ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 150 Publications NOTICES • On the occasion of the fifth Annual Con­ ference of the Art Libraries Society of North America, held in Los Angeles January 28 through February 2, 1977, a new publication was issued, entitled A Guide to Art Resources in Los Angeles, edited by Joan Hugo, librarian at the Otis Art Institute, and produced by members of the Southern California Chapter of the society. Included in the pioneer effort in Los Angeles are museums, galleries, art libraries and visual resource collections, bookstores, notable archi­ tecture and landmarks, and restaurants from east to west in Pasadena, the San Fernando Valley, Downtown, Hollywood and the Sunset Strip, Wilshire and La Cienega, Beverly Hills and Century City, Westwood and Venice, and the Coast. It is available for $3.00 from ARLIS/NA, P.O. Box 3692, Glendale, CA 91201. • How to Use Biological Abstracts, written by Eva S. Jonas, is a slide-cassette program now available from the Cabot Science Library, Harvard University. It consists of a script, sixty slides, and a twenty-minute tape with cue pulses of 1,000 Hz for automatic advancement of slides on automatic equipment (e.g., Singer Caram ate). It describes the format and indexes of Biological Abstracts and BioResearch Index and basic research techniques. The program can also be presented by using a cassette player and a manual slide projector. The script desig­ nates appropriate time intervals between slides for manual advance. The program has been used for self and group instruction at Harvard University and in a science and technology ref­ erence course at Simmons School of Library Science. Orders, accompanied by a check for $100, should be made to Cabot Science Library, in care of Eva S. Jonas, Cabot Science Library, 1 Oxford St., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. • A new publication from the Library of Congress, Unidentified Flying Objects: A Se­ lected Bibliography, provides a list of bibliog­ raphies, books, journal articles, and proceedings for the general reader on the subject of UFOs. The works cited range from such firsthand ac­ counts as My Trip to Mars by William Fergu­ son to the Final Report of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, commonly known as the Condon report or Project Blue- book report. The bibliography provides selective coverage of the UFO literature that has appeared since 1969, when the U.S. Air Force published Lynn Catoe’s comprehensive UFO’s and Related Sub­ jects. The 200 references in the Library of Congress bibliography are limited to English- language works, but do include translations and materials published abroad. The bibliography was compiled by Kay Rodgers of the Library of Congress Science and Technology Division. It is available free from the Library of Con­ gress, Science and Technology Division, Wash­ ington, DC 20540. • On-Line Searching; A Self-Instruction Manual, by Edw ard Stockey and Sandra Jan- schewsky, is available from the Drexel Univer­ sity Book Store, Philadelphia, PA 19104, for $3.90 plus postage. The manual, prepared by two students in the Graduate School of Library Science under the supervision of Professor Brigitte L. Kenney, is designed to provide basic skills in Boolean logic, set construction, search strategy, and several basic types of searches as well as the major commands of both the ORBIT and DIALOG systems. It also contains a chapter on free-text searching. Using the ERIC data base throughout, the manual is or­ ganized into three chapters; at the end of each chapter, there is an on-line exercise, which should take approximately eight minutes each, or a total of about twenty-four minutes for ei­ ther ORBIT or DIALOG. The objective of the manual is to instruct prospective searchers (both library science students and librarians) in the fundamentals of on-line searching, using ERIC. Working through the manual will take about six hours and will enable the person com­ pleting the manual to go on to data-base-spe­ cific instruction available from vendors and data base producers. I t can also be used as a refresher for those persons who received train­ ing but have not searched for some time. In ­ tended as a preliminary edition, the manual contains an evaluation form. Based on responses from the field, the manual will be revised. • A unique perspective on the history of communism in America, The Earl Browder Papers, 1891 to 1975, housed in the George Arents Research Library a t Syracuse University, is now available on microfilm. The collection can be purchased by libraries and other re­ search facilities through the Microfilming Corp, of America, 21 Harristown Rd., Glen Rock, New Jersey, a New York Times Company. The price is $1,250. Browder (1891-1973) was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States of America from 1929 to 1944, during the time 151 when the party had its greatest impact on the American political and labor scene. The papers are a detailed chronicle of the activities and programs of