ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 7 6 /C & R L News In the News “Every Librarian a L eader” w as clearly the them e o f ACRL’s m any program s offered at the ALA A nnual C onference in N ew York. Then- president Patricia Senn Breivik’s program tril­ ogy w as given a dynam ic start b y consultant Dadie Perlov, w h o d e b u n k e d myths about lead­ ership and encouraged participants to find their leadership styles. Reports o f this an d other ACRL program s begin o n page 488. This issue also contains a rep o rt o f the re­ cent actions of th e ACRL B oard o f D irectors (page 500) as w ell as a call for nom inations for the 1997 ACRL aw ards program (p ag e 511). Do take th e time to nom inate a colleague for rec­ ognition or apply for an ACRL aw ard yourself. Septem ber m arks tw o im portant events for C&RL News: 1) the beginning o f a yearlong cel­ eb ratio n o f its 30th anniversary, a n d 2) th e launch o f a new W eb site. C&RL News began life in March 1966 as ACRL News, a su p p lem en t to College & Research Li­ braries. In January 1967, C&RL News w as p u b ­ lished as a separate entity. The C&RL News Edi­ torial B oard an d I have d ev elo p ed a yearlong celebration o f this 30-year anniversary. Edito­ rial B oard chair Pam Snelson shares th e details an d a bit of C&RL News history o n p ag e 512. As part of the celebration w e will feature a prom i­ n ent librarian each m onth. W e begin w ith a re­ m em brance o f Keyes Metcalf o n page 531 - B eginning this m onth, C&RL NewsNet, the abridged version of C&RL News p o sted o n the Internet, launches its ow n hom epage. N ow that C&RL NewsNet is on th e W eb, w e can offer you the convenience o f hotlinks directly from the Internet resources article and “Internet Reviews” colum n to the sites review ed. W e h o p e y o u ’ll enjoy this new feature. W e will continue o u r practice o f loading the n ew inform ation o n the W eb a few w eeks before th e p rinted m agazine reaches you. —Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor & P ublisher medavis@