­ment to professional development. Excellent benefits include free tuition, medical/dental package, four weeks vacation, and TIAA/CREF pension plan. Salary starts at $41,000, depending on experience and education. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application with resume ASSISTANT BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL SERVICES LIBRARIANDARTMOUTH COLLEGE LIBRARYDartmouth College Library seeks an experienced catalog librarian to serve as Assistant Bibliographic Control Services Librarian.RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Bibliographic Control Services Librarian, the incumbent man­ages cataloging processes and creates catalog records for a wide variety of materials in many languages, subjects, and formats. Designs and implements procedures to integrate remotely accessed and locally maintaine 742/C&RL News TWO POSITIONSILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY MILNER LIBRARYIllinois State University’s Milner Library seeks two creative, energetic librarians for full-time, 12-month, tenur- track positions that provide ample opportunities for professional growth. As Illinois’ oldest public university, ISU strives to offer an outstanding undergraduate education to 17,500 undergrads in 35 disciplines, as well as to serve 2,500 graduate students through diverse master’s and doctoral programs. Milner Library supports those programs November1997/743 works very closely with the Head, Collection Management. Respon­sible for the management of the unit through the general administra­tion, planning, evaluation, and implementation of the unit’s collec­tions, reference services, and technical processing; promotes the unit’s holdings; selects specialized materials in a wide variety of formats; supervises support staff. Responsible for cultivating ties throughout the university, community, and the commonwealth. Shares responsibilities relating to general refere electronic preservation and access. Familiarity with emerging tech­nologies also a plus. Of particular importance are an understanding of the principles of text encoding (SGML and TEI guidelines); expe­rience in the digitization of archival materials; experience with Web page design, construction and maintenance; and knowledge of digital scanning systems and OCR. Ability to meet requirements for faculty advancement, including professional service and publication. Dem­onstrated experience in digital technolo INFORMATION LITERACY LIBRARIANOakland University, Rochester, MichiganThe Oakland University Library seeks a dynamic individual to initiate information literacy programs that will develop students’ lifelong learning skills. Additional assignments will include work in collection development and in other professional areas, based upon the library’s needs and the successful candidate’s qualifica­tions.Primary responsibilities: Building close working relationships with faculty and students in selected discipline 744/C&RL News Academic User Services, University Library Services, Virginia Com­monwealth University, VCU Box 2033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. Review of applications will begin December 15, 1997. Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Arkansas at Little Rock. The Ottenheimer Library at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has an immediate opening DEAN OF LIBRARIESJames Madison UniversityJames Madison University isseeking leadershipforthe university libraries. Located in Virginia’s beautiful Shenandoah Valley, James Madison University is a public, comprehensive university offering quality undergraduate education. The university also offers graduate programs at the master’s and doctoral level. James Madison University, often cited in the national media as one of the best regional public universities in the country, has been a leader in higher educatio personnel matters, improving procedures for more effective service, and reviewing document delivery services. Reference duties include helping to select reference titles, explaining CD-ROM services to students, interpreting the DRA system to patrons, and providing bibliographic instruction. Knowledge of the Internet and other online systems necessary. Position requires working closely with the class­room faculty and participating on faculty committees and in profes­sional organizations. MLS from an ALA-accr November1997/745 names of three professional references to: Maureen James-Barnes, Chair, Search Committee, Ottenheimer Library/UALR, 2801 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. University of Arkansas at Little Rock/Ottenheimer Library: Located in the capital city, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is one of five U-A system campuses. Student population is 11,000 as of fall 1997. For more information, visit the library’s Web page at, or e- mail the Search Committee Chair at mejames@ualr. graphic processing policy and procedures. The O/SM cataloger is responsible for original (descriptive and subject) cataloging of mono­graphic materials in a variety of languages, subjects, and formats, including music scores, monographs, dissertations, special/nonroutine materials, retroconversion, foreign language, audiovisual, and other nonbook materials; responsible for ensuring that all collections are represented in DU’s online catalog; coordinates workflow of all materials cataloged in the unit; works Director University Library Search ExtendedCleveland Stale University invites applications and nominations for the position ot Director of the University Library. The University seeks a dynamic and innovative leader who will provide vision and direction with regard to all aspects of Library operation, including the coordina­tion ot traditional library materials and services with the expansion of newinformation technology resources. The Director will report to the Provost through the Vice Provost tor Informa 746 / C&RL News Preferred: Cataloging experience in an academic library. Music cataloging experience. Experience with authority control, knowledge of a foreign language, knowledge of Innovative Interfaces Inc. systems, supervisory experience, and skill in working in a team environment. Salary: $30,000-$35,000. Benefits: TIAA/CREF pen­sion plan; medical, vision, and dental plans available; tuition ben­efits; 24 vacation days per year. Status: Faculty status, non-tenure track appointment. Deadline: Applications postmarked by a science/engineering/medical library and/or subject background. Effective interpersonal relations and communication skills. Preferred: Recent experience in user education; knowledge of Dialog and STN database searching: use of electronic resources. Salary. From $26,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave/year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names an November 1997/747 terns, and network applications. Excellent oral and written communi­cation skills essential as this individual will serve as a bridge between technical and nontechnical staff. Personnel supervisory experience preferred. The salary range for the Technical Services and Automa­tion Librarian is $37,697 to $44,765 and is enhanced by an excellent fringe benefits package. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a comprehensive résumé and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three work-related references. Additional documentation will be required after receipt of the initial materials. Official transcripts are required prior to employment. Forward all materials to: Errol M. Browne, Director of Human Resources, Lorain County Community College, 1005 Abbe Rd. North, Elyria, OH 44035. The screening process will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled an affirmative action, equal opportunity. Late Job ListingsAUTOMATED SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Re­sponsible for planning, implementing, and operating the library’s automated system, LAN and desktop environments, and Web based services; assessing and evaluating library computing needs; supervising hardware selection and installation; assisting in developing grant proposals for innovative technology applications; participating with ICSS team in planning and distributing library databases and curricular specific software. 748/C&RL News integrating the library program and technology with the curriculum and information services. The college is aggressively seeking a candidate with demonstrated leadership and management experience, along with demonstrated ability to work in a cooperative atmosphere with students, faculty, administrators, and consor­tium members. The Director is one of five professional librarians with nontenurable faculty status, with both staff and student support. The successful candidate will possess a master's degree (or ... Advertise your job openings __________in C&RL News__________