ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C O L L E G E & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS INDEX TO VOL. 51 (1990) Prepared by Eldon W. Tamblyn Portland S†a†e University, Oregon FILING is word-by-word. ABBREVIATIONS: Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelled out Special abbreviations: appt appointmer f. foundation port portrait prof. profile prog. program SPECIAL USAGES: More than one reference per page is indicated in parentheses. Under the heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)” parentheses may enclose donors’ names (for subjects) or subjects (for named collections). A Aagaard, James S., “Automating reserve activities at Northwestern University,” 98-101 “Abstracts needed for practical sessions,” LOEX CL1, 947 “Academic applicants: make a good first impression,” Goldberg, 701-5, comment, 945 “Academic librarians in the media,” 533 “Academic libraries: a source of national strength,” ACRL, TFWHCLIS, 713-15 "Academic libraries: an unrecognized national strength?” Chambers, 1086 “Academic libraries and the culturally diverse student population,” Kflu, 524- 27 “Academic library celebrations net public relations awards,” Olivier, 740-43 Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, ACRL, 1990, 34344; 1991, 769 AMPAS, news note, 258 “Access to serials: local improvements may make a difference,” Trithart, 959- 60 “Accreditation experts directory,” ACRL, 859 Acquisitions, 49-50,142-44,256-57, 356- 57,463-65,567-68,657-59, 77930,892, 990, 1087-88 Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title): Adirondack Forty-Sixers, 657; African American collections, 568; African lit, 892; Agriculture, 50; Anderson, Harold (child psychology), 567-68; Asian studies, 568; Avery, Sid, 356; Benjamin, The country builder’s assistant, 463- 64; Bindings, publisher’s, 19th cent, 779; Bond, Julian, 357; B o ok o f Kells, facsim., 356; Borges, “El muerto,” 357; Borgman (Jim) Coll. (editorial cartoons), 779-80; Bridgers, Sue Ellen, 1088; Bruce, James Cabell, 1087-88; Buddhism, Japanese, 779; Bums, Robt (Roy), 658; Butler, Eugene, 50; Butler family, 990; Carrillo, Manuel, 658; Cartoons, editorial (Borgman), 779-80; Cather, Willa, 357; Chaucer, Works, woodcut proofs, 144; Child psychology (Anderson), 567-68; Chinese lang, pubs., 568; Clark, Billy C., 356; Coal industry, 1087; Cohen, Felix S., 659; Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co., 1087; Cooper, James Fenimore, 1087; Crime, hist, 142; Cuff, B r ie f account o f the settlement and present situation o f the colony o f Sierra L eon e (1812), 356; Dentistry, rare books, 568; Detective fiction (Hayman), 463; Dictionaries & encyclopedias, 568; Dissent & extremist groups, U.S., 356; Eliot T. S., 257; England, mores & culture, 16th & 17th cent, 657; Family MSS, 19th cent, 49; Faulkner, Wm., 357; Feenberg, Eugene, 1088; Forbes, Bryan, 356; Franklin Inst, 14244; Fr. plays, 256; Fulford, Robt M. B., 464; Gay rights, 464; Gilbert (Stuart) Archive, 658; Golden State Mutual, 256; Hanna, Richard H., 780; Hays, Wayne L., 356-57; Hollywood Photographers Archive, 356; Horgan, Paul, 144; Horror lit (Jaffery), 567; Houston, Ivan J., 256; Indian law & rights, 659; Intl. Gay. Inf. Ctr., 464; Jaffery, Sheldon R., 567; Japanese-Canadians, 657; Jolas, Eugene & Maria, 464-65; Jones, From here to eternity, MS, 50; Journalists, 657; Kendall (Geo. Wilkins) Family, 658; Kirkwood, James, 1087; Landon, Kenneth & Margaret 658-59; Langer, Susanne K., 356; Lawton (M. C.) Civic & Cultural Club, 568; Lewis, Robt, 567; McCloy, John J., 779; Major family, 142; Marable family, 142; Masefield, John, 356; Mathews family, 990; Matthews, Jack, 142, 357; Medicine, rare books, 568, 658; Meredith, Wm., 356; Moulin (Gabriel) Studios, 657-58; Movie scripts, 357; Music, Folk, 142; Muskie, Edmund S., 463; Nelson, David M., 357; Nichiren, 779; Norris, Ken, 256; Norton, Elliott 1087; Oral hist, 256, 657, 779; Phono . . . S ee Sound recordings; Photos. ([Carrillo], 658; [Moulin], 657-58); Pol. sei., 567; Progressive farmer, 50; Psychiatry (Romano), 990; Quantum mechanics, 1088; R.R. serials, 49-50; Rare books, 142, 568, 658 ([Schloss], 892); Rolfe (Edwin) Coll., 256-57; Romano, John, 990; Roud, Richard, 463; Roy (G. Ross) Coll. (Bums & Scottish lit), 658; S t Louis Medical Soc. rare books coll., 568, 658; San Francisco, hist, 19th cent, 657-58; Saxon, Chas., 356; Schloss (Eric) Coll. (rare books), 892; Sei. fiction (Jaffery), 567; Scottish lit (Roy), 658; Sound recordings, folk music, 142. S ee also Oral hist; Southeast Asia, 658-59; Southern Elections Fund, 357; Spanish books, 357; Stebel, S. L., 144; Stube (Nancy) Coll. (Amer. hist & poL sei.), 567; Tairiku nippo, 657; TV scripts, 357; Thesen, Sharon, 256; Trade Catalog Coll., 142- 44; TRF F., 49-50; Ungar, Frederick, 568; U.S. (Civil War, 463; dissent & extremist groups, 356; Greek immigration, 779; hist, 1087; Indian law, 659; 19th cent, 567; The South, MSS, 49, 142, 990; WWII, 657); Varnishes & furniture finishes (Mussey), 657; Virgil, Complete works, 1542,657; Ward, Aileen, 657; Wheeler, Burton K., 892; Whittlesey, Faith R., 892; Women journalists, 657; World War II, 657; Wright lim, 357; Yiddish books, 658; YWCA, Kitchener-Waterloo branch, 464 cquisitions (by institution): AMPAS, 356; Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 356,779,1087; Amherst Coll., 779; Archives of Appalachia, 142; Atlanta Historical Soc., 463; Bates Coll., 463; Boston U., 356, 463, 892, 1087; Bowling Green State U., 567; Brown U., 356; CRL, 657; Colonial Williamsburg F., 142; Colo. State U., 142; Columbia U., 356, 657; Conn. Coll., 356; Cornell U., 356; Ind. U., 1087; Kent State U., 142,463,567; LC, 463-64, 779; La. State U., 49, 990; McGill U., 256; McMaster U., 464; Mont State U., 892; NYPL, 464; NYSL, 657; NYU, 657; Ohio State U., 779-80; Ohio U., 142, 356-57, 1087; Saginaw Valley State U., 567-68; S t Louis Mercantile Lib. Assn., 49-50; Smithsonian, 14244, 657; Southern Methodist U., 144; SUNY, Albany, 568; Susquehanna U., 657; Tex. A&M U., 50; Tex. Christian U., 357; U. of Alta., 892; U. of B.C., 568; UC (Berkeley, 144; Davis, 657-58; LA, 256,357); U. of Del., 357; U. of Fla., 256; U. of 111., 50 (U- C, 256-57, 568); U. of Md., Coll. Park, 1087-88; U. of Mich., 357; U. of N.M., 780; U. of Rochester, School of Medicine & Dentistry, 990; U. of S.C., 658; U. of Southern Calif., 144; UT (Arlington, 658; Austin, 357, 658, 892; El Paso, 658); U. of Va., 357; U. of Waterloo, 464; Wake Forest U., 257; Wash. U., 568, 658,1088; Wayne State U., 658; Western Carolina U., 1088; Wheaton Coll., 658- 59; Yale U., 464-65, 659 Acquisitions ’90 Conference, 198-99 Advances in library resource sharing, “New resource sharing journal,” 220, correction, 546 "Adventures in grant-writing,” Jarred, 955- 57 "Aid for Romanian libraries,” ALA, 753 “ALANET celebrates its 7th,” 1040 Albin, Michael, news note, 359 Albion Coll., “The changing role of college librarians,” 329-31 Alfred U., news note, 571 Allen, Susan M., “Theft in libraries or archives,” 939-43 “Allocating one-time funds on the basis of weighted need,” Best, 1070-71 AAS, “Iconography of the book,” 667; “Visiting research fellowships,” 1074 ACS, “Better living through chemistry books,” 715 ALA, “Aid for Romanian libraries,” 753 ALA, “ALANET celebrates its 7th,” 1040 ALA, Assoc. Exec. Director, “More than forty years of ACRL liaison activities,” 629-32 ALA, “Eight Library/Book Fellow positions open,” 125-27 ALA, GLTF, “Gay/Lesbian book awards," 847 ALA, IRC, “Opportunities with IFLA,” 236- 38 ALA, “JoAn Segal named ALA associate executive director for programs,” 516 ALA, “New telephone system,” 235-36 ALA, news note, 1091 ALA, OFR, “Study on alternative sources of revenue in academic libraries," 20 ALA, “Resolution on Higher Education Act reauthorization,” 717 ALA, SRRT, “Guidelines for librarians interacting with South Africa,” 311-14, comment, 712 ALA, SCOLE, “Help needed with casebook on library support staff,” 883 “ALA and affiliates issue agenda,” Wand, 937 “ALA candidates on ACRL,” 337-39 “ALA challenges the FBI,” 38 ALA/Gale Research Co. Financial Development Award, 556 ALA Graphics, “Clip art for academic libraries,” 728; “National Library Week, April 22-28, 1990,” 38; “New PR brochure available,” 1040 “ALA, librarians, faculty, and scholarly organizations,” Dominguez, 396-97, comment, 9 4 6 4 7 “ALA Library/Book Fellows for 1990- 1991” & port, 876-77 “ALA minority fellowship," 152 Anderson, Susan, letter to the ed., 945 Andrew, Bruce K., prof. & port, 1092 Anninger, Anne, prof., 894 Anstaett, Herbert B., deceased, 152 Appointments, 55-59,148-50, 261-63,360- 63, 469-71, 576, 664-65, 787-89, 896- 97, 996-97, 1095-97 Ariz. State U., “Peer review committees for personnel action,” 305-6 ARL1S/NA, “COPAR newsletters back in print,” 1040 ARLIS/NA, Gerd Muehsam Award, 1990, 643 APALA, “Asian/Pacific papers wanted,” 890 “Asian/Pacific papers wanted,” APALA, 890 ACLCP, “A value-added, compact disk union catalog,” 835-39 AECT/ACRL, “Standards for community, junior and technical college learning resources programs,” 757-67 ALISE, news note, 52 ACRL, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1990, 34344; 1991, 769 ACRL, ASC, “Guidelines for academic status for college and university libraries,” 24546; “Standards for faculty status for college and university librarians,” draft revision, 40 2 4 ACRL, “Accreditation experts directory," 859 ACRL, AFAS, “Bylaws,” 314-17 ACRL, Annual Conference, 445-56, 516 ACRL, ANC, “The ACRL committee appointment process," 885-86 ACRL, “Be an infoexpert” 746 ACRL, BIS, “BI handbook questionnaire,” 209 ACRL, BIS, “Model statement of objectives for academic bibliographic instruction,” 1987, draft revision (48:256-61); 1989, approved (50:141); 1990, user survey, 937 ACRL, BIS, Nominating Comm., full address, 556 ACRL, BIS, “A strategic plan,” 775-78; “Used the Model statement lately?” 