ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 2 / C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the Octo­ ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month, Rates: Classified advertisements are $6-00 per line for ACRL members, $7.60 for others. Late job notices are $14.50 per line for members, $17.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a written order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). Ail job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announce­ ments will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Appli­ cants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A pre recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312)280-2513. ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for ail library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy, POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT CATALOGER. Duties: Oversees copy cataloging and serves as reference for complex editing. Some original cata­ loging of materials in all formats. Creates and edits records for holdings in automated environment (NOTIS). Includes authority work and some supervision of 3 paraprofess io nais and student assistants. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, knowl­ edge of AACR's, LCSH, MARC formats; and LC classification, Some experience with online copy cataloging, preferably OCLC. Desired: Familiarity with authority work, microcomputers, and online library systems. Rank and salary: Assistant Professor/12 month, tenure track, $25,000. Deadline: Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kim Jus­ tice, Sims Memorial Library, P.O. Box 896, Southeastern Louisi­ ana University, Hammond, LA 70402. ASSISTANT UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARIAN. Under the direc­ tion of the Assistant Director for Undergraduate Libraries and Instructional Services, the position provides reference and infor­ mation services to users; participates in course-integrated biblio­ graphic instruction programs; responsible for collection develop­ ment and faculty liaison in assigned subject areas; administers the Undergraduate Library's circulation and shelving departments; coordinates the reference programs; and manages and trains four FTE graduate assistants. Qualifications: Required— MLS from an ALA-accredited program, or its degree equivalent; experience in reference and/or bibliographic instruction; ability to meet Univer­ sity requirements for tenure and promotion; and demonstrated commitment to dynamic public services including bibliographic instruction for undergraduates. Preferred— Familiarity with public access online catalogs and/or CD ROM searching; experience in coordinating work activities. Desired— Evidence of familiarity with collection development. Salary and rank: $23,000 upward depend­ ing on qualifications and experience. Appointment as Assistant Professor of Library Administration. Must meet University require ments for promotion and tenure (librarianship, research, publica tion, university/professional service). Application: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library (U-C), 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-5494. Specific inquiries may be addressed to: Betsy Wilson, Chairper­ son, Search Committee. Phone: (217) 333 3489. Deadline: Febru­ ary 15,1 991. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Asso­ ciate Librarian or Librarian, Indiana University-Bloomington. Under direction of the Dean of University Libraries, provides leadership in development of collections at Bloomington campus in support of instructional and research programs; directs collection develop­ ment program in consultation with Collection Development Com­ mittee and Fund Managers Council; administers directly work of Subject and Area Librarians and coordinates collection develop­ ment activities of other fund managers; together with Associate Dean for Technical Services, shares administrative responsibility for preservation program; assesses collection and information needs through effective communication with academic community and analysis of collection quality; in cooperation with Associate Dean for Public Services, establishes and monitors regional/ national/international resource sharing and cooperative collection development programs; serves as a member of senior administra­ tive team in libraries and as adviser to Dean on general policy, budget, planning and personnel matters, including council on fund raising goals and programs. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited school; collection development and management ex­ perience in academic research library; knowledge of major issues in collection development and preservation; understanding of academic and scholarly development and preservation; under­ standing of academic and scholarly processes; outstanding com­ munication skills; demonstrated planning and analytical skills; commitment to public service excellence; record of professional or scholarly achievement; experience with computer-based informa­ tion resources and library automated systems; advanced degree in a subject field desirable. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Minimum $60,000. Conditions and benefits: Librarians hold tenure-track appointments within a system of ranks analo­ gous to and modeled on those of teaching faculty. They participate in a system of faculty governance which includes the Bloomington Library Faculty Council and the University Library Faculty Council. Within the university they are eligible for election to campus and university Faculty Councils and serve on university committees and task forces. They are eligible for sabbatical and other research leaves. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, major medical insurance, TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insur­ ance and liberal vacation and sick leave. To apply, send letter of application, resume, names and addresses of four references to: Search and Screen Committee in care of Marilyn Shaver, Person nel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 855-8196. Available: Immediately. Closing date: Review of applications will begin on February 1, 1991, and will continue until the position is filled. EEO/AAE. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Millsaps College, a competi­ tive, Methodist-related liberal arts institution with 1,300 students, January 1991/63 seeks a resourceful organizer to manage acquisitions and coordi­ nate technical services. Required: MLS (ALA) with minimum of 5 years academic library experience. Desired: knowledge of publish­ ing, supervisory skills, articulate, communicative, flexible, com­ puter literate. 12-month faculty position. From $27,000. Available July 1, 1990. Applications accepted until filled. Send letter, res­ ume, and names of 3 references to: James F. Parks, College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210-0001. EOE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. DeTamble Library, St. Andrews College invites applications for position involving variety of professional experiences, including supervision of cataloging processes, refer­ ence, and participation in library management. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated ability in cataloging, OCLC, AACR2, LCC; and a genuine interest in automation and working in a service oriented library. Level of appointment dependent upon qualifications and experience, faculty status, TIAA/CREF, 20 days vacation. Minimum salary $23,000. Application deadline, February 15, position open June 1. Send letters of application to: Elizabeth Holmes, College Librarian, St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Laurinburg, NC 28352-5598. St. Andrews is an AA/EOE employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, Southeastern Lou­ isiana University, Sims Memorial Library. Duties: Create and coordinate collection development program. Evaluate and build collection in all formats to meet curricular and research needs. Monitor materials budget, approval plan profiles, collection devel­ opment policies, selection and deselection activity, and some aspects of acquisition procedure. Liaison with university faculty. New position. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, second master's degree, related academic library experience. Demonstrated oral and written communication skills. Applicant should be highly organized, detail and goal oriented. Desired: Knowledge of online system and microcomputers. Familiarity with collection development practices and acquisitions procedures. Rank and salary: Assistant Professor/12 months, Tenure track, $27,000. Deadline: Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Kay Adams, Sims Memorial Library, P.O. Box 896, Southeastern Louisiana University, Ham­ mond, LA 70402. CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN/SENIOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. The librarian serves as Head of the Curriculum Lab as part of Public Services. Responsible for all aspects of the Curriculum Lab includ­ ing collection development, bibliographic instruction, education computer software collection, etc. Works in close conjunction with the faculty in the School of Education. Some evening, weekend work may be expected. ALA-accredited MLS required. Some other desirable qualifications: 2nd master’s in education, 1-3 years in similar job, ERIC/other database training, OCLC/AACR2 catalog­ ing, reference work. Personal interview required, with finalist(s) invited to campus. Permanent, tenure-track appointment. Salary range is $34,764-$41,844 (anticipated increase January 1991). Send vita and application to: Curriculum Librarian Recruiting Committee, Pfau Library, California State University, San Ber­ nardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407- 2397. Files should be completed by 19 April 1991. California State University, San Bernardino is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Section 504, Title IX employer. GEOLOGY LIBRARIAN. The Geology Librarian is responsible for the administration of the library and the supervision of the library staff. The librarian provides reference and information services, online searching, original cataloging, collection development, and provides other services identified to meet the library needs of the faculty, students, and allied personnel. The librarian maintains a strong working relationship with the Department of Geology, the library administration and faculty, and other related