the party’s leaders, sympathizers, and critics during what has been described as the true heyday of the party. The collection comprises approximately 100,000 pages of materials on forty-five reels of 35mm microfilm. It is arranged in six series: correspondence, 1891-1960; subject files, 1904- 60; manuscripts, 1924-67; photographs, 1901- 41; legal files, 1938-58; and published mate­ rials, 1921-75. The originals were purchased by Syracuse University in 1967 from Massachu­ setts book dealer Paul C. Richards. The Browder papers are part of a collection of papers of people in American political life, most of them from New York State, in the George Arents Research Library. • The Bronx Library Association has pub­ lished the Bronx Library Directory, compiled by Janet Butler. This twenty-two-page work describes the library collections of all of the Bronx libraries: college, public, medical, school, and high school—public and private as well as the special libraries of the borough. Detailed information on the various Bronx libraries is given in terms of hours, size and strengths of collections, special collections and services, ac­ cess, interlibrary loan policy, and photodupli­ cation facilities. To obtain a copy of this work, send a check in the amount of $1.50, payable to the Bronx Library Association, to Mr. Edmund Maloney, Duane Library, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458. • The American Society of Indexers an­ nounces the publication of its Directory of Courses on Indexing in Canada and the United States, compiled by James D. Anderson of the Library Science Department, Queens College, City University of New York. The Directory lists and describes courses on indexing offered by library schools, information science programs, government agencies, profes­ sional associations, and private organizations. A topical index indicates which courses cover each of twenty discrete topics related to index­ ing. A bibliography of textbooks lists all text­ books used in the courses described. The Directory is distributed by the Library Science Department, Queens College, and is available to members of the American Society of Indexers for $2 and to nonmembers for $3, post-paid. Payment must be enclosed with or­ ders. Checks should be made payable to the American Society of Indexers. Address the or­ ders to James D. Anderson, Library Science Department, Queens College, Flushing, NY 11367. • The Central New York Library Resources Council announces the availability of the third edition of the Central New York Union List of Serials, previous editions of which were pub­ lished in 1968 and 1970. This new edition, produced through the State University of New York’s Union List of Serials office, contains 19,632 unique entries and 10,349 cross-references, and represents selected holdings of forty-eight institutions in the Onon- daga-Madison-Oneida-Herkimer county area served by the council. This edition is substan­ tially larger than previous editions, which in­ cluded 11,107 unique entries for thirty-two libraries in the region. This list is being made available in micro­ fiche form at $15 per set incorporated in a binder with printed explanatory text. A limited number of printed copies will be available at $35 per copy. Orders should be sent to the Central New York Library Resources Council, 4302 S. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13205. • The Instructional Materials Thesaurus for Special Education, third edition, is now avail­ able for $2. It is published by the National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped. This thesaurus, the official list of terms used in the National Instructional Materials Informa­ tion System (NIM IS), is the basic tool used to index the more than 25,000 instructional ma­ terials listed in NIMIS. The indexing terms ( descriptors) are invaluable in helping to match instructional materials to the educational needs of handicapped children. Sections of this third edition include an al­ phabetical listing of more than 850 defined de­ scriptors, a categorical breakdown of these terms, a career cluster of occupational titles, a rotated key-word index, and a bibliography. Guidelines for indexing and retrieving are given in a how-to-use section, making it a useful publication for those interested in either ab­ stracting or information retrieval processes. The thesaurus may be ordered from Ohio State University Press, 2070 Neil Ave., Colum­ bus, OH 43210. • A Survey on Telefacsimile Use in Li­ braries in the United States is the title of a re­ port written by Dr. Hans Engelke, professor and associate director of libraries at Western Michigan University, contained in the Micro- File Series by the Library of Congress Photo­ duplication Service. The report deals with the effectiveness of telefacsimile use for interlibrary loan functions during 1975. It is the result of a questionnaire sent to all state libraries and compares speed and cost factors of telefacsimile devices versus telephone and teletype as a means of transmitting