937 ACRL, Board of Directors, "Highlights" (Jan., 233-35; June, 74346); ports., 745 ACRL, Budget, 1990, 32-38 ACRL, BFC, “Section funding discussion,” 960-61 ACRL, “Candidates for ALA Council,” 339- AC 4 R 0 L, “The Coalition for Networked Information,” 751-53 ACRL, CLS, CLIP notes, #12, 628; #13, 628 ACRL, CJCLS, Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, 1990, 349-50; 1991, 770-71 CRL, "Continuing education in Chicago,” 351-53, correction, 434 ACRL, Continuing Education Scholar­ ships, 1991, 773 ACRL, CC, “Copyright update,” 877, 972 ACRL, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1990, 344; 1991, 771 ACRL, EBSS, “Curriculum materials in online catalogs,” 562-65; "Newsletter editor needed,” 521 ACRL, Exec. Comm., “ACRL acts on minority recruitment report,” 1028; “ACRL considers future of sixth National Conference in Phoenix,” 1032 ACRL, Exec. Director, “ACRL’s 1990 budget,” 32-38; “Give the members what they want: results of ACRL’s membership survey,” 558-62; “Global librarianship: the role of American academic librarianship and ACRL,” 543- 46, comment, 712 ACRL, “Guidelines for extended campus library services,” 1989, proposed revision (50:404-6); 1990, final version, 353-55 ACRL, HBCUC, “Historically black college and university libraries grant” 715 ACRL, “How to participate in ACRL,” 131-33 ACRL, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 1990, 34546; 1991, 770 ACRL, "Improved academic libraries statistics,” 1067 ACRL, Kentucky Chapter, "Women and minorities featured a t . . . conference,” 435 ACRL, LC, "Higher Education Act re­ authorization,” 716-20; “Strengthening the Higher Education Act,” 226-27 ACRL, LATF, “ACRL guidelines for the preparation of policies on library access,” draft (50:386-92); final version, 548-56 ACRL, "Local CE courses in high demand,” 1051 ACRL, Midwinter Meeting, 1 9 9 1 ,1078-83 ACRL, Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award, 1990, 34647; 1991, 769-70 ACRL, National Conference, 1992, 201, 737-38, 1032 ACRL, “New ACRL discussion group on fundraising and development,” 206 ACRL, “New clearinghouse directory,” 434 ACRL, "1988-89 academic library statistics available,” 880 ACRL, Okla. Chapter, annual conference, 712 ACRL, “Performance measures due out in June,” 444 ACRL, President, “ACRL offers assistance to FBI in rare book recovery,” 408; “Letter” & port, 96-98, correction, 300- 301, retraction of correction, 397; “Notes,” 882-83; “Report” 973-74; "Report” & port, 612-14 ACRL, Professional Association Liaison Awards, 1991, 773 ACRL, Racial & Ethnic Diversity Comm., established, 1028 ACRL, RBMS, “Exhibition catalogue keepsake,” 632 ACRL, RBMS, “Guidelines for borrowing special collections materials for exhibition," draft (49:750-54); final version, 430-34 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab A merican B o o k Prices Current awards, 1990, 34 7 4 8 ; 1991, 773-74 ACRL, RBMS, "Preconference in Minneapolis,” 130-31 ACRL, RBMS, "Robert Rosenthal: a memorial resolution,” 244 ACRL, RBM S, Security Comm., “Guidelines for the security of rare book, manuscript, and other special collections” (1989, draft, 50:397401), final version, 24044, correction, 420 ACRL, RC, “ACRL research agenda,” 317- AC 1 R 9 L, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1990, 34445; 1991, 772-73 ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 1991, 774-75 ACRL, STS, FSTRTF, “Call for sci/tech abstracts,” 1074 ACRL, STS, "The importance of conference proceedings,” 736-37 ACRL, STS, “Recommendations for publishers of conference proceedings," 979-81 ACRL, STS, “Research in science librarianship,” 341 ACRL, "Study on alternative sources of revenue in academic libraries," 20 ACRL, TFPAL, “Paraprofessionals in academic libraries,” 893 ACRL, TFRUM, “R ecruiting the underrepresented to academic libraries,” 1016-28, endorsed, 1028 ACRL, TFWHCLIS, “Academic libraries: a source of national strength,” 713-15; "Academic libraries: an unrecognized national strength?” 1086; “ALA and affiliates issue agenda,” 937; “Position paper on academic libraries (draft),” 307-8; “The White House Conference needs you!” 129; “WHCLIS state contacts," 227-29; “A White House Conference primer for academic libraries,” 849-50; “White House Conference update,” 413-14, 521, 634 ACRL, ULS, “Bylaws,” 2 4648 ACRL, WESS, “Directory available,” 614; “Foreign-language book lists,” 215 ACRL, W ESS, Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, 1990, 349; 1991, 772 “ACRL actions” (Jan., 233-35; June, 743- 46) “ACRL acts on minority recruitment report,” ACRL, Exec. Comm., 1028 ACRL/AECT, “Standards for community, junior and technical college learning resources programs,” 757-67 “ACRL award winners, 1990,” 343-50 “The ACRL awards program, 1990,” 769- 75 “ACRL/BIS Midwinter Forum,” 978 “ACRL candidates, 1991 elections,” 1041- 44 “ACRL candidates visit headquarters,” 1083 ACRL chapters. S ee Chapter “The ACRL committee appointment process,” Rom, 885-86 “ACRL considers future of sixth National Conference in Phoenix,” 1032 “ACRL guidelines." S ee “Guidelines” “ACRL issues for the 90s,” 203-6 “ACRL issues its first annual report,” 744 “ACRL list of materials available,” 133-39 “ACRL meetings in Chicago” (June, 1990, 451-56; Jan., 1991, 1078-83) “ACRL offers assistance to FBI in rare book recovery," Moffett, 408 “ACRL officers for 1990-91," 74849, correction, 937 “ACRL programs in Chicago,” 445-50, 516 “ACRL publishing procedures,” 13941 “ACRL research agenda,” ACRL, RC, 317- 19 “ACRL seeks nominees for office,” 34041 “ACRL seeks volunteers for committees,” 887-90 “ACRL staff changes,” Ford, 653 ACRL university library statistics 1988- 89, availability, 880 “ACRL’s sixth National Conference: 'Academic libraries—achieving excel­ lence in higher education,'" Boissé, 737 AR 3 L 8 , “The Coalition for Networked Infor­ mation,” 751-53; “Improved academic libraries statistics,” 1067; news note, 52 “ARL redesigns newsletter,” 862 Atkinson (Hugh C.) Memorial Award, ACRL, 1990, 34546; 1991, 770 “Attention, authors!” Eberhart, 147,251, 429, 564, 1097 “Attention serials librarians,” 1028 Auburn U., “Allocating one-time funds on the basis of weighted need,” 1070-71 “Auto-Graphics and OCLC to develop new resource-sharing product,” 206 “Automatic circulation of new journal issues,” Lane, 1068-70 “Automating reserve activities at Northwestern University,” Aagaard, 98- 101 Awards, 248,301,343-50,556,643,769- 75, 957, 974 B Babson Coll., news note, 659-60 Backus, Joyce, deceased, 263-64 Bahmer, Robert H., deceased, 471-72 Baker, Betsy, letter to the ed. & response, 535-36 Baker, Gayle, “Tapping the expertise of on-campus consultants,” 721-22 Baker & Taylor, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1990,343- 44; 1991, 769 “BAMBAM correction,” 420 Bartmon, Harry, deceased, 472 Basler, Roy P., deceased, 59 Batchelor, Harold W., deceased, 791 Battin, Patricia, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, 34344, port, cover, no. 4 “Be an infoexpert," ACRL, 746 Beaubien, Anne K., “ACRL issues for the 90s” & port, 2034; “ACRL vice- president” & port, 748; ports., 745 Beaudin, Janice, “Recruiting the underrepresented to academic libraries,” 1016-28, “ACRL acts on minority recruitment reports,” 1028 Bedford, Denise A. D., "Education indicators,” 249-51; “The importance of conference proceedings,” 736-37 Begg, Karin, port, 745 Benefiel, Candace R., “Taming the purple monster,” 84247 Bennett, J. C., “Humor and creativity:” (“for the love of librarianship, or 1984 revisited,” 428-30; “MLS envy” [50:915- 17], comments, 301-2, 712); “Suggest­ ions for editors,” 4649 Bentley Coll., “Serving the professional staff in higher education,” 1059-61; "Wanted: weird and/or unusual services and activities," 322-25 Berea Coll., news note, 571 Berrisford, Paul D., deceased, 1097 Best Rickey D., “Allocating one-time funds on the basis of weighted need,” 1070-71 “Better living through chemistry books,” ACS, 715 “BI and information literacy,” Baker, & response, 535-36 “BI handbook questionnaire,” ACRL, BIS, 209 “BI in the local high school,” Canelas, 217-20 “Bibliographic instruction and accred­ itation in higher education,” Lutzker, 14-18 “Bibliographic instruction or information literacy,” Rader, 18-20, comment, 215, comment & response, 535-36 Bibliotheca Corviniana, “A great humanist library celebrates 500 years of survival,” 103940 Bierman, Kenneth J., prof. & port, 1092 “BIOSIS previews and psychological research,” Perdue, 107-9 Birnbaum, Henry, news note & port, 785 “BIS Nominating Committee,” ACRL, 556 Bishop, David, deceased, 153 “BITNET and the Internet scholarly networks for librarians,” Britten, 103-7, corrections, 300-301 “BITpicking,” Hurley, 300 Blackburn, Mary, deceased, 791 Blackman, Robert E., deceased, 59 Bobinski, George S., prof., 572 Boissé, Joseph A., “ACRL’s sixth National Conference: ‘Academic libraries— achieving excellence in higher educa­ tion,’" 737-38; port, 745 “Book arts exhibit to tour Africa,” USIA, 841 “Book review editor needed for College & research libraries,” 108, 229 “Book sale preparation for National Library Week,” Gyeszly, 331-33 Bopp, Mary, news note, 1094 Boston U., news note, 1090 Bourdon, Cathleen, ports., 745 Bowden, Virginia M., news note, 785 Bowling Green State U., news notes, 571, 782, 1090 Bowman, Martha Alexander, prof. & port, 467 Brandt William R., deceased, 153 Breivik, Patricia Senn, prof. & port, 258- 60 “Bringing information literacy into the academic curriculum,” Rader, 879-80 B rit Medical Assn., “Satellite link to Poland’s