units. Qualifi­ cations: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or its degree equivalent, a minimum of 3 years professional library experience in public sen/ices in an academic, research, or special library (preference will be given for experience in a geoscience library); supervisory and administrative experience; knowledge of, or experience with, the geosciences literature; familiarity with online bibliographic databases and online bibliographic searching; and evidence of ability to meet university standards of research, publication, and service. Preferred: Experience in collection devel­ opment, original cataloging, bibliographic instruction and knowl­ edge of geoscience mapping. Salary and rank: $26,000 upward for ppointment as Assistant Professor and $29,000 upward for ap­ ointment as Associate Professor, depending on qualifications nd scholarly credentials. Must meet university requirements for romotion and tenure (librarianship, research, publication, univer­ ity/professional service). Application: Send letter of application nd complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone umbers to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University f Illinois Library (U-C), 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; 217) 333-5494. Deadline: March 15, 1991. The University of Illinois is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. OVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/MICROFORMS LIBRARIAN. In­ ovative professional sought for dynamic Southern California Law ibrary. This is an excellent opportunity to build a collection, articipate in an automation project, gain administrative, public ervices and technical services experience, and work in a state-of- he art facility. Requirements: MLS, strong grasp of AACR2, excel- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for govern­ mental agencies that employ librarians. The recommenda­ tions are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recom­ mendations for minimum salaries. For information on librar­ ian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administra­ tive Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $27,000 Indiana varies* Iowa $20,580 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $20,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Hampshire $17,500 New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $20,832 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $23,750 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Vermont $21,500 West Virginia $20,000 Wisconsin $24,837 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a profes­ sional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. a p a p s a n o ( G n L p s t 64 / C& RL News January 1991/65 lent reference and interpersonal skills. Preferred: JD with law library, government documents, and supervisory experience. Du­ ties: administer depository programs and microforms, provide cataloging and reference service, supervise 2 FTE staff. Salary: $29,000 minimum, dependent on education and experience. Avail­ able immediately. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation to: Brent Bernau, Associate Director, Legal Research Center, University of San Diego, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. Under the general direction of Assis­ tant Director for Bibliographic Services, manages automated ac­ quisitions operations from pre-order searching and verification, ordering, receiving, and invoicing, through automated cataloging for OCLC copy. Serves as manager for the acquisitions subsystem 66 / C & R L News REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Central Washington University Assistant Professor Rank, tenure track, 12 month, faculty status. Reports to Head of Reference as a generalist with specialty in business or social sciences with a team of four. Duties include bibliographic instruc­ tion; CD-ROM, OCLC, and DIALOG online searching; service desk rotation including nights and weekends; collection develop­ ment; participation in planning processes. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; five years professional academic li­ brary experience; advanced degree or sys­ tematic course work may substitute for up to three years experience; demonstrated organizational, communication, and inter­ personal skills with strong public service orientation. Desirable qualifications: aca­ demic teaching experience; training or experience in library computer/automation applications; m odern foreign language capability. Salary, depending upon qualifications, $25,979-$32,327 (to be adjusted January 1,1991). Benefits include TIAA-CREF, 22 days vacation, employer paid medical and dental insurance. Available immediately. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three current profes­ sional references postmarked by January 21,1991, to: Jennifer Jaques Search Committee Chair c/o Dean of the University Libraries Central W ashington University Library Ellenburg, W A 98926 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Title IX Institution. of the GEAC Integrated Library System and administers library materials budget of $2.2 million. ALA-accredited master’s degree and 2 years applicable experience required. Supervisory experi­ ence strongly preferred. Knowledge of OCLC and automated acquisitions and cataloging systems desirable. Ability to interact effectively with all levels of staff and excellent oral and written communication skills mandatory. Salary $33,000 minimum, nego­ tiable depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent bene­ fits package. As the research library for a four campus system, the University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.6 million vol­ umes, with a current materials budget of $2.6 million. Total staff includes 50 professionals and 200 support staff. The library is a member of ARL. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Bucknell University Public Services Librarian for a dynamic inte­ grated reference service program. Available July 1 ‚ 1991. Desk coverage (some evening and weekend assignments), multi-format col­ lection development, online and CD ROM serv­ ices, user education, and database searching. Required: ALA-MLS, and database searching training. Preferred: Background in life sciences or business/management. Entry-level salary minimum $25,000. For maximum consideration, please send resume and names of three refer­ ences by March 15,1991, to: Ann de Klerk Director of Library Services Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Applications from members of minority groups are encouraged. names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. An equal opportunity employer. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Responsible for the daily operation of the Cataloging Department including examination and documentation of policies and procedures in an automated envi­ ronment. Sets priorities and establishes work flow. Supervises original and copy cataloging, database maintenance, recon project and online authority work. Coordinates procedures relating to other departments. The department is responsible for cataloging of monographs, serials, AV, music, and selected government docu­ ments. Sims Memorial Library is a NOTIS library with the acquisi­ tions, cataloging, and OPAC modules implemented. The depart­ ment head supervises 1 professional, 3 paraprofessionals and student workers and reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Services. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, knowledge of and expe­ rience with AACR’s, LCSH, LC and Dewey classifications, and OCLC. 3 to 4 years progressively responsible supervisory and cataloging experience. Demonstrated communication and training skills. Experience in the management or maintenance of an online public access database and familiarity with the use of microcompu­ ters. Twelve-month faculty position. Assistant Professor, tenure track. Salary: $28,000. Position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application and resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kim Justice, Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University, P.O. Drawer 896, Hammond, LA 70402. HEAD, RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The American University in Cairo invites applications for the position of Head of Rare Books and Special Collections department in its library. Appointee will be responsible for the total operations of a 30,000-volume branch library with collections on Islamic art and architecture, Egyptology, and the history of Egypt, featuring the internationally renowned K.A.C. Creswell Collection and Photo­ graphic Archives. Graduate degree in librarianship required. Aca- January 1991/67 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Denison University Denison University invites applications and nominations for the Director of Libraries. Denison is a selective nationally known co-educational liberal arts college with a residential student body of 2,000 undergraduates and 160 full-time faculty, located in Granville, Ohio, 30 miles east of Columbus, The Director of Libraries sets policy and coordinates the activities of five professional librarians and 12 FTE support staff in the provision of library services: reference, including online services, interlibrary loan, and bibliographic instruction; U.S. depository library service, including U.S.G.S. maps; sound recordings and equipment; microforms and equipment; circulation; reserves; technical services; special collections; and archives. Other duties include: fiscal management, public relations, overseeing the physical environment of the library, and recruiting, hiring, and evaluating professional and support staff. The library hires approximately 100 student assistants each year. The Director will also be expected to provide active leadership in strengthening the library's role in the academic program. The Director reports to the Dean of the college. Denison is expanding its campus computer network and is linked to external networks such as Bitnet, the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) and the Internet. The Director will be expected to initiate and lead a campus Library Automation project, to coordinate the exchange of information and services with other libraries nationwide, and to serve on the University's Information Technology Committee. Applicants must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, substantial managerial experience in academic libraries, and the ability to work effectively with and provide outreach to faculty, staff, and students. An advanced degree in a subject field is desirable. Involvement and participation in professional library activities and organizations is also desirable. Review of applications will begin January 7 ,1991. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to: Amy G. Gordon Dean of the College Denison University Granville, OH 43023 Denison University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. demic training in rare book librarianship and academic background in Islamic art and architecture or Egyptology are desired. Five years minimum professional library experience required, and two years minimum experience in a rare book and special collections library are desired. Fluent English is required, working knowledge of Arabic, French, and German are desired. Two-year appointment (renewable) beginning September 1991. Rank will be Senior Li­ brarian; salary according to qualifications and experience. For expatriots, housing, round trip air travel, plus schooling for two children included. Write with curriculum vitae to: Dean George H. Gibson, the American University in Cairo, 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 517, New York, NY 10017, before March 1 ‚ 1991. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Appointment salary mini­ mum: $32,000. Position description: Opportunity to provide special collections leadership in a dynamic environment. Special Collec­ tions acquires, preserves, and makes available printed, manu­ script, and graphic materials in support of research and teaching. Department administers active George Washington University Archives program. Plans, manages and evaluates sen/ices, col­ lections, and programs. Coordinates development of goals and objectives. Establishes overall priorities and promotes use of special collections materials by research community. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; 4 years minimum special collections experience in an academic or research library; demonstrated administrative ability and supervi­ sory experience; knowledge of research use of special collections and archival principals. Must demonstrate strong communication and public relations skills as well as ability to work with research community within and beyond the campus. Preferred: Experience in utilizing new technologies to enhance access to special collec­ tions. Background in obtaining and utilizing grant support for materials processing. Graduate degree in subject field. Position available: February 1, 1991. Deadline for applications will begin January 18, 1991, and continue until the position has been filled. Please send current resume and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate, The Melvin Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street, N.W., Room 201, Washington, DC 20052. GW is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer which actively seeks and encourages applications from minority candidates. 68 / C& RL News The University of Southern California is seeking a Systems Development Librarian. Reports to Head, Library Automation Development Group, Center for Scholarly Technology (CST). Respon­ sible for developing and implementing a program of system evaluation. Participate in developing procedures for system maintenance and report generation. Participate in user training and support activity. Qualifications: MLS/ALA-accredited institution. Two years experience in either an academic library or library systems position. Knowledge of current computing systems and technology as well as emerging developments in the field. Knowledge of and experience in systems analysis, design, and evaluation; online database searching and bibliographic database construction. Knowledge of or experience in one or more of the following areas: User interface design, either workstation or mainframe based; curricular or multimediasoftware;end-usertraining and support; documentation development; bibliographic instruction. Ability to work in a multifaceted environment. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Rankand Salary: Librarian I!: $32,000/Librarian III: $37,900 minimum salary, negotiable depend­ ing upon background and experience. Position open: September 1 ‚ 1990, and will remain open until filled. Apply to: Gloria J. Donaldson, Personnel Manager Doheny Memorial Library University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names with phone numbers of three professional references. Please refer to Systems Development Librarian, Position #135, on all correspondence. A A /FO F LIBRARIAN, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Full-time, proba- tionary, tenurβ-track instructor or assistant professor to provide leadership in collection development activities. Develop and im­ plement collection development and evaluation strategies; work with instructional and library faculty to coordinate collection devel­ opment activities. This public service position, reporting to the Dean of the Library, may have other duties assigned depending on the skills, interests, and background of the incumbent. ALA-ap- proved master’s degree and three years experience in a compa­ rable academic library required. Leadership ability and good communications skills essential. Preference will be given to those who demonstrate collection development experience, online sys­ tems experience, and possess a subject Master’s Degree. Salary range is $26,492-$35,502 for 168 duty days. Additional compensa­ tion will be paid if more duty days are available. Applications from minorities are encouraged. Memorial Library is home to MSUS/ PALS, an integrated online library system containing over 3.5 million records, now serving 59 public and private academic libraries and state agency libraries in Minnesota and North Dakota. Applications must be postmarked by March 1 ‚ 1991. Appointment date will be July 1, 1991, or later. Apply to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State University, MSU Box 19-P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002-8400. LIBRARIAN. For newly established pollution prevention informa­ tion center branch of the Mary and John Gray Library at Lamar University. The Center is part of the technology transfer program for the Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center. Under the general direction of the Director of Library Services, will be respon­ sible for organizing materials, providing reference services, online searching, presentations on center services, supervision of sup­ port staff, liaison with other similar information programs including the U.S. EPA program. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, minimum of two years applicable experience. Science background highly desirable. Twelve-month faculty appointment, non-tenure track. Salary: $27,000-$30,000 plus, dependent upon qualifications. Applications will be received until position is filled, apply by January 15 for first consideration. Letter of application, vita, and names of at least three references to: Search Committee Chair, Gray Library, Lamar University, P.O. Box 10021, Beaumont, TX 77710. Lamar University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY AUTOMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST. Full-time. The library of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) is seeking an experienced Analyst to support its recently installed Data Research Associates automation system and other related efforts. Responsibilities will include maintaining and upgrading the system, developing additional automated services (i.e., full text online), training library staff, and designing user training programs. Requirements include 2 years experience with Data Research Associates library automation software (or similar system) and management of a VMS operating system. (Alternative relevant experience, will be considered.) A bachelor’s degree in a technical January 1991/69 HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Doheny Memorial Library The University of Southern California is seeking a Librarian as Head, Acquisitions De­ partment. Reports to Assistant University Li­ brarian for Technical Services. Manages and supervises receipt and payment of materials acquired through expenditure of Library's $3.5 million materials budget, including planning, implementation, automation of acquisitions functions using the GEAC Acquisitions sys­ tem. Additionally, responsible for representing Library with vendors, Technical Services Divi­ sion with public services staff, and coordinat­ ing information needs and requirements with collection development and automation. Qualifications: MLS/ALA-accredited institu­ tion; acquisitions experience in an academic/ research library; significant experience with GEAC Acquisitions or other automated acqui­ sitions systems; ability to work effectively, co­ operatively, and independently with personnel with diverse requirements for information and support; effective written and oral communica­ tion skills; knowledge of the domestic and for­ eign book trade for monographs and serials. Rank and Salary: Librarian II, $32,000/Li­ brarian III, $37,900 minimum salary, nego­ tiable depending upon background and expe­ rience, plus benefits. Position open: October 1, 1990, and will remain open until filled. Apply to: Gloria J. Donaldson, Personnel Manager Doheny Memorial Library University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Applicants should submit a letter of applica­ tion, curriculum vitae, and names and phone numbers of three professional references. Please refer to Head, Acquisitions Depart­ ment, Position #136, Doheny Memorial Li­ brary, on all correspondence. AA/EOE. field and significant library experience or an MLS degree (or equivalent) and significant computer experience are also neces­ sary. Familiarity with DECnet, TCP/IP, and/or UNIX is a plus. Located 40 miles west of Chicago, Fermilab is operated by the Universities Research Association, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy. The Laboratory serves researchers from around the globe with an environment in which to study high energy physics. An attractive salary ($35,000-$50,000), excellent benefits and non­ smoking work setting are offered. For consideration, please for­ ward resume and salary requirement to: James Lasenby, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510. An equal opportunity employer, M/F. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Montana Tech invites applications for the position of Library Director. Tech is a publicly-supported college with emphasis in science and minerals engineering. Tech offers the largest mining engineering program in the United States and the third largest petroleum engineering program in the country, in addition to programs in business and the social and physical sciences. The library holds 200,000 volumes and 77,000 maps, has a staff of 7, is a member of WLN, and serves a student body of 2,000. The new director will hold a tenure-track appointment with academic rank. An ALA-accredited MLS with a minimum of 5 years of experience in an academic library is required in addition to demonstrated progressively responsible management experi­ ence. A master's degree in a field appropriate to the college’s educational programs is preferred in addition to a working knowl­ edge of library automation, fund raising techniques and computer information system. Salary range is $35,000-$40,000. Send res­ ume, letter of application, and names of three references to: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Montana Tech, Butte, MT 59701. Further information can be obtained from: Henry McClernan, Chair, Search Committee; (406) 496-4113. Applicant screening will begin February 15, 1991, and will continue until a new director is se­ lected. EEO/AAE. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE FACULTY. The Indiana University School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is recruiting for a senior faculty member, to be appointed at the rank of Associate or Full Professor, depending on qualifications. The position is available as early as the Fall 1991 semester, although a later starting time can be negotiated. To receive consideration, candidates should possess the following qualifications: A demon­ strated record of research and publication; the ability to act as research director for doctoral students and as major advisor for dissertations; senior management experience to support teaching and master’s level advising in the area of administration of aca­ demic libraries; other areas of particular demonstrated capability or interest include one or more of the following: Integrated academic information management systems; networking; issues in interna­ tional library and information policy; a Ph.D. in library and informa­ tion science or a related field is strongly preferred. Teaching responsibilities will include four courses per academic year (2-2), with two assignments in Bloomington, one in Indianapolis (one hour away), and one involving the state-wide teaching program of the school. All travel costs are fully reimbursed. Optional summer teaching opportunities in Bloomington are available. Salary range: $38,000-$52,000. Indiana University is a major research univer­ sity, and candidates are expected to meet the requirements of scholarship and publication of such an institution. IU SLIS, one of the largest, most dynamic, and highly regarded library/information science education programs, is located in a beautiful area of Southern Indiana, and provides superb opportunities for culture and leisure. Individuals should contact: Professor Herbert S. White, Chair of the Search Committee, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. Applications received by March 1 ‚ 1991 ‚ will be assured of consid­ eration. Indiana University offers a full and generous range of benefits, including fully employer funded TIAA/CREF. Indiana University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY/LEARNING RESOURCES DIRECTOR. The State Uni­ versity of New York College at Oswego invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries and Learning Resources. The college enrolls approximately 8,500 students and has 60 undergraduate and graduate programs. The Library and Learning Resources have a commitment to faculty and student research, a strong service orientation and an excellent instruc­ tional program. Oswego is an OCLC library with a Carlyle online public catalog, automated serials and acquisitions. The collection 70 / C &R L News DEAN OF LIBRARIES C e n tr a l W a s h in g to n U n iv e r s ity Central Washington University, a comprehensive state regional university with an enrollment of 7,000 located in the foothills of the Northwest's Cascade Mountains, encourages nominations and applications for Dean of Libraries. The Dean, who reports to the Provost, is expected to provide responsive and creative leadership in administration and long term planning for library and non-print media services. The libraries employ 61 faculty/staff, with a budget of $3.15 million. The university has a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of its faculty, administration, and student body. Applications are especially encouraged from women and minority candidates. Minimum Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; eight years of academic library experience, in­ cluding at least six years of successful managerial experience; knowledge of budgeting and planning; experience with automated library systems. Desired Qualifications: A second graduate degree, preferably an earned doctorate; training and demonstrated commitment to all forms of learning resources; knowledge of automated networks and current trends in academic libraries; evidence of significant professional activities. Appointment details: Position available July 1 ‚ 1991. The Dean holds tenure in Librarianship. Twelve months salary is negotiable from $55,000 minimum; liberal benefits including TIAA/CREF. Send a letter of application addressing the qualifications listed above, resume, and names/ addresses/telephone numbers of 3 professional references to: Anne S. Denman, Chair, Library Search Committee Associate Dean of Letters, Arts and Sciences Central Washington University Ellensburg‚WA 98926 Application materials must be postmarked by February 22,1991. AA/EOE/Title IX Institution. consists of 400,000 volumes, 1.5 million microform units, 55,000 AV units, and 2,000 journals. Sen/ices provided by Learning Resources include: audio recording and duplication; large-group instructional support; classroom equipment service; media library; graphics photography; electronic engineering including television production, satellite receiving and teleconferencing. The library staff consists of 18 professionals and 22 support staff, and the Learning Resources Center has 6 professionals and 3 support staff. The Director reports to the Provost and is responsible for the overall planning and management of the Library and Learning Resources operations, resources, and sen/ices; preparation and administration of the budgets (FY 89/90 just over $2 million); personnel selection, supervision, and evaluation; and program development. Additionally, the Director will be responsible for the implementation of the integrated SUNY-wide automated library system within the next 1 to 2 years. The position of Director offers exciting challenges and opportunities and requires leadership and initiative. The following are required: an MLS degree from an ALA- accredited institution with knowledge of and experience in library automation and educational technology; minimum of 6 years of increasingly responsible administrative experience in a library/ learning resource program; ability to work and communicate effec­ tively with various constituencies; demonstrated leadership and managerial skills; knowledge of evolving technology; commitment to flexibility and creativity in adjusting resources to the mission of the college; responsiveness to new curricular developments; en­ thusiasm for meeting the needs of a diverse student and faculty population. Significant experience with professional and/or staff development professional programs is desirable. Application materials must be received by February 26, 1991. Subject to budgetary approval the starting date for the position will be July 1 ‚ 1991. Salary: $55,000-$70,000. Qualified candidates should send a letter of application, vita, and names and addresses of three references to: John R. Boronkay, Search Committee for Director of Libraries/Learning Resources, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126. LIBRARY SCIENCE/INFORMATION SCIENCE FACULTY. UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science is seeking to make appointments to its tenure-track faculty in the Fall, 1991. Successful applicants will participate in a dynamic dialogue on the changing nature of the library and information profession. They will be expected to contribute personal creativity and intellectual vigor to the school's curriculum and will be required to make significant contributions to the research base of the profession. The school's pioneer two-year master’s program with its demanding require­ ments for admission attracts highly motivated students. Its person­ alized Ph.D. program reflects the broad range of faculty research interests. Applicants should demonstrate active involvement in scholarly research and publication, sound knowledge of library and information science, and a commitment to a profession serving the information needs of diverse populations. Candidates in any of the Director Of university Libraries/Associate V.P. For Libraries & information Resources Stanford University is seeking an experienced librarian with imagination and vision for the position of Director of the Stanford University Libraries and Associate Vice President for Libraries and Information Resources, effective Septem ber 1,1991. The recently created Vice Presidency for Libraries and Information Resources (reporting directly to the Provost, the Chief A cadem ic O fficer of Stanford) is respon­ sible for an area that provides a unique opportunity for the libraries and the information technology team s to work together in meeting academ ic program needs in innovative ways. Reporting to this Vice President, the D irector/Associate Vice President will be responsible for the leadership and m anagem ent of the 13 University Libraries, its 350 staff, and $22 million budget. S/he will work with the V.P. to build a strong integrated information environment, in which the libraries are the leading partner. The success­ ful candidate will be able to demonstrate a sound grasp of issues and trends in higher education, an understanding of the library's role in support of graduate and undergraduate instruction and research, and the capacity to forge effective links with faculty and academ ic programs. S/he will have the m anagem ent and planning skills necessary to develop