ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 108 / C&RL News ■ February 1998 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s ACRL Bylaws A proposed revision Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the As­ sociation of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), hereafter referred to as the Associa­ tion. Article II: Object The Association is a forum for and an advo­ cate of academic and research librarians and library personnel. The object of the Associa­ tion is to provide leadership for the develop­ ment, promotion, and improvement of aca­ demic and research library resources and ser­ vices, and to facilitate learning, research, and the scholarly communication process. Article III: Relationship to the American Library Association The Association is a division of the American Library Association. The constitution and by­ laws of that organization, to the extent that they are applicable, take precedence over the by­ laws of this organization. Article IV: Membership and Dues Section 1. Members. Any person, library, or other organization that is a member of the American Library Association may become a member of the Association upon payment of ACRL’s annual dues. Section 2. Rights. Every personal member of the Association has the right to vote, to hold any association-wide office, and/or to serve on committees. Every personal member of a given section has the right to vote, to hold any of­ fice, and/or to serve on committees in that sec­ tion. Organizational members shall receive those publications given as prerequisites of membership to personal members. Section 3. Dues. The amount of personal member dues shall be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors with the approval of the membership in a mail vote. Organizational dues shall be determined by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors. Section 4. Sections. With payment of the Association’s annual dues, personal members may elect membership in two sections. Other sections may be selected at additional cost. Section 5. Membership year. The Association’s membership, fiscal, and program year shall be the same as that of the American Library Association. Section 6. Elective & appointive year. The term of office for elective and appointive posi­ tions of the Association, which are filled annu­ ally, shall be the period beginning with the adjournment of the annual conference and ending with the adjournment of the succeed­ ing annual conference. Terms of office for elec­ tive positions occupied longer than one year shall be calculated from the adjournment of the annual conference. Article V: Officers Section 1. Officers. The officers of the As­ sociation shall be a president, a vice-president who shall also be the president-elect, and an immediate past president. Section 2. Terms of office. The vice-president shall be elected from the personal members of the Association and shall serve a one-year term as vice-president, a one-year term as president, and a one-year term as immediate past presi­ dent. Section 3. Responsibility and authority. The officers shall perform the duties pertaining to their respective offices and other such duties as may be defined by the Board of Directors. a) President. The president shall serve as chair of the Board of Directors. The presi­ dent, during his/her year, shall make appoint­ ments to fill positions that become vacant on standing and special committees during the year. The president shall perform such duties as are necessarily incident to the office of presi­ dent or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. The president shall represent the Association within the library and higher edu­ cation communities, and other appropriate fo­ rums, to advance the mission and goals of the Association. b) Vice-president. The vice-president shall succeed to the office of the president. The vice-president shall perform such duties as are delegated or assigned by the president or the Board of Directors, and shall perform the du­ ties of president in the event that individual is unable to serve. The vice-president shall make all appointments to fill vacancies on standing and special committees that are due to occur during the year of his/her presidency. C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 109 c) Immediate past president. The imme­ diate past president shall perform such duties as are delegated or assigned by the president or the Board of Directors and shall represent the Board as an ex-officio member of its edito­ rial boards. Article VI: Executive director Section 1. Executive director. The executive director of the Association shall be appointed by the executive director of the American Li­ brary Association in concurrence with the ACRL Board of Directors. The Association’s officers shall form the personnel committee for the ex­ ecutive director. Section 2. Responsibility and authority. The executive director shall be responsible for all management functions of the Association. The executive director shall manage and direct all activities of the Association as prescribed by the Board of Directors and shall be respon­ sible to the Board; shall submit reports as re­ quired by the Board of Directors; shall serve as an ex-officio member without the vote of the Board of Directors; and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to this position by the Board of Directors. The executive director shall assist the president in representing the Association within the library and higher edu­ cation communities. Article VII: Budget and Finance Committee Chair The ACRL Budget and Finance Committee chair is a member of the ACRL Board of Directors and serves on its executive Committee. The Budget and Finance Committee chair provides leadership in maintaining the financial health of the Association and each year brings to the Board a recommended budget and recom­ mended fiscal policies. The Budget and Finance Committee chair is appointed by the vice-presi­ dent for a term not to exceed two years after having served as a member of the committee for a minimum of one year. Article VIII: ACRL Councilor The ACRL councilor represents the interests of the Association on the ALA Council. The ACRL councilor is a member of the ACRL Board of Directors and serves on its Executive Commit­ tee. The councilor reports to the Board of Di­ rectors on ALA Council activities and receives direction from the Board regarding positions to be taken on ALA Council issues. The coun­ cilor is elected in accordance with the consti­ tution and bylaws of the American Library As­ sociation. Article IX. Board of Directors Section 1. Members. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Association, the chair of the Budget & Finance Committee, the ACRL councilor, and eight elected directors-at-large. The ACRL executive direc­ tor shall be an ex-officio member without vote. Section 2. Responsibility & authority. The governing body of the association shall be the Revising the bylaws In 1995 the ACRL Constitution and By­ laws Committee, chaired by Nicholas Burckel, was charged with streamlining the constitution and bylaws of the association. This request was made in order to make the documents more compatible with the ALA constitution and to remove references to a position that no longer existed— chair of the Planning Committee. After presenting a revised constitution, which was approved by the ACRL Board, it was learned that neither IRS regulations nor the state of Illinois require a not-for- profit organization to have both a consti­ tution and bylaws. The ACRL Executive Committee thus advised the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to combine the ex­ isting documents and changes into one, to be named ACRL Bylaws. The bylaws were then presented to the ACRL Board at the 1997 Annual Confer­ ence, and the pending change was an­ nounced at the general membership meet­ ing. Further discussions were held by the Board during the fall of 1997, prior to completion of the draft bylaws presented here. The Board approved this draft in two separate votes. Thanks for a great deal of work are due to current and former members of the ACRL Constitution and Bylaws Com­ mittee: Deborah Abston, Nicholas Burckel (chair, 1994-96), Carol Ritzen Kem, Will­ iam Louden, Nancy Magnuson (chair, 1996-98), Patrick Mullin, Michele Reid, Robert Paustian, Aline Soules, and Rob­ ert Wick. The committee and the Board are en­ thusiastic about this new, leaner docu­ ment and hope the membership will agree that it better suits the needs of the asso­ ciation. Members will be asked to approve the bylaws changes on the spring 1998 ballot. 1 1 0 / C&RL News ■ February 1998 Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall direct the affairs of the association; determine its policies or changes therein; actively encour­ age support for its goals; establish financial policies of the association and be accountable for association assets; and be responsible for the interpretation of these bylaws. The Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as shall be deemed ad­ visable, and may, in the execution of the pow­ ers granted, delegate certain of its authority and responsibility to such agents as it may con­ sider necessary. The Board shall delegate the day-to-day operations of the Association to the executive director. Section 3. Directors-αt-Lαrge. Directors- at-large shall be elected from the personal mem­ bers of the Association for terms of four years. a) One director-at-large shall be elected based upon nominations from the University Libraries Section; one shall be elected based upon nominations from the College Libraries Section; one shall be elected based upon nomi­ nations from the Community and Junior Col­ lege Libraries Section; two directors-at-large shall be elected based upon nominations from the Chapters Council; two shall be elected based upon nominations from the Sections Council; and one director-at-large shall be elected based upon nominations from the Di­ visional Nominations Committee. b) These terms shall overlap so as to ensure continuity of policy. The election of directors-at-large based on section and coun­ cil nominations shall be scheduled consecu­ tively: year 1, University Libraries Section and Chapters Council; year 2, College Libraries Sec­ tion and ACRL Sections Council; year 3, Com­ munity and Junior College Libraries Section and Chapters Council; year 4, ACRL Sections Coun­ cil, and the at-large candidate. On the ballot, all nominees shall be listed as candidates for “directors-at-large.” c) Once elected director-at-large, a Board member may not serve as chair or as Board liaison officer of an ACRL section, chapter, or council for the duration of the four-year term. Nor may an elected director-at-large serve in that capacity on the Executive Committee of an ACRL section, chapter, or council. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Board of Directors, a simple majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. Meetings of the Board. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held no less than four (4) times each program year, twice each during the American Library Asso­ ciation Midwinter Meeting and the American Library Association Annual Conference. Con­ ference call meetings of the Board may be called by the president or at the request of seven (7) members of the Board. Actions of the Board shall be reported in writing not later than the next Board meeting. Section 6. Absence. Any elected officer or director who shall have been absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors during a single program year shall automatically vacate the seat on the Board of Directors and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in these bylaws; how­ ever, the Board of Directors shall consider each absence of an elected officer or direc­ tor as a separate circumstance and may waive such absence by affirmative vote of a major­ ity of its members. Section 7. Compensation. Directors and elected officers shall not receive any compen­ sation for their services. Article X: Executive Committee Section 1. Members. The Executive Commit­ tee shall consist of the officers of the Associa­ tion, the ACRL councilor, the chair of the Bud­ get and Finance Committee, and the ACRL ex­ ecutive director who shall serve without vote. Section 2. Responsibility and authority. The Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the Board of Directors between Board meet­ ings and may: a) act for the Board and make decisions on matters which: (1) require action before the next Board meeting, (2) have been specifically delegated by the Board to the Executive Committee, (3) affect the budget and require im­ mediate action; b) act for the Board in the administration of established policies and programs and make recommendations to the Board with respect to matters of policy and operations; and c) review ACRL activities and programs and recommended priorities. The Executive Committee’s actions shall be re­ ported in writing not later than the next meet­ ing of the Board. Section 3. Call of meetings. The President of the Association shall call meetings of the Executive Committee as the business of the As­ sociation requires. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Executive Committee, a simple majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Article XI: Nominations Section 1. Committee. A committee to nomi­ nate candidates for vice-president, for ACRL councilor, and for one ACRL director-at-large shall be appointed by the vice-president at such times as to enable the committee to meet dur­ ing the annual meeting preceding the one at C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 111 which the results of the election are to be announced. Candidates for elective positions within sections shall be chosen as each sec­ tion determines. Written consent must be secured from each candidate. Section 2. Reporting. The Nominating Committee shall report in writing the names of nominees for elective offices of the Asso­ ciation a whole one month prior to the an­ nual conference. Section 3 . Nominations by Others. Nomi­ nations other than those of the Nominating Committee signed by no fewer than 20 mem­ bers of the Association shall be accepted and placed on the ballot if they are filed with the executive director of the Association at least three months before the date on which the ballots are to be mailed. Written consent of the nominees must accompany such nomi­ nations. Article XII: M eetings Section 1. General meetings. The Associa­ tion shall hold an annual meeting at the time and place of the annual conference of the American Library Association. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors. One hundred members shall constitute a quorum of the Association for the transaction of all business. Section 2. Section meetings. Meetings of the sections shall be held in accordance with the Section’s bylaws at the time and place of the annual conference of the American Li­ brary Association. Other meetings may be called by the chair or other controlling agency of the section. Article XIII: Elections Section 1. Right to vote. All personal mem­ bers of the Association shall be eligible to vote on the elective positions of the Associa­ tion. Only personal members affiliated with a section shall vote for its officers. Section 2. Elections, (a) Association. Elec­ tions to elective positions for the Associa­ tion as a whole shall be by mail vote. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be de­ termined by lot. (b) Sections. Election to elec­ tive positions for sections shall be made as each determines. The election of officers shall be reported in writing to the executive di­ rector. Article XIV: Chapters, Sections, Discussion Groups, & Committees Chapters, sections, and discussion groups of the Association may be organized and com­ mittees may be authorized as necessary by the Board of Directors. Article XV: Chapters Section 1. Affiliation. The Board of Di­ rectors may recognize a chapter of the Asso­ ciation in any state, province, territory, or region upon the petition of 25 personal mem­ bers of the Association residing or employed within the area. Section 2. Bylaws. A chapter may adopt its own bylaws provided there is no conflict between them and bylaws of the Association. Section 3 . Members and officers. A chap­ ter may admit members who are not mem­ bers of the national Association; however, the president (chair) and the vice-president (vice-chair) of each chapter shall be mem­ bers of the national Association. Section 4. Disaffiliation. A chapter affili­ ation may be dissolved