interlibrary loan requests. The report is available on one sheet of posi­ 152 tive silver halide microfiche for $4.50 and in unbound electrostatic positive prints for $19.00, both including postage, from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, Depart­ ment C, 10 First St. SE, Washington, DC 20540. • The Queens College Press announces the initiation of the Queens College Library Sci­ ence monograph series Queens College Studies in Librarianship; general editor, Robert A. Col­ by. The first monograph, scheduled for May 1977, is From Cutter to MARC: Access to the Unit Record, by Richard J. Hyman. Professor Hyman traces the format of the unit-record cat­ alog from book and card to CRT display screen, and gives suggestions for manual, multiple, and coordinated access to non-computerized files. Further information may be obtained from Mrs. Lee Cogan, Director of Publications, Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, NY 11367. • The Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials ( SALALM) an­ nounces the publication of two numbers of its Bibliography Series: No. 2. Woodbridge, Hensley C., ed. Basic List of Latin American Materials in Spanish, Portuguese and French. 1975. 205p. $5.00. No. 3. Fernandez-Caballero, Carlos F. S. Paraguái tai hñme, tone Paraguái arandu taisa- rambi ko yvy apére: The Paraguayan Bibliog­ raphy. Vol. II. 1975. 221p. $5.00. (Note: vol­ ume one of this bibliography was published by the compiler in 1970 and is in print. Write the SALALM Secretariat for the address from which it may be ordered.) The Final Report and Working Papers of the nineteenth seminar, held at Austin, Texas, in 1974, have also appeared. The theme of the seminar was “The Acquisition of Central Ameri­ can Library Materials.” Orders for all the above may be addressed to Ms. Louella V. Wetherbee, Executive Secre­ tary of SALALM, Benson Latin American Col­ lection, The University of Texas at Austin, SRH 1-108, Austin, TX 78712. It is not neces­ sary to pay in advance. Those enclosing money with their orders should add $.50 per title for handling and postage. • Minorities and Women: A Guide to Ref­ erence Literature in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive guide to more than 800 refer­ ence publications on women and other minori­ ties, including black, Spanish, Asian, and native Americans. Minorities and Women has been prepared to assist those interested in the social, educational, psychological, political, economic, or historical aspects of minorities and women in America. Complete bibliographic information and full annotations, detailing purpose, scope, arrange­ ment, special features, publication history, etc., are included. The bibliography is arranged by type of reference source (fact books, direc­ tories, citation sources, etc.) and subdivided by the groups covered. Author, title, and subject indexes complete the work. The publication is written by Dr. Gail Schlachter with assistance from Donna Belli. It is available on thirty-day approval from Ref­ erence Service Press, 9023 Alcott St., Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90035, for $19.50 per copy. • The University of Colorado’s Western Historical Collections has produced three addi­ tional publications for its series of guides to in­ dividual manuscript collections. In addition to an inventory of the papers and a name index, the guides provide a brief historical introduc­ tion or biography and a useful chronology. The new titles are: Guide to the Paul D. Harrison Collection 1860- 1973 (Colorado transportation promoters and enterprises) Guide to the Hal Sayre Papers 1859-1925 ( Colorado surveyor and mining promoter) Guide to the Colorado Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Papers 1878-1975. Copies may be obtained by writing to John A. Brennan, Curator of the Western Historical Collections, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, CO 80302. Cost: $2 prepaid, $3 post­ paid. • The Classified Directory of Artists’ Signa­ tures, Symbols and Monograms, by H. H. Cap- lan, has been published by Gale Research. A classified arrangement locates the correct name of a particular artist from an example of his signature, monogram, or symbol, and helps the researcher to discover the various forms an artist may have used to identify his works. The directory contains more than 6,000 entries. The material is arranged in four major sec­ tions. The first section, covering about half of the book, is arranged alphabetically by the names of the artists. Section two covers mono­ grams exclusively. The third section is devoted to illegible or misleading signatures. Section four covers symbols, which have been arranged as far as possible according to their form. Pub­ lished in America by Gale Research Co., De­ troit, 1976, the directory is available for $75. • The University of California, Berkeley, Study Group of the Committee on Bibliograph­ ic Control has recently completed a report on the third phase of its study, entitled Future of the General Library Catalogs