Central Medical Library,” 124- 25 Britten, William A., “BITNET and the Internet: scholarly networks for librarians,” 103-7, corrections, 300-301 Brongers, Rein, retired, 59 Brooklyn Coll., news note, 465-66 Brown, Barbara, “Preservation news,” 197- 98, 302, 409-10, 515-16, 620-21, 705, 832-33, 1062 Brown, Doris R., news note, 662 Brown, Jack Perry, letter to the ed., 215 Brown, Phyllis J., letter to the ed., 301-2 Buchanan, Sally, news note, 53 Burlingame, Dwight F., prof. & port, 467 "Bylaws of the Afro-American Studies Librarian Section,” ACRL, 314-17 “Bylaws of the University Libraries Section,” ACRL, 2 4648 Bysiewicz, Shirley Raissi, deceased, 472 C Calendar, 61-63,160-63, 267-69, 366-67, 479-80, 582 CSU, Chico, “Employing library student assistants as student supervisors,” 855- 57; “Evaluating student assistants as library employees,” 11-13 “Call for help: what is information literacy?” Ford, 561 “Call for papers: ‘Acquisitions or access? The changing environment’” 1077 “Call for sci/tech abstracts,” ACRL, STS, FSTRTF, 1074 Camden County Coll., “Library orientation for college secretarial staff,” 427-28 “Candidates for ALA Council,” ACRL, 339- 40 Canelas, Cathryn, “BI in the local high school,” 217-20 Carlson, William H., deceased, 667 Carnegie Mellon U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 347 Carrington, Samuel M., news note, 786 Caruso, Rose M., Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 344 (port, cover, no. 4) Casper, Dale E., deceased, 153 CAUSE, “The Coalition for Networked Information,” 751-53 "The CD-caper,” Krausse, 328-29 “CE courses on Friday,” 434 CRL, news note, 146 CMU, “Off-campus library services conference-presenters alert,” 972; “Off- campus library services: leading the way,” 252-56; “Tips from the off-campus contingent,” 254 Chambers, Joan, “Academic libraries: an unrecognized national strength?” 1086 “The changing role of college librarians,” Oberg, 329-31 Chapman, Renee, deceased, 472 Chapter meetings, 435,712 Chemeketa CRLS, Cooperative Collection Dev. Comm., Community College Learn­ ing Resources Achievement Award, 350 China, “The dark ages with electric lights,” 707-10 Choice, “95% rate Choice the best for academic book reviews,” 1061 “Choosing CD-ROM products,” Haar, 839- 41 Christopher, Karen, “New assistant editor for C&RL news” & port, 306 Churchwell, Charles D., prof., 54 Claremont Colleges, “Earthquake recovery at the libraries,” 935-36 Clark, Camille S., “Deans of libraries: what’s in a title?” 697-701 Clark, Katharine E., “The interdisciplinary use of physics journals” (50:145-50), comment, 23 Clason, Barbara, deceased, 791 Cleveland State U., “Bringing information literacy into the academic curriculum,” 879-80; “Sailing the seas of information at Cleveland State” & port., 112-13 “Clip art for academic libraries,” ALA Graphics, 728 CLIP notes, ACRL, CLS, #12, 628; #13, 628 "The Coalition for Networked Infor­ mation,” Kirk, 751-53 Cochran, Richard M., prof., 260 “Collection development for the electronic library,” Cornell U., 238 C&RL, “Book review editor needed,” 108, 229; “New book review editors,” 557; “New College & research libraries editor,” 13-14 C&RL news‚ "Attention serials librarians,” 1028; “George Eberhart leaves editorial post,” 824; “Information literacy articles needed,” 440; “New assistant editor,” 306 “C&RL news acting editor appointed,” 1058 “C&RL news guidelines for submission of articles or columns,” 4 5 4 6 “College library leaders," Dougherty (50:799), comment, 108 College library newsletters (CLIP note #13), availability, 628 Colley, Joanne, "Faculty sponsor program, University of New Mexico,” 298; “Mentoring along the tenure track,” 297-300 Columbia U., news notes, 466, 1090 “CIC resource sharing project,” Snyder, 21-23 Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, ACRL, CJCLS, 1990, 349-50; 1991, 770-71 Connors, Thomas, port, 877 CPCCM, news note, 991 Constance, Joseph W., Jr., prof., 992-93 “Continuing education in Chicago,” ACRL, 351-53, correction, 434 Continuing Education Scholarships, ACRL, 1991, 773 Conway, Paul, “Special collections revisited,” 732-34 Cooney, Dorothy Rice, retired, 59 “Cooperative Research Grant Program,” CLR, 121 “COPAR newsletters back in print,” 1040 “Coping with a quake,” Johnson, 928-33 “Copyright update,” ACRL, CC, 877, 972 Cornell U., “Collection development for the electronic library,” 238 Corrections, 127,244,300-301,397,420, 434, 546, 556, 793, 937 Corrigan, Andy, “Long-distance library service for a graduate school,” 1064-67 CLR, “Cooperative Research Grant Program,” 121; “Library policy grants,” 653; news note, 52; “Three ACRL members chosen as Academic Library Management Interns,” 401-2 “CLR Cooperative Research Grants,” 705 Covert-Vail, Lucinda, port, 877 Crane, Martha, “The New England Law Library Consortium CD-ROM Union Catalog,” 63940 Crawford, Gregory A., “Using a DBMS to maintain a reserve reading collection,” 860-62 Crete, “The University of Crete library,” 434 5 Cronin, Blaise, prof., 993 Crowe, William J., prof. & port, 660 “Cultural diversity in California,” UC, 1029 "Curriculum materials in online catalogs,” ACRL, EBSS, 562-65 Curtis, Sylvia, news note, 359 D Dana (John Cotton) Library Public Relations Award, 1990, 74043 D'Andraia, Frank A., prof. & port, 894 “Danish Research Librarians’ Associ­ ation,” Morrill, 875-76 “The dark ages with electric lights,” Ewing, 707-10 “Data entry planning for retrospective conversion," Russman, 456-60 Davis, Sally A., retired, 576 Deale, H. Vail, letter to the ed., 108 “Deans of libraries: what’s in a title?” Saunders, 697-701 Deaths, 59, 152-55, 263-64, 366, 471-74, 577-78, 667, 791-93, 897, 1097 “Definitions and quotes,” Ford, 746 De Gennaro, Richard, prof., 572 “Design options for an on-campus docu­ ment delivery program,” Stevenson, 437- 40 “Developing an archival collection in a research library,” Evans, 655-56 “Developing Library Collections for Cali­ fornia’s Emerging Minority,” confer­ ence, news note, 1090-91 "Development officers, take note,” 556 D irectory o f curriculum m aterials centers, availability, 628 Directory o f the Western E uropean Specialists Section, availability, 614 Dittemore, Margaret R., “More on broadening the lines of communication,” 94647 Dixon, Lana S., “The visually impaired and the academic library," 637-39 Dobb, Linda S., prof. & port, 573 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, ACRL/ ISI, 1990, 344; 1991, 771 Dominguez, Patricia Buck, “ALA, librarians, faculty, and scholarly organizations,” 396-97, comment, 946- 47 Dougherty, Richard M., letter to the ed. (50:799), comment 108 Doyle, Robert P., port, 877 Draper, Hal, deceased, 366 “Dual career couples in academe,” Watsoi› Boone, 292-95 Dubin, Eileen, ports., 745 Dudley (Miriam) Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award, ACRL, 1990, 34647; 1991, 769-70 ε “Earthquake recovery at the libraries of the Claremont Colleges,” Gunter, 935- 36 “Eastern exposure,” Anderson, 945 Eastern Wash. U., news note, 1091 Eberhart, George M., "Attention, authors!" 147, 251, 429, 564, 1097; “The editor goes east,” 616-20, comment, 945; “Leaves editorial post” & port, 824; “New telephone system at ALA,” 235- 36; “Publications,” 998-1000, 1075-77 “EBSS newsletter editor needed,” 521 Echavarria, Tami, “Minority recruitment a success story,” 962-64 “The editor goes east,” Eberhart, 616-20, comment, 945 “Education indicators,” Naylor, 249-51 EDUCOM, “The Coalition for Networked Information,” 751-53 Eichhorn, Sara, “The making of MELDOC," 4 4144 Eigelsbach, William B., “Special collections in the Southeast,” 565-67, comment, 732-34 “Eight Library/Book Fellow positions open,” ALA, 125-27 “Eight-month contracts for Oakland University librarians," ‚Krompart, 976- 78 Eldredge, Jon, news note & port, 663 “Elitism čind library faculty,” Herubel, 398- 401, comment, 730-32 Ellis, Allen, “Popular culture and libraries,” 410-13, contact, 753 “Employing library student assistants as student supervisors,” Fuller, 855-57 Engelbarts, Rudolf K., deceased, 792 Engeldinger, Eugene, news note, 996 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, ACRL, STS, 1991, 774-75 Euster, Joanne R., news note, 786; prof. & port, 55 “Evaluating student assistants as library employees,” Fuller, 11-13 Evans, Josephine King, “Developing an archival collection in a research library,” 655-56; “Tracking periodical usage in a research library," 958-59 Evensen, Robert L., prof., 894-95 Ewing, M. Keith, Jr., “The dark ages with electric lights,” 707-10 Exchanges, 116-22 “Exhibition catalogue keepsake,” ACRL, RBMS, 632 “Exploring the principle of least effort and its value to research,” Gratch, 727-28 “Extending information universes through systems thinking,” Huston, 692-95 F “Faculty sponsor program, University of New Mexico,” Colley, 298 “Faculty status," Vogel, 215 “Faculty status in South Carolina," Pyatt (50:927-33), comment, 215 Färber, Evan, ports., 745 Fedunok, Suzanne, prof., 1092-93 “Feeling funny?” Stevens, 111, 326,858, 954 Feller, Siegfried, “The 1989 annual conference of German librarians,” 122- 24; “The 1990 annual conference of German librarians,” 981-84 “Finding a replacement for a missing national library,” Germany, 546 "Fines for food: a citation system to control food and drink consumption in the library,” Weaver-Meyers, 536-38 “First impressions,” Friedman, 945 Fisher, Edith Maureen, “Recruiting the underrepresented to academic libraries,” 1016-28 FMHI, “Developing an archival collection in a research library,” 655-56; “Tracking periodical usage in a research library,” 958-59 Ford, Barbara J., ACRL president & port, 748; “ACRL staff changes," 653; “Call for help: what is information literacy?” 