ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 154 Classified Advertising N O T IC E Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. ’ A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE China (mainly), Japan, Korea. Superb collection of books in Western language. A ll topics. More than 3,000 volumes. Write M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD; IWY 75. A selective annotated bibliography of periodical articles (iii, 47p. $1) has 175 entries, 60 countries; Index to above (33p. 25^); Supplement 175 (208p. $7.50) has 443 entries cover­ ing 125 countries from 106 periodicals. A reader com­ ments, "A treasure trove for anyone working on the position of women today. I am amazed at the number of facets of the subject it touches." $8.75 complete set, postage extra. Make check payable to: AAUW Nassau County Branch, L. Is., N.Y. Mail to Miss H. Meigs, 15 Everdell Road, East Rockaway, NY 11518. STUDY COURSES INDEXING BY CORRESPONDENCE STUDY. This course has been prepared at the request of, and in collaboration with, the Society of Indexers and is specifically, designed as an aid to those who wish to train for admission to the Society's register. Free details from—the Rapid Results College, Dept. W AI, Tuition House, London, SWI9 4DS, Enaland. POSITIONS OPEN Wichita State University has an opening for an AD­ MINISTRATIVE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities include the administration and management of circu­ lation, reserve, and shelving; for the general supervision of the building, building planning and space utilization; and for supervising and developing training programs for a full-time staff of seven and 40 student assistants. This position demands both a strong management and public services orientation. Knowledge of data processing would be helpful, as Wichita State University Library is developing an on-line automated circulation system. Library experience desirable, but not necessary. Must possess an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. A second graduate degree is a requirement for tenure. Must be able to meet general University requirements for promotion and tenure in addition to specific, library assignment. Salary $11,000 to $15,000, depending on qualifications. Usual fringe benefits including TIA A / CREF. Apply by June 15, 1977, to James C. Eller, As­ sociate Director for Library Services, Wichita State Uni­ versity, Wichita, Kansas 67208. Wichita State University is committed to Affirmative Action employment. APPALACHIAN COLLECTION LIBRARIAN. Librarian of the Appalachian Collection which consists of more than 10,000 items relating to the Southern Appalachian Region. Staff includes one full-time staff person plus student assistants. Librarian responsible for selecting, processing, and cataloging new materials. Must have knowledge of L.C. classification. Must have a Master's degree in Li­ brary Science and strong interest in local and regional history. Minimum of five years of library and adminis­ trative experience. Salary $9,500-$11,000 for the academic year depending upon qualifications and experience. A d ­ ditional compensation for summer work. Librarians have full faculty status. University located in northwestern corner of state and is surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains. Send resume to: Richard T. Baker, University Librarian, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES. Position now open. MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and second master's degree required. Five or more year's administrative experience in a uni­ versity library at the department head level or above. Duties include the planning, coordination, and super­ vision of reference, circulation, and ILL programs and two branch libraries. Public services staff of sixteen (16), plus 75 student assistants. Appointee must have thorough knowledge of library automation and networking. Must be able to work successfully as a team member with fellow staff members, faculty, and students. Usual fringe benefits and state retirement. Faculty status and rank of assoc, prof. Salary $18,000, 12-mon†h contract. Send resume and references to: Dr. George R. Lewis, Director of Libraries, P.O. Drawer 5408, State College, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. The Library at the State University of New York at Stony Brook has the following two positions open, both available immediately: ASSISTANT HEAD SERIALS DEPT. Assists department head in planning and procedures; major responsibility for serials acquisitions and b ib lio ­ graphic control; supervises work flow to technical as­ sistants and clerical staff; assists in administering a budget for the acquisitions of serials, approximately 50% of the materials budget. Qualifications: Knowledge of computer applications; MLS accredited library school; knowledge of 2 foreign languages; 3-5 years experience in serials; demonstrated supervisory abilities. Appointment range: $ 13,000-$ 14,000, commensurate with experience. SYSTEMS AND DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. A staff po­ sition involving planning, designing, managing of all data processing and information retrieval applications in the Library. Additional responsibilities in accounting and budget management. Position requires an MLS from an accredited library school and previous experience in computer applications