ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 8 / C&RL News PUBLICATIONS by George M. Eberhart • Advanced Stamp Collecting: A Serious C ollector’s Guide to the Collection and Study o f Postage Stamps, by Barry Krause (159 pages, 1990), offers in-depth information for those who have m astered the basics o f philately. Looking beyond the business o f collecting, however, this m anual contains m uch useful inform ation on stamp m useums and libraries, philatelic magazines and books, and exhibitions. O ther chapters cover packaging and shipping stamps, techniques of photographing a collection, detecting fakes and frauds, and collecting such neglected specialties as dead countries, unusual covers, unlisted material, and postal stationery. Stamps are a very effective way to make history, geography, and the fine arts relevant, and thus are a worthy topic for research collections. T he book costs $9.95 and may be or­ dered from Betterway Publications, P.O. Box 219, Crozet, VA 22932. ISBN 1-55870-159-1. • Arts and Access: Management Issues for Performing Arts Collections, edited by Barbara Naomi Cohen-Stratyner (102 pages, November 1990), has been published as volume 15 o f the T heatre Library Association’s Performing Arts Resources series. Featured in this volume are ar­ ticles on creating, managing, and interpreting col­ lections in university and perform ing arts company settings. Some o f the special collections that are highlighted include the University o f Washington D ram a Library, the University of Mississippi Blues Archive, the UCLA Archive o f Popular American Music, the Ohio State University T heatre Research Institute, and the Lyceum T heatre’s Shubert Ar­ chive. Copies cost $25, which includes an institu­ tional m em bership to th e Association. C ontact the T heatre Library Association, 111 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10023. ISBN 0-032610-12-0. • Bacon’s 1991 Publicity Checker (2 vols., O ctober 1990) contains a listing for every U.S. and Canadian publication that is receptive to publicity. T he names and titles of more than 110,000 editorial contacts are given, along with details on how to subm it publicity materials to each publication. The new spaper volume lists 1,700 daily newspapers, with up to 31 departm ent editors and four colum ­ nists for each. Nearly 8,100 weekly newspapers are also included, as are news services, syndicates, and syndicated columnists. T he magazine volume lists 8,400 business, trade and consum er magazines organized by 200 industry categories. The set is sold on a subscription basis for $195.00, which includes quarterly updates. Contact Bacon’s Pub­ lishing Company, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60604. Bacon’s also produces a radio/TV directory ($195.00), which provides similar information for the broadcast industry. • The Egyptian Pyramids: A Comprehen­ sive, Illustrated Reference, by J. P. L epre (341 pages, D ecem ber 1990), brings together m uch of the known archaeological and architectural infor­ mation about the pyramids built by the 42 pharaohs o f Dynasties III-XIII. The author, who has con­ ducted extensive explorations of many pyramids (and who is planning a thorough investigation of the two pyramids of King Sneferu of Dahshur), dispels a num ber o f myths in this work: that there w ere only handful o f pyramids constructed (Lepre provides descriptions o f 100); that the Step Pyra­ mid o f King Djoser from Dynasty III was the first pyramid built in Egypt (ten smaller step pyramids preceded it); that th e pyramids w ere built by para­ normal means or with the aid o f “ancient astro­ nauts” (a ch ap ter on pyramid construction de­ scribes the tools and stones used by the ancient Egyptians, as well as a machine they used for lifting heavy stones). The book is arranged chronologi­ cally by pharaoh, and concisely reports available facts about each ruler, his pyramid, and his pyramid complex in a quick-reference format, followed by a more detailed discussion. Many o f the illustrations, some of them new drawings o f th e G reat Pyramid of King Khufu, at Giza, are published here for the first time. These include drawings of the mysteriously contrived crosses located in th e east and west walls o f the G rand Gallery; the controversial raised boss and granite leaf in the antecham ber; the unorthodox, tri-shaped southern air channel in the burial cham ­ ber; newly discovered red ocher construction lines Jan u ary 1991 / 49 and symbols in the Q ueen’s Chamber passageway; and a detailed rendition o f the subterranean cham­ ber. T he author adds much information from his own investigations to the foundations laid by Egyp­ tologists Grinsell, Weigall, Edwards, Petrie, Lauer and Gardiner. Copies may be obtained for $51.95 postpaid from McFarland & Company, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-461-2. • L e s lu ’s H a n d b o o k o f P u b lic Relations and Com m