ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 112 / C&RL News • February 2002 I N T E R N E T R E S O U R C E S Computational science An Internet introduction by Anna Keller Gold F rom the Web pages o f professional or­ganizations1 to job advertisements in sci­ entific journals2 to the pages of the New York Times3 there is evidence that, more and more, sciences are becoming computational. Com­ putational science has becom e “an equal and indispensable partner, along with theory and experiment, in the advance of scientific knowl­ edge and engineering practice.”4 It is an important part of biology and medi­ cine, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics, astronomy and space science, earth and environmental science, linguistics, and every other field in which data exist in mas­ sive quantities, and research problems exist that are “otherwise too big, too small, too expen­ sive, too scarce, or too inaccessible to study.”5 The subject of computational science is diffuse, and no single portal exists that brings together its many facets. Thus the goal of this guide is to offer a sampling o f Web sites that introduce the subject or relate to the tools used in computational science, its diverse applications, and the variety o f people and organizations involved in computational sci­ ence instruction and research. C o m pu tatio n al science, inform atics, and lib rary p ro fe ssio n als Librarians in research libraries are continu­ ally faced with new disciplines and research p ro gram s sty led as “in fo r m a tic s ”; b io - informatics and medical informatics are among the most familiar o f these. Along with “com p u tatio n al s c ie n c e ,” “inform atics” is a term used to describe the scie n ce o f com bining the use o f com puta­ tional techniqu es (algorithm s), tools (sp e ­ cialized com puters with various visualiza­ tion systems, including the Web and data­ bases, data w arehousing, and other soft­ w a re), and m ath em atics (m o d els from wavelets to partial differential equations to quantum lattices and cellular autom ata) in the analysis o f scientific data. Developments in computational science will place new demands on the inform a­ tion m anagem ent skills o f researchers and librarians alike and will continue to offer challenging opportunities for collaborations betw een scientists and information profes­ sionals. Startin g points, tu to rials, and on lin e courses • SIAM W o rk in g G rou p o n CSE E d u c a tio n . This site begins with an excellen t definition o f com putational scie n ce as a distinct discipline, d escribes the research areas in w hich computational science plays an important role, and discusses graduate curricula and programs in CSE (Computa­ ­ A b o u t th e a u th o r Anna Keller Gold is head o f the Science an d Engineering Library a t the University o f California, San Diego, e-mail: agold@ C&RL News ■ February 2002 / 113 tional Science and Engineering). Access: http://www.siam. org/cse/report.htm. • Partnership for Advanced Computa­ tional Infrastructure (PACI) Education, Outreach and Training. This extensive site is devoted to education, outreach, and train­ ing. It includes online lesson plans, courses, tutorials, and educational simulations. Access: • Computational Science Education Project (CSEP). Aimed at advanced under­ graduates and higher-level students in science and engineering, this site includes an online textbook and tutorials for freely available networking and visualization software. Ac­ cess.- Hardware and software Doing computational science requires exper­ tise in a scientific discipline, mathematical modeling, and knowledge of computer sci­ ence. A researcher also needs access to spe­ cialized hardware and software, from hard­ ware arrangements in clusters, like AppleSeed and Beowulf, to Cray-like supercomputers to enormous distributed “virtual” machines or computing “grids.” Work on this hardware in turn commonly entails using the parallel computing algorithms that enable fast, high-volume processing of very large amounts of data, and software that allows scientists to develop models and simu­ lations and to visualize research results. To­ gether with the needed hardware, these com­ putational tools provide opportunities to or­ ganize very large amounts of data in ways that both express and invite interpretation and understanding. • AppleSeed. AppleSeed is all about “per­ sonal parallel computing” on a cluster of com­ puters running Mac operating systems. Access: appleseed.html. • Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). Thor­ ough technical site for this free software pack­ age that allows a heterogeneous collection of Unix or NT computers (or both), connected by a network, to act as a single large parallel computer. Access: http://www.epm.ornl. gov/pvm/pvm_home. html. • IEEE Task Force on Cluster Comput­ ing. Lots of organizational information here, but dig deeper for excellent links to newslet­ ters, conferences, educational materials, e- print repositories in cluster computing (click on “CC archive”), and other parallel comput­ ing information portals, such as Beowulf. A c­ cess: • Parallel COMputing Portal (PCOMP). A peer-rev iew ed archive o f essen tial hyperlinks for high-performance parallel com­ puting. The site also includes lists of HPC newsletters and journals, meetings, tutorials, conferences, software, and benchmarks. Ac­ cess: • Parallel Tools Consortium. This site brings together tool users, developers, and research­ ers from academia, gov­ ernment, and industry to improve the usability and availability of parallel tools. A ccess: http:// • Parascope. Hosted by IEEE, Parascope includes a comprehensive list of supercom­ puting and parallel computing centers, jour­ nals and conferences, HPC vendors, and federal agencies involved in HPC. Also lists the top 500 supercomputer sites and the “World’s Most Powerful Computing Sites.” Ac­ cess: • T era Grid (D istributed Terascale Facility). A joint effort of supercomputing centers in Illinois and California, the Dis­ tributed Terascale Facility will offer more than 13-6 teraflops (trillions of calculations per second) of computing power and will manage and store more than 450 terabytes (trillion of bytes) of data. Access: http:// w w w and http:// www.teraarid.ora/. • Terascale Computing System (TCS). Nicknamed “Lemieux” (in honor of the Pitts­ burgh Penguins star), this research grid, ca­ pable of six teraflops per second, is funded by the National Science Foundation and housed at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. A ccess: chines/tcs/status/. http://www.siam http://www.epm.ornl http://www.teraarid.ora/ 114 /C& RL News ■ Feb ruary 2002 D iscip lin ary p o rtals and g a te w a y s Portals in com p u tatio n al s c ie n c e , as in other endeavors, serve as gateways to in­ formation. In com putational science, “por­ tal” also may m ean an integrated, rem otely accessed platform or “scientific w orkbench widely acce ssib le through netw orking and optim ized for a particular set o f problem s or a problem -solving paradigm .”6 Portals are therefore focused on a research do­ main or d iscip lin e and provide a place w here researchers can deposit, access, and manipulate data relevant to their work. B iology a n d m e d ic in e • B iology W o rk b en ch . From this site bi­ ologists can search many popular protein and nucleic acid sequence databases. Database searching is integrated with access to a wide variety o f analysis and modeling tools, all within a point and click interface. A ccess: http (//workbench, sdsc. edu/. • B io m e d ica l In fo r m a tic s R e s e a rc h N etw ork (BIRN). Originally the “Brain Im­ aging Research Network,” this huge national initiative has been broadened to encompass biomedical informatics generally. It will al­ low researchers nationwide to share high- resolution animal and human brain images to enable analysis and comparison at many different scales. A ccess: http://birn.ncrr.nih. gov/. • C om p u tation al N eu roscien ce. This is a comprehensive, annotated information por­ tal maintained by Jim Perlewitz. There are links to modeling and simulation software, major laboratories, researchers, conferences, education, and funding for theoretical neu­ robiology. A ccess: -perlewitz/. • N ation al C en ter fo r B io te ch n o lo g y In fo rm a tio n (NCBI). Since 1988, NCBI has been a crucial national resource for m olecu­ lar biology information, producing public da­ tabases, conducting research, and develop­ ing software tools for analyzing genome data. This site includes links to molecular and ge­ nomic databases, literature, books, software, and tutorials. A ccess: http://www.ncbi.nlm. • P ro te in D ata B an k (PD B ). This is the single worldwide repository for macromolecu- lar structure data, operated by University of C aliforn ia San D ieg o and the R esearch Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics. A ccess: C hem istry • A ustralian C om putational