of the University of California at Berkeley, Report-Phase 3. It proposes a plan of action for providing public and staff access to a unified bibliographic data base, built in machine-readable format and 153 using the BALLOTS system, phased in over an eleven-year period. The primary means of ac­ cess to data for both public and staff proposed is on-line, combined with computer output microform auxiliary lists, such as back-up data. The plan proposes closing the present card catalogs and the conversion of retrospective bibliographic data. Information on costs of the system and the necessary equipment, as well as projected cost savings and benefits, is pro­ vided. Copies of the report are available to individ­ uals and to other libraries at a cost of $3 per copy. Requests should be addressed to: The Librarian’s Office, University of California Gen­ eral Library, Berkeley, CA 94720. Prepayment is requested; checks should be made payable to the Regents of the University of California. RECEIVED Authors in the news : a compilation of news stories and feature articles from American newspapers and magazines covering writers and other members of the communication media / by the staff of Biography News ; Barbara Nykohuh, editor. — Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1976. 306p. $24.00. (LC 75- 13541) (ISBN 0-8103-0045-1) Volume 2 of the series. Countries of the world and their leaders. — 3d ed. — Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1977. l,141p. $20.00. (LC 76-27210) (ISBN 0-8103-1038-4) Directorship by objectives / Robert E. Kem­ per, Richard E. Ostrand. — Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 80p. $8.00. (LC 76-56238) (ISBN 0-87287- 138-X) “Challenge to change: library applications of new concepts, no. 2” Education and education-related serials : a di­ rectory / Wayne J. Krepel, Charles R. D üVall. — Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Un­ limited, 1977. 256p. $15.00. (U.S. and Can­ ada) $18.00. (elsewhere) (LC 76-47040) (ISBN 0-87287-131-2) Government reference books 74/75 : a biennial guide to U.S. government publications / compiled by Alan Edward Schorr. — Lit­ tleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 263p. $11.50. (U.S. and Canada) $13.50. (elsewhere) (LC 76-146307) (ISBN 0- 87287-168-1) “Fourth biennial volume.” Hebrew printing and bibliography / selected and with a preface by Charles Berlin. — New York : New York Public Library and KTAV Publishing House, 1976. 518p. $35.00. “Reprinted from publications of the New York Public Library.” International organizations : a guide to infor­ mation sources / Alexine L. Atherton. — Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1976. 350p. $18.00. (LC 73-17502) (ISBN 0-8103- 1324-3) “International relations information guide series; v .l” The Islamic Near East and North Africa : an annotated guide to books in English for non- specialists / David W. Littlefield. — Lit­ tleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1977. 375p. $19.50. (U.S. and Canada) $23.00. (elsewhere) (LC 76-218) (ISBN 0-87287- 159-2) The library-centered approach to learning / Marie Schuster. — Palm Springs, Calif. : ETC Publications, 1977. 112p. $8.95. (LC 76-54328) (ISBN 0-88280-047-7) Library technical services : a selected, annotat­ ed bibliography / compiled by Rose Mary Magrill, Constance Rinehart. — West- port, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1977. 238p. $14.95. (LC 76-27130) (ISBN 0-8371-9286- 2) Managing multi media libraries / Warren B. Hicks, Alma M. Tillin. — New York : Bowker, 1977. 264p. $13.95. (LC 76-49116) (ISBN 0-8352-0628-9) Maryland : a guide to information sources / Michael M. Reynolds. — Adelphi, Md. : Research and Reference Publications, 1976. 151p. $11.95. (LC 76-44420) (ISBN 0- 917698-00-2) Participative management in academic libraries / Maurice P. Marchant. — Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1976. 260p. $17.50. (LC 76-8740) (ISBN 0-8371-8935- 7 ) ‘ Contributions in librarianship and informa­ tion science, no. 16” Proceedings of the personal evaluation institute held at Eastern Illinois University, Charles­ ton, Illinois, October 24-26, 1975 / edited by F rancis M. Pollard. — Charleston, 111. : Dept. of Library Science, Eastern Illi­ nois Univ., 1976. 161p. $4.00. ( Address orders to Mr. George Hackler, Con­ tinuing Education and Community Services, Eastern Illinois Univ., Charleston, IL 61920.) Serbs in the United States and Canada : a com­ prehensive bibliography / compiled by Robert Gakovitch, Milan Radovich ; edited by Joseph D. D wyer. — St. Paul, Minn. : Immigration History Research Cen­ ter, Univ. of Minnesota, 1976. 129p. $6.00. “A visit from St. Nicholas” : an exhibition cata­ log / compiled by H arriet D yer Adams, Marion P. Munzer ; forword by Anne Lyon Haight. — Albany : State Univ. of New York at Albany, 1976. 40p. $2.00. (Requests for copies should be addressed to Special Collections, University Libraries, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Wash­ ington Ave., Albany, NY 12222.) ■ ■