ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1991 / 39 Re carpetin g a small college lib rary: A p ra ctica l ap p ro ach B y N ancy L . H e rro n H ead librarian, J. Clarence Kelly Library Penn State University, McKeesport and R on ald B . Se rv e llo Manager, University Libraries Facilities Planning and Maintenance Department Penn State University, University Park How one team finished the jo b ahead o f schedule. T he processes involved in recarpeting an academic library facility are complex and intensive, requiring extensive planning, communi­ cation, teamwork, patience, and dedication to the task on the part of the institution, the staff, the vendor, and even the users of the facility. One way to complete the installation successfully is to follow a standard approach to project management like the one used by the University Libraries of Penn State University in the recent recarpeting of the J. Clarence Kelly Library. Concrete ideas are presented here in a practical approach to developing and executing a successful physical plant project composed of planning, im­ plementation, and evaluation components. Al­ though the academic library in this example (a two- year college) is small by research library standards, universal caveats emerged that are helpful in achieving success with any library physical plant project that requires movement of a library collec­ tion. This article focuses on three major elements: 1) the moving and reassembling of a library collec­ tion at the same location; 2) the selection and installation of new carpet fabric and moldings in the facility; and 3) the impact of the project's interruption of library services on the structure of an electronic library network. Th e setting In the spring of 1990, university funds became available to recarpet totally a branch campus li­ brary whose existing carpet was presenting a dan­ ger to users and a liability to Penn State University, a large land-grant institution offering graduate and undergraduate education. The facility, the J. Clar­ ence Kelly Library, is one of 22 undergraduate libraries spread across the state. They comprise the University Library Network for the Common­ wealth Educational System (CES) of Penn State. The two-story building, constructed in 1972, provides approximately 14,500 square feet of space for library service and houses a collection o f60,000 volumes. It serves an undergraduate student popu­ lation of 1,600, a faculty and staff of 110, and the residents of two communities in the greater Pitts­ burgh area, White Oak Borough and the city of McKeesport. Th e p ro ject Examination of the recent literature of library move planners provided direction for developing a working plan. Articles by Bayne (1990), Weaver- Meyers and Wasowski (1984), and Kurkel (1983), 40 / C&RL News and chapters from Library Space Planning by Fraley and Anderson were invaluable in defining the scope of the project.1 In December 1989, when it became apparent that funding would be forthcoming from the uni­ versity, the library administration established a project team consisting of the least number of people needed to execute the project. The team consisted of the following members: a project manager from the University Office of Physical Plant, the manager of the University Libraries Facilities Planning and Maintenance Department, the head librarian at the campus site, the director of business services, and the maintenance supervisor at the McKeesport campus. This group identified the following priorities: 1) establishing specifications; 2) defining the bid process; 3) setting a realistic timetable for the work; 4) deciding the best time to schedule the work; 5) defining lines of communication for dissemi­ nation of information regarding the project; 6) listing and assigning responsibilities. These priorities provided a useful schema for the project. The specifications included a general de­ scription of the scope of the work including the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services required to complete the replacement project of both floors of the building as described in the floor plan provided by the university. The work included removal of the existing floor covering and wall base molding; floor preparation for new car­ pet, accurate measurements and calculation of total yardage and material quantities require­ ments, supplying and installing the new carpet and wall base molding, coordinating the work sequence with movers; and dust and dirt protection and cleanup. The institution included quality assurance speci­ fications that required the installer to be respon­ sible, dedicated to quality workmanship, and highly skilled and committed to the following: 1) punctuality with sufficient manpower to finish on 1Pauline S. Bayne, “The ‘Do-it-yourself Move of a 1.5 Million-Volume Library,” College and Re­ search Libraries 51 (January 1990): 55-67; Pat Weaver-Meyers and Dale Francis Wasowsld, “A Committee Approach to Moving a Library,” Jou r­ nal o f Library Administration 89 (Winter 1984): 21-32; Donna Lee Kurkel, ‘T he Planning, Im­ plementation, and Movement of an Academic Library Collection,” College and Research Librar­ ies 44 (July 1983): 220-34; Ruth A. Fraley and Carol Lee Anderson, Library Space Planning: How to Assess, Allocate, and Reorganize Collections, Re­ sources, and Physical Facilities (New York: Neal- Schuman, 1985), 89-132. schedule; 2) quickly resolving installation deficien­ cies; 3) completing the installation in accordance with the plans and specifications; 4) leaving the installation in the condition acceptable to the insti­ tution, specifier, and installer; and 5) quality work­ manship always. The institution required the contractor to sub­ mit for review samples (in the full color range currently available) of the carpet fabric and the vinyl wall base molding specified. The materials selected were to be stored in the loading dock area of the building, and all handling of materials was the responsibility of the installation contractor. Library staff and users partially occupied the building during the construction. Constraints of labeling, moving and temporary storage