for libraries; experience in the process of budgetary analysis and knowledge of ac­ counting principles and procedures. Acts as liaison be­ tween the Library and the Computer Center and also the Office of Management Systems. Appointment range $ 1,000-$ 15,000. Applications should be submitted no later than May 20 to: Florence Boroson, Melville Library, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. BUSINESS SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Provide public services to students and faculty to the school of business, reference and orientation specializing in business, economics and public affairs. Reports directly to Head of Public Services. Evening and weekend duties. MLS from ALA- accredited school required; subject master's preferred. Minimum three years related professional experience in business, special or academic library. Faculty status, salary and rank dependent upon qualifications. A p p li­ cation deadline, June I, 1977. Interviews during Special Libraries Convention, June 5-9. Send resume to: Frank Walker, Public Services Librarian, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. CATALOGER—Primarily for original cataloging with emphasis on nonbook materials. Experience in LC classification and OCLC system desirable but not mandatory. Twelve-month contract. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Salary $10,000-$12,000. Application and resume to George N. Har†je, Director of Libraries, Northeast Mis­ souri State University, Kirksville, Missouri 63501, by June I, 1977. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX university. 155 CATALOGER: Requires MLS from ALA-accredi†ed library school and 2 years cataloging experience, preferably in academic library. Working knowledge of OCLC and 2 foreign languages highly desirable. Responsible for original and shared cataloging of both monographic and serial items, using LC and some Dewey. Involves coordination and supervision of operations relative to OCLC procedures and maintenance of the subject catalog. Faculty rank and benefits. 12-month contract with paid vacation. Salary $9,000+ depending on experience and other qualifications. Position available June I, 1977. Send application to: Thomas J. Wicker, Acting Head Cataloger, Baylor University, Box 6307, Waco, Texas lblüb. An equal opportunity employer. Position opening for DIRECTOR. Pacific Northwest Biblio­ graphic Center, Seattle, Washington. Salary: $22,5C0— $30,000 per annum. Excellent benefit package. Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates cooperative pro­ grams and services as Director of the Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center, physically located at the Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle, Washington. The rules and regulations of the University of Washington are followed as they pertain to personnel, affirmative action and fiscal accountability. PNBC is an incorporated entity governed and financed by the States of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Annual budget is $250,000. The Director is responsible to the Board of Directors of PNBC for administration of staff and fiscal resources, development of an annual budget, and coordination with the libraries of the region in the sharing of resources. The Director will also develop and implement a plan, in cooperation with the PNBC Board of Directors and the Washington State Library, to integrate the services and functions of the Center with the Washington Library Network. Position available October I, 1977. Interviews will be scheduled at the ALA Detroit Conference. Re­ quirements: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school. Minimum of eight years of progressively more responsible administrative ex­ perience in a large library system. Experience in a multi-jurisdictional service program is desirable, with an emphasis on bibliographic identification and inter- library loan. Knowledge of the application of auto­ mation to large-scale library functions and problems desirable. Certification by Washington State Board of Certification for Librarians is required prior to appoint­ ment. Deadline: June I, 1977. Reply to: Charlotte L. Wood, Administrative Officer, Washington State Library, Olympia, WA 98504. Please contact us immediately if you have a nomination for this position. The Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION SERVICES. University of Virginia Library. Responsible to University Librarian for all activities of following areas: main Circulation Desk, with annual circulation of 280,000 volumes; Reserve Book Room, including nucleus of undergraduate collection; Cur­ rent Periodicals and Microforms Room; Interlibrary Loans; Binding Section; 4 school and departmental libraries serving Commerce, Education, Fine Arts, and Music. Re­ quirements: MLS; at least 3 years' administrative ex­ perience in public services in research or university library; familiarity with concepts of library automation. Faculty rank dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience; competitive salary. Send resume by June I to Mr. K. L Stubbs, Associate University Librarian, Aider- man Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES to administer the Southeastern Massachusetts University Library Communi­ cations Center with collection of 180,000 volumes, 1900 serials, microforms, government documents, audio-visual material, television facility, and instructional support activities. University has 5 colleges, 5000 students, and 300 faculty. Director reports to Dean of Faculty. Qualifi­ cations: Knowledge and experience in current library practice, networks, automated systems and media plan­ ning. Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school required. Minimum of 5 years administrative management experience in an academic or research oriented library. Previous experience must demonstrate ability to work effectively with supportive personnel as well as with administrative colleagues. Willingness and ability to initiate and expand service functions of Li­ brary Communications Center. Salary range: $26,998- $35,046 depending on qualifications. Liberal fringe bene­ fits. 12-month appointment. Anticipated starting date: January 1978, preferred, negotiable. Application date: June 15, 1977. Send resume and names of five references to: Prof. Thomas W. Puryear, Chairperson/Search and Screen Committee, University Library Communications Center, Southeastern Massachusetts University, No. Dart­ mouth, MA 02747. SMU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and applications from members of minority groups and women are particularly en­ couraged. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, La. Appointment to be effective July I, 1978. The University of New Orleans, part of the Louisiana State University system, has a faculty of 500 and an enrollment of 14,000 students. The Library has a col­ lection of 700,000 volumes and employs 22 professional librarians with 32 support personnel. The Director has primary responsibility for overall library operations in­ cluding budget preparation, collection development, and long-range planning. Applicants must have a degree from an ALA-accredited library school; a minimum of five years administrative experience in an academic or research library; demonstrated knowledge of automated library systems, networks, and resource sharing; and evi­ dence of significant professional and scholarly activities. Salary from $27,000. Deadline for receipt of applications, complete curriculum vita, and three references is Sep­ tember I, 1977. Applications and credentials should be directed to Dr. Warren M. Billings, Chairman, Library Search Committee, History Department, University of New Orleans, Lakefront, New Orleans, Louisiana 70122. The University of New Orleans is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Three Cataloging positions open immediately. All po­ sitions require a Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredi†ed library school and knowledge of AACR Rules and LC cataloging procedures. OCLC ex­ perience and knowledge of German or Russian is pre­ ferred. (I) HEAD OF CATALOG DEPARTMENT, ASSOCI­ ATE LIBRARIAN: Responsible for overall management of the Catalog Department, including policy formulation, budget preparation, hiring, and evaluation of II pro­ fessional and 24 support staff. 3-5 years of cataloging experience in a large library with at least I or 2 years of managerial responsibility. (2) SENIOR CATALOGER, ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: original descriptive and subject cataloging of monographs and microforms in one or more subject fields. Also responsible for training and supervision of junior catalogers and support staff. 3-5 years subject cataloging experience in a large university library. (3) SCIENCE CATALOGER, ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN: original descriptive and subject cataloging of monographs and microforms in science, engineering and mathematics. Some subject cataloging experience in a large university library. Salary range: (I) $16,900— 18,900; (2) $14,000+; (3) $11,000-12,000. Faculty status, TIAA-CREF retirement plan and other excellent fringe benefits. Apply to: Ms. M. E. State, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 Abbott Library, Buffalo, New York 14214. An Equal Oppor†uni†y/Affirma†ive Action and Title IX Employer. New Library Building on new campus. Positions open for: (I) HEAD OF CIRCULATION. Must be able to analyze current manual system and recommend new system. (2) HEAD OF BOOK ACQUISITIONS. Must be familiar with U.S. and international book trade acquisitions. Works closely with Head of Serials Department. (3) HEAD OF REFERENCE. Must have extensive experience in Science and Engineering reference. Minimum regular contract for two years, renewable. Competitive salaries (ranging between U.S. $12,000 and U.S. $16,000) and allowances, free air-conditioned and furnished housing, free air trans­ portation to and from Dhahran each two-year tour. A t­ tractive educational assistance grants for school-age de­ pendent children. Local transportation allowance in cash each month. A ll earned income without Saudi taxes. Ten-and-a-half-month duty each year with 45 days va­ cation paid. Send applications via airmail including 3 reference sources, photograph and curriculum vitae with copies of degrees/testimonials, including personal data such as home and office addresses and telephone num­ bers, family status, to: Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Dukhayyil, Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs, University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran International Airport, P.O. Box No. 144, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Two positions, Wake Forest University Library, Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27109. I. HEAD, REFERENCE ]56 DEPARTMENT. M.S.L.S. and academic library reference experience required. 2. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPART­ MENT, M.S.L.S. and academic library acquisitions ex­ perience required. Both positions available July I, 1977. Terms of employment, benefits and salaries available upon request to Director of Libraries, Wake Forest Uni­ versity. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Coordinates reference services, interlibrary loan, library instruction, and on­ line information retrieval services. Responsible for de­ veloping and maintaining reference collection, preparing reference guides and bibliographies, and supervising staff of 3 librarians and 2 paraprofessionals in providing reference service to over 10,000 students, faculty, staff and community. Require: ALA-accredited MLS; appropri­ ate reference experience in an academic or research library; demonstrated abilities to organize and direct reference operations, to supervise staff effectively and to work well with other librarians, faculty and students. Prefer: subject background in science a n d /o r business; second Master's desirable. Twelve-month appointment. Salary $16,000—$18,000 depending on qualifications. Po­ sition open July I, 1977. Closing date for applications June 15, 1977. Send applications and credentials to Mrs. Carol Bettis, Associate Librarian, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725. Equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. HEAD REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— Responsible for general reference work and supervision of reference staff. Requires ability to plan a range of broad reference programs for students and faculty in a medium-size state-supported university. MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Reference experience required. Administrative experience helpful but not necessary. Twelve-month contract. Salary $14,000-$16,000. Position open July I, 1977. State retire­ ment system. Excellent fringe benefits. Applications and resumes by May 15, 1977, to George N. Har†je, Director of Libraries, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirks­ ville, Missouri 63501. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX university. HEAD, SERIALS DEPT. Administers periodicals, micro­ form, binding and copy service sections. Responsible for public service, acquisitions and budgeting, and col­ lection maintenance of the serials collection (6,566 subscriptions in 1975/76). Supervises 15.5 staff plus student assistants. Minimum qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program; six years professional-level ex­ perience including two years of supervisory experience. Position has rank of University Librarian, salary range of $13,904-$15,749. Applications accepted through June I. Send resume and letter of application to Edith Knepper, Library Search Committee, University of South Florida Library, Tampa, Florida 33620. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN: Position for assistant catalog librarian avail­ able July. MLS degree from ALA-accredited library school and proficiency in at least one modern foreign language. Professional experience cataloging with the LC system and with network procedure (SOLINET, OCLC, etc.) preferred but not required. Responsible for original cataloging in all subject fields via SOLINET using LC classification; assist in general administration and super­ vision of the cataloging department; other duties as occasioned by library needs. Twelve-month appointment; twenty-three days vacation, excellent benefits. Minimum beginning salary $10,000 and rank of lecturer. Closing date for applications June I. Send resume to Betty Sue Westbrook, Randall Library, University of North Caro­ lina at Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. UNC-W is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT, Milne Li­ brary, State University College, Oneonta, N.Y. Graduate degree in librarianship required. Prior experience in serials work and fam iliarity with OCLC system and MARC format highly desirable. Appointment available September I, 1977, dependent upon approvel of Division of the Budget. Assistant librarian rank ($10,000 minimum; 12 months). Professional staff member of the department with primary responsibility for serials—acquisition, cata­ loging, supervision of OCLC serials subsystem. Evening & weekend assignments on a rotating basis at a public service desk. Applications accepted until June I, 1977. Address inquiries & vita to Martha Chambers, Chair­ person, Personnel Committee, Milne Library, State Uni­ versity College, Oneonta, NY 13820. State University of New York is an equal opportuni†y/affirmative action em­ ployer. LIBRARIAN OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZO­ OLOGY, Harvard University. Administers library of 250,000 volumes in zoology and natural history. Staff of eleven. Duties include supervision of acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and preservation activities; refer­ ence and collection development; personnel and budget administration;, planning for change to LC classification; and coordination of policies with other units of the University Library. Qualifications: MLS, minimum of five years of research and library experience (including ad­ ministrative responsibilities), and knowledge of foreign languages required. Background in biological sciences highly desirable. Rank: Librarian If or III. Salary $15,000—$20,000. Available I July 1977. Send resume to: Philip E. Leinbach, Assistant University Librarian for Personnel, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, MA 02138. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Slippery Rock State College, Pennsylvania, is seeking a professional librarian with an ALA-accredited MLS minimum degree; at least 10 years of professional library and administrative ex­ perience to manage, supervise and coordinate all oper­ ations. of a modern 585,000-volume, three-story facility, including an instructional support services area serving 5800 students. Salary Range: $23,237 to $30,690 with excellent fringe benefits. Director reports to the associate vice president for academic affairs. Appointment Date: August 22, 1977. Vita is to include graduate transcripts, three recent letters of recommendation, and other sup­ porting documents, and is to be submitted no later than May 30, 1977 to: Louis Razzano, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. An Affirmative A ctio n / Equal Opportunity Employer. LIBRARY SCIENCE FACULTY. Library Science Department is seeking applicants for faculty vacancy effective Sep­ tember 1977. Must have specialty in special librarian- ship such as health science, medical, etc., with com­ petency for teaching basic courses in library science. Master's in library science and doctorate in library science or subject field is required. Must have experience in a special library and teaching experience at college or university level with ability to do research. Salary $12,250—$17,000. Send resume to Dr. Marina E. Axeen, Chairman, Department of Library Science, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Applications requested by June 10. Ball State University practices Equal O ppor­ tunity in Education and Employment. MEDIA/CURRICULUM CHAIRPERSON. Senior Assistant Librarian. Responsible for administration of media/ curriculum center, including policy development, staff and budget control, facilities planning, equipment se­ lection, collection growth and organization. MLS from ALA-accredited library school; appropriate second master's or equivalent professional achievement. Salary commensurate with qualifications within range of $1,120— $l,547/mo. Apply before June 20, to Louis A. Kenney, Director, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA 92182. An Equal Oppor†uni†y/Affirmative A ction/ Title IX Employer. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT HEAD. To administer reference department in a rapidly developing urban university library serving 16,000 students and over 700 faculty with a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs in the arts, arts and sciences, education, business, com­ munity services, and social work. The department provides a full range of services including an active orientation and bibliographic instruction program, a library skills course, computer literature searching, a music room, a microforms room, an information desk and a reference collection of 15,000 volumes. Total Library holdings of 385,000 volumes are housed in a spacious building completed in 1975. The department consists of eight li­ brarians, three library assistants, and seven clerical staff. Minimum qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS, eight years reference experience with at least two years of supervisory experience in a comparable academic library, demonstrated ability to interact with the aca­ demic community and experience in program planning and development, policy making and coordination with other Department Heads to provide innovative services. Salary and academic rank negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience, but not less than 157 $15,000. Applications, including resumes and references, should be sent to: Bruce M. Hulbert, Assistant Director of University Libraries, Academic Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23284. An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Arizona. Re­ sponsibility for reference service in areas of social sciences, humanities, and fine arts with emphasis on business and economics. Assignments include library orien†ation/ins†ruction, collection development, and com­ puterized literature searching. Require degree from ALA- accredited library school, undergraduate degree in a business field. Experience as a business librarian and experience using online information retrieval services preferred. Spanish language desired. Faculty status, 12- mcnth appointment, 22 days vacation. Salary: $10,300— $13,000. Affirmative Action/Equal Employment/Title IX Employer. Send resumes by May 31, 1977, to Mary Dale Palsson, Assistant Librarian for Public Services, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona 85721. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. 