ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ February 1998 / 115 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynn E. Bradley On th e congressional agenda As the Senate and House prepare to con vene the second session of the 105th Con gress, there are several key issues of impor tance pending for academic librarians. Las month we wrote about the important de bates proceeding on intellectual property, which should remain a number one legisla tive priority for library supporters. (See C&R News, January 1998, on cyber-copyright bills, page 30.) This session of the 105th Con gress should also see a return to efforts to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, but few new specifics are known at this time about which titles or issues they will ad dress first within HEA. The president’s pro posed FY99 budget has not yet been re leased, so there will be much more to report in next month’s column. Expect battles over most appropriations issues, especially given the overlay of an election year. The universal service fund On the other side of town, the FCC quietly completed work on another issue impor­ tant to colleges and universities. On Decem­ ber 30, the FCC exempted nonprofit schools, colleges, and libraries from the requirement to contribute to the universal service fund. There had been confusion about whether colleges and universities, in particular, would be required to contribute to the universal service fund to the extent that they provide interstate te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s on a non-common carrier basis. While the FCC has “permissive authority” over “other pro­ viders of interstate telecommunications,” the commission concluded that the public in­ terest would not be served if the FCC were to exercise its authority in this instance. The FCC cited two reasons for this con­ clusion. First, many of these entities will be eligible to receive universal service support, and “it would be counterproductive to the goals of universal service” to require recipi­ ents to contribute because it would, in ef­ Lynne E. Bradley is deputy executive dire cto r o f ALA's Washington Office; e-mail: ­ ­ ­ t ­ ­ L ­ ­ ­ ­ fect, reduce the support they receive. Second, the FCC said “it would be incon­ sistent with the educational goals of the uni­ versal service support mechanisms to require colleges and universities to contribute to uni­ versal service.” The commission will treat nonprofit schools, colleges, universities, li­ braries, and health care providers as telecom­ munications end users, thus they will not be required to contribute to the universal ser­ vice fund, even if they derive revenues from the provision of interstate telecommunica­ tions to others. This FCC decision was part of an end-of-year order providing a number of clarifications and mid-course corrections on issues raised by petitioners and others who commented on the commission’s previ­ ous three orders on universal service issues. The FCC’s Fourth Order on Reconsideration (FCC 97-420) was issued December 30, 1997. (FCC orders are available electronically from the FCC at service/.) The ALA had earlier written sepa­ rately and together with the National Asso­ ciation of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) and several other na­ tional higher-education organizations in let­ ters to the FCC indicating that colleges and universities, schools and libraries, should not be subject to a requirement to contribute to universal service. ALA will continue to moni­ tor these various issues. More to come as Congress returns from winter recess with many agenda items and a fall election cam­ paign on the horizon. ACRL encourages y Digital Copyright ActtSupport heou to support Sen. Jo h n Ashcroft’s (R-Missouri) D ig ita l C opyright Clarification an d Technol­ ogy Act (S. 1146) and the D igital Era C opyright Enhancement Act, jointly in­ troduced by Reps. Rick Boucher (D-Vir- ginia) and Tom Campbell (R-California) (H.R. 3048). Please contact your House and Senate delegations requesting them to co­ sponsor the bills. (See page 76 for details.)