of the library volumes dictated that the work would be performed in six stages: • Stage 1 involved 1/3 of main floor space, center section. • Stage 2 involved 1/3 of main floor space, left section. • Stage 3 involved 1/3 of main floor space, right section. • Stage 4 involved 1/3 of lower floor space, center section. • Stage 5 involved 1/3 of lower floor space, left section. • Stage 6 involved 1/3 of lower floor space, right section. Cooperation with laborers doing the actual moving was of utmost importance because they had to free up installing space and alternate the newly recarpeted space as storage area for materi­ als normally housed in new work areas. The six- stage plan by the manager of the University Librar­ ies Facilities Planning and Maintenance Depart­ ment provided for that. The installation contractor was required to sub­ mit to the university at the time of installation a letter on company letterhead and signed by an officer of the company stating the following five criteria: 1) That the installer guaranteed to relay or restretch any carpet that did not provide an attrac­ tive, wrinkle-free appearance and to correct any faulty installation condition which might appear within one year. 2) That the installer provided a manufacturer s unconditional guarantee that the carpet samples registered and the carpet proposed met or ex­ ceeded the specifications in every detail. 3) That the carpet manufacturer guaranteed all materials as first quality and guaranteed them against defects in workmanship and construction. 4) That the carpet manufacturer supplied the following warranties: ten-year wear warranty; ten- year fade warranty; five-year edge ravel warranty. 5) That the carpet manufacturer furnished a January 1991 / 41 certificate verifying that the flammability require­ ments specified were met. The university further required that carpet materials should meet construction specifications in regard to the following: description o f fabric, weave, gauge, stitches, pile height, face yam, yam ply, face height, primary back, secondary back, total weight, dye method, density, weight density, static resistance, and flammability. Other important elements include stipulation of field adhesive, seam adhesive, wall base molding, and wall base molding adhesive. These elements had to be spelled out in the contract along with the expected time of execution o f the project including preparatory work, installation activities, final ac­ ceptance o f responsibility by the contractor, and provision o f attic stock or usable scrap materials packaged in appropriate wrapping, labeled, and delivered to the job site. Once the plan was set, the team developed a formal specification for use by the University Pur­ chasing Department in a request for competitive bids from qualified contractors. The work was advertised along with a listing o f the contact agency, address o f contact agency, and deadline for submission of bid. During the bidding process, the bidders were invited to visit the site. Ultimately, the success o f the project was enhanced by the good fortune o f having a reputable local vendor win the bid for the work. Setting a realistic tim etable Since the project team decided that installation had to be completed in the three weeks between the close o f the spring semester and the beginning of the summer session, the contractor had to build into the bid a proper amount o f labor required to complete the project successfully within the time frame stipulated (one that guaranteed library serv­ ice to support summer courses). D ecid in g th e b e st tim e to scheα ule th e work The contractor awarded the bid accomplished the work on schedule by providing two crews of workers, each working on different floors simulta­ neously. The university provided special equip­ ment for moving the collection. Books were moved using large book trucks, each 30 wide ↔ 18 deep ↔ 67 high with a capacity o f 288 linear inches o f book space. These trucks each have six 6 pneu­ matic heavy capacity wheels, and the overall con­ struction is heavy duty. A total o f 25 of these trucks was sent from the University Park campus to the McKeesport campus just prior to the move. After the books were removed from each section, the shelves were either dismantled and moved out of the section, or they were simply slid out of the way. Any other furniture or equipment was also moved. Equipment sensitive to dust damage (photocopi­ ers, computers, microforms, fax machines, etc.) was moved and stored in areas sealed off from the work areas. Each work area defined in the six-stage plan was in turn prepared for carpeting by the contractor. The old carpet was lifted and discarded. The con­ tractor provided strategically placed dumpsters, and materials were placed in them for pickup by a refuse company employed by the contractor. The surface was scarified and vacuumed to guarantee a firm bonding of new adhesive to new carpet back­ ing. The new carpet was installed in long sheets cut to cover the large 1/3 portion of each floor area designated on the diagram o f the floor plan. As each phase was completed, contractor personnel moved the shelves, books, furniture, and equip­ ment back into their original locations. The carpet chosen for the project was broad- loom Antron 3, synthetic backed, level loop, and static controlled. These features insured long wear, stain resistance, water resistance, and reduced ef­ fects o f static electricity on personal computers and terminals. Approximately 1,400 square yards of carpet were required for the job. The new, regularly marketed adhesive chosen is non-toxic and low in odor. Special attention was paid to avoiding highly odorous, toxic adhesives because o f their reportedly dangerous effects on pregnant women. The successful bidder provided a contract de­ sign divided into four parts with each costed out separately. The parts included a bid for materials, installation, moving, and cleaning o f the library after completion o f the job. The cost for moving library materials was the most difficult to estimate, because the movers had never moved library shelv­ ing before and had no experience