561; “Definitions and quotes,” 746; “Information literacy articles needed,” 582; “Notes from the president,” 882- 83; ports., 745; “Report from the president,” 973-74 “Foreign-language book lists,” ACRL, WESS, 215 Fortney, Lynn M., news note, 1094 Foster, Constance L., “Subject access to periodicals: a main-Mac combo,” 114-15 Frank, Don, “Papers and programs: librarians adopt a scholar’s model,” 528- 31 Frank, Peter, retired, 789-91 Freitag, Wolfgang, news note, 468 Friedman, Arthur L., letter to the ed., 945 Friess, Martin C., deceased, 472 Fulbright Commission, “New Fulbright award," 957 “Fulbright position in U.K.,” 520 “Fulbright Program with the United Kingdom,” 1991-92, 2 4849 Fuller, F. Jay, “Employing library student assistants as student supervisors,” 855- 57; “Evaluating student assistants as library employees,” 11-13 Furlong, Elizabeth J., “Automating reserve activities at Northwestern University,” 98-101 “The future of reference III:” (“another response,” Trombatore, 1055-56; “discussion summary,” Tongate, 1057- 58; “an introduction,” 1044-45; “a paradigm shift for informaton services,” Molholt, 1045-51; “a response,” Kehoe, 1052-55) Fyan, Loleta Dawson, deceased, 472 G Gallagher, Marian, deceased, 366 Garvey, Eleanor, retired, 150 “Gay/Lesbian book awards,” ALA, GLTF, 847 Geahigan, Priscilla, news note, 575 George, Melvin, port, 745 Geraci, Diane, “The International Associ­ ation for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASS1ST),” 869-71 Gerd Muehsam Award, ARLIS/NA, 1990, 643 Germany, "Finding a replacement for a missing national library,” 546 Getaz, Joan, “Library orientation for college secretarial staff,” 427-28 Gillian, Bodil, port, 877 “Give the members what they want results of ACRL’s membership survey,” Segal, 558-62 “Global librarianship: the role of American academic librarianship and ACRL,” Segal, 5 4 3 4 6 , comment, 712 Glogowski, Maryruth F., prof. & port, 1093 Godden, Irene, news note & port, 53-54 Goldberg, Tyler, “Academic applicants: make a good first impression,” 701-5, comment 945 Grants, 50-52, 121, 14446, 257, 357-59, 465, 568-71, 653, 659, 705, 715, 767, 780-82, 892-94, 990-91, 1088-90 Grants (by grantee): Acadia U., 892-93; Albion Coll., 780; Alfred U., 257; Amer. Antiquarian Soc. 357-58; ALA, 1088; AMIGOS Bib. Council, 893; Annenberg Research Inst, 568; Associated Music Libraries Group, 358; ACRL, 715; ARL, 50, 358, 893; Augusta Coll., 1088-89; Augustana Coll., 1089; Berea Coll., 1089; Boston PL, 50; Brandeis U., 780; Brown U., 257; Calif. Academy of Sciences, 465; CRL, 144,465,780,990; Calif. Inst of Tech., 1088; Center for the Book, 1089-90; Coll. of New Rochelle, 1089; Colo. State U., 144; Columbia U., 358, 568; CPA, 50-51, 14445; Conn. Coll., 358; DePaul U., 358, 568-70; D’Youville Coll., 51; Eastern Wash. U., 1089; Folger Shakespeare, 145; Geo. Wash. U., 1089; Ga. Coll., 893; Ga. State U., 257; Gonzaga U., 1089; Hagley Mus., 257; Handel & Haydn Soc., 50; Harvard U., 1089; Hispanic Soc. of America, 570; 111. Lib. Computer Systems Org., 51; Ind. U., 780; Iowa Peace Inst, 780; Lib. Co. of Phila., 1089; LC, 570, 659; Little Big Horn Coll., 358; MIT, 257; NAL, 51; Natl. Book Foundation, 1089- 90; New Rochelle PL, 1089; NYPL, 780; Newberry L., 1090; NCSU, 51; Northwestern U., 358, 659; Ohio State U., 893; Ohio U., 257; Pace U., 780; Paine (Thomas) Natl. Hist Soc., 1089; Pa. State U., 145,358,570,1090; Ponce Technological U. Coll., U. of P.R., 990- 91; Radcliffe Coll., 145; RLG, 146,465, 659; R.I. School of Design, 358; Rocky Mt Coll., 780; Saginaw Valley State U., 51; S t John’s U., 570; San Francisco State U., 1090; Stanford U., 257; State Historical Soc. of Wis., 257, 570; State U. Colleges, Buffalo, Brockport, Fredonia, 991; SUNY (Albany, 51; Buffalo, 991); Tabor Coll., 991; Tex. A&M U. (Coll. Sta., 465; Galveston, 257, 991); Tex. Tech U., 780; Tuskegee U., 781; United Theol. Seminary, 51; U. of Alta., 893; UC, 145 (Berkeley, 570; LA, 145,571; Riverside, 465; San Francisco, 145; Santa Cruz, 358-59); U. of Chicago, 145, 893; U. of Detroit, 145; U. o Houston, 14546; UI, U-C, 51-52, 146, 893; U. of Ky., 146; U. of Mich., 893; U. of Miss., 781; U. of Mo., Columbia, 659; U. of Nev., 893; U. of N.B., 146; U. of N.M., 991; UNC, CH, 52; U. of Or., 571; U. of Pittsburgh, 257; U. of P.R., 990-91; U. of Rochester, 571; U. of Southern Calif., 52, 781-82; UT (Arlington, 465; Austin, 893-94); U. of Wash., 571; U. of Waterloo, 52; U. of Wis.-Platteville, 257; V.I. Div. of Libraries, Archives & Museums, 894; Wash. & Lee U., 991; Wayne State U., 782; Whitworth Coll., 1089; Wyo., 465 Grants (by grantor): Ahmanson F., 358, 571; Alden (Geo. I.) TVust, 357; Anheuser- Busch F., 144; Annenberg F., 568; Ansari, Nazir, 893; ARCO Chemical Co., 465; Atherton, Lewis E. & Mary L., 659; f Bames, Mary, 257; Brooks (Gladys) F., 257; Cafritz (Morris & Gwendolyn) F., 570; Canada, 570; Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, 146, 892-93 (2); Champlin Foundations Trust, 358; Chiang Ching- kuo F., 1089; Chicago Assn. of Direct Marketing Educ. F., 568-70; Columbia U., GFA, 358; Cord (E. L.) F., 781-82; Crowell (S. H.) F., 358-59; Culpeper (Chas. E.) F., 780 (2); Dana (Charles A.) F., 358; Davis (Arthur Vining) F., 51, 358, 1089; Digital Equip. Corp., 145, 570; DuPont (Jessie B.) RC&E Fund, 991; Ferris (Booth) F., 780; Ford F., 145; Galveston Bay NEP, 257, 991; Getty Grant Prog., 144; Goldsmith (Horace W.) F., 358; Hearst (Wm. R.) F., 781-82; Hewlett (Wm. & Flora) F., 357; HEA, 5 1 ,1 4 4 4 6 (4), 2 5 7 ,3 5 8 ,4 6 5 (2), 780, 990-91, 1089; Houghton Mifflin, 357; Japan F., 780; Jockey Hollow F., 357; Johnson & Johnson Co., 1090; Kan. Lib. Network Bd., 991; Kellogg (W. K.) F., 659, 780; Kresge F., 145, 1089; KFAS, 146; LSCA, 1089; Littauer (Lucius N.) F., 571; Luce (Henry) F., 571; Mass. Council on the Arts & Humanities, 51; Mellon (Andrew W.) F., 50, 14445, 465, 659, 715; NARAS, Natl. Educ. Comm., 659; NASA Training Proj. Prog., 991; Natl. Archives, 358 (2); NEA, 780; NEH, 5 2 ,1 4 5 ,1 4 6 , 257 (6), 465 (2), 781, 893-94 (9), 990, 1088, 1089; NHPRC, 570, 780, 1089, 1090 (2); NLM, 145; NAAL, 781; N.Y., 51, 570, 991; N.Y. Times F., 358; Pamplin, Mr. & Mrs. Robt P., 1088-89; Quon, Albert & Lily, 52; San Francisco F., 465; Scripps Howard F., 257; Sloan (Alfred P.) F., 1088; Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (Canada), 146, 892-93 (2); Titus, Geo. F. & Edna Brown, 51-52, 146; USD A, 51; USDE, 51 (2), 145, 358, 465, 1089 (2); USIP, 568,570,780 (2); Wallace (Lila)-Reader’s Digest Fund, 1089-90; Warren, Ann K., 782; Wash. U., 50-51; Waterloo Regional Heritage F., 52; Wickes (Harvey R.) F., 51; Wilson (H. W.) F., 358, 570, 893 Gratch, Bonnie G., “Exploring the principle of least effort and its value to research," 727-28 Gray, Dorothy, “Women and minorities featured at ACRL Kentucky Chapter conference,” 435 “A great humanist library celebrates 500 years of survival,” Koltay, 103940 Gründer, Henry, letter to the ed., 945 Guerena, Salvador, news note, 1094 “Guidelines for academic status for college and university libraries,” ACRL, ASC, 24546 “Guidelines for borrowing special collections materials for exhibition,” ACRL, RBMS, draft (49:750-54); final version, 430-34 “Guidelines for extended campus library services,” ACRL, 1989, proposed revision (50:404-6); 1990, final version, 353-55 “Guidelines for librarians interacting with South Africa,” ALA, SRRT, 311-14, comment, 712 “Guidelines for the preparation of policies on library access,” ACRL, LATF, draft (50:386-92); final version, 548-56 “Guidelines for the security of rare book, m anuscript, and other special collections,” ACRL, RBMS, SC (1989, draft, 50:397-401), final version, 240- 44, correction, 420 Gunter, Linda, “Earthquake recovery at the libraries of the Claremont Colleges,” 935-36 Gyeszly, S u zanne D., “Book sale preparation for National Library Week,” 331-33; “Poster preparation for ALA Annual Conference,” 532-33 H Haar, John, “Choosing CD-ROM products,” 8 3 9 4 1 Haas, Warren J., news note, 7 8 6 Haeuser, Michael, “Academic library celebrations net public relations awards,” 7 4 0 4 3 Hagan, Helen, deceased, 4 7 3 Hahn, Ellen, prof., 5 7 3 Haire, Cynthia Butler, retired, 3 6 3 Hallahan, Francis, “Automatic circulation o f new journal issues,” 1068-70 Hamilton Coll., news note, 1091 Hammond, Carol, “Papers and programs: librarians adopt a scholar’s model,” 528- 31 Hampel, Elisabeth, port., 619; “The Riverside exchange,” 120-22 “Hands-on history,” Schaus, 825-31 Hardesty, Larry, ports., 745 Hardison, O. B., Jr., deceased, 792 Harris, Kenneth E., prof., 573-74 “Harvard’s Tozzer Library hosts special exhibit,” 964 Hausrath, Donald, p o rt, 8 7 7 “Have you seen your 1990 IPEDS questionnaire?” NCES, 725 Haverford Coll., “Hands-on history,” 825- 31 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, port, cover, no. 6 Hayes, Robert, prof., 467-68; prof. & port, 2 60 Hayes, Sherman, "Serving the professional staff in higher education,” 1059-61; “Wanted: weird and/or unusual services and activities,” 322-25 “Help needed with casebook on library support staff,” ALA, SCOLE, 883 Henderson, Carol C., “Washington hotline,” 29-30, 231-32, 3 0 9 , 415-16, 5 2 3 , 635, 851-52, 1084-85 Henderson, Lucile Kelling, deceased, 8 9 7 Herrick, Denise, retired, 665 Herubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “Elitism and library faculty,” 3 9 8 4 0 1 , comment, 730- 3 2 ; “The Ph‚D. librarian: a personal perspective,” 626-28 Hiatt, Dorothy, deceased, 3 6 6 HEA, “S tre n g th e n in g the Higher Education Act,” 226-27 “Higher Education Act reauthorization,” ACRL, LC, 716-20 Highsmith, Doug, “Popular culture and libraries,” 410-13, contact, 7 5 3 Hill, Barbara M., deceased, 897 Hirshon, Arnold, prof. & p o rt, 993 “Historical