ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries S eptem ber 1 9 9 6 / 4 7 9 B row n Library at (401) 863-2725; fax: (401) 863- 3477; o r e-mail: K aren_D em aria@ brow Penn Library launches digital im aging project T h e U niversity o f P en n sy lv an ia Library has form ed the C enter for Electronic T ext a n d Im ­ age (CETI) to increase th e accessibility o f origi­ nal resources u n iq u e to Penn. Paul H. Mosher, vice-provost an d director of libraries, said, “CETI is an electronic research collection created to su p p o rt scholarship b o th at P enn an d am ong th e academ ic com m unity at large.” Exam ples o f w h at is currently available in CETI are p h o ­ tographs o f Indian tem ple art, early editions o f S hakesp eare plays, w o m e n ’s diaries (m ainly from the 19th century), an d fragm ents from the Cairo G enizah d o cu m en tin g six centuries o f Jew ish culture. Visit th e CETI W eb site at http: //w w w . library.u p e n n .e d u /e te x t/. N ew Je rse y residents benefit from reciprocal agreem ent U n d er a recip ro cal a g re e m e n t b e tw e e n the W ayne P ublic Library an d W illiam Paterson College (WPC), b o th located in W ayne, New Jersey, W ayne residents over th e age o f 18 may n o w bo rro w b oo k s an d o th er circulating m ate­ rials from WPC’s Sarah Byrd Askew Library. The n ew agreem ent will provide W ayne residents w ith access to th e m ore than 300,000 books, 13,000 audiovisual items, 1,300 periodical titles, an d a 36-station electronic reference center. WPC students, faculty, an d staff are n o w eli­ gible to obtain library cards from th e W ayne Public Library. N oted a u th o r Co rnel W est to k e y n o te N a s h v ille co n fe ren ce C o r n e l W e s t n o t e d a u t h o r , philosopher, and p rofessor o f reli­ g io n a n d A fro- American studies at H arvard University, will keynote ACRL’s 8th National Conference in Nashville, “C hoos­ ing O ur Futures,” April 11– 14, 1997. West will sp eak on race m atters im m ediately fol­ low ing the o p en in g Exhib­ its R e c e p tio n o n F riday, April 11, at 7:00 p.m. For W est, p h ilo s o p h y isn’t a n abstract discipline, it’s a “p o lem ical w e a p o n that attem pts to transform linguistic, social, cultural, a n d p o litical tra d itio n to increase th e sco p e o f indi­ v id u a l d e v e lo p m e n t a n d d e m o c ra tic a c tio n s .” H is w ork— influenced by tradi­ C o r n e l W est digitizing collections, an d li­ brary buildings for the fu­ ture will b e offered on April 11, 1997. Regis­ tration materials will b e m ailed to all ACRL m em bers this fall. T o request registration m a­ terials e-mail D arlena Davis at o r p h o n e (800) 545-2433 ext. 2519. ■ tions as diverse as th e B ap­ tist Church, American transcendentalism and literaαire, th e Black Panthers, an d E uropean philosophy— seeks to revive th e b est o f lib­ eralism, populism , an d dem ocratic socialism. In his ad d ress. W est will co n fro n t th e “m onum ental eclipse o f h o p e, the u n p rec ed e n te d collapse o f m eaning, an d the incred ible disregard for hum an (especially black) life.” For West, the L.A. riots w ere not a solely econom ic or moral problem . “They are the co n seq u en ce o f a lethal linkage of econom ic decline, cultural decay, an d political lethargy in American life.” W est is th e au th o r o f nine b o o k s includ ing the tw o-volum e B eyond Eurocentrism a n M ulticulturalism , B reakin Bread, a n d th e 1993 Ne York Times bestseller, Rac Matters. ACRL expects 2,500 aca dem ic librarians to attend th e th re e -d a y c o n fe re n c e w h ic h w ill fe a tu re m o re than 200 exhibits an d 13 program sessions. Full- and half-day preconferences on topics such as fundraising, ­ ­ ­ d g w e ­ 5 4 8 0 /C & R L News