ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1 9 9 6 / 5 1 1 ACRL aw ards for 1 9 9 7 By Jack B riod y Honoring accomplishments and supporting professional development A CRL provides opportunities to recognize im portant contributions to the field o f aca­ dem ic o r research librarianship th ro u g h th e ACRL A w ards Program . T he ACRL B oard of Directors, w ith th e help o f vendors an d hard w ork from ACRL m em bers, provides su p p o rt for these recognition opportunities. ACRL cur­ re n tly h a s 15 a w a rd s in th r e e c a te g o rie s : A chievem ent an d Distinguished Service Awards, Research A w ards/G rants, a n d Publications. T h e se o p p o rtu n itie s a re m a d e av ailab le thanks largely to the ongoing su p p o rt of v en ­ dors w ith strong ties an d interests in th e aca­ dem ic/research field w h o provide funding for ten of ACRL’s 15 aw ards. T he aw ard juries are com prised o f ACRL m em bers a p p o in te d by ei­ th e r th e ACRL p re s id e n t o r th e a p p ro p ria te section’s chair. T he juries rely heavily o n th e ACRL m em bership to act as their eyes an d ears in finding th e truly com m endable an d outstand­ ing of th e profession. Each aw ard has a flyer (available o n ACRL’s h o m ep ag e o r from the ACRL office) that gives inform ation o n th e aw ard am ount, criteria, su b ­ m ission pro ced u res, an d w h o to contact for assistance o r questions. M em bers are strongly en co u rag ed to m ake nom inations o r applica­ tions for these aw ards. Most aw ards have a D ecem ber 1, 1996, su b ­ mission deadline. The ACRL aw ards are listed below ; s p o n ­ sors are n o ted in parentheses. Achievem ent and distinguished service a w a rd s • A cadem ic o r R esearch Librarian o f the Y ear A ward (B a ker a n d Taylor Books). • Com m unity College Learning R esources/ Library A chievem ent Awards (EBSCO Subscrip­ tio n Services) • Marta Lange/CQ A ward for Law Librar­ ians ( C ongressional Q uarterly). • M iriam D u d le y I n s tru c tio n L ib rarian A ward (M o u n ta in sid e P ublishing C om pany). • Instruction Section Innovation in Instruc­ tion Award. • D istinguished E ducation an d Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award. • H u g h C. A tk in s o n M e m o ria l A w a rd (ACRL, LAMA, LLTA, ALCTS). Research a w a rd s/g ra n ts • D octoral D issertation Fellow ship (Insti­ tu te f o r Scientific Inform ation). • Samuel Lazerow Fellow ship for Research in A cquisitions o r Technical Services (Institute f o r Scientific Inform ation). • W est E u ro p ean Specialist Study G rant (M artinus N ijh o ff International). Publications • K atharine Kyes Leab an d Daniel J. Leab Exhibition C atalogue A wards (K a th a rin e Kyes Leab a n d D a n ie l J. Leab A m erican B ook Prices Current). • Rare Books a n d M anuscripts L ibrarian­ ship A ward (Christie, M anson a n d Woods). • K. G. Saur A ward for Best Article in C&RL (R eed Reference/K.G. Saur). • Instruction Section Publication Award. • O berly A ward for B ibliography in th e Ag­ ricultural Sciences. More information av ailab le More inform ation o n th e aw ards is available o n ACRL’s ho m ep ag e (h ttp ://w w w .ala.o rg /acrl. htm l) u n d e r “Professional D e v e lo p m e n t” o r from th e ACRL office. Contact: Jack Briody at (800) 545-2433, ext 2516, o r ■ J a c k B riody is ACRL p ro g ra m assistant; e-m ail: jbriody@