ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 76 / C&RL N ew s ■ January 2001 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s George M. Eberhart The American Presidents, edited by Melvin I. Urofsky (530 pages, April 2000), contains qualitative evaluations of 42 presidents by historians who focus on the policy successes and failures of each administration. As we assess Bill Clinton’s legacy and voice con­ cern about the abilities of his successor, it helps to see how history rates other holders of the office. The contributors strive for bal­ ance and manage to avoid partisan view­ points, though they do comment on the ways in which presidential personality affects per­ formance. $110.00. Garland. ISBN 0-8153­ 2184-8. Developing and Managing Electronic Journal Collections, by Donnelyn Curtis, Virginia M. Scheschy, and Adolfo R. Tarango (267 pages, October 2000), demystifies the process of selecting, acquiring, licensing, or­ dering, cataloging, and promot­ ing journals in electronic format. The authors, who gained much experience setting up an e-jour­ nal acquisitions program at the University of Nevada, Reno, pass along much practical and techni­ cal advice for both beginners and those more advanced. $55.00. Neal-Schuman. ISBN 1-55570­ 383-6. Dinosaurs of Darkness, by Thomas H. Rich and Patricia Vickers-Rich (222 pages, Octo­ ber 2000), examines the extensive fossil dis­ coveries at Dinosaur Cove in southeastern Australia that date from 100-120 million years ago when Australia was joined to Antarctica and the area was located within the polar latitudes. The dinosaurs that lived there in the Early Cretaceous had to contend with a harsh climate, several months o f 24-hour darkness each year, and possibly permafrost. But the real protagonists of this story are the authors, who played a crucial role in the dis­ George M. Eberhart is senior ed ito r of Am erican Libraries; e-mail: covery. Their account of the challenges, mis­ steps, and excitements involved in a quest for fossil birds and mammals that unexpect­ edly turned up polar dinosaurs lends an in­ sight into the ways that scientific investiga­ tions actually work— and how they must con­ tinue to work, despite ever-increasing layers of bureaucratic funding hurdles and admin­ istrative red tape. $35.00. Indiana University. ISBN 0-253-33773-9. The Drunken Journalist: The Biography of a Film Stereotype, by Howard Good (200 pages, May 2000), demonstrates the principle that just when you think there is a book on every conceivab le film genre, som eone com es up with a new, underappreciated them e. Jo u rn a lism p ro fe sso r Good looks at how the hard- drinking journalist has been por­ trayed in films from the silent era to F e a r a n d L oathin g in Las Ve­ gas, examining why the stereo­ type exists and whether there is a historical basis for it. Good con­ cludes that depicting newspaper­ men as alcoholics was one way to marginalize and harness the seemingly unrestrained power of the press. $40.00. Scarecrow . ISBN 0-8108-3717-X. Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Com ­ munism, edited by Richard Frucht (958 pages, March 2000), offers an excellent introduction to the politics, geography, economics, cul­ ture, trends, and peoples in the former So­ viet bloc from 1814 to the 1990s. A handful of maps are the only illustrations, but this is somewhat compensated for by the clear and thorough treatment by 215 contributors, the references (not limited to English) that ac­ company the entries, and a comprehensive index. The historical overviews given for each of the seven primary countries are sweeping in scope, while the more specific entries add depth. $145.00. Garland. ISBN 0-8153-0092­ 1. C&RL News ■ January 2001 / 77 M ilestones in H ealth and M edicine, by A nne S. H ard in g (267 p ag es, S e p te m b e r 2000), provides 500 entries describing a d ­ vances in the treatm ent o f disease an d the understanding o f hu m an health. D escriptions of specific diseases include the first tim e the disease w as n o ted historically an d significant advances in treating