at its request by the Board of Directors of the Association and it shall be so dissolved if the chapter becomes inactive or fails to comply with the provi­ sions of this article. Section 5. Chapters Council. The Chapters Council shall consist of the president (chair) and vice-president (vice-chair) of each ACRL chapter or a delegate who is a member of the executive board of the chapter. Each member of the Chapters Council shall be a member of the national Association and be knowledgeable about both chapter and na­ tional ACRL activities. Section 6. Directors-at-large candidates. The ACRL Chapters Council shall nominate candidates to fill two (2) directors-at-large positions on the Association’s Board of Di­ rectors. Article XVI: Sections Section 1. Establishment. Any group of 25 or more members of the Association, repre­ senting a field of activity in general distinct from those of the existing sections and within the scope of the Association’s field of inter­ est, may organize a section upon receiving approval from the Board of Directors. Sec­ tions shall be composed only of Association members. Section 2. Bylaws. Each section shall pro­ pose its own bylaws for the approval of the Board of Directors. Section 3 . ACRL Sections Council. The ACRL Sections Council shall consist of the chair and vice-chair of each ACRL section. Section 4. Dissolution. A section may be dissolved at its request by the Board of Di­ rectors of the Association and shall be so dissolved if it becomes inactive or fails to comply with the provisions of this article. Section 5. Directors-at-large candidates. The ACRL Sections Council, excluding the chairs and vice-chairs of the three types of library sections, shall nominate candidates to fill two 112 / C&RL News ■ February 1998 (2) directors-at-large positions on the Association’s Board of Directors. A rticle XVII: Discussion groups Section 1. Establishment. Any group of ten or more members of the Association inter­ ested in discussing common concerns that fall within the objectives of the Association, but are not within the responsibility of a single section, may form a discussion group upon written petition from the group and upon approval of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Members. Membership in a dis­ cussion group shall be open to members of the Association who are interested in the pur­ pose of the group. Section 3 . Leadership. Each group shall an­ nually appoint a leader and other positions as appropriate. In addition to the regular duties of the office, the leader shall insure that the group’s activities are limited to dis­ cussion of common concerns within the pur­ pose of the group and that the Association’s bylaws are observed by the group. Section 4. Dissolution. A discussion group may be dissolved at its request by the Board of Directors of the Association and shall be so dissolved if it becomes inactive (as evi­ dent by failure to meet at three consecutive ALA conferences) or fails to comply with the provisions of this article. Article XVIII: Com m ittees Section 1. Authorization. Committees of the Association as a whole shall be autho­ rized by action of the Association or the Board of Directors, except as otherwise pro­ vided in the bylaws. Section 2. Standing committees. Standing committees may be established to consider matters of the Association that require conti­ nuity of attention by the members. When such a committee is established, its function, name, and size shall be determined. Unless other­ wise approved by the Board of Directors, full members of standing committees shall be ap­ pointed for terms of two years and may be reappointed for a second, but not a third consecutive term. In no case shall a person serve on a committee for more than five con­ secutive years. Appointments shall be made in such a manner as to provide continuity in membership. Section 3 . Interns. To encourage broad participation, interns may be appointed to committees for a one-year term. Section 4. A ppointm ent. The vice-president shall appoint committee mem­ bers to fill the vacancies due to occur during his/her term as president; he/she may name the chair of each committee or request the committee to elect its own chair. Special ap­ pointments to fill vacancies on committees may be made by the president. Committee members must be personal members of ACRL, and they must adhere to American Library Association policies. Section 5. Discontinuance. A committee may be discontinued only by the agency au­ thorizing it. A rticle XIX: Vacancies Section 1. Elective positions. Appointments to fill vacancies in elective positions of the Association as a whole, with the exception of president and vice-president, shall be made by the Board of Directors until it is possible for the Association to fill the vacancy at the next regular annual election. a) A vacancy in the office of the presi­ dent shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the vice-president. This succession shall not prevent a person who succeeds to the presidency because of a vacancy from serving his/her normal term as president the next year. b) A vacancy in the office of the vice-president shall be filled by election at the next regular annual election. The suc­ cessful candidate shall then serve a one-year term as president and a one-year term as immediate past president. c) If vacancies occur in the offices of president and vice-president within the same term, the Board of Directors shall elect as president one of the directors-at-large for the remainder of the term. When a