photos on microfiche,” 1040 “Historically black college and university libraries grant,” ACRL, HBCUC, 715 Hoffman, Kathy, news note, 786 Hogan, Sharon, prof. & port, 661 Holladay, Janice, deceased, 473 Holum, Katie, deceased, 1097 “Homelessness: a cross-disciplinary bib­ liography,” SUNY, Albany, 8 3 3 Hook, Carolyn, retired, 363 Horrocks, Norman, news note, 468 “HOT Docs consortium: a new link in an old network,” Wilson, 207-9 “How to mix oil and water: or, Getting librarians to work with programmers,” Scanlon, 320-22 “How to participate in ACRL,” 131-33 “How to publish in ACRL,” 1 3 9 4 1 Howard, Alison E., news note, 1094 Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL, 1990, 3 4 5 4 6 ; 1991, 7 7 0 Hulbert, Doris J., prof., 54-55 Humlicek, Barbara, letter to the ed., 712 “Humor and creativity:” (“a bulletin from the front lines in the war on mediocrity,” Maxstadt, 538-39; “anecdotes and folklore,” Stevens, 325-28; “for the love o f librarianship, or 1984 revisited,” B e n n e tt 428-30; “library committees,” Stevens, 109-12; “MLS envy,” Bennett [50:915-17], comments, 301-2, 712; “questions and answers,” Stevens, 857- 60; "reports from the field [1],” Stevens, 952-55) Hungary, “A great humanist library celebrates 5 0 0 years of survival,” 1039- 40 Hunter, David, news note, 5 7 5 Hurley, Bernard J., letter to the ed., 3 0 0 Huston, Mary M., “Extending information universes through systems thinking,” 692-95 Hutchinson, Heidi, “The Regensburg exchange,” 116-20 Huwe, Terence K., Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 3 4 4 4 5 , p o rt, cover, no. 4 I “Iconography o f the book,” AAS, 6 6 7 Idaho State U., news note, 52-53 “The importance o f conference proceed­ ings,” Redalje, 736-37 “Improved academic libraries statistics,” 1067 “In praise of collectors,” NYPL, 944 Ind. U., news note, 53 Ind. U., “A partnership brings improved access to folklore scholarship,” 1030- 32 Ind. U., S L IS, news note, 258 Ind. U., “Subject experts needed for MLA bibliography project,” 1032 “Information literacy," Brown, 215 “Information literacy: an introductory reading list,” Ridgeway, 6 4 5 4 8 “Information literacy articles needed,” C&RL news, 440; Ford, 5 8 2 “Information literacy: models for the curriculum,” MacAdam, 948-51 “Information literacy poster sessions,” 722- 23 “Inform ation m anagem ent in the developing world,” theme presentations wanted, 659 “Innovacq implementation: a reference librarian’s perspective,” Woodward, 986- 90 Innovations, 109-15, 207-9, 320-29, 427- 3 0 ,536-39,637-39, 721-25,8 5 3 S 2 , 952- 60, 1068-71 Innovations (“Access to serials,” Trithart, 959-60; “Adventures in grant-writing,” Jarred, 955-57; “Allocating one-time funds on the basis o f weighted need,” Best, 1070-71; “Automatic circulation of new journal issues,” Lane, 1068-70; “The CD-caper,” Krausse, 328-29; “Employing library student assistants as student supervisors,” Fuller, 855-57; “Fines for food,” Weaver-Meyers, 536- 38; “HOT Docs consortium,” Wilson, 207-9; “How to mix oil and water,” S c a n lo n , 3 2 0 - 2 2 ; “H um or and creativity:” [“a bulletin from the front lines,” Maxstadt, 538-39; “anecdotes and folklore,” Stevens, 325-28; “for the love of librarianship,” B e n n e tt 428-30; “library committees,” Stevens, 109-12; “MLS envy,” Bennett (50:915-17), comments, 301-2, 712; “questions and answers,” Stevens, 857-60; “reports from the field (1),” Stevens, 952-55]; “Information literacy poster sessions,” 722-23; "Library orientation for college secretarial staff,” Getaz, 427-28; “Sailing the seas of information at Cleveland State,” Reinhart 112-13; “Some small ideas,” Metter, 853-55; “Su bject access to periodicals,” Foster, 114-15; “Tapping the expertise of orrcampus consultants,” Ragsdale, 721-22; “Team weeding in a university library,” Osheroff, 723-25; “Tracking periodical usage in a research library," Evans, 958-59; "Using a DBMS to maintain a reserve reading collection,” Crawford, 860-62; “The visually impaired and the academic library,” Dixon, 637- 3 9; “Wanted: weird and/or unusual services and activities,” Hayes, 322-25) ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1990, 3 4 4 ; 1991, 771 ISI, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1990, 3 4 4 4 5 ; 1991, 772-73 In st for Scientific Inf. in Social Sciences, news note, 146 “The interdisciplinary use of physics journals,” Clark (50:145-50), comment, “T 2 h 3 e International Association for Social S cience Information Service and Technology (IASSIST),” Geraci, 869-71 “IBM aids LITA literacy enhancement programs,” 767 I FLA, “Opportunities,” 236-38 “International symposium on new techniques and applications in libraries,” Wei, 128-30 “Iowa academic librarians meet to discuss future cooperative efforts,” Martin, 652- 53 “Is your department the best?” 144 J Jaros, Joe, “Taming the purple monster,” 8 4 2 4 7 larred, Ada D., “Adventures in grant- writing,” 955-57 “Job enrichment for catalogers,” Paiste, 4- 8 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1990, 7 4 0 4 3 Johnson, Linda B., “Coping with a quake,” 928-33 Johnson, Robert Kellogg, deceased, 792- 93, correction, 793 Jones-Trent, Bernice, prof., 148 Jonish, Arley, retired, 3 6 5 Jurow, Susan, prof. & port., 5 7 4 “Justifying your public relations program,” Pastine, 864-67 K K. G. Saur Award for B est College & Research Libraries Article, 1990, 346; 1991, 774 Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Awards, ACRL, RBMS, 1990,3 4 7 4 8 ; 1991,773- 74 Keel, Virginia, p o rt, 113 Kehoe, Cynthia A., “The future of reference III: a response,” 1052-55 Keleher, Jean, “The residence hall libraries a t the University of Michigan,” 222-25, comment, 3 9 7 Kellogg, R o b e r t See Johnson, Robert Kellogg Kemp, Jan e, "The University of Crete library,” 43-45 Kendrick, Curtis, “Minority internship/ scholarship in library and information science,” 965-72 Kennedy, Jam es R., prof., 7 8 3 Keppel, Francis, deceased, 3 6 6 Ketner, Kenneth L., news note, 5 4 Kflu, Tesfai, “Academic libraries and the culturally diverse student population,” 5 2 4-27 Kibbee, Jo , prof., 660-61 Kilgour, Fred erick G., news note, 1094 Kinyon, William R., “The interdisciplinary use o f physics jo u rn als" (50:145-50), comment, 2 3 K irk, T hom as, “T h e C oalition for Networked Information,” 751-53; port., 7 4 5 Kister, Suzon O., “Mrs. Thatcher’s libraries,” 460-61 Kloeppel, Dan, p o r t, 9 3 3 Knittel, Marjorie C., “Team weeding in a university library,” 723-25 Knoerr, M argaret Mattis, retired, 4 7 1 Knowles, Em Claire, “Recruiting the underrepresented to academic libraries,” 1016-28 Koltay, Zsuzsa, “A great hum anist library celebrates 5 0 0 years o f survival,” 1039- 40 Kornegay, Becky, “Library literature in non-library publications," 1033-34 Kosman, George, deceased, 153 Krausse, Sylvia C., “The CD-caper,” 328- 29 Krikelas, Jam es, p o r t, 8 7 7 Krompart, Janet, “Eight-month contracts for Oakland University librarians,” 976- 78 Kuhta, Richard J., “The scarlet letter = A(utomation),” 5 4 0-43 Kunselman, JoAn D., prof. & p o r t, 4 6 8 L Ladewig, Adelheid (Heid) G., deceased, 7 9 3 Laird, W. David, retired & port., 3 6 5 Lamprecht, Sandra J., “Through the looking glass,” 5 1 7-20 Lancaster, Lucy Lee, deceased, 153 Landers, Melissa, deceased, 153 Lane, David M., “Automatic circulation o f new jo u rn al issu es,” 1068-70 Larson, Mary Ellen, letter to the ed. & response, 5 3 5 -3 6 Latta, Gail F., “R esource coordinators revisited,” 729-30 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, ACRL/ISI, 1990, 3 4 4 4 5 ; 1991, 7 7 2-73 Leab (Katharine Kyes & Daniel J.) American Book Prices Current Awards, ACRL, R B M S, 1990,3 4 7 4 8 ; 1991,773- 7 4 “Leadership,” Deale, 108 Lee, Hwa-Wei, news note, 261 Legedza, Roman, deceased, 5 9 Lehmann, Stephen, “New book review e d ito rs fo r C ollege & research libraries," 557 Letters, 2 3 , 1 0 8 , 2 1 5 , 3 0 0 - 3 0 2 , 3 9 7 , 535- 3 6 , 7 1 2 , 9 4 5 Li, Hong-Chan, retired, 5 9 “Librarian salaries: paid what w e’re worth?” Meyer, 504-9 LAMA, PRMDG, “‘P R for special activities’ on tap for LAMA,” 1095 LAMA, P R S, Jo h n Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1990, 7 4 0 4 3 LITA, “IBM aids LITA literacy enhance­ m ent programs,” 7 6 7 “A library center for disabled students,” Powell, 418-20 “Library/classroom partnerships for the 1 9 9 0 s ,” Moran, 5 1 1-14 “Library fellows,” Pagell, 7 1 2 “A library for the University College o f Belize,” Wright, 6 2 2-26 Library instruction clearinghouses: a directory, availability, 4 3 4 “Library jo b s and student retention,” Wilder, 1035-38 “L ib rary lite ra tu r e in non-library publications,” Kornegay, 1033-34 “Library/media technicians,” Brown, 301- 2 LC, news notes, 782-83, 1091 “Library orientation for college secretarial staff,” Getaz, 4 2 7-28 L O E X C le a rin g h o u s e o n L ib r a ry Instruction, “Abstracts needed for practical sessions,” 9 4 7 “Library policy grants," CLR, 6 5 3 Lilley, Barbara, news note, 3 5 9-60 Lin, Che-Hwei, retired, 150 Lindberg, Donald A. B ., news note, 662-63 “Linking university library catalogs in O ntario," 130 Lloyd, J times B., “Special collections in the Southeast,” 5 65 -6 7 , comment, 732- 3 4 “Local CE courses in high demand,” ACRL, 1091 Lohf, Kenneth, news note, 3 6 0 “Long-distance library service for a graduate school,” Corrigan, 1064-67 Loomba, Mary A., “Academic libraries and th e c u lt u r a lly d iv e r s e s tu d e n t population,” 524-27 Lorkovic, Tatjana, p o r t, 7 4 6 La. S ta te U., “Library jobs and student retention,” 1035-38 Love, B a r b a r a , “The 1 9 th annual Workshop on Instruction in Library Use: the challenge o f the 9 0 s ," 734-36 Lowry, Maynard, “Rubble with a cause: earthquake preparedness in