it; drugs, therapies, an d technologies are also given a chronological treatment; an a 13-page tim eline offers an overview o f developm ents since th e first evi­ d en ce o f tre p a n a tio n a ro u n d 10,000 B.C. $71.00. Oryx. ISBN 1-57356-140-1. The Tomb o f Christ, by Martin Biddle (172 pages, paperback ed., O ctober 2000), reviews the archeological an d architectural history of the structures at th e site o f th e C h u rc h o f th e Holy Sepulchre in J e r u s a le m , h e l d a t le a s t sin c e th e y e a r 325 to h a v e b e e n th e lo ca­ tion of the rock- c u t to m b at Golgotha w here J e s u s w a s in ­ terred after the Crucifixion. The present version of the Edicule, the “little house” in the church that encloses the tom b, dates from 1810, but Biddle argues— based o n an 11-year investigation— that there are vestiges of earlier Edicules stretching all the w ay back to the time of Constantine, and that m uch of the original rock-cut tom b m ay still exist. As he puts it, “th e layers o f previous Edicules can survive o n e inside the other like the skins of an onion. They suggest that there is m uch to be discovered w h en the time com es for resto­ ration.” A fascinating analysis, w ith m any p h o ­ tographs, detailed draw ings, an d diagrams. $21.95. Sutton Publishing, 260 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10001. ISBN 0-7509-2525-6. U nheralded Victory: The D e fe a t o f th e V ie t Cong and th e N o rth V ietn am ese Army, 1961-1973, by Mark W. Woodruff (338 pages, Septem ber 1999), is a reassessm ent of the success o f th e A m erican V ietnam War effort, often portrayed as a military defeat. I m issed this sm all-press title w h en it first came out, b u t luckily discovered it at a recent co n ­ ference. Woodruff, an American Marine Corps veteran w h o n o w w orks as a psychologist for th e Royal Australian Navy, challenges the p o p u la r co n cep t that the conduct and p e r­ form ance o f the allied ground troops w as sub­ standard, and claims that b y the time o f the 1973 Paris Peace Accords, the Viet Cong had b e e n soundly defeated an d the North Viet­ nam ese Army w as a sp en t force. H ow and w hy the myths and m isperceptions o f the w ar b ecam e generally accep ted is the them e o f the second part o f this book, w hich offers a so u n d counterargum ent to o ther historians. $24.95. V andam ere Press, P.O. Box 5243, Arlington, VA 22205. ISBN 0-918339-51-0. ■ “Letting y o u r h a ir … ” continued fro m p. 21) T hough th e bus cost is $15, it’s easy to re­ co u p th e cost o f th e ride through ongoing offers at different casinos in th e tw o tow ns. (It’s n o t as easy to reco u p w h at you lose in the casinos so the best advice is: d o n ’t bring a credit card w ith you!) Call Ace Express at (303) 421-2780 for their schedule an d m ore inform ation ab o u t casino rebates. Upcom ing events and even m ore o p tio n s T here are b o u n d to b e events going o n the w e e k e n d o f the conference that w e just d o n ’t k n o w ab o u t yet. N ational musical, theater, dance, com edy, an d lecture events often take a leisurely stop in Denver, an d small clubs w ith great acoustics abound. C heck for the latest D enver h ap p en in g s in W estw ord , a w e e k ly p a p e r th a t’s D e n v e r’s a n s w e r to M anhattan’s V illage V oice. Check ou t their ’’B e st o f D e n v e r ” r e c o m m e n d a t io n s at h ttp ://w w w .w estw o rd .co m . E v e n ts o f a ll t y p e s a r e li s t e d in W estw ord — an d w e d o m ean all types. Also see the tw o daily papers, th e Denver Post, o n lin e at h ttp ://d e n v e r p o s t.c o m , a n d the R ocky M o u n ta in News, o n th e W eb at h ttp ://ro c k y m ountainnew . T he Friday print editions o f th e dailies list events for the w eek en d . O ther sites that describe nighttime d e s tin a tio n s in th e D e n v e r a re a in clu d e S w itc h b o a r d at h ttp ://w w w .sw itc h b o a rd , com; D igital City D en v er at h ttp ://h o m e . /denver/; an d LodoG uide at http://w w w . ■ http://rocky http://www.switchboard http://home