regular elec­ tion is next held, a president and vice-president shall be elected. d) A vacancy in the office of immedi­ ate past president shall not be filled until that term expires. e) Vacancies on the Board of Direc­ tors shall be filled by election for the remain­ der of the vacating members’ term. Elections will occur at the regular election immediately following the vacancy. f) Appointments to fill vacancies on a committee of the Association as a whole shall be made by the president. Article XX: M ail and electronic votes Section 1. Membership. Mail votes of the membership of the Association may be au­ thorized between meetings by the Board of Directors, provided all members are can­ vassed simultaneously. Such mail votes shall be conducted under the same require­ ments as votes at meetings. If no time limit is set, no vote shall be counted unless re­ ceived within 30 days from the day the text of the matter voted upon was mailed and properly addressed to those entitled to vote upon it. C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 113 Section 2. Board of Directors. Mail or elec­ tronic votes of the Board of Directors may be taken provided they are authorized by the officers of the Association and all voting Board members are canvassed sim ulta­ neously. An affirmative vote of a simple ma­ jority of the voting Board members shall be required to pass a motion. On each mail or electronic vote, each voting Board member shall have the option of voting for or against the motion, to abstain, or to hold for discus­ sion at the next regularly scheduled meet­ ing. Time limits shall be the same as stated above in Section 1 of this article. Actions shall be confirmed at the next regular meeting of the Board. Section 3. Committees. Mail or electronic votes of duly constituted committees may be taken by the chair of such committees. An af­ firmative vote of a simple majority of the com­ mittee members shall be required to pass the motion. Voting option and time limits shall be the same as stated above in Section 2 of this article. Section XXI: Parliam entary a u th o rity The parliamentary authority used by this As­ sociation shall be the same as that used by the American Library Association. Article XXII: Am endm ent of bylaws Section 1. Proposals. Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors; by any standing committee of the Association in writing to the Board of Direc­ tors; or by a petition signed by 25 or more members of the Association. Section 2. Board action. A proposed amendment to the bylaws shall be voted upon by Association members after it has been approved by a majority of the Board members present and voting at two consecu­ tive meetings held not less than two months apart. Section 3 . Notice. Written notice of the text of the amendment shall be provided to mem­ bers at least one month before consideration. Section 4. Voting. Amendments may be voted upon by members either by mail bal­ lot or at a public membership meeting. a) If by mail ballot, the bylaws amend­ ment is accepted if a majority of those mem­ bers participating vote in favor of the amend­ ment. b) If at a public membership meeting, the bylaws amendment is accepted if a ma­ jority vote of the members, present and vot­ ing, vote in favor of the amendment. Section 5. Adoption. If not otherwise specified, a proposed amendment becomes effective as soon as it has been approved as described above. (NASULGC cont. from page 101) American Universities. The upshot of the stimu­ lating, wide-ranging conversation was twofold. First, it became clear that at least some pro­ vosts now realize that many “library” issues, such as the spiraling cost of serials or the li­ censing difficulties of digital information, are really systemic issues for the whole academy to grapple with. The second result was an invitation for librarian participation in a half­ day program at the Council on Academic Af­ fairs’ summer meeting, and consequent op­ portunity to bring these matters to the attention of many more of the member chief academic officers. There will also be a separate summer meeting of the Commission on Information Technology in conjunction with the Com­ missions on Outreach and Technology Trans­ fer and on Extension, Continuing Education, and P u blic Service on the theme: “Cyberpartners: Will It Change the Way We Collaborate?” It will be held June 3-5 at the Chicago Hilton and Towers. While only 15 or so librarians participated in the NASULGC Annual Meeting, it is hoped that more will attend and form a visible presence at this summer program. NASULGC is comprised of some 180 land- grant and public colleges and universities, all of whose librarians fall under that member­ ship eligibility. It is an influential organization whose attention is increasingly riveted on all the issues of importance, both to individual libraries and to ACRL. More participation by librarians can only benefit us all. (Making collections work cont. from page 99) hand. Catalog records that routinely include subject access will enable our users to ex­ ploit the full promise of automated systems and the MARC format, at the very moment when on-site browsing takes a back seat to remote access and the associated reliance on online records. Measures to track more pre­ cisely interlibrary loan traffic will open the way both to new strategies for cooperative collection development and to the creation of a shared, cost-effective “digital library.” N ote 1. My colleague Barbara Halporn intro­ duced me to this happy phrase. 1 1 4 / C&RL News ■ February 1998