California,” 192-97 L u cas, T hom as A., “Verifying the Conspectus: problems and progress,” 199-201 Lunde, Joyce E., retired, 7 9 1 Lupone, George, p o r t, 113 L u tz k e r , M a rily n , “B ib lio g r a p h ic instruction and accreditation in higher education,” 14-18 Lyders, Richard A., news notes, 148, 2 6 1 M Maack, Mary Niles, prof., 8 9 5 Mabley, Elwood, retired, 3 6 5 MacAdam, Barbara, “Information literacy: models for the curriculum,” 948-51 McCandless, Patricia, prof., 2 6 0 McCarthy, Stephen Anthony, deceased & p o r t, 4 7 2-73 McCombs, Dorothy Foster, deceased, 5 7 7 McDaniel, David Arthur, deceased, 5 7 7 McDonough, Rosemary, retired, 9 9 7 McKeon, Newton F., deceased, 793 McKinley, Juanita, retired, 6 6 5 M cQuitty, J e a n e tte , “T h e re so u rce coordinator: team m ember in faculty research,” 421 -2 5 , comment, 729-30 Magrill, Rose Mary, “Undergraduate term paper citations," 25-28 “The making o f MELDOC,” Eichhorn, 4 4 1 4 4 Malanchuk, Peter, ports., 7 4 5 Manning, Leslie, p o r t, 7 4 5 Manning, Martha E., deceased, 5 9 “Marketing the college library,” Teuton, 1073-74 Marshall, John David, news note, 5 4 Martin, J . David, "Iowa academic librarians meet to discuss future cooperative efforts,” 652-53; p o r t, 8 7 7 Martin, Rebecca R., prof. & p o r t, 6 6 2 Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, ACRL, W E S S , 1990, 3 4 9 ; 1991, 7 7 2 Marymount U., news note, 7 8 3 Mason, Alexandra, news note, 4 6 8 Maxstadt, John, “Humor and creativity: a bulletin from the front lines in the war on mediocrity,” 5 3 8-39 Mayles, William F., deceased, 153 Meadow, Charles, prof., 5 7 4 Measuring academ ic library perfor­ mance: a practical approach, Van House, availability, 4 4 4 “Medical books needed,” 781 Medina, Su e O., “The Network of Alabama Academic Libraries,” 6 4 0 4 3 “Mentoring along the tenure track,” Colley, 2 9 7-300 Merrill, Martha, news note, 6 6 3 Metter, Ellen, “Som e small ideas,” 853-55 Meyer, Richard W., “Librarian salaries: paid what we’re worth?” 504-9 Miah, Abdul J ., news note & p o r t, 7 8 6 Michalak, Thomas, “The Coalition for Networked Information,” 7 5 1-53 Mills Coll., news note, 2 5 8 “Minority internship/scholarship in library and information science,” Kendrick, 965- 72 "Minority recruitm ent: a success story,” Echavarria, 9 6 2-64 “Minority recruitm ent video,” U. o f Pittsburgh, S L IS , 102 8 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Y ear Award, ACRL, 1990, 3 4 6 4 7 ; 1991, 769-70 Mishawaka-Penn PL, “Using a spreadsheet program to shift a jou rn al collection” ( 5 0 :9 0 4 -9 ), com m ents, 3 0 1 , 9 4 5 , corrections, 127 Mo. Historical So c., “Ornamental frieze discovered,” 9 3 3 “M LS envy,” Humlicek, 7 1 2 “Model statem ent o f objectives for academic bibliographic instruction,” ACRL, B IS, 1987, draft revision (48:256- 6 1); 1989, approved (5 0 :1 4 1 ); 1990, user survey, 9 3 7 Modelski, Andrew M., retired, 4 7 1 Modelski, Minnie A., retired, 4 7 1 MLA, news note, 5 3; "A partnership brings improved access to folídore scholarship,” 1030-32; “Su b ject experts needed for MLA Bibliography project,” 103 2 Moffett, W illiam A., “ACRL offers assistance to FB I in rare book recovery,” 4 0 8 ; “ACRL president’s letter” & p o r t, 96-98, correction, 3 0 0 -3 0 1 , retraction o f correction, 3 9 7 ; "ACRL president’s report” & p o r t, 61 2 -1 4 ; ports., 7 4 5 4 6 ; prof. & p o r t, 783-84 Molholt, Pat, “The future o f reference III: a paradigm shift for information ser­ vices,” 1045-51 Montavon, Victoria A., prof. & port., 1093 Moran, Barbara B., “Library/classroom partnerships for the 1990s,” 511-14; prof., 784 Moravian Coll., “Using a DBMS to maintain a reserve reading collection,” 860-62 “More on broadening the lines of commu­ nication,” Dittemore, 946-47 “More than forty years of ACRL liaison activities,” Segal, 629-32 M orita, Ic h ik o , “R e c ru itin g the U n d errep rese n ted to A cadem ic Libraries,” 1016-28 Morrill, Richard L., “Danish Research Librarians’ Association,” 875-76 "Mrs. Thatcher’s libraries,” Kister, 460-61 Muehsam (Gerd) Award, ARLIS/NA, 1990, 643 Mullins, June, “Job enrichment for catalogers,” 4-8 Mulvaney, J. Philip, “Response to elitism,” 730-32 Musgrove, Walter Sheldon, deceased, 59 “Musical performances in libraries: is a licen se from ASCAP req uired ?” Wynbrandt, 404-6 Mustain, Anne, port, 877 Mwacalimba, Hudwell, news note & port., 148 N Naiman, Sandra, “C&RL news acting editor appointed,” 1058 Naismith, Rachael, K. G. Saur Award, 3 4 6 (port, cover, no. 4) NCES, “Have you seen your 1 9 9 0 1PEDS questionnaire?” 725 National Conference on Acquisitions, Budgets, and Collections, 1st, 1990, S t Louis, research needed, 198-99; 2d, 1991, Minneapolis, call for papers, 1 07 “National Library Week, April 22-28, 1990,” ALA Graphics, 38 NWHP, "Women’s history resources,” 425 Naylor, Ronald P., “Education indicators,” 249-51 Neff, William B., deceased, 473-74 “The Network of Alabama Academic Libraries,” Medina, 6 4 0 4 3 “New ACRL discussion group on fundraising and development” 206 “New ACRL publication on research perspectives,” 531-32 “New ACRL publications,” 628-29 “New book review editors for College & research libraries,” 557 “New clearinghouse directory,” ACRL, 434 “New College & research libraries editor,” 13-14 “The New England Law Library Consortium CD-ROM Union Catalog,” 6 3 9 4 0 “New Fulbright award,” 957 "New Jersey media assessment available," 1058 “New PR brochure available," 1040 “New resource sharing journal,” Advances in library resource sharing, 220, correction, 546 “New storage facility at Southern Illinois University,” Peterson, 3 9 4 3 , correction, 2 44 “New telephone system at ALA,” Eberhart, 235-36 NYPL, “In praise o f collectors,” 944; news note, 1 4 6 4 7 NYU, news note, 660 Newcomb-Doty, Yvonne, “Service vs. 7 economics," 211-15 News from the field, 49-53, 1 4 2 4 8 , 256- 58,35 6 -5 9 ,4 6 3 ^ 6 ,5 6 7 -7 2 ,6 5 7 -6 0 , 779- 8 3, 892-94, 990-92, 1087-91 News notes, 5 2 - 5 3 ,1 4 6 4 8 ,2 5 8 ,3 5 9 ,4 6 5 - 6 6, 571-72, 659-60, 782-83, 991-92, 1090-91 “1988-89 academic library statistics available from ACRL,” 880 “The 1989 annual conference of German librarians,” Feller, 122-24 “The 1990 annual conference of German librarians,” Feller, 981-84 “The 19th annual Workshop on Instruction in Library Use: the challenge of the 90s,” Love, 734-36 “95% rate Choice the best for academic book reviews,” 1061 N.C. State U., John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 7 4 0 4 3 NEDCC, news note, 146; “Preventive maintenance," 408 Northeastern State U., "The resource coordinator: team member in faculty research,” 421-25, comment 729-30 Northwestern State U. of La., “Adventures in grant-writing,” 955-57 Northwestern U., "Automating reserve activities at Northwestern University,” 98-101 Norway, “University librarians attend Nordic seminar,” 1038 “Notes from the president" Ford, 882-83 Nuell, Nancy Jablonski, letter to the ed., 3 9 7 Nyquist Corinne, “Guidelines for librarians in teractin g with S o u th A frica," commentary, 311-12, comment 712 O Oakland U., “Eight-month contracts for Oakland University librarians,” 976-78 Oberg, Larry R., “The changing role of college librarians," 329-31 Oberly (Eunice Rockwell) Award, ACRL, STS, 1991, 774-75 O'Brien, Patrick M., “ALA candidates on ACRL” & port., 337-38 O’Brien, Philip M., news note, 54; “Rubble with a cause: earthquake preparedness in California," 192-97 OCLC, “Auto-Graphics and OCLC to develop new resource-sharing product” 206; news note, 147 “OCLC announces award for reference librarianship,” 1034 “Off-campus library services conference— presenters alert,” CMU, 972 “Off-campus library services: leading the way,” Witucke, 252-56 “Office of Library Programs reviewers,” USOERI, 295 Ohio U., news note, 572 “Oklahoma Chapter,” ACRL, 712 Olivier, Evelyn Riché, “Academic library celebrations net public relations awards,” 7 4 0 4 3 O n t, “Linking university library catalogs in Ontario,” 130 “Opportunities with IFLA,” ALA, IRC, 236- 38 Or. SL , news note, 1091 Or. State U., “Team weeding in a university library,” 723-25 Ormondroyd, Joan, Miriam Dudley Award, 3 4 6 4 7 (port, cover, no. 4) “Ornamental frieze discovered during Missouri Historical Society’s renovation p roject” 933 Osheroff, Shiela Keil, “Team weeding in a university library,” 723-25 “Other programs of in terest” 450 Owens, J a n e t “Searching the National Library of Canada’s DOBIS database,” 650-52 P Pace U., news note, 53 Pagell, Ruth A., letter to the ed., 712 Paiste, Marsha Starr, “Job enrichment for catalogers," 4-8 Paper terms, availability, 628-29 “Papers and programs: librarians adopt a scholar’s model,” Frank, 528-31 Papers solicited, 198-99, 341, 440, 659, 737-38, 890, 972, 1077 “A paradigm shift for information services,” Molholt 1045-51 “Paraprofessionals in academic libraries,” ACRL, TFPAL, 893 “A partnership beings improved access to folklore scholarship,” Uchitelle, 1030- 32 “Part-timers sought for study,” 1029 Pastine, Maureen, “Justifying your public relations program,” 864-67 Patrick, Ruth J., prof. & port., 895; “Strengthening the Higher Education A ct” 226-27 Patterson, Thomas H., “Searching the National Library of Canada’s DOBIS database,” 650-52 Paul, Jeff, “Coping with a quake,” 928-33 “Peer review committees for personnel action,” Wurzburger, 305-6 Peguese, Charles R., Community College Learning R esources Achievement Award, 349-50, port., cover, no. 4 People, 53-59, 148-55, 258-64, 359-66, 467-74, 572-78, 660-67, 783-93, 894- 97, 992-97, 1092-97 People in the news, 5 3 - 5 4 ,1 4 8 ,2 6 1 ,3 5 9 - 60, 468, 575-76, 662-64, 785-86, 896, 996, 1094-95 Perdue, Bob, “BIO S1S Previews and psychological research,” 107-9 Performance appraisal