2 positions open immediately in University of Virginia Library. (I) Research Librarian, responsible for research and editorial activities, including guides, bibliographies, correspondence, and specialized information service. (2) Resources Librarian, responsible for problems and procedures in acquisition, cataloging, and maintenance of Reference collection, as well as general information service. Requirements: MLS; fam ili­ arity with reference sources and methods; knowledge of foreign languages preferred. Faculty rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Send resume by June I to Mr. K. L. Stubbs, Associate Uni­ versity Librarian, Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. An equal opportunity/affirm- a†ive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS: (one regular budgeted po­ sition, one temporary one-year appointment). Responsible for providing reference assistance in the humanities and social sciences, including catalog use, instruction in use of library, on-line search services, collection develop­ ment, and other activities promoting use of library col­ lections and services. REQUIRED: Fifth-year Library Science degree from an accredited library school. An advanced degree in one of the social sciences and some reference experience in an academic library is desirable but not essential. APPLICANTS FOR ONE-YEAR AP­ POINTMENT MUST HAVE OBTAINED LIBRARY DEGREE JUNE 1975, NO LATER. SALARY: $11,200-$ 14,590, de­ pending upon qualifications and experience. FRINGE BENEFITS: TIAA-CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity and an affirmative action employer. Closing date for appli­ cations, June 15. Eligible applicants should indicate willingness to accept one-year appointment. Send resume with names of 3 references or appropriate credentials to: Mr. Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, general and special­ ized reference duties, collection development, faculty liaison, instruction and use of on-line citation data bases. Require ALA-accredi†ed MLS and baccalaureate in the natural sciences. Preference to candidates with M.S. in natural sciences. Appointment at Assistant Librarian level $11,556. Usual benefits. Credentials and names of 3 references by June 30, 1977, to D. K. Oyler, Library, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521. Affirmative ac†ion/equal opportunity employer. UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: Provides reference service; participates in implementation of orientation and instructional programs; assumes re­ sponsibility for development and maintenance of the Vertical and Travel Information Files; assists in develop­ ment of the general monograph collection by assuming selection responsibility for current publications in certain areas; and assumes responsibility for the maintenance of the card catalogues. Qualifications: Master's Degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school; Bachelor of Arts Degree, preferably in Philosophy/Re­ ligion, Sociology, or Education, from an accredited four-year college or university; and fam iliarity with the basic reference tools and techniques in the humanities and social sciences are required. One year general reference service experience, preferably at an academic library serving primarily undergraduates, is desired. Faculty rank: Assistant Librarian; Salary: $10,5004- depending on qualifications. Please send resume to: Ms. M. E. State, University Libraries Personnel Officer, State University of New York at Buffalo, 308 A bbott Library, Buffalo, New York 14214. An equal opport unity/affirm at ive action and title IX employer. Correction: Academic Status Committee Hearings Hearings on the “Draft Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening and Ap­ pointment of Academic Librarians,” pub­ lished in the April issue of C&RL News, will be sponsored by the ACRL Commit­ tee on Academic Status on Monday, June 20, 1977, 2:00-4:00 p.m., and not on Sunday, as originally listed in the News. A A so T cial s c L ience A s refe S renc T e too : l th at’s easy to use, highly current, and multidisciplinary too! It’s a lot easier to search search vocabularies or studies, geography, the social sciences journal complex classification history, law, linguistics, literature when your schemes. management, marketing, library has the Social With SSC/ you don’t have political science, Sciences Citation Index™ to use a half-dozen psychiatry, psychology, (SSC/™). discipline-oriented indexes sociology, statistics, and to assure comprehensive urban planning and The index that offers an integrated search system searches. A single look-up development. designed to overcome the lets you search the entire And because SSC/ is ambiguous terminology output of over 1,400 computer-produced, it’s and wide scatter of related journals from all the fields the most current index articles that used to make relevant to the social of it’s size—the one social science searches so sciences including you find new articles in difficult. The SSC/ takes anthropology, community while they’re still new. advantage of two powerful health, demography, retrieval methods: economics, educational Send the coupon for Citation Indexing—which research, ethnic group more information. utilizes the fact that an article’s reference citations to earlier publications are excellent indicators of the subject of the article, and Permuterm® Indexing—a natural language system that pairs every significant word in an article’s title with every other word in that title to produce extremely specific, two- level indexing entries. With SSC/, all you need to start a search on any subject is the name of a key author in the field of interest or any English word that is descriptive of the subject. There's no need to master specialized