with the intrica­ cies o f reassembling the shelving. Problems with plumb-line and bracing often created double work. In the final analysis, contracting out for profes­ sional library shelving specialists to take down and reassemble the shelves would have been a worth­ while consideration. One o f the most important requirements in guaranteeing success with physical plant projects like this one is the definition o f important commu­ nication lines for information sharing before, dur­ ing, and after the completion o f the project. Throughout the university organization, all users of library services needed to be informed well in advance o f the proposed project. They needed to know when funding was provided. University and campus publications, signs, electronic bulletin boards all needed to be supplied with information regarding the project with special attention given to the possible interruption o f library services at that 42 / C&RL News location and at other locations that might be af­ fected by a stop in interlibrary communication— interlibrary loan, document delivery, etc. Faculty, too, needed to be prepared for a service interrup­ tion that might affect their research needs, course preparation, or reading schedules. Letters were sent to faculty and staff informing them o f the suspension of library services during the project; an announcement was made at the final faculty meet­ ing o f the semester explaining the project and its implications for library service users. The librarian informed students and community users through the campus and local newspapers, giving them information about alternative libraries accessible during the interruption of campus library services. These libraries were contacted and alerted to the fact that Penn State users might be visiting their locations; reciprocal borrowing arrangements needed to be arranged. Throughout the library network, other cam­ puses needed to be informed of the closing o f the library, especially those who might use the collec­ tion for interlibrary loan purposes. The electronic mail component o f the online catalog was an excel­ lent vehicle for this. It also simplified solicitation of advice from colleagues regarding past experiences with similar projects. The most basic communication channel, the one most important to the success o f the project, was the one established between the on-site library staff, the head librarian, and the local campus departments impacting on the execution o f the work (business services, maintenance and janitorial services, and student services). This group held regular meetings to designate areas o f responsibil­ ity, to plan, to implement, and to evaluate the stages o f the project over a six-month period; regu­ lar work and information-gathering assignments were designed to guarantee a clear perception of what would take place during the project. Since library staff would be overseeing the reshelving o f books, shelf-reading, and shifting o f the collection, they needed to understand the work schedule and the time frames; they were considered a critical part of the total planning process from the outset. Assigning area s o f responsibility All project team members needed to understand their areas o f responsibility clearly. At the first meeting members defined the areas o f responsibil­ ity as follows: 1) Project Manager, University Office o f Physi­ cal Plant— provided input to the planning and im­ plementation o f physical plant matters— e.g., specifications, bidding, awarding o f contracts, in­ spection of work completed, payment for materials and services. 2) Manager, University Libraries Facilities Plan­ ning and Maintenance Department—was respon­ sible for providing a detailed layout o f the library before any moving o f the collection or equipment took place. This was paramount to exact and pre­ cise replacement o f items after completion o f the recarpeting project. The manager was also respon­ sible for developing the physical work plan and for securing approval o f that plan from the Penn State Libraries administration. 3) Head librarian— the team designated the head librarian as the key person responsible for defining the project requirements. The coordina­ tion o f the logistics o f the project relative to library processes was the head librarian’s responsibility, as was the coordination o f library staff to oversee the work o f movers in regard to the replacement o f the collection. The library staff also was responsible for establishment of a temporary workstation to re­ ceive incoming mail, express mail deliveries, and United Parcel Service for document deliveries. Serials check-in was maintained, as was receipt of all new books from the processing center at the University Park campus. While no overdue library materials were accepted while the project endured, amnesty for library materials returned before and after the project was adopted and was well adver­ tised to users. 4) Campus director o f business services— worked with campus security personnel, equip­ ment installers, and vendors to guarantee that appropriate protection against theft or damage was in place during regular working hours as well as night and weekend hours when working overtime needed to be implemented to meet deadlines. 