innovative, technology-advanced library program s and ser­ vices. S/he will be com m itted to challenging and developing staff and to building cultural diversity in Libraries and Information Resources organization. A candidate must hold a master's degree in Library science from an ALA-accredited institution or its equivalent in education and experience; possess substantial aca­ dem ic and/or research library experience, including demonstrated leadership and managem ent skills; significant professional participation and contributions; and successful experience in fund-raising, donor relations and stewardship. Salary will be comm ensurate with experience and qualifications with a minimum of $80,000. A letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references should be subm itted by February 1 5,1991, to: Delia Jacob, Head, Human Resources Dept. CRLNJAN0191, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Stanford is com m itted to the principles of diversity and encourages application from women, m em bers of ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals. STANFORD UNIVERSITY 72 / CÒ-RL News FULL/ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN POSITIONS Arizona State University West Arizona State University West, founded in 1984, is an upper-division institution providing undergraduate and graduate degree programs to nearly 5,000 students. ASU West is committed to providing responsive and quality services, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by its multicultural faculty, curriculum, and community, and the surrounding metropolitan environment. As a metropolitan university, ASU West is characterized by a culturally diverse and non-traditional student body, and a commitment to public service and support of the community. The rapidly growing Fletcher Library has 11.5 librarians, over 40 support staff, an acquisitions budget of $1.6 million, a collection of over 125,000 volumes and access through the online catalog to ASU’s collection of 2.5 million volumes. The library emphasizes services tailored to unique and changing institutional and client needs, collection building closely coordinated with campus curriculum building, intensive use of electronic information technology, and working in partnership with faculty to achieve the academic mission. We seek applications from dynamic, energetic, and creative librarians for the following positions: Assistant Director for Administrative Services. Librarian to oversee library planning and budget, personnel processes and facilities; assist in evaluation of program effectiveness; manage the library administrative office and staff; serve as a member of the library’s managementteam; maintain an active program of professional development and contribute to the advancement of the profession, the university and the library. This is a dual- trackacademic professional/administrative position. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience relevant to the responsibilities de­ scribed; understanding of the academic environment; excellent written and oral communication skills, analytical and organizational skills; commitment to maintaining an active record of professional development and contribution. Preferred: Knowledge of survey and statistical research methods. Instructional Services Specialist. Librarian to provide leadership for the library’s classroom and individualized instructional pro­ grams, manage the information and instruction services provided by paraprofessionals, coordinate planning for instruction and information programs, identify needed resources, and assess the effectiveness of services. May serve as liaison, providing collection development and specialized research assistance for assigned disciplines. Participate with other functional specialists and disciplinary liaisons in the development, delivery, and refinement of quality information and research support services. Maintain an active program of professional development and contribute to the advancement of the profession, the university and the library. Reports to the Head of Research and Information Access Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; reference and other experience relevant to the responsibilities described; formal training in teaching methods and/or instructional design and understanding of their application to library instruction; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work collegially to achieve goals; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices; commitment to maintaining an active record of professional development and contribution. Preferred: Supervisory experience; collection development experience. Information Delivery Specialist. Librarian to provide leadership in accessing and retrieving remote information resources and materials, manage interlibrary/intercampus lending, document delivery and journals service pro­ grams; coordinate planning and identify needed resources, assess the effectiveness of services. Participate with otherfunctional specialists and disciplinary liaisons in the development, delivery and refinement of quality information and research support services. May serve as liaison, providing collection development and specialized research assistance for assigned disciplines. Maintain an (continued on next page) January 1991/73 (con’t from previous page) active program of professional development and contribute to the advancement of the profession, the university and the library. Reports to the Head of Research and Information Access Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience relevant to the responsibilities de­ scribed; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of traditional and state-of-the- art methods of information retrieval; ability to work collegially to achieve goals; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices; commitment to maintaining an active record of professional development and contribution. Preferred: Supervisory experience; collection development experi­ ence. Media Resources Specialist. Librarian to provide leadership and expertise in the organization and management of materials, coordiante planning and identify needed resources, assess the effectiveness of media collections and services. Assist librarins and faculty to select and obtain multi-media instructional materials. Participate with other functional and disciplinary specialisists in the development, delivery, and refineemnt of quality instructional and research collections and services. Maintain an active program of professional development and contribute to the advancement of the profession, the university and the library. Reports to the Head of Collection Development and Bibliographic Services with secondary responsibility to the Head of Research and Informtion Access Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience relevant to the responsibilities de­ scribed; excellent communication and interpersoanl skills; abilty to work collegially to achieve goals; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices; commitment to maintaining an active record of professional development and contribution. Research Support Services Librarian (two positions). Librarian to support the teaching, learning, and research activities of the West Campus faculty and students through information retrieval, research consultation, instruction, and through faculty liaison and collection development in Business, the Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Fine Arts, American History or American Literature. Participate with functional specialists and other discipli­ nary liaisons in the development delivery and refinement of quality information and research support services. Maintain an active program of professional development and contribute to the advance­ ment of the profession, the university and the library. Reports to the Head of Research and Information Access Services, with secondary responsibility to the Head of Collection Development and Bibliographic Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; experience relevant to the responsibilities de­ scribed; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; the ability to market and promote library services; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices; aptitude for faculty liaison; ability to work collegially to achieve goals; commitment to maintaining an active record of profes­ sional development and contribution. Preferred: Academic background or degree in Business, the Social Sciences, American Literature, American History, Science and Technology, or Fine Arts. Rank and salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Minimum salary for the Assistant Director is $33,000. For other positions, minimum salaries are Librarian, $34,500; Associate Librarian, $30,000; and Assistant Librarian, $25,000. Application Deadline: February 15 ,1991 ‚ or the fifteenth of each month thereafter until the position is filled. Application procedure: A letter of application, addressing specific qualifications as they relate to the responsibilities described, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references should be sent to: Helen Gater, Director Fletcher Library Arizona State University West P.O. Box 37100 Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100 (602)543-5717 ASU West is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. 