in academic libraries (CLIP note #12), availability, 628 “Performance measures due out in June,” ACRL, 444 Perry, Bonita, prof. & port, 993-94 Peterson, Kenneth G., “New storage facility at Southern Illinois University,” 3 9 4 3 , correction, 244 Pettengill, Richard L., “Eight-month contracts for Oakland University librarians,” 976-78 “The Ph.D. librarian: a personal perspective,” Herubel, 626-28 Phipps, Shelley, port, 745 Phoenix Conference, 1992, 201, 737-38 "Physics journals,” Roth, 23 Pichler, Juanita, port., 113 P ickett Mary Joyce, prof., 1093 Piele, Linda, port, 745 Pine Manor Coll., news note, 659-60 Piotrowski, Chris, “BIO SIS Previews and psychological research,” 107-9 Polish Central Medical, “Satellite link to Poland’s Central Medical Library,” 124- 25 Polytechnic U., news note, 660 Poole, Jay, retired, 791 Popa, Opritsa D., “Through the looking glass,” 517-20 “Popular culture and libraries," Ellis, 410- 13, co n tact 753 Portland State U., “A library center for disabled students,” 418-20 “Position paper on academic libraries (draft),” ACRL, TFWHCLIS, 307-8 “Poster preparation for ALA Annual Conference,” Gyeszly, 532-33 Potts-Guin, Marilyn, deceased, 153 Pourciau, Lester J., news note, 575 Povsic, Frances, retired, 1097 Powell, Faye, “A library center for disabled students,” 418-20 “‘PR for special activities' on tap for LAMA,” 1095 “The practical librarian: managing collections and services in the college library,” Upchurch, 871-72 “Preservation news,” Brown, 197-98,302, 409-10, 515-16, 620-21, 705, 832-33, 1062 Presser, Carolynne, prof., 895 “Preventive maintenance,” NEDCC, 408 Price, Mary Kathleen, prof., 661 Proctor, Vilma, deceased, 897 Professional Association Liaison Awards, ACRL, 1991, 773 Profiles, 5 4 -5 5 ,1 4 8 ,2 5 8 6 1 ,4 6 7 - 6 8 ,5 7 2 - 75, 660-62, 783-85, 894-95, 992-96, 1092-94 Publications, 1 5 5 3 0 ,2 6 4 3 7 ,4 7 4 -7 9 ,5 7 8 - 82, 628-29, 668-70, 793-96, 899-900, 998-1000, 1075-77 "Publications,” Eberhart, 9 98-1000,1075- 77 Purdue U., news note, 147 Pyatt, Sherman E., “Faculty status in South Carolina” (50:927-33), comment, 215 Q Quiring, Virginia, retired, 791 R Radcliffe Coll., news note, 359, 1091 Rader, Hannelore B., “Bibliographic instruction or information literacy,” 18- 20, comment, 215, comment & response, 535-36; “Bringing information literacy into the academic curriculum,” 879-80 Ragsdale, Kate W., "Tapping the expertise of on-campus consultants,” 721-22 Ramsey, Stephen D., “Fines for food: a citation system to control food and drink consumption in the library,” 536-38 "RBM S preconference in Minneapolis," 130-31 “Recommendations for publishers of conference proceedings," ACRL, STS, 979-81 "Recruiting the underrepresented to academic libraries," ACRL, TFRUM, 1016-28 Redalje, Susanne J., “The importance of conference proceedings,” 736-37 “Reference librarian to the rescue," Stevens, 397 Regan, Muriel, news note, 575 “The Regensburg exchange,” Hutchinson, 116-20 R eg e n sb u rg U., “The Riverside/ Regensburg exchange," 116-22 Regis Coll., news note, 659-60 Reid, Marion T., prof. & port, 994 Reinhart, Billie, “Sailing the seas of information at Cleveland State” & port, 112-13 Reneker, Maxine H., “ACRL issues for the 9 0 s ” & port, 203-6 Renford, Beverly, prof. & port, 261 “A request from Siberia,” 796 Research forum, 25-28, 107-9, 317-19, 421-25, 528-33, 727-34 Research forum (“ACRL research agenda,” ACRL, RC, 317-19; “BIO SIS Previews and psychological research," Perdue, 107-9; "Exploring the principle o f least effort and its value to research,” Gratch, 727-28; “New ACRL publication on research perspectives,” 531-32; “Papers and programs,” Frank, 528-31; “Poster preparation for ALA Annual Confer­ ence," Gyeszly, 532-33; “The resource co o rd in a to r,” McQuitty, 4 2 1 -2 5 , comment 729-30; “Resource coordin­ ators revisited,” Latta, 729-30; “Re­ sponse to elitism," Mulvaney, 730-32; "Special collections revisited,” Conway, 732-34; “Undergraduate term paper citations,” S t Clair, 25-28) “Research in acquisitions, budgets, and collections needed,” 198-99 “Research in science librarianship,” ACRL, STS, 341 RLG, “Verifying the Conspectus: problems and progress,” 199-201 “Residence hall libraries,” Nuell, 397 “The residence hall libraries at the University of Michigan,” Keleher, 222- 25, comment 397 “Resolution on Higher Education Act reauthorization,” ALA, 717 The resource coordinator: team member in faculty research,” McQuitty, 421-25, comment 729-30 Resource coordinators revisited,” Latta, 729-30 “Response to elitism,” Mulvaney, 730-32 Retirements, 5 9 ,1 5 0 -5 2,363-65,471,576- 77, 665, 789-91, 9 9 7 ,1 0 9 7 “Revolting developments,” Stevens, 300- 301, correction, 397 Richards, Pamela Spence, Martinus Nijhoff Study Grant 349, port, cover, no. 4 Ridgeway, Trish, “Information literacy: an introductory reading l is t ” 645-48 Riggs, Donald E., prof., 994 “The Riverside exchange,” Hampel, 120- 22 “The Riverside/Regensburg exchange,” Hutchinson & Hampel, 116-22 Roberts, Valerie, deceased, 1097 Roe, Keith E., prof., 661-62 Rom, Pat, “The ACRL committee appointment process,” 885-86 Rosenthal, R obert deceased & port, 153- 54; “A memorial resolution,” 244 Roth, Dana L., letters to the ed., 23, 301 (comment, 945) “Rubble with a cause: earthquake preparedness in California,” Lowry, 192- 97 Russman, Penny, “Data entry planning for retrospective conversion,” 456-60 Rutgers U., “JoAn Segal honored,” 466 Ryus, Joseph E., retired, 365 S Sabatine, Alicia, port, 877 Sager, Rochelle, port, 745; prof., 662; “A strategic plan for B IS ,” 775-78 “Sailing the seas of information at Cleveland State” & port, Reinhart, 112- 13 S t Clair, Gloriana, “New College & research libraries editor" & port., 13- 14; “Undergraduate term paper citations,” 25-28 S t Lawrence U., “The scarlet letter - A(utomation),” 540-43 Salzer, Elizabeth, port, 745 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ACRL/ISI, 1990, 344-45; 1991, 772-73 San Jose State U., “Coping with a quake,” 928-33 “Satellite link to Poland’s Central Medical Library,” 124-25 Saunders, Lavema M., “Deans of libraries: what’s in a title?” 697-701 Saur (K. G.) Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1990,346; 1991, 774 Sawyer, Warren Allen, deceased, 154 Scalzo, Geri, retired, 150, 365 Scanlon, James J., “How to mix oil and water: or, Getting librarians to work with programmers," 320-22 “The scarlet letter = Automation),” Kuhta, 540-43 Schaus, Margaret “Hands-on history,” 825-31 Scheven, Yvette, news note, 1094 Schm idt C. James, news note, 1094-95 Schm idt Sherrie, prof. & port, 784 “Scholarly pursuits,” 301 Schuman, Patricia, “ALA candidates on ACRL” & port, 337-39 “Searching the National Library of Canada’s DOBIS database," Patterson, 650-52 "Section funding discussion,” Spalding, 960-61 Segal, JoAn S., “ACRL’s 1990 budget” 32-38; “Give the members what they w ant results of ACRL’s membership survey,” 558-62; "Global librarianship: the role of American academic librarian­ ship and ACRL,” 543-46, comment, 712; “Honored at Rutgers,” 466; “More than forty years of ACRL liaison activities,” 629-32; “Named ALA associate executive director for programs,” 516; “Tip sheet for involvement in non-library associa­ tions,” 632 “Service vs. economics," Newcomb-Doty, 211-15 “Serving the professional staff in higher education,” Hayes, 1059-61 Shank, Russell, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 345-46, port, cover, no. 4 Shapiro, Beth J., “CIC resource sharing project" 21-23; prof. & port, 995 Sheehy, Carolyn A., prof. & port, 1093-94 Sheldon, Brooke E., prof., 994-95 Sheviak, Margaret deceased, 59 Siberia, “A req uest” 796 Simmons, Wendy A., port, 877 Simpson, M. Ronald, news note, 54 Smith, Anne M., deceased, 264 Smith, Harold, retired, 576-77 Smith, Jessie Carney, news note, 575-76 Snyder, Carolyn A , “CIC resource sharing p roject” 21-23 “Some small ideas,” Metter, 853-55 “South Africa,” Willemse, 712 S.C., “Faculty status in South Carolina" (50:927-33), comment 215 Southern 111. U., Carbondale, “New storage facility,” 3 9 4 3 , correction, 244 Southern Methodist U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 3 4 7 Spalding, Helen H., “Section funding discussion," 960-61 “Special collections in the Southeast,” Lloyd, 565-67, comment, 732-34 “Special collections revisited,” Conway, 732-34 Spence, Paul H., retired & port, 59 “The Spirit o f inquiry lives!” 