ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 215 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRE, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. OUT OF PRINT BOOK LANDERO, THE PERIPLUTIC BIB- LIODICIST, 11501 Sherman Way, North Hollywood, Ca. 91605, specializing in OP tomes in Literature, Social Sciences, Human­ ities, especially as listed in BCL, Lament, Essay Index, Granger, etc. Catalogs issued. Wants searched through personal peregrina­ tions and PAN-ANABASES. L.C. PROOF SLIPS WANTED August, 1968 —March, 1969. Need only English titles. Will give away foreign titles from August 1967— August 1968, March 1969—for postage. Con­ tact: Head Tech. Services Univ. of South Dakota Libraries, Vermillion, S.D. 57069. POSITIONS W AN TED LIBRARIAN, MAN, 44, married. M.A. (Lib.), Ph.D. (Romance) seeks challenging librarian- ship in quality program college or university. 17 yrs. exp., 13 as Hd. Libn. 9 yrs. college teaching, inch Ind. Study Program Direction. Primary interests: collection building, library- curriculum-research integration. Building planning exp. Available Sept. 1969. Box 759, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. MAN, 36, accredited M.L.S., experienced ref­ erence, branch head, head librarian. Prefer public services or administration. Innovative, energetic, knowledgeable. Minimum $9,800. Box 760, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Cataloging CATALOGER: Position open immediately. Cataloger with some experience needed for growing department. Fifth year library science degree, language facility required. New build­ ing with expanded operations under construc­ tion soon. Faculty rank, normal benefits, salary to $8,000 dependent upon qualifications. Posi­ tion available immediately. Contact Dean of Library Service, University of Montana, Mis­ soula, Montana 59801; Tel.: 406-243-2053. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LIBRARY is seeking candidates for 2 positions: (1) Science cataloger, with strong science background, (2) Romance languages cataloger. Knowledge of LC desired in both cases, but will consider recent graduate. Salary $7,500.00, higher for appropriate experience and additional degrees. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vacation; transportation to one professional meeting each year. Candidates must have library degree from ALA accredited library school. Position available July 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to: Eugene Petriwsky, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Uni­ versity of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colo­ rado 80302. HEAD CATALOGER for undergraduate men’s college library, adding 10,000 volumes annual­ ly. Supervise staff of 1½ professionals, 3-5 clerical. Improved salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD CATALOGER AND CATALOGERS with or without experience in LC Classifica­ tion needed in a new college library, Southern California. Salary open. Write Box 757, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER in rapidly expanding under­ graduate library. Unusual opportunity for be­ ginning cataloger. Salary and benefits advan­ tageous. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St, Chicago 60611. CATALOGER: $7500 and up, depending on qualifications. To direct cataloging, processing, and classification of book (L.C .). Requires MLS or BSLS. Does not require medical li­ brary experience. Apply to John A. Rindone, Librarian, Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery, 2105 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Missouri 64124. CATALOGER to assume the directorship of the existing department and plan control of all technical processing as additional staff are added. M.L.S. and some experience required. Salary open, depending upon experience. Ben­ efits include T.I.A.A., one month summer va­ cation plus academic Christmas and Spring vacations, academic status. Send resume to R. S. Emerick, Librarian, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York 14456. Miscellaneous THEOLOGICAL AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN in library serving liberal arts college and theological seminary. MLS and academic background in theology required. Salary open, with generous fringe benefits. Apply to Dr. Glen C. Stewart, Director, College and Seminary Library, Naperville, Illinois 60540. 216 CIRCULATION AND REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN. Challenging position in rapidly growing library, undergraduate men’s college. Supervisory experience essential. Interest in teaching library subject bibliography courses. Salary competitive. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. Multiple PROCESSING LIBRARIANS (4 ) needed to do varied work such as cataloging new books, preparation of analytics, acquisitions, serials management, computerization studies, systems analysis, etc. Salary range $9,000-$ll,000. Reference Librarian for reference work and general readers services duties in Krannert Li­ brary of Industrial Administration—salary $8,500-$9,500. Reference librarian to serve in general library, salary $7,500-$8,500. Engineer­ ing librarian to supervise departmental li­ braries, salary $9,000-$11,000. All positions carry full faculty status and require masters degree in library science. Salary in range de­ pendent on experience. Generous fringe bene­ fits, send resume to John H. Moriarty, director of libraries, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana 47907. TWO POSITIONS open in September in year old $2,500,000 Library Building of five year FOR THE RUSSIAN BOOK SECTION Reference and Source M a te ria l • Russian Literature: Classics, Contemporary • Linguistics and Literary Criticism • English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionaries • Russian Language Records, F olk Songs and Dramatic Readings • Children’s Literature • Books on Art • Books on Science • Textbooks on mathematics, geography, natural sciences, history, etc. • Socio-Economic Literature • Russian Atlases and Maps • Soviet Magazines and Newspapers Inquire about our out-of-print books and back issue magazines. W rite f o r Catalogs & Prices Phone 212 CH 2-4500 F O U R C O N T I N E N T B O O K C O R P . EPT 7 7 0 , 1 56 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10010D old University with almost 4,000 students growing at a rapid rate. 1) Circulation Li­ brarian: To be in charge of circulation, re­ serve room and microreader room. Staff of 5 plus student help. 2) Media Librarian: To develop new department providing A-V service to University. MLS degree or equivalent for both positions. Experience required for media position. Salary open. Apply to Aaron I. Michelson, Library Director, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama 36608. I CATALOG LIBRARIAN AND 1 REFER­ ENCE LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts college of 850 students, 60 faculty. L.S. degree required. Salary open. Air-conditioned library. College vacations plus 1 summer month, academic rank, insurance and retirement programs. Be­ gin 8/25. Write Vivian A. Peterson, Midland Lutheran College, Fremont, Nebraska 68025. LIBRARIANS: 1. Science Librarian, 2. Cata- loger, 3. Reference Librarian, 4. Circulation Librarian. Liberal Arts College—2,300 male students—over 260,000 volumes—MLS de­ gree—salary dependent upon experience—at­ tractive fringe benefits—in heart of New Eng­ land—40 miles from Boston. Send resume to: James M. Mahoney, Dinand Library, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts 01810. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed with us throughout the year by academic institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. Write for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEGE BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 60604. Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS. Po­ sitions available May 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian H, $7,908-$10,092). Assignment will involve work relating to fed­ eral and international documents. SERIALS ORDER LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS DE­ PARTMENT (Librarian HI, $9,372-$! 1,388). Supervises acquisi–program for serials. Experi­ ence desirable. Position available July 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian I, $7,146-$7,908). Assignment will involve work relating to federal and state documents. Posi­ tions available July 1, 1969 subject to approval of 1969/70 University Budget: CATALOGERS (Librarian III, $9,372-$ll,388). Prior experi­ ence and background in physical sciences desir­ able. (Librarian H, $7,908-$10,092). Prior ex­ perience, knowledge of a foreign language or a scientific field desirable. REFERENCE LI­ BRARIANS (Librarian H, $7,908-$10,092). General reference experience in an academic 217 library desirable. Appointment at lower clas­ sifications possible for most positions listed if requisite experience is lacking. Salary depend­ ent upon training and experience. Normally two years of professional experience is re­ quired for Librarian II appointments. Graduate degree in Library Science required. Davis is a pleasant university town 75 minutes by free­ way from San Francisco and the Bay Area. Apply to J. R. Blanchard, University of Califor­ nia Library, Davis, California 95616. Public Services LIBRARIAN I for public services in a new, dynamic public library. $1,380,000 building to be completed by January, 1970. Salary $581 to $742. Applicant with experience may start above first step. Promotion to Librarian II—$818 maximum—likely after one year. Send resume to: Mr. Clarence Boyd, 1961 Gabriel Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. INFORMATION SPECIALIST to serve needs of Colorado industry under State Technical Services Act. Provide reference, literature search and photocopy services with staff of one sub-professional plus student assistants. Participate in promotional activities including newsletters, displays, some local travel. Must be able to work with literature of sciences, business and technology in serving technical clientele. Initially under general direction of Business Librarian, position offers opportunity to assume increasing responsibilities for entire operation. Annual salary to $9,500.00 depend­ ing on qualifications. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vaca­ tion; transportation to one professional meet­ ing each year. Candidates must have MLS from ALA accredited library school. Position available approximately August 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. OREGON—WESTWARD HO!!! Rewarding challenge and professional growth await in position on Oregon State Library administrative staff. State Capital, Salem, offers choice living and recreation for sports or cultural interests. Near urban benefits, scenic Pacific and Cas­ cade natural wonders. Enjoy progressive civic activities or timeless qualities of nature in land of open space! We need: D IREC TO R OF READ ERS’ SERVICES. Administrative and supervisory responsibilities, as Division Direc­ tor, for acquisition, reference, loan record, and circulation services of State Library. Recom­ mends policy relating to public services and development of State Library collection. Fifth year Master of Library Science degree re­ quired, plus five years of progressively respon­ sible professional library service, including ad­ ministrative and reference experience. Salary negotiable, depending on qualifications, within $10,350-$12,360 pay range. APPLY: Oregon State Library, Salem, Oregon 97310, Telephone 364-2171, Ext. 308. Reference Services GENERAL REFERENCE, $7600 and up, de­ pending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 10 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hues- ton Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Associate Director and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. Subject Specialists RESOURCES SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Rutgers University. Library degree required, subject degree an d /o r experience desirable. Primary role: collection building. Salary $8,- 124-$10,560, usual fringe benefits, TIAA, etc. Apply to: Librarian, Rutgers University Li­ brary, New Brunswick, New Jersey. ASSISTANT RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Li­ brarian III, step 2, $9,852. Open October 1, 1969. Work with Assistant University Librarian for Resources and Technical Services in de­ velopment of non-serial Library resources in humanities and social sciences; supervise and review monographic bibliographic searching and distribution of monographs for cataloging. Advise with faculty members and librarians (including several subject bibliographers) or program needs and collection development priorities. Expedite specific requests for order­ ing; work with Acquisitions section (ordering and receiving) in expediting flow of orders and books and streamlining procedures. Par­ ticipate in review of current books received on blanket orders. Assist in administration and organizational planning of Monographs de­ partment, which includes also cataloging. Thorough knowledge of bibliographic tools and searching techniques, experience in acquisi­ tions, reading-level language competence ( espe­ cially French and German), solid academic preparation including a subject specialty in the humanities or social sciences, and superior initiative and flexibility are among the de­ sirable qualifications. This position offers a challenging opportunity both to grow with the developing programs of an academically demanding University and to contribute sig­ nificantly to their success. “We are an equal opportunity employer.” University of California, Riverside, California 92502. MATHEMATICS BIBLIOGRAPHER. Rutgers University. Library degree required, subject degree an d /o r experience desirable. Primary role: collection building. Salary $8,124-$10,560, usual fringe benefits, TIAA, etc. Apply to: Librarian, Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901. SCIENCE-OPTOMETRY LIBRARIAN. B.S. and accredited Library degree. Preferably M.S., some Science teaching experience, or comparable experience. Principal responsibili­ ties include bibliographic and reference service 218 to Science and College of Optometry faculty and students … complete liaison between library and Science departments and College of Optometry. Small, congenial library staff; new building; salary approx. $8500. Faculty rank; Blue Cross and Major Medical paid by University. Apply with credentials to Louis Flannery, Librarian, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116. Technical Services ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Highly re­ sponsible position in undergraduate men’s col­ lege library. Budget nearing $90,000 annually. Supervise staff of 3-4 nonprofessionals. At­ tractive salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Salary Range $ll,076-$13,440. Position Open July 1969. New state college for liberal arts open­ ing fall 1970 in new air-conditioned buildings. Near Bakersfield which has metropolitan pop­ ulation of 200,000, two hours north of Los Angeles. Master’s degree programs beginning 1973. Excellent professional opportunity for leadership in planning and developing an en­ tirely new library. One month vacation plus state holidays, liberal retirement benefits, sick leave and health insurance plans. Requires ap­ propriate professional experience to establish a technical processing department. Assist co­ ordination of commercially-cataloged initial collection of 50,000 volumes in LC before opening. Interest in machine-oriented projects is desirable. MLS, academic library experience, familiarity with LC, are essential. Apply to; Benton E. Scheide, Director of Libraries, Cali­ fornia State College, Bakersfield, 615 Cali­ fornia Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93304. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian H, step 4, $9,156. Open July 1, 1969. Assist in serials acquisition and resources develop­ ment in the humanities and social sciences in a rapidly growing Serials Department, and head the bibliographic searching section of the department. Some reference work will be possible. The Serials Department is organized to provide all services relating to serials. A good technical-bibliographic background in serials, experience in acquisitions, and a sub­ ject specialty in one of the humanities or so­ cial sciences are highly desirable. This position offers an excellent opportunity both to spe­ cialize in or gain mastery over technical-bibli­ ographic work along academic subject lines and to be involved in readers’ service. “WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY­ ER.” University of California, Riverside, Cali­ fornia 92502. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Catalogers, ac­ quisitions librarians, and public services spe­ cialist. Experience, one year administrative. M.L.S. Three year old state college library in formative stages in south Los Angeles County. Desire to be part of a dynamic academic en­ vironment is important. Salary $9,100-$10,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include one month vacation and California state retire­ ment. Contact: B. Gallo, California State Col­ lege, Dominguez Hills-Library, 809 E. Victoria Street, Dominguez Hills, California 90247. HEAD OF TECHNICAL PROCESSES to di­ rect order, serials and cataloging activities of a growing liberal arts college library of 85,000 vols. Converting to LC. Degree from ALA ac­ credited school and professional experience at a supervisory level. Salary $8,500-$! 1,000, de­ pending on experience. Generous benefits. Send resume to James E. Gaines, Jr., Library Director, Birmingham-Southern College, Bir­ mingham, Ala 35204. HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT. Oakland University has an immediate opening for an experienced Serials Librarian, who will super­ vise a staff of three (including one profession­ al) plus student assistants. Serials Head will work with faculty to develop the serials col­ lection, and will be responsible for tire Central Serials Record and binding preparation. Oak­ land is a rapidly expanding State University, set in beautiful surroundings, twenty-five miles north of Detroit. Acquisitions and circulation records are already on computer. The salary is $10,000, plus substantial fringe benefits. An M.L.S. from an accredited library school is required. Send resume to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. Expert Service on MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for ALL LIBRARIES ★ FAXON LIBRARIAN’S GUIDE available on request ★ Fast, efficient, centralized service for over 80 years. Library business is our only business! ★ F. W . F 15 A S X ou O thw N es t P C a r O k ., INC. W e s tw o o d , M ass. 0 2 0 9 0 ★ Continuous Service to Libraries Since 1886 219 H ow to fin d o u t y o u r o w n w o r k if is a ls o s o m e o n e e ls e ’s. “A t last!” “A t lastl” Some 220,000 doctoral dissertations have been published in this country and Canada during th e past 30 years. This year, an additional 22,000 are expected. W ith our centralized store of d a ta on this work, you can prevent your original research from turning o u t to be unnecessary duplication. 153,000 doctoral dissertations are already on microfilm in our files. And every year, dissertations from hundreds of universities are added. Then, key words from th e title of each one are programmed into our dateix computerized retrieval system. So if you give us th e key words th a t interest you, we can give you a list of all th e titles they appear in. ( In ju st a few working days, for example, we can supply you with anything from one title containing “styryltrim ethyl- amm onium ” to 21,427 with “stu d y ”.) In addition, dateix will show you where to find an abstract of each of these dd ’s in Dissertation Abstracts, which we pubhsh monthly. And if you w ant the dissertations themselves, dateix also tells you w hat it will cost for microfilm or xerographic copies. You can then get the copies from us for as little as $3 apiece. And have other researchers’ work lead you to the information you need to finish yours sooner. Or to avoid starting it. U 300 n N or i th v Ze e eb R r o s ad, i A t nn y Ar bo M r, M i i ch c . 