74 / C &R L News DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES University of Idaho Required qualifications: Master’s degree in library science from an institution accredited by the American Library Association, or equivalent; an additional graduate degree; approximately ten years experience with increasing responsibilities in an academic library, or equivalent; evidence of successful administrative responsibility, especially in the areas of personnel and budgeting; thorough knowledge of library operations; experience with automated systems; demonstrated ability for effective communication and leadership in state, regional, and national activities. Desired qualifications: Doctorate; balanced commitment to service, research, and administra­ tion; evidence of support for faculty and staff development; experience with and commitment to applications of modern technology in library operations; dedication to service to the University community; understanding of current issues in higher education; evidence of successful grant application and fundraising; a record of professional and scholarly achievement. Responsibilities: Administers university library services; encourages excellence in library services; administers and supervises budgets, program development, and faculty/staff selection and evaluation; serves as member of the university Council of Deans; reports to the vice president for academic affairs and research. University library: The university library, the largest library in the state of Idaho, has approxi­ mately 1.5 million volumes of books and bound periodicals, to which about 30,000 volumes are added annually. In addition it is the regional depository for U.S.G.S. and Defense Mapping Agency Maps. The library has a large photographic collection and among its other special collections is the Day-Northwest collection of over 12,000 volumes on Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. The library has a full-time staff of 77 including 22 librarians, a budget of over $3 million including a library materials budget over $1 million. Open more than 100 hours a week in the regular semester, the university library is planning a $10 million addition to the existing 1957 building. The library is a member of the Western Library Network and maintains cooperative programs with Washington State University Libraries. General information: The University of Idaho, with an enrollment of over 10,000 students, is the tate’s comprehensive university and land-grant institution. It is located in Moscow, a community f 17,600 in the heart of the Palouse pea and wheat country. Spokane, Washington, 85 miles to he north, with a population of about 275,000, is the nearest metropolitan area. Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, is located eight miles to the west and has an enrollment of bout 17,000. Its proximity enriches both the cultural and academic climate of the University of Idaho. Salary: Negotiable upward from $65,000; university benefits including TIAA/CREF. Applications: Committee review of applicants’ credentials will begin on February 15,1991 ‚ and ontinue until a satisfactory pool is established. Applications, including a resume and the names f four references, should be sent to: Dean Sheldon A. Vincenti, Chair Dean of Library Services Search Committee College of Law University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83843 The University of Idaho is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution. s o t a c o January 1991/75 HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE, AND EDUCATION LIBRARIAN Purdue University Libraries A dynamic, creative, energetic librarian is sought to provide leadership and administrative guidance for Purdue’s largest library. Requiremetns: Master’s degree in library science (ALA-accredited). Advanced degree in a humani­ ties or social sciences field. Minimum of six years experience in an academic library with at least two years of administrative responsibilities. Research/publication and service record of sufficient quality and quantity to be appointed at rank of associate or full professor. Desired Qualificatoins: Broad-based knowledge of issues facing libraries serving faculties and stu­ dents in humanities and social sciences disciplines, particularly issues in collection development and use of technologies. Demonstrated leadership and administrative skills. Ability to formulate and articu­ late goals, establish priorities, and balance conflicting demands. Ability to effect change, build consen­ suses, and administer in a positive and consultative manner. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with research oriented faculty, library staff, students, administration, and other members of the academic comm unity in an intellectually challenging environment. Some experience with fundraising, grants, and public relations activities. Responsibilities: Responsible for the administrtion of the HSSE Library which primarily serves the needs of the Schools of Liberal Arts and Education. The HSSE Librarian is the chief liaison between these schools and the libraries administration. The HSSE Librarian is also responsible for administer­ ing some campus-wide library activities (e.g., general reference and government documents). The position reports to the Associate Dean for Public Services and Collection Development. Salary: $45,000 and up depending on qualifications. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank comm ensurate with education and experience. Twelve month appointment with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit pro­ grams with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical, and disability insurance programs are in effect as are TIAA/CREF and Social Security coverage. Libraries: The Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library is the principal library resource for the Schools of Liberal Arts and Education and also serves the university at large. The library contains onsite about 700,000 volumes, 750,000 microforms, and 7,000 current serial publications. A central storage facility contains lesser used materials. The library has a full-time staff of 37, including 13 faculty and professionals. The Purdue University Libraries system, which consists of th e Undergraduate Library and 14 school and departmental libraries, has holdings of over 1.8 million volumes. Staff totals more than 260 FTE, including 61 faculty and professionals. Purdue University is located approximately 60 miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana and 110 miles southeast of Chicago, Illinois. The greater Lafayette area of approximately 100,000 provides diverse cultural and social activities. Apply to: Thomas L. Haworth Personnel Officer, Libraries Stewart Center Purdue University W est Lafayette, IN 47907 Please send a statement of interest, resume, and a list of references. Deadline: February 8 , 1991 ‚ or until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 76 / C &R L News DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Monmouth College The Monmouth College of Illinois seeks an experienced academic librarian, committed to undergraduate liberal arts education, as Director of the Hewes Library. Responsibilities include: supervision of all library functions, planning and budgeting, staff development, and review of automation technologies for future acquisition. Must possess effective communication skills, be committed to leadership in a collegial environment, and promote the library as a critical component of all academic programs. The Director reports directly to the Dean of the College and has faculty rank and prerogatives in a non-tenured capacity. Salary competitive. Salary range: $30,000- $40,000. Women and minorities strongly encouraged to apply. Deadline for applications, January 18,1991. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; master’s or Ph.D. in second discipline appropriate for a Liberal Arts College. Evidence of commitment and skill in serving students and faculty. Knowledge of relevant computing applications and automation/electronic information systems. Reference abilities and some knowledge of government documents. Commitment to an undergraduate library which recognizes the ethnic and cultural pluralism of contemporary society. Monmouth College (enrollment 650-700) is a private, coeducational, liberal arts college located in Monmouth, Illinois, about 175 miles SW of Chicago. The Hewes Library is a modern three level building shared with the campus computer center and art gallery. There are approximately 147,000 general collection volumes, 80,000 government documents, and 700 periodical subscriptions handled by four full-time staff and 20+ student workers. Send letter of application, curriculum vita, transcripts, and the names of three references to: William 6 . Julian Dean of the College Monmouth College Monmouth, IL 61462 major specialties of the field will be considered. Rank and salary will depend upon the individuals qualifications and experience within the established range: Assistant Professor ($35,900- $45,600), Associate Professor ($43,100-$55,300), Professor ($52,400-) on a nine-month academic year basis. UCLA offers an excellent benefits package. Applications will be reviewed begin­ ning January 1991 and will continue until the positions are filled. Send letter of application, curriculum vita, and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Beverly P. Lynch, Dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, GSLIS 120 Powell Library Building, University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively solicits applications from qualified minority candidates. MONOGRAPHS CATALOGER, University of Kentucky Libraries. MLS from accredited library school, working knowledge of Rus­ sian, prefer candidates with some cataloging experience (includ­ ing using OCLC and NOTIS). Available March 1 ‚ 1991 ‚ review of applications to begin February 1, 1991. Minimum entry-level salary $22,000. To apply send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Ann Howell, Administrative Assis­ tant for Personnel, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington, KY 40506-0039; FAX (606) 257-8379. PHYSICS LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. The Stanford Univer­ sity Libraries seek applicants for a full-time includes physics librarian and bibliographer. The position includes responsibility for management of a branch library, reference services, and collection development. The Physics Library serves two depart­ ments (physics and applied physics) that together comprise one of the most active communities of physicists in the world. Qualifica­ tions include an MLS, or equivalent training and experience, academic training in physics equivalent to a BA, and demonstrated supervisory and communications skills. A strong background in the physical sciences or automated reference services is highly desirable. The salary range is $32,016 to $47,964. Send a letter of application, resume, and three professional references (with ad­ dresses and phone numbers) by 2/28/91 to: Karen Nagy, Acting Assistant Director of Meyer Library and Research Branch Librar­ ies, Directors’ Office, Green Library, Stanford University, Stan­ ford, CA 94305-6004. Stanford University is an EEO/AA employer. PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT HEAD, Preservation Depart­ ment, Yale University Library. Yale’s Preservation Department is one of the oldest in the country and has played a major role in the development of the preservation field. It consists of two divisions, those of preservation and conservation, containing a total of 24 staff members. The department head provides leadership