5) Campus maintenance and janitorial supervi­ sor— provided janitorial support above that con­ tracted for by the installer. Restroom maintenance and refuse pick-up continued during the term of the project as did monitoring and servicing o f air- conditioning units and elevators. Sum m ary It took 21 workdays to dismantle the library, move the collection, lift the old carpet, scrape the floor free of old backing, apply new adhesive, install the new carpet and wall base molding, and reas­ semble the library. The job was completed three days ahead o f schedule. The collections were moved shelf by shelf, cleaned, replaced, shelf-read, shifted, and readjusted before summer classes began. All furniture and equipment were moved and replaced throughout the library service areas, in offices, and in work spaces. Two work crews, consisting o f three carpet installers and four labor­ ers each, met schedules. Three library staff workers supervised shelf moving and replacement. Three Jan u ary 1991 / 43 work-study students assisted with shelf reading, shifting, and replacement. However, it took six months o f planning involving the project team, the contractor, the library staff, and experienced, well- trained, work-study students to make the project run on such a tight schedule. Good communication efforts throughout the university, within the Uni­ versity Libraries, and especially at the local campus site guaranteed smooth handling o f the project for regular library users. T he impact o f the project on the structure o f the electronic library network serving the institution was minimized because planning and communica­ tion were done far in advance o f the actual project. Alternatives were examined, and backup was pro­ vided. Timing the project between the close o f the spring semester and the start o f summer session was critical to providing the shortest possible dis­ ruption o f library services to students, faculty, and community. ■ ■ Delaware Valley C h ap ter activities The fall meeting o f the Delaware Valley A CRL Chapter was held November 2, 1990, at the Arch Street Meeting House in Philadelphia. Approxi­ mately 80 librarians attended the all-day meeting on “Putting Performance Measures to Work." The program consisted o f a series o f speakers address­ ing theoretical and practical applications o f meas­ urement in academic libraries. Donald Farmer, vice president for academic affairs, King’s College, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, presented an inspiring talk about the positive impact assessment measures can have on higher education. Pat Kelly, assistant director, George Washington University Library, provided a general overview o f performance meas­ ures and introduced the recent A CRL publication entitled Measuring Academic Library Perform­ ance: A Practical Approach. A panel o f speakers from the Louis L. Manderino Library, California University o f Pennsylvania, described practical applications o f performance measures in their li­ brary, including a catalog study conducted before and after the implementation of the automated system. Betty Turock, associate professor, School o f Communication, Information and Library Stud­ ies, and director of the M LS program, Rutgers University, ended the program with a theoretical overview o f evaluation and described six common approaches to evaluation. ■ ■ 44 / C & R L News $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 archival administration 1 9 9 1 -1 9 9 2 fellowships available The Records Program o f the National His­ torical Publications and Records Commission is now accepting applications for three fellow­ ships in archival administration. Jointly funded by the Commission and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, these fellowships will provide advanced administrative training in archives. F or the 19 9 1 -1 9 9 2 fellowship year, the stipend has been increased to $35,000, plus up to $7,000 in fringe benefits, for a nine- to twelve­ month period beginning between August and October 1991. Fellows are provided with a series o f admin­ istrative and decision-making experiences. In the past, these experiences have involved ap­ praisal, budget preparation, personnel admini­ stration, publications, plant operation, long- range planning, disaster planning, collection policy development, and committee activities. The fellow is expected to complete some tech­ nical project, which often takes the form of a draft o f some institutional policy. Applicants should have between two and five years’ experience in archival work. It is desir­ able, but not required, that applicants have the equivalent o f two semesters o f full-time gradu­ ate training in a program containing an archives education component. Host institutions for the 1 9 91-1992 fellow­ ship will be: Oregon Office o f the Secretary o f State, Archives Division, Salem, Oregon; R e­ gents o f the University o f California, University o f California, Los Angeles; and Delaware D e­ partment o f State, Division o f Historical and Cultural Affairs, Bureau o f Archives and R ec­ ords Management, Dover, Delaware. Fellowship application forms and more com­ plete descriptions o f the individual host pro­ grams should be requested from the NHPRC, National Archives Building, Washington, DC 20408; (202) 501-5610. The forms must be completed and received by the Commission by March 1, 1991. Following the March 1, 1991, deadline, the Commission will provide the completed fellow­ ship application forms to the host institutions, each o f which will select a fellow by mid-June 1991. National Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Canadiana Products from the National Library of Canada The National Library is responsible for promoting, gathering and preserving the published heritage of Canada. The Li­ brary has a vast collection of Canadiana dating from Canada’s earliest days to the present. In order to provide access to Canada’s published heritage the Library has developed various products which are invaluable to those with an interest in Canadian Studies or research. The Library produces Canadiana, a comprehensive bibliography which do­ cuments the nation’s published heritage. Canadiana is a valuable aid for Cana­ dian Studies and is available in printed and microfiche formats and on magnetic tape. • Canadiana authorities lists verified name headings of Canadian origin and can help in compiling bibliographies and answering research and reference questions. • Canadian Theses is a microfiche bib­ liography of masters’ and doctoral theses accepted by Canadian univer­ sities, as well as selected foreign theses of Canadian authorship or inter­ est. • DOBIS is a Canadian online library system that provides access to the col­ lections of many Canadian libraries via its continuously updated Canadian Union Catalogue o f more than 5 000 000 bibliographic records. F or m ore information or a descriptive bro­ chure on these products please contact: National Library o f Canada 395 Wellington Street Ottawa, Canada K1A0N4 Canada