C hem istry via th e In te rn e t P ro je ct (ACCVIP). Aimed at developing educational modules in com­ putational chemistry for use in undergradu­ ate and postgraduate teaching, this joint ef­ fort by faculty at several Australian universi­ ties includes a list o f Web links to computa­ tional chemistry resources. A ccess: http:// www html. • ChemViz. A chemistry visualization pro­ gram, ChemViz uses a Web interface to gen­ erate images o f atoms, molecules, and atomic orbitals. Resources are also available for teach­ ers to take advantage o f ChemViz in second­ ary sch oo ls. A ccess: http://chem viz.ncsa. • GAMESS: G en eral A tom ic an d Mo­ le cu la r E le ctro n ic S tru ctu re System . This site supports computational research in quan­ tum chemistry. A ccess: http://gridport.npad. edu/GAMESS. E n g in eerin g • C o m p u t a t i o n a l F lu id D y n a m ic s O nline. A comprehensive information por­ tal maintained since 1994 by Jonas Larsson, with links to academic sites, organizations, newsgroups, projects, software, hardware, jobs, and introductions to the field. A ccess: E n v iron m en t a n d g e o s c ie n c e s • CCS Clim ate R e se a rch C om m u n ity. An information portal at the Oak Ridge Na­ tional Laboratory, this site consists o f links to research efforts such as the Parallel Climate Model. A ccess: climate.html. Linguistics • ACL NLP/CL U n iverse. An information portal o f the Association for Computational Linguistics on Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics, with links to people, conferences, academic departments, jobs, introductory materials, linguistic corpora, http://birn.ncrr.nih http://www.ncbi.nlm http://chemviz.ncsa http://gridport.npad C&RL News ■ February 2002 /115 and more. Access: ~radev/u/db/acl/. M athem atics • Netlib. A repository of mathematical software, papers, and data­ bases relevant to computa­ tional mathematics, hosted by the University of Tennes­ see and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Access: http:// www. netlib. org/ index, html. Physics a n d astronom y • GriPhyN: Grid Physics Network. The GriPhyN (Grid Physics Network) collaboration plans to implement the first P e ta b y te -s c a le 7 computational environ­ ment for data intensive science in the 21st cen­ tury; it is funded by the National Science Foundation. Access: http:// • Particle Physics Data Grid. A collabo­ ration o f U.S. federal laboratories and several U.S. universities, enabling a worldwide dis­ tributed computing model of current and fu­ ture high-energy and nuclear physics experi­ ments. Access: • Digital Sky Survey. This site is an ef­ fort to federate data from multiple large-scale sky surveys to provide a perspective of the universe that is statistical and data-focused, in contrast to traditional work with individual stellar objects. A ccess: http://www.cacr. Who does computational science? U.S. federal laboratories affiliated with the De­ partment of Energy have long had a critical role in developing and using high-performance computing capabilities. The National Science Foundation has also invested in large-scale partnerships that make supercomputing facili­ ties available for academic scientific research. Private industry, scholarly associations, and educational programs and university research institutes also have key roles in carrying out computational science, as do rare individuals like David and Gregory Chudnovsky, who built their computational mathematics hardware and software from scratch.8 Governm ent agencies • P artnerships for Advanced Compu­ tational Infrastructure (PACI). Funded by the National Science Foundation, PACI is the umbrella under which two major national computational partnerships operate: NPACI and the Alliance. PACI partners develop, ap­ ply, and test the software, tools, and algo­ rithms to create a national grid of intercon­ nected, high-performance computing systems. Access: • National P artn ersh ip fo r Advanced C om putational In frastru ctu re (NPACI). B ased in San D iego at the San D iego Supercomputer Center (http://www.sdsc. edu), NPACI publishes an excellent newslet­ ter (Online), holds workshops, provides re­ search information, and develops resources developed to enable computational science. Access: • T he A lliance (N ation al C om p uta­ tional Science Alliance). Based in Illinois at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Alliance is a partnership of m ore than 50 academic, gov­ ern m en t, and business organi­ zatio