in pres­ ervation for the library system and is responsible for administering and improving the comprehensive program now in place. Qualifica­ tions: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Exten­ sive knowledge of preservation issues. Experience in the preser­ vation field, including experience in administering all, or portions of, a library preservation program. Excellent written and oral com­ munications skills; demonstrated leadership ability; supervisory experience; involvement in national preservation activities; knowl­ edge of new technologies and their possible application to the preservation arena. Analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to work effectively in a changing environment and with a diverse staff. January 1991/77 University of Michigan Duties: The Slavic Division of the University of Michigan's Graduate Library provides technical and public service support for Slavic information resources. The Head is responsible for the overall administration of the Slavic unit including the development of: 1) social science and humanities collections in Slavic and Eastern European vernacular languages, as well as overseeing selection of relevant English and Western European materials throughout the Graduate Library; 2) policies and procedures related to the provision of bibliographic access and control of the collections; and 3) outreach programs to serve the instructional and research needs of faculty and students in Russian and Eastern European studies. Responsible for the management of personnel, collection and non­ personnel resources of the Slavic Division. The Slavic Division consists of a staff of 5 FTE and a collection of over 250,000 volumes. Qualifications: Required: MLS, or foreign equivalent. Master’s degree or significant advanced coursework/research in an area of Slavic or East European studies or other relevant disciplines. Proficiency in Russian and one other Slavic language. Five years of progressively advanced experience in cataloging, acquisitions, and/or reference workin a research library; a major component of this experience should be concerned with Russian and East European collections. Strong oral and written communication skills. Desired: Supervisory experience, including an understanding of staff development issues for a diverse library staff. Grant seeking and proposal writing experience. Experience in instruction and/or provision of library reference services. Experience with network- based or local automated bibliographic systems and the development of non-Roman script system capabilities. Demonstrated experience in the development of cooperative collection development strategies, shared resource programs, or other national cooperative programs. Experience conduct­ ing systematic collection assessment studies, user studies, and program evaluation. Working knowledge of additional Eastern European non-Slavic languages and major Western European languages. Record of ongoing involvement and leadership in national networks of Area Studies librarians and/or scholars. Minimum salary of $35,000. Apply to: Lucy R. Cohen Manager, Library Personnel Office 404 Hatcher Graduate Library University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Applications received by February 15,1991 ‚ will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer, Salary negotiable, competitive, and based upon qualifications. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days, 17 holidays, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care, TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement; and some relocation assistance. Applications received by February 15, 1991, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Maureen Sullivan, Head, Library Personnel Sen/ices, Yale Univer­ sity Library, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. Yale University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PROCESSING SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD. Sterling Me­ morial Library, Yale University. Search reopened. The Processing Services Department is one of four departments in the Yale Li­ brary's Technical Services Division. It is the largest department in the library system, with over 100 staff working in one of thirteen teams, performing a full range of technical applications for library materials, including acquisitions support, serials control, and cata­ loging. Technical Services management is committed to the prin­ ciples of self management, whereby teams have increased auton­ omy to plan, implement, and evaluate their work. The department head provides leadership and direction to the team leaders; advo­ cates and facilitates the self-management process; promotes team and individual development. Plays a major role in the formulation of technical services policies. Represents the needs and contribu­ tions of the department to the library system. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Knowledge of large re­ search library technical services operations and issues. At least five years of progressively responsible professional experience in libraries, preferably academic or research libraries. Demonstrated leadership ability and managerial skills. Strong commitment to the principles of self management and staff development. Excellent interpersonal skills, including both written and oral communication skills. Analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to work effec­ tively in a changing environment and with a diverse staff. Strong service orientation. Salary negotiable, competitive, and based upon qualifications. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days, 17 holidays, recess, and personal days; comprehensive 78 / C &R L News Excellent management opportunity for the service-oriented media professional with initiative and strong supervisory skills. This position is responsible for the management, policy formation, and future development planning of the Media Services Department of University Libraries. University Libraries is composed of acentral social science and humanities library, ten college and departmental libraries and the Media Services Department. The Media Services Department provides classroom instructional support to the faculties of the colleges on the university’s west campus. The nature of this support includes the selection, purchase, delivery, and maintenance of media equipment; provision of technical support for the university’s major 850 seat lecture facility; management of a traditional language laboratory; and consultation on media technology, presentation strategy, and collection development. Future cabling for acampus broad-band video communications network is anticipated. The department maintains a growing collection of films and videos which totals 800 titles. The Head of Media Services will be responsible for planning for an anticipated diversification of media resources and for assisting subject bibliographers in the selection and use of non-print materials. A staff of eight full-time employees and seven FTE student assistants are assigned to the department. A positive approach to service and good public relations are keystones to the department's success. Required Qualifications: The successful candidate must have the following: 1) ALA-accredited MLS with coursework in educational media or instructional technology, or master’s degree in educational media or instructional technology; 2) experience with and knowledge of a broad range of media formats, audio and visual equipment, systems, preferably including broadcast network and computer-managed audio visual presentations, and with associated user training; 3) minimum of three years media experience, preferably in a university or college library setting; 4) excellent management, communica­ tion, and interpersonal skills; 5) evidence of successful supervisory experience; and 6) commitment to service. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefits. Tenure track. Salary and rank dependent on your qualifications and experience. Salary range: $27,000-$32,000. To apply for this position, please provide the following documentation: 1) A cover letter with a complete statement of qualifications for this position; 2) a resume of education, experience, salary history; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Send to: Mark Weber Assistant University Librarian for Personnel University of Cincinnati 640 Langsam Library Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033 The search committee will begin reviewing applications on February 15,1991. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply promptlv. health care, TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement; and some relocation assistance. Applications received by February 15, 1991, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Maureen Sullivan, Head, Library Personnel Services, Yale University Library, Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. Yale University is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE/DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Austin College is seek­ ing candidates for the position of Reference/Documents Librarian. This position provides the full range of students; serves as liaison to various faculty departments for bibliographic instruction and col­ lection development; and administers selective U.S. documents depository program. Qualifications: Applicants should hold an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, and at least two years professional experience with government documents. Can­ didates must show evidence of continuing professional develop­ ment and commitment to an active role for the library in a liberal arts environment. A demonstrated teaching ability, knowledge of auto­ mated bibliographic systems, and ability to work collegially is required. Benefits: Minimum salary $23,000; faculty rank commen­ surate with experience; TIAA/CREF retirement plan; 22 days vacation; career development support. Application: Send letter of application, resume, transcripts and three letters of reference by January 15, 1991, to: Susan L. Myers, College Librarian, Abell Library Center, Austin College, 900 N. Grand, Sherman, TX 75091. Located 60 miles north of Dallas, Austin College is a January 1991/79 Reference Librarian of the Fine Arts Library The Fine Arts Library, a department of the Harvard College Library, supports the research and instructional activities of the Fine Arts Department faculty and students, curators and officers of the Harvard University Art Museums, and University faculty and students in related fields. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Book Collections, the Reference Librarian provides and coordinates reference services including direct reference desk service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, preparation of bibliographic guides, and development of the reference collection. The Reference Librarian will also contribute a reference service perspective to managerial discussions of policies and issues, in the Book Collections. This newly created position offers growth potential, to be. determined by the goals of the institution and reflecting the incumbent’s strengths. QUALIFICATIONS: an ALA accredited MLS or equivalent and a working knowledge of at least two major European languages required; an advanced degree in art history or a related field desirable; knowledge of and experience with on-line database searching preferred; demonstrated oral and written communication skills essential. Anticipated salary in the low $30,000s. MAJOR BENEFITS: One month’s vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; life insurance; University-funded pension plan; tuition assistance. INTERESTED CANDIDATES maw send a letter o f interest, resume‚ and names o f three references to Susan Lee, Associate Librarian o f Harvard College for Personnel, Widener 98, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. selective, coeducational residential college for 1,200 students. The library's developing program offers an opportunity for intellec­ tual and professional growth in a supportive environment. The staff includes 4.5 FTE professionals and 4.75 FTE support staff. The library participates in the BARR Consortium which is implementing a shared automation project (NOTIS). REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Entry-level, tenure-track position re­ porting to the Head of Reference. Duties: staff reference desk (including one week night and occasional academic vacation peri­ ods), instruct patrons in the use of the library, prepare library guides, select library materials in specified areas and serve as library liaison to faculty in one or more disciplines. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, good communications and teaching skills. Salary: $19,500-$22,000 for a 9-month (academic year) contract, depending on qualifications and experience. Li­ brarians have faculty status: they serve on university-wide commit­ tees and are eligible for sabbaticals. Benefits include: Blue Cross Select, TIAA/CREF, tuition remission. Environment: Alfred Univer­ sity’s Herrick Library serves 2,000 students in a highly rated small comprehensive university located 70 miles south of Rochester in New York’s scenic Southern Tier. Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Business and Administration, and Professional Studies provide diversity in a setting where students receive individual attention. Library staff consists of 6 professionals, 3 technical specialists, and 12 support staff. Application: Send letter of appli­ cation, current resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Stephen Crandall, Chair, Search Committee, Herrick Memorial Library, Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802. Closing date of the search will be February 15, 1991. Position available: August 26, 1991. Alfred University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Alabama Libraries is seeking a Science and Engi­ neering Reference Librarian for the new Science and Engineering Library, completed in 1990. The primary responsibility of this position is to coordinate the activities and operations of the Scien­ tific Communications Laboratory which is located within the Sci­ ence and Engineering Library. The coordinator will have a leader­ ship role in long-range planning for the laboratory and provide bibliographic instruction, training, and technical assistance to faculty, students, and staff. Currently the laboratory is operating a College Library Technology and Cooperations Grants Program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Specific operations in the laboratory are instruction on CD-ROM products and word processing: training and instruction in other database manage­ ment systems and bibliographic utilities. In addition, this position shares reference and online searching responsibilities with the professional staff and may serve as a selector for collection devel­ opment for at least one subject in the natural sciences or engineer­ ing. Evening and weekend reference service is rotated. The posi­ tion reports to the Head of SEL. Qualifications: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA (degree must be received by close of the application period): demonstrated knowledge of basic general and science or engineering reference sources, course work or experience with online systems, CD-ROM, and microcom­ puter applications in information systems; evidence of, or potential for, professional and/or scholarly activity; excellent organizational and communication skills; commitment to service. Qualifications: Preferred: Degree in a science or engineering discipline and/or subject reference experience in an academic or special library; supervisory experience. Second master’s degree in relevant sub­ ject highly desirable. Environment: The Eric and Sarah Rodgers Library for Science and Engineering was completed in 1990 and is a departmental library within the University of Alabama Libraries system. Comprising 43,000 square feet, the library was built with the intent of taking maximum advantage of computer-based infor­ mation systems for research. The libraries are a member of the Association of Research Libraries, The Center for Research Librar­ ies, SOLINET, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. The libraries have implemented the public access catalog, catalog­ ing and circulation functions of the NOTIS system. The Science 80 / C& RL News and Engineering Library serves the information needs of about 250 faculty members in engineering, the natural sciences and mathe­ matics, and approximately 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students it these disciplines. The library’s holdings include 200,000 volumes, 1,800 serial subscriptions, and 62,000 micro­ forms. The staff consists of four professional librarians, one infor­ mation specialist, four support staff, and 9,000 student assistant hours. Salary and rank are dependent upon experience and quali­ fications: Instructor or Assistant Professor, minimum salary $21,500. Strong benefits, 12-month, tenure track. To apply send a letter of application, resume, and name and address of three references to: Sondra Tucker, Libraries Personnel Officer, the University of Alabama, SEL Reference Librarian Search, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 by the application dead­ line February 1, 1991. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SENIOR SUB-LIBRARIAN (Readers Services). Applications are invited for the post of Senior Sub-Librarian in the University Librar­ ies. Applicants should have a higher degree or postgraduate di­ ploma in librarianship (MLS, ALA or equivalent), and at least five years experience in a senior supervisory capacity in an academic library. Experience in the planning and implementation of library automation, especially in circulation, online public access and information retrieval is necessary. Foreign language skills or knowledge of Chinese would be an advantage. The appointee will be responsible for managing all aspects of reader’s sen/ices and will, under the direction of the Librarian, assist in the administration of the libraries. Annual salary (superannuate) is on a 6-point scale: HK $435,000-HK $528,480 (approximately US $1 = HK $7.80 as of November 5, 1990). Starting salary will depend on qualifications and experience. At current rates, salaries tax will not exceed 15% of gross income. Housing at a charge of 7.5% of salary, children’s educational allowances, leave, and medical benefits are provided. Further particulars and application forms may be obtained from Appointments (38698), Association of Commonwealth Universities, 36 Gordon Square, London WC1H OPF, UK; or from the Appointments Unit, Registry, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (FAX (852) 559-2058; E-m ail APPUNIT@HKUVM.HKU.HK). Closes January 21, 1991. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, search extended. Hartwick College has an immediate opening in the Technical Services Department for an entry-level cataloger. In addition to general cataloging processes, the person in this position will work in a retrospective conversion project which includes responsibility for name and subject authority work, revision of OCLC input, and supervision of student workers. Requirements for the position: ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, LCSH. Desired qualifications include familiarity with automated systems and experience in an academic library setting. This position carries a 12-month contract, excellent benefits, and a salary of $21,000. To apply, send a letter of application and a resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Robert Danford, College Librarian, Hartwick Col­ lege, Oneonta, NY 13820. Hartwick College is an equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin January 15,1991. mailto:APPUNIT@HKUVM.HKU.HK The ISI Indexes... Countless librarians and researchers know retrieves pertinent articles you couldn’t find it for a fact. using traditional search techniques. ISI’s multidisciplinary indexes are the direct Other ISI indexes let you view the contents route to the critical research published in of scientific books, identify the papers from more than 7,000 of the most important science and social sciences proceedings, journals in the world. locate scientific reviews, search the arts and humanities literature, and much more.The Science Citation index® (SC I®) and the Social Sciences Citation Index ® (SSC I®) — And for immediate access to the most up-to-date landmark reference tools that introduced research literature, all of ISI’s multidisciplinary citation indexing to the scientific and indexes are available for online searching. academic communities — are now used daily When you need research information — on in major libraries and universities everywhere. any topic, from any discipline — do what the The SCI and SSCI Compact Disc Editions — experts do. Turn to an ISI index. 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