ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 304 Publications NOTICES • Cumulated ARL University Library Statis­ tics, 1962163 through 1978179, compiled by Ken- don L. Stubbs and David Buxton of the Universi­ ty of Virginia (1981), marks the end of a three- year effort on the part of the Association of Re­ search Libraries to increase the availability of sta­ tistical information on its member libraries. The statistics are available in two formats—book or magnetic tape—and it is anticipated that annual updates on punch cards will be available. In­ cluded are many data on salaries, enrollments, expenditures, num ber of degrees, amounts of federal support to universities, and much more. The book-format volume is available for $10 to ARL members, $15 to non-members, prepayment required, from the Association of Research Li­ braries, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. On magnetic tape (1600 bpi, 9-track, suitable for use with SPSS, BM, DP, SAS, and other statistical software) it is avail­ able from Kendon L. Stubbs, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901, for $40 prepaid. • Fees fo r Services, SPEC Kit # 74 (May 1981), examines ARL libraries fee structures for online searching, current awareness, interlibrary loan, photoduplication, microform duplication, and external user borrowing. The kit contains three general fees for services policies, one eval­ uation of the effect of fees on borrowing, four photocopy services documents, four interlibrary loan policy documents, twelve online search ser­ vice documents, and six examples of services poli­ cy publicity. It is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50 and to others for $15 (plus $2 per order handling charge), prepayment required, from the Systems and Procedures Ex­ change Center, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. • Japanese National Government Publications in the Library o f Congress: A Bibliography, com­ piled by Thaddeus Y. Ohta of LC’s Asian Divi­ sion (412 pages, 1981), contains 3,376 title en­ tries, including 350 bilingual or English docu­ ments. The entries are arranged under four major divisions: legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, and public corporations and re­ search institutes. The bibliography may be ordered for $13 from th e S uperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, W ashington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-001- 00097-4). 7th ANNUAL MICROFORM CONFERENCE November 16-17, 1981 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Sponsored by: Microform fîewewand the Micropublishing Committee of RTSD, American Library Association Registration Fee: Before October 16: $125.00; after October 16: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 2nd ANNUAL COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE CONFERENCE December 11-12, 1981 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Sponsored by: C om puter Equipment Review & Software Review Registration Fee: Before November 11: $125.00 after November 11: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 305 • LA Public Library since 1872: A Bicentennial Exhibition Honoring John D. Bruckman, 1928- 1979 (44 pages, 1981), is a catalog of 80 items from the rare books and special collections of the Los Angeles Public Library, selected for an ex­ hibition traveling in the Los Angeles area. It may be ordered from Romaine Ahlstrom, Collection Development Manager, Dept. JDB, Los Angeles Public Library, 630 W. Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071, for $6, postage included (California residents add $.36), with checks payable to the John D. Bruckman Trust Account. • The Library o f Congress Main Reading Room Reference Collection Subject Catalog, second edition, compiled by Ann Gardner (1981), provides subject access to the library’s largest ref­ erence collection and is a valuable guide to refer­ ence librarians who wish to improve their collec­ tions or identify reference books on a given sub­ ject. This edition lists holdings as of August 15, 1980, and includes 13,385 monographs and 3,930 serials arranged alphabetically by LC subject heading and then by main entry. The catalog is available for $28 from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-001- 00095-8). • Moving On: A Cuide to Finding Information on American Cities, by Martha Hamilton (20 pages, 1981), is designed to help those who are moving to a new locale find information such as cost of living, climate, job opportunities, etc., about their prospective living place. It may be ordered for $3 (prepayment required) from The Publications Committee, 015 Olin Library, Cor­ nell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY 14853. • Salary Compensation Systems fo r Librar­ ians, by William G. Jones, assistant university li­ brarian for collection