ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1 9 9 6 / 5 0 7 M em ber-at-Large: J u lie S w a n n (47); w rite in (1). Rare Books and M anuscripts Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Laura Stalker (249); Marvin J. Taylor (149). Member-at-Large: S u zy Taraba (209); William E. B row n Jr. (180). Science an d Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: A lliso n V. L evel (236); Ann Paietta (149). Secretary: T erry W ittig (196); Nirmala B anga­ lore (98); K atherine W hitley (94). University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lori A. G o etsch (711); Sharon B onk (610). M e m b e r-a t-L a rg e ( tw o e le c te d ) : J o r d a n S c e p a n s k i (648); J o a n G ie s e c k e (592); J o a n G. R app (554); H e le n H. S p ald in g (541). W estern European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Kurt D eB eld er (115); H eleni Pedersoli (57). Secretary: R oger B r iss o n (95); Martha Hsu (76). Member-at-Large: N a n c y S. B o e r n e r (121); Sarah H ow (51). W om en’s Studies Section A doption o f p ro p o s e d bylaw s change: Y es (199) ADOPTED: No (5). V ice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J e s s ic a G rim (201); w rite in (0). Secretary: Barbara H ea th (107);. Shelley Arlen (96). Member-at-Large: T h eresa T o b in (121); Mila C. Su (86). *D eterm ined by lot. ■ Le tte r To the Editor: In h e r otherw ise useful list o f “Internet Re­ sources for Agriculture” (June 1996), Kathleen Clark notes that environm ental science is a relevant discipline, b u t h e r selection o f re­ sources focuses alm ost exclusively o n chem i­ cal-based agribusiness, n o t o n sustainable ag­ riculture. H ere are just a few starting points for researchers an d practitioners interested in environm entally responsible agriculture: • A griculture Section o f th e E nvironm en­ tal O rganization W ebdirectory. Access: h ttp :/ / w w w .w /Science/A griculture. • Yahoo! Sustainable A griculture su b in ­ dex. Access: http ://w w w .y ah o o .co m /S cien ce/ A griculture/Sustainable_A griculture/. • Yahoo! O rganic Farm ing subindex. A c ­ cess: h ttp ://w w w /y ah o o .com /Science/Agricul­ tu re /O rganic_ Farming/. • Plants an d Sustainable Agriculture. A c ­ cess: h t t p : / / w w w . e n v i r o l i n k . o r g / p u b s / Plants.htm l. • S u sta in a b le A g ric u ltu re E d u c a tio n a l Project. Access: h tt p :/ /p ilo t.m s u .e d u /u s e r / d u n n jefl/rd 4 9 1 /p ro ject.h tm . • D o n ’t Panic, Eat Organic. Access: h ttp :/ /c o y o te .ra sals/m y.html. Yours in g o o d h e a lth .—-Jim Dwyer, Cali­ fo r n ia State University, Chico ■