unications, edited by Philip Lesly (874 pages, 4th ed., O ctober 1990), continues Lesly’s Public Relations Handbook, which was first pub­ lished in 1950. A definitive source for all types o f public relations activities, the handbook has been restructured and updated to conform to communi­ cations practices in the 1990s. Appendices include a source and contact list, bibliography, glossary, codes o f professional standards, and a list o f public relations organizations. Copies are available for $39.95 from Probus Publishing Company, 118 N. Clinton St., Chicago, I L 60606. IS B N 1-55738- 133-X. • M usic o f the M id dle Ages; Stule a n d Struc- ture, by David Fenwick Wilson (403 pages, O cto­ ber 1990), presents a thorough and understandable survey o f medieval music from plainchant through the late 14th century. T h e author examines the structural and compositional aspects o f early music and places it in a cultural context. Although 10th- century music sounds primitive to our modem ears, Wilson points out that medieval listeners would find 20th-century music “unsettling and cacophonous, lacking the peace and simplicity o f their own idiom.” Medieval music is subdivided into four eras: the Carolingian Era, 800-1150, in which polyphony was bom; the Flowering o f Style, 1050-1250, in which new forms o f both sacred and secular monophony were introduced; the E ra o f the Motet, 1200-1400, which originated in Paris and quickly became a dominant international style for more than 100 years; and the Polyphonic Song Era, 1330-1400, in which the madrigal, caccia, and ballata flourished. T he book includes numerous exercises in medieval composition for music stu­ dents, 124 musical examples, seven facsimiles, three maps, and annotated bibliographies at the end o f each chapter. Copies are available for $29.95 from Schirmer Books, 866 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022. ISBN 0-02-872591-X . For medieval music enthusiasts, the textbook alone will not suffice. F or them, Wilson has pro­ duced an anthology of musical compositions cited in the text as well as a set o f audiocassettes (re­ corded by the Hilliard Ensem ble and W estern Wind under the direction o f Paul Hillier) featuring examples in the anthology. The anthology sells for $24.95 and the cassettes for $27.95. • 1 9 3 9 : T h e Y ea r in M ovies; A C o m p reh en - sive F ilm o g ra p h y , by Thomas D. Flannery (D e ­ cem ber 1990, 302 pages), examines more than 125 o f the films released in what many critics consider to be the apex o f the Golden Age o f Cinema. Some o f the greatest films made their debut that year, among them G one with the Wind, The W izard o f Oz, Stagecoach, Wutherìng Heights, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and this book underscores them well. Flannery provides cast lists, a detailed plot synopsis, background notes, and extracts from contemporary reviews for a select number o f U.S. and foreign films. An appendix lists the winners and nominees for Academy Awards in all categories for that year. T he movies were very different in 1939, and those o f us who missed out on all the excite­ ment back then can sneak in through the side door with Flannery’s book. Copies may be obtained for $39.95 from McFarland & Company, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. IS B N 0-89950-466-3. • T he Professional Look: T he Complete G uide to D esktop P u b lish in g , by Stephen E . Manousos and Scott W. Tilden (276 pages, November 1990), will help desktop beginners as well as pros design and produce ads, newsletters, and other publica­ tions that communicate effectively. W ell-illus- trated, well-rounded, and filled with useful tips and examples, The Professional L ook includes much wisdom— missing from similar books— that the authors have absorbed through their many years o f experience in journalism, public relations, and advertising. You will learn practical advice on how to use an X-acto knife; technical details about CGM , E PS, G EM , P IC T , and T I F F graphics files; artistic perspectives on the typography and layout o f headline copy; ironic commentary on the mis­ takes and erroneous assumptions that desktop novices make; and informed speculation on how desktop publishing will affect business life in the next few years. Do your staff a favor and get them their own copy; otherwise they will have the refer­ ence desk copy permanently checked out to the computer room. T he book may be ordered for $19.95 (plus $2.00 handling) from Venture Per­ spectives Press, 4300 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 120, San Jose, CA 95129. IS B N 0-932309-40-2. • S h a d υ u ca tch ers: A D irecto ry o f W om en in C a lifornia P ho togra p h y b e fo re 1 9 0 1 , by Peter E . Palmquist (272 pages, April 1990), profiles more than 850 women active in photography throughout California. Each entry includes a b rie f biography, place o f birth, and type o