development and informa­ tion services at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle (24 pages, May 1981), has been issued as OMS Occasional Paper number 5. The paper re­ ports on a study of compensation systems in ten large academic libraries and was prepared under the OMS Collaborative Research/Writing Pro­ gram. Copies may be obtained for $8, plus a $2 per order handling charge (prepayment required) from: SPEC Center, ARL Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. • Serials Holdings in the Linda Hall Library, 1981 includes all 36,000 entries in the library s serials records as of March 1981, covering current and retrospective titles and cross references. The 1981 edition supersedes the 1979 edition and has 1,600 additional entries. The price of $35 in­ cludes mailing. Send a purchase order to Linda Hall Library, Serials Records Division, 5109 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO 64110. • Staff Development, SPEC Kit #75 (99 pages, June 1981), focuses on programs and activities de­ signed to provide general skills training directly related to the work performed in a library. The kit contains nine descriptions of policies, plans, A c q u i s i t i o n L i b r a r i a n s ...... NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY THE BEST SOURCE FOR: • AN Y BOOK IN PRINT • accurate invoicing • meaningful reports • rush order service • competitive discounts • plus many other services CALL TOLL-FREE TODAY – 1– 800– 248– 1146– In Canada and Michigan: CALL COLLECT (517) 849-21 17 AN Y BOOK IN PRINT… means de­ livery to your library of “ any book in p rin t” from any publisher or distributor in the U.S. or Canada. We have no list of publishers you must check.................. WE ACCEPT THEM A L L ! 306 and needs assessments, two program descrip­ tions, eight examples of specific activities and evaluation tools, and four examples of program schedules and calendars. It is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50 and to others for $15 (plus $2 p er o rd er handling charge), prepayment required, from the Systems and Procedures Exchange Center, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Calendar O c to b e r 8—Scholarly Communication: “Research Librar­ ies and Scholarly Communication,” a sympo­ sium held as part of the University of Alabama Library’s sesquicentennial observance. Fee: $30. Contact: Charles E. Adams, Director of Conference Activities, Box 2967, University, AL 35486; (205) 348-6371. 12-14, 22-24—G rant Writing: A seminar series designed especially for higher education profes­ sionals, sponsored by the American Council on Education and the State University of New York, College of Technology at Utica/Rome, held in Washington, D.C., October 12-14, and in New Orleans, October 22-24. For further inform ation, contact the SUNY College of Technology, Division of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education, Utica, NY 13502; (315) 792-3334. 15-16— L ibrary Design: “Space Planning and Practical Design for Librarians,” a workshop conducted by Elaine and Aaron Cohen and sponsored by the University of Wisconsin- Extension, to be held at the Madison Inn, Madison, Wisconsin. Deadline for registration is October 1. Fee: $225. Contact: Darlene E. W eingand, Com m unication Programs, 610 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53706; (608) 262- 3566. 17-21—Colorado: Annual convention of the Colo­ rado Library Association at the Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs. The theme will be “Colorado Libraries and Their Users.” Contact: Michael Herbison, Program Chairman, c/o University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Library, Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80907; (303) 593-3115. 21-24—Africana: African Studies Association annual meeting, Bloomington, Indiana. The Archives-Libraries Committee will have a busi­ ness meeting, a meeting of the Cooperative Africana Microform Project (CAMP), and two panels sponsored by the committee. Contact: Daniel A. Britz, Bibliographer in Africana, 2nd ANNUAL PRESERVATION & CONSERVATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS CONFERENCE February 22-23, 1982 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia Chairperson: Nina Root, American Museum of Natural History Registration Fee: Before January 21,: $125.00 after January 21: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 2nd ANNUAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS & INFORMATION CONFERENCE March 26-27, 1982 Westpark Hotel, Arlington, Virginia C hairperson: Peter Hernon, im m ons G raduate School of Library Science Registration Fee: Before February 26: $125.00; after February 26: $150.00 For additional information contact: MRI Conferences, a division of Microform Review Inc. 520 Riverside Ave. Westport, CT 06880 (203) 226-6967 S