n s. T h eir site features an excellent newsletter (Access') and educational and research events (including Web casts). Access: Federal agencies and research centers • Federal National Laboratories. Many federal national laboratories operate signifi­ cant computational science programs. This site provides a comprehensive directory by labo­ ratory name to all U.S. federal labs. Access: national.html. • National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center. Funded by the Depart­ ment of Energy, and home of the “world’s larg­ est unclassified supercomputer,” this center supports research in astrophysics, climate re­ search, and materials science. News, technical http://www.cacr http://www.sdsc 116 / C&RL N ews ■ Feb ru a ry 2002 help, publications, and more. Access: http:// • NASA A dvan ced S u p ercom p u tin g Di­ v isio n (NAS). Located at NASA Ames Re­ search Center, the mission o f NAS is to “de­ velop, demonstrate, and deliver innovative, distributed heterogeneous computing capa­ bilities to enable NASA projects and missions.” Also publishes G ridpoin ts magazine. A ccess: A ca d e m ic p ro g ram s, rese a rch ce n ters, and co n so rtia • N o rth w e s t A llia n ce f o r C o m p u ta ­ tio n a l S cien ce an d E n g in eerin g (NACSE). A coalition o f Pacific Northwest institutions and individuals that provides scientists, engi­ neers, and students with Web-based training materials and tools for learning about compu­ tational techniques and parallel programming. A ccess: • SUNY B ro c k p o r t’s Guide to C om p u ­ ta t io n a l S c ie n c e a n d E n g in e e r in g P r o ­ g ra m s a n d Societies. A comprehensive list­ ing of degree-granting programs in the United States, Canada, and other nations, as well as professional societies active in computational research. A ccess: http://www.cps.brockport. edu/cps-links. html. A ss o c ia tio n s an d co n fere n ces • S u p ercom pu tin g C on­ f e r e n c e . Billed as “The In ­ tern atio n al C o n fe re n ce for High P erform ance Comput­ ing and C o m m u n ic a tio n ,” this a n n u al c o n f e r e n c e is s p o n so re d in part by IEEE an d ACM. A c c e s s : http:// • In tern atio n al C o n feren ce o n C om pu­ ta tio n a l S c ie n c e (IC C S). An international, m ultidisciplinary scientific com puting co n ­ fe re n ce aim ed at bringing research ers and scientists to geth er with softw are d ev elop ­ ers and vendors. The n ext co n fe re n ce will b e held April 2002 in the N etherlands. A c ­ c e s s : http://w w w ICCS2002/. Notes 1. SIAM Working Group on CSE Educa­ tion, “Graduate Education for Computational Science and Engineering,” http://www.siam. org/cse/ report.htm. 2. See advertisem ents for positions at C altech in the August 2001 issue o f C o m ­ m u n i c a t i o n s o f th e ACM and the Sep tem ­ b e r 2 0 0 1 is s u e o f P h y s i c s T o d a y . “At present, a significant fractio n o f scientific research at C altech relies on large-scale distributed com puting; scalab le algorithms and data structures; the record ing, han ­ dling, processing, and visualization o f large data sets; and the organization of, and a c ­ cess to, large d atabases. T h e se and related e n d e a v o rs in a p p lie d m ath em atics and com puter scien ce are recognized as an area o f research in its ow n right: Com putational S cien ce and Engineering (C S E ).” 3. George Johnson, “All Science is Com­ puter S c ie n c e ,” March 25, 2001, N ew York Tim es. “… as research on so many fronts is b e co m in g in creasin gly d ep en d e n t on com putation, all s cie n ce , it seem s, is b e ­ com ing com puter s c ie n c e .” 4. SIAM Working Group on CSE Educa­ tion, op cit. 5. The chair o f SUNY Brockport’s com ­ putational science and engineering depart­ ment, quoted by Florence Olsen, “Computa­ tional Science Spans Barriers B etw een Tradi­ tional Disciplines,” C h ro n ic le o f H ig h er E d u ­ c a tio n , November 24, 2000. 6. articles/einstein_1299_2.htm . See also Mary Thom as, “Com putational S cie n ce Portals: T he SDSC Grid Portal Toolkit (G rid P o rt),” NPACI Parallel Computing Institute 2000. 7. A p e t a b y t e is e q u a l t o 1 , 0 2 4 te ra b y te s. 8. “Mountains o f Pi,” N ew Yorker, March 2, 1992. 9. Logos for the NCSA and the Alliance are reproduced with permission o f the Na­ tional Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Copy­ right 2002, University o f Illinois Board of Trustees. ■ http://www.cps.brockport http://www.siam