ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 136 / C&RL News ■ February 2002 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young The University of Florida has received fo u r Library Services a n d T ec h n o lo g y Act (LSTA) grants totally $144,305. The rare b o o k collection received $41,220 to en h an ce its cataloging records in certain subject and chronological areas through 1800 to provide full access. Another grant o f $22,385 funds a n ew Internet virtual reference service and city census data enhancem ents to the docum ents d e p a r tm e n t’s F lorida E lectro n ic F ed eral D e p o s i to r y L ib ra ry W e b s ite ( h t t p : / / w The Florida Center for Library Automation, in partnership with the libraries o f eight state universities of Florida, has received $70,000 o f LSTA funds to catalog all significant special collections in the universities’ libraries. The Smathers Libraries has also b e e n aw arded a $10,700 one-year Northeast Florida Library Information Network grant for the retrospective co p y cataloging of 20th century titles in the Baldwin Library of Historical American and English Literature. New York University (NYU) has received a $732,000 grant from the Mellon F oundation for a program in Moving Image Archiving Preservation. The program is a joint project of the NYU Libraries and the D epartm ent of Cinema Studies at the Tisch School of the Arts an d supports the developm ent o f a m odel p ro g ram ad d ressin g th e p reserv atio n of cultural, artistic, an d historical docum entation o n film, videotape, and n ew moving-image media. This project will build o n an d support th e Tisch School’s n ew m aster’s d eg ree program in moving image archiving and preservation. The grant will su p p o rt the appointm ent o f a moving image preservation specialist on the Tisch faculty w ho will also w ork with the libraries to develop an ongoing program o f preservation to examine, reform at (if necessary), appropriately house, and m ake accessible materials in the moving-image collections. E d . n o t e : Send y o u r news to : Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@ Cornell University has received a grant of $1.56 million for its Digital Library Research G ro u p to d e v e lo p th e co re in fra stru ctu re fo r th e N ational S cience D igital Library, an o n lin e reso u rc e th a t w ill m ak e h ig h -q u ality so u rc e m aterials in sc ien c e av ailab le to stu d en ts from k in d erg arten th ro u g h college. T he so ftw are will pu ll to g e th e r in fo rm atio n from h u n d re d s o f so u rce s in a w id e ran g e o f form ats a n d m ak e it accessib le to e n d u se rs via th e W eb. A c q u i s i t i o n s Emory University has acquired the Mod­ ern Poetry Library o f the late J. M. Edelstein. Edelstein (1924-1996), a bibliographer, b ook collector, and scholar, served as distinguished bibliographer in residence at the Jo h n Carter Brow n Library at Brow n University, assistant director at the Getty C enter for the History of Art an d th e H um anities, an d chief librar­ ian at the N ational Gallery o f Art in Wash­ ington, D.C. T he collection contains more th an 2,000 volum es, including a n u m b er of fine press w orks an d oth er rare editions, and is m ost notable for the extensive n u m b er of w orks by p o e t Wallace Stevens. ■ ( “Preservation News” continued fro m page 131) online. The articles include “Digital Imaging: the New Photographic Research Tool,” “Build­ ing a Digital A rchive,” “W hat are Digital Archive Managers?,” “Light Exposure to Sen­ sitive Artworks During Digital P hotography,” “Conservation Issues in Digital Im aging,” “A Holistic A pproach to Digital Assets M anage­ m ent,” “Practical A pproach to Color M anage­ m ent,” “Do You See W hat I See?,” “Issues in Digital Archiving,” and “Content B ased Im­ age Retrieval.” The issue is available as a free PDF dow n­ load at http://w w w .m . ■