48 r 10 o 3, ( fi 313) l 7 m 61-47 s 00 A XEROX COMPANZ XEROX 220 Cataloging U.S.A. A thorough and critical examination of library cataloging theory, principles, and practice as they have developed in the United States. A refreshing and stimulating approach to the “whys” of cataloging for students, staff members, and Look administrators. Paul S. Dunkin 192 pages Cloth LC 69-17680 SBN 8389-0071-2(1969) $3.00 a t Historical Sets, Collected Editions,and Monuments of Music what ’s A Guide to Their Contents, 2d edition A new edition of the unique, comprehensive bibliography of published music. Records and indexes major sets, including new definitive editions of individual composers’ works, and most of the major collections. Entries, using Library of Congress form, in the main, give composer or compiler, title of the collection, place of publication, publisher, date, collation, and contents of the collection. More than ten languages are repre­ sented with the Roman alphabet used throughout. More than one-third of the entries are new to this edition. Those retained from the 1957 edition have been extensively revised, ex­ panded, and updated. Composer-title-form or medium index. Indispensable to music libraries and major reference collections and important for general libraries serving musicians, musi­ cologists, and music students. Anna Harriet Heyer, compiler 392 pages Cloth LC 68-21021 SBN 8389-0037-2(1969) $23.00 International Subscription Agents An Annotated Directory, 2d edition Over 150 agents are listed alphabetically. Details given for each include: full address; names of countries and types of materials supplied; description of services; and business data. Uniform arrangement of all information and an index by country insures easy reference and use. Joint Committee, Serials and Acquisitions Sections Resources and Technical Services Division, A.L.A. 96 pages Paper LC 76-82235 SBN 8389-3099-9(1969) $3.50 oth er 1 9 6 9 titles The Bookmobile— A New Look $1.75 The Career of the Academic Librarian $4.50 Carnegie Libraries $8.00 Junior College Libraries: Development, Needs, and Perspectives $3.00 MARC Manuals Used by the Library of Congress $7.50 AMERICAN LIBRARY Public Library Systems in the United States ASSOCIATION A Survey of Multijurisdictional Systems $10.00 50 East Huron Street Work Simplification in Danish Chicago 60611 Public Libraries $6.75 221 Is Your College L ib ra ry L o s t in the C row d? (o f Public & School Libraries) Stand out from the Crowd and do business with a Jobber (Midwest Library Service) who has only College and University Libraries on his mind. We have been supplying College and University Libraries exclusively fo r 9 years w ith the books of all United States publishers. If you wish further information, please write or call us collect in St. Louis, Area Code 314, 845-3100. Midwest Library Service 11400 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, Missouri 63042 Document/Serials Librarian for assignment at the headquarters library of the International Labor Office (specialized agency of the United Nations), Geneva, Switzerland, under the general supervision of the Acquisitions Librarian. Duties: Organize and supervise the work of the Serials Unit which includes accessions and records, circulation, binding, updating and completing collections; Formulate recommendations for improving intake, especially in respect of govern­ mental serial publications; Assist in book selection and periodicals scanning; Par­ ticipate in the introduction and operation of an integrated computer-based docu­ ments control system. Conditions: U.S. or Canadian Nationality; Undergraduate degree in social sciences; Graduate library diploma; Fully satisfactory knowledge of either Eng­ lish or French with very good knowledge of the other (additional languages desirable); Experience with serials and especially government documents, pref­ erably in a social science library; Supervisory experience and experience and interest in mechanized serials operations desirable. Application forms and information may be obtained from— International Labor Office Washington Branch 917 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 222 aknOuncinG: Baker & Taylor’s UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE LIBRARY NEW - a n a - ut B omat O ic new O -boo K k sta S nding E orde R r pro V gram I CE expressly designed to meet the needs o f academic libraries This computer-based The Baker & Taylor University andCollege Library New-Book Service guarantees: new service directed by ■ SCREENING by highly skilled professional libra­rians of all new books published in English, in the professional librarians, United States and abroad, by University Presses as well as scholarly and trade publishers, to determine guarantees to bring their suitability for the program. ■ AUTOMATIC SHIPMENT of all new books as they are published, based on the profile or standing to the shelves of order requirements (either by subject area or by publisher) of each subscribing academic library. academic libraries ■ COMPUTER-PRINTED LC CARDS (headed or unheaded) on every title shipped, available at only all new relevant 150 a set.