f occupations held. Por­ traits o f the photographers, their studios, or their subjects are included where possible. Six essays written by contemporary women are reprinted. Copies are available for $40.00 (plus $2.00 han­ dling) from Peter E . Palmquist, 1183 Union St., Areata, CA 95521. • Sølv o s salte: F o to era fì og fo rsk n in e íSil- v e r a n d Salts: P hotogra p h y a n d R e s e a rc h ], edited by Tove Hansen (335 pages, November 50 / C&RL News 1990), has been published as volume 29 o f Finds and Research in the Collections o f the Royal Li­ brary in Copenhagen, Denmark. This well-illus- trated work was planned as a homage to the head of the Royal Library’s Department o f Maps, Prints and Photographs from 1944 to 1980, Bjørn Ochsner, who died before it could be completed, and who estäblished many o f the photographic collections described in this book. The text is in Danish (except for two articles in English) with English summaries o f each article at the end of the book. Topics include aerial photography in Den­ mark, 1890-1990, by Henrik Dupont; women pho­ tographers in Denmark before 1900, by Tove Hansen; the current state o f photography in Fin­ land, by Ritva Tähtinen; the Soviet photomagazine of the 1930s, SSSR na stroyke, by Rune Hassner; notes on the photographic exhibition as a medium, by Henning Hansen; and a comparison o f Robert Frank’s The Americans and Krass Clement’s pho­ toessay on Copenhagen, Byen bag regnen, by Miles Orvell. A copy may be purchased for DKK 256,50 (postpaid) from D et kongekige Bibliotek, Postbox 2149, D K-1016 Copenhagen K, Denmark. ISBN 87-7245-385-0. • W orkplace Com petencies: T h e N eed to Im prove Literacy and Em ploym ent Readiness (47 pages, November 1990) studies the link be­ tween literacy rates for young adults and their ability to perform competently in the workplace. This overview, drafted by the U.S. Department of Education, concludes that large numbers of young adults lack the skills necessary to perform such moderately complex tasks as using a bus schedule or following written instructions. It also concludes that despite national demands to do something about literacy skills, educators and policymakers lack the data needed to make significant changes. The booklet presents information on overall young adult literacy rates, literacy rates of high school graduates, specific occupations and the literacy skills they require, current workforce readiness of young adults, and literacy in the future workplace. Copies are available for $2.25 (prepaid) from Dept. 36-HZ, Superintendent o f Documents, Washing­ ton, DC 20402-9325. Stock no. 065-000-00418-6. • World Economic and Business Review 1990, compiled by World o f Information (756 pages, April 1990), contains a lengthy essay on the state of the economy for every country in the world at the beginning of 1990, accompanied by a map, a list of key facts and key indicators, and a handy business guide. For example, the essay for Iraq examines the country’s recent economic history and economic policy objectives, immediate economic priorities, the Iran-Iraq war, the Kurdish rebellion, and an outlook for the 1990s. The business guide has information on Iraqi climate, entry requirements, health precautions, representation overseas, air access, surface access, hotels, electricity supply, credit cards, car rentals, city transport, national transport, public holidays, working hours, social customs, telecommunications, postal service, banking, trade fairs, and useful telephone numbers and addresses. A European perspective dominates the commentary, which some may find refreshing, others dry. A copy may be purchased for $149.95 from Basil Blackwell, Inc., Three Cambridge Cen­ ter, Third Floor, Cambridge, MA 12142. ISBN 0- 631-16345-5. (A 1991 edition is scheduled for pub­ lication in April, $149.95, 782pp., ISBN 0-631- 179-78-x). ■ ■ Divisions pass resolution on cooperation The executive committees o f the eleven ALA divisions met concurrently at the Am­ bassador West Hotel, Chicago on November 9 -1 0 , 1990. During their joint session the following resolution was adopted: “We, the ALA division leadership, em­ brace the diversity of divisional activity, rec­ ognize the importance of divisional coopera­ tion, respect the areas o f divisional expertise and responsibility as reflected in the divisional function statements, and strongly commit ourselves to effective management o f our interdivisional relationships.” The resolution was the result o f a joint discussion on areas of cooperation and con­ flict between divisions. ACRL presidential candidates’ forum and reception Presented by ACRL Chapters Council Congress Hotel Saturday, January 12, 1991, 8 p.m. Jacquelyn M. Morris College Librarian Occidental College Los Angeles, California & - John Tyson State Librarian Commonwealth of Virginia Richmond, Virginia Reception immediately following. Sponsored by E BSC O Subscription Service.