332 Spoede, Mary, deceased, 474 “Spreadsheet calculations,” Roth, 301, comment, 945 "Spreadsheet corrections," 127 “Spurious precision,” Gründer, 945 "Standards for community, junior and technical college learning resources programs,” ACRL/AECT, 757-67 "Standards for faculty status for college and university librarians,” ACRL, ASC, draft revision, 4 0 2 4 Stanford U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 347; news note, 1091 SUNY, Albany, “Homelessness: a cross- disciplinary bibliography," 833 SUNY, Potsdam, “Access to serials: local improvements may make a difference,” 959-60 SUNY, Stony Brook, “Minority internship/ scholarship in library and information science,” 965-72 Steen, Nancy, retired, 1097 Steig, Lewis F., deceased, 3 6 6 Stein, Joan Ellen, K. G. Saur Award, 346, port, cover, no. 4 Stevens, Norman D., "Feeling funny?” I l l , 326, 858, 954; “Humor and creativity:” (“anecdotes and folklore,” 325-28; “library committees," 109-12; “questions and answers," 857-60; “re­ ports from the field (1),” 952-55; letters to the ed., 300-301 (correction, 397), 397 Stevenson, Marsha, “Design options for an on-campus document delivery pro­ gram,” 4 3 7 4 0 Stokes, Katharine M., deceased, 154-55 Stone, Constance, “Automatic circulation of new journal issues,” 1068-70 “A strategic plan for B IS,” Sager, 775-78 “Strengthening the Higher Education A ct” Patrick, 226-27 “Study on alternative sources of revenue in academic libraries,” ACRL, 20 “Subject access to periodicals: a main-Mac combo," Foster, 114-15 “Su bject experts needed for MLA bibliography project," 1032 “Suggestions for editors,” B en n ett 4 6 4 9 Sullivan, Peggy, prof. & port, 995 Szladits, Lola Leontin, deceased, 577-78 T Tabb, Winston, prof., 574-75 "Taming the purple monster,” Jaros, 842- 47 “Tapping the expertise of on-campus consultants," Ragsdale, 721-22 “Team weeding in a university library,” Osheroff, 723-25 Tenofsky, Deborah, “The residence hall libraries at the University of Michigan,” 222-25, comment, 397 Temberg, Milton G., news note, 1094 Terry, Michael, prof., 55 Teuton, Luella Bosman, “Marketing the college library,” 1073-74 Tex. A&M U., “Book sale preparation for National Library Week,” 331-33; “Taming the purple monster,” 8 4 2 4 7 Tex. Tech U., news note, 53 “Theft in libraries or archives,” Allen, 939- Thom 43 as, Yolanda, port, cover, no. 2 Thompson, Gary, “Sailing the seas of information at Cleveland State” & port, 112-13 Thorin, Suzanne, news note, 1095 Thorson, Connie Capers, “Faculty sponsor program, University of New Mexico,” 298; “Mentoring along the tenure track," 297-300 “Three ACRL members chosen as Academic Library Management Interns,” CLR, 401-2 “Through the looking glass," Popa, 517- 20 “Tip sheet for involvement in non-library associations,” Segal, 632 “Tips from the off-campus contingent” Witucke, 254 Tongate, John, “The future of reference III: discussion summary,” 1057-58 Townley, Charles T., prof. & port, 784; “A value-added, compact disk union catalog,” 835-39 “Tracking periodical usage in a research library," Evans, 958-59 Tracy, Joan I., retired, 997 Tramdack, Philip, port, 113 Trithart David, “Access to serials: local improvements may make a difference,” 959-60 Trizzino, Barbara, port, 113 Trombatore, Dennis, “The future of reference III: another response,” 1055- 56 Tucker, Dennis C., “Using a spreadsheet program to shift a journal collection" (50:904-9), comments, 3 0 1 , 945, corrections, 127 Tufts U., “Job enrichment for catalogers,” 4-8 Type evidence, availability, 628-29 U Uchitelle, Daniel, “A partnership brings improved access to folklore scholarship,” 1030-32 “Undergraduate term paper citations,” S t Clair, 25-28 “Union Carbide signs agreement with Wei T'o Associates," 28 U.K., “Fulbright Program,” 1991-92,248- 49 USIA, “Book arts exhibit to tour Africa,” 841; “Eight Library/Book Fellow positions open,” 125-27; “Library/Book Fellows for 1990-1991” & port, 876-77 U.S. Naval War Coll., news note, 1091 USOERI, “Education indicators,” 249-51 USOERI, Office of Library Programs, “Reviewers," 295 U. Coll. o f Belize, “A library," 622-26 “University librarians attend Nordic seminar,” 1038 U. of Ala., “Tapping the expertise o f on- campus consultants,” 721-22 U. of Ariz., HSC, news note, 1091 UC, Irvine, “Cultural diversity in California,” 1029; “The making of MELDOC,” 4 4 1 4 4 UCLA, news note, 359 UC, R iv ersid e, “The R iv ersid e/ Regensburg exchange,” 116-22 UC, San Diego, “Minority recruitment: a success story,” 962-64 UC, Santa Cruz, news note, 1091 U. of Colo., Colo. Springs, news note, 1091 “The University o f Crete library,” Kemp, 4 3 4 5 U. of Guam, news note, 991-92 U. of Hawaii, news note, 147 U. of Me., “Searching the National Library of Canada’s DOBIS database,” 650-52 U. of Mich., “BI in the local high school,” 217-20; “Information literacy: models for the curriculum," 948-51; “The residence hall libraries at the University o f Michigan,” 222-25, comment, 397 U. of Minn., news note, 1 4 7 4 8 U. o f Nev., Las Vegas, “Deans of libraries: what’s in a title?” 697-701 U. of N.H., “Automatic circulation o f new journal issues,” 1068-70 U. of N.M., “Faculty sponsor program,” 298; “Historical photos on micrifiche,” 1040; “Mentoring along the tenure track," 297-300 U. of N.M. Law School, “Innovacq imple­ mentation: a reference librarian’s perspective,” 986-90 U. of Okla., “Fines for food: a citation system to control food and drink con­ sumption in the library,” 536-38 U. of Pittsburgh, SLIS, “Minority recruit­ ment video,” 1028 U. of R.I., “The CD-caper,” 328-29 U. of Tenn., Knoxville, “The visually impaired and the academic library,” 637- 39 U. of Toronto, Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award of M erit 347 U. of W. Va., “Long-distance library service for a graduate school,” 1064-67 Upchurch, Sandra, “The practical librarian: managing collections and services in the college library,” 871-72 “Used the Model statement lately?” ACRL, B IS, 937 “Using a DBMS to maintain a reserve reading collection,” Crawford, 860-62 “Using a spreadsheet program to shift a journal collection,” Tucker (50:904-9), comments, 301, 945, corrections, 127 V “A value-added, compact disk union catalog,” Townley, 835-39 Van Benthuysen, Robert F., retired, 791 Van Dyke, Marilyn, news note, 54 “Verifying the Conspectus: problems and progress,” Lucas, 199-201 Va. Commonwealth U., “Choosing CD- ROM products,” 839-41 “Visiting fellowships at Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library,” Yale U., 974 "Visiting research fellowships,” AAS, 1074 “The visually impaired and the academic library,” Dixon, 637-39 Vogel, Marion L., letter to the ed., 215 W Wagner, Mary M., port, 877 Walch, David B., “A White House Conference primer for academic librar­ ies,” 849-50 Waldman, Robert, “The residence hall libraries at the University of Michigan,” 222-25, comment 397 Walker, Barbara, news note, 54 Walker, Warren, news note, 54 Walther, Robert, “New book review editors for College & research libraries,” 5 5 7 Wand, Patricia, “Academic libraries: a source o f national strength,” 713-15; “ALA and affiliates issue agenda," 937; “Position paper on academic libraries (draft),” 307-8; “The White House Conference needs you!” 129; “WHCLIS state contacts,” 227-29; “White House Conference update,” 413-14, 521, 634 “Wanted: weird and/or unusual services and activities,” Hayes, 322-25 “Washington hotline,” Henderson, 29-30, 2 3 1 - 3 2 ,3 0 9 ,4 1 5 - 1 6 ,5 2 3 , 6 3 5 ,8 5 1 -5 2 , 1084-85 Wash. S L , "Washington S tate Newspaper P roject completed,” 10 3 4 “Washington State Newspaper Project completed,” 1034 Watson, Ja n et Erikson, deceased, 8 9 7 Watson, Tom, p o r t, 8 7 2 Watson-Boone, Peter G., “Dual career couples in academe,” 292-95; prof. & port., 995-96 Waubonsee Community Coll., John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Special Award, 740-43 Weaver-Meyers, Pat L., “Fines for food: a citation system to control food and drink consumption in the library,” 536-38 Wei, Karen T., “International symposium on new techniques and applications in libraries,” 128-30 Wei T ’o Associates, “Union Carbide signs agreement,” 2 8 Welch, C. Brigid, prof. & port., 5 7 5 Welbum, William, news note, 1095 Werner, Gloria, prof. & port., 7 8 5 Wesleyan U., “Data entry planning for retrospective conversion,” 456-60 "W E S S directory available,” ACRL, 6 1 4 Westbrook, Lynn, “BI in the local high school,” 217-20 Western Ky. U., “S u b ject access to periodicals: a main-Mac combo," 114-15 Western New England Coll., news note, 148 "Which northeastern colony came first?” 1056 White, George R., Jr., prof. & port., 895 White, Herbert S ., news note, 6 6 3 “The White House Conference needs you!” Wand, 129 WHCL1S, “Academic libraries: a source of national strength,” 713-15; “Academic libraries: an unrecognized national strength?” 1086; “ALA and affiliates issue agenda,” 937; “ACRL Task Force on WHCLIS: position paper on academic libraries (draft),” 307-8; "The White House Conference needs you!" 129; "WHCLIS state contacts,” 227-29; “A White House Conference primer for academic libraries,” 849-50; “White House Conference update,” 4 1 3 , 521, 6 3 4 “A White House Conference primer for academic libraries,” Walch, 849-50 Whiteley, Sandra, “More than forty years of ACRL liaison activities,” 629-32 Wilder, Stanley, “Library jobs and student retention,” 1035-38 Willemse, John, letter to the ed., 712 Williams, James F., II, news note, 663-64 Williamson, Edgar, “Faculty status in South Carolina” (50:927-33), comment, 215 Williamson, Josephine B., "Faculty status in S o u th Carolina” ( 5 0 :9 2 7 -3 3 ), comment 215 Wilson (H. W.) Co., John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1990, 740-43 Wilson, John S ., “HOT Docs consortium: a new link in an old network," 207-9 Wiren, Harold N., retired, 150-52 Wittkopf, Barbara, p o r t, 745 Witucke, Virginia, "Off-campus library services: leading the way,” 252-56; "Tips from the off-campus contingent,” 2 5 4 Womack, Kay, “Academic applicants: make a good first im pression," 701-5, comment, 9 4 5 “Women and minorities featured at ACRL Kentucky Chapter conference,” Gray, 4 3 5 WHRC, "Women’s history resources,” 425 “Women’s history resources,” NWHP, 425 Woodward, Diana D., deceased, 155 Woodward, Mary, "Innovacq implemen­ tation: a reference librarian’s perspect­ ive,” 986-90 Workshop on Instruction in Library Use, 19th, 1990, S t Catharines, O n t, “The challenge of the 9 0 s ,” re p o rt 734-36 World Book, Inc., news note, 1091 Wright, Arlene, news note & p o r t, 6 6 4 Wright, Christopher, news note, 1095 Wright, Peggy, “A library for the University College o f Belize,” 622-26 W urzburger, Marilyn, “Peer review committees for personnel action,” 305- 6 Wynbrandt, Robert A., “Musical perfor­ mances in libraries: is a license from ASCAP required?” 404-6 X ‚ Y ‚ Z Yale U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 3 4 7 ; “Visiting fellowships a t Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library,” 9 7 4 Yang, Eveline, news note & p o r t, 8 9 6