■ FULL ON-APPROVAL RETURN PRIVILEGES of books published any title not fitting a library’s individual needs.■ GENEROUS D ISCOUNTS based upon each in English library’s individual purchasing program.■ CONSTANT MAINTENANCE OF A HUGE INVEN­ that meet TORY OF BOOKS—the program is backed by the largest stock of books published by University their requirements. Presses, and scholarly and trade publishers, assur­ ing the most complete, fastest shipment of replace­ ment and back list titles available from any book wholesaler. We at Baker & Taylor believe th a t our University & College Library New-Book Service is the most comprehensive plan of its kind ever devised fo r academic libraries, with speed o f shipment unmatched by any other source. For fu rth e r information, or to have a representative call, please w rite to your nearest Baker & Taylor division. T H E BAKER & TAYLOR CO. o ld e s t and largest book wholesaler In the U.S. Eastern Division, Som erville N J 088 7 6 50 Kirbv Avenue Telsohom. 2 0 1 -7 22-8000, N Y. C ity T e l.: 212 -2 2 7 -8 4 7 0 ■ M idw est & Southern Division, Momence, III. 60954, Telephone: 815-472-2444, Chicago Tel.: 31 2 -3 4 6 .4 0 7 4 ■ Western Division, Reno, 380 Telephone; 7 0 2 -7 86-6700 • Inte rs ta te , Library Service Co. (A subsidiary). Oklahoma City, Okla. 73118, 46 0 0 NorthCooper,Telephone:405-525-6561 A lot of colleges re buying library books when they should be buying libraries. When you order your books through vour college the expense of having- the X erox College L ibrary Program, thousands of orders typed up and all you do to set up your library is mailed out. unpack it. Every book is listed in one anno­ We can send you th e complete tated catalog. All of th e m —or as few 2,000-volume Choice O pening Day as 100—can be h ad w ith one order. Collection*, along with 4,500 enrich­ And every book comes fully cata­ m ent titles (including Choice'’s O u t­ loged and processed to L C standards. standing Academic Books and 500 If you’re about to start a new col­ out-of-print titles from the ALA book­ lege li b r a r y - o r ad d to an existing list, Books for College Libraries). one—w rite for th e free X erox Col­ By ordering your library from us, lege L ibrary Program Catalog. you save yourself the tim e and trou­ Then, you’ll be able to stop buy­ ble of going through hundreds of ing your library book by book. And catalogs and booklists. A nd you save start buying your books by the library. U 300 n N or i th v Ze e eb R r o s ad. i A t nn y Ar bo M r, M ic id i. 48 r 10 o 3, (31 fi 3) lm 761-47 s 00 A XEROX cOMPANY XEROX *A BOOKLIST COMPILED BY RICHARD J. LEITZ, WILLIAM A. PEASE AND THE EDITORS OF C H O IC E". CHOIC E" IS A PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ANO RESEARCH LIBRARIES, A DIVISION O f THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. a INTRODUCING Programs–In–Progress Encyclopedia Edited by Tames Ruffner Through identification and description of action-oriented groups, Programs–in–Progress Encyclopedia ( PIPE) will provide the an­ swers to basic questions on thousands of subjects of high current interest. On a continuing basis, PIPE will bring de­ tailed information to librarians and re­ searchers concerning the goals, scope, and leadership of special, limited-term federal. A few of the more than 275 programs include BOMEX Civil Rights Documentation Project Emergency Committee on Gun Control Eriendship Acres Harlem Cultural Council Legal Services Program Model Cities Program For the most part listings will be limited to timely activities of national scope and to the more highly innovative state and local programs. Each entry will cover such use­ ful points as: (1) Name and address of organization; (2) Director, secretary, and number of members; (3) Objectives and Programs–In–Progress Encyclopedia will be published quarterly, with some 1,200 or more listings per yearly volume. Alphabetical and keyword indexes in each issue cumulate throughout the year. Annual subscription price of $25.00 includes a loose-leaf binder for quick, easy storage. state and local government committees and commissions functioning outside normal governmental structures; intra-organizational task forces assigned to conduct studies and make recommendations to business, indus­ try, education, labor unions, foundations, etc.; and citizen-action programs aimed at dealing with the crucial social, economic, political, cultural, and technological prob­ lems of our time. d in the first issue are: Offender Rehabilitation Project Project Plowshare Smarteens Urban Language Study Women’s Talent Corps World Order Models Project Youth Opportunities Unlimited programs; (4) Special services; (5) Publi­ cations; (6) Data on recurring meetings, conferences, and special programs, with notes on who is eligible to attend; and (7) Names of sources of support and affiliated groups. Arranged alphabetically, the entries run the gamut from air pollution to zoology. Published Quarterly 300 Entries Per Volume $25.00 Per Annual Subscription Order On Thirty-Day Free Trial Examination GALE RESEARCH COMPANY Book Tower, D etroit, M ichigan 48226