ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ Ja n u a ry 2001 / 81 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Rachel K. Anderson, director o f the Arizona Health Sciences Library at the University o f Arizona, Tucson, is the M edical Library Association’s (M LA) Marcia C. Noyes Award winner for her contributions to the health sci­ ences information pro­ fession. Anderson, past president o f MLA and the Association o f Aca­ demic Health Sciences Libraries, has served on the National Library o f M e d ic in e ’s Plan n in g Panel on Education and Training o f Health Sci­ ences Librarians and Rachel K. Anderson MLA s Task Force on Knowledge and Skills, which produced the Platform f o r Change, MLA’s education policy statement. Her research focusing on the sta­ tus o f women in administrative roles in health sciences libraries helped facilitate changes in how health sciences library directors were recruited. Anderson served as coprincipal investigator for Columbia University’s Inte­ grated Advanced Information Management Systems project and she helped develop the Arizona Health Information Network. Colleen Cook, executive associate dean o f libraries at Texas A&M University, w ill hold the John L. and Mary T. Wright Endowed Li­ brary Professorship. The Wright Trust, an unrestricted endowment, was created in 1992 by John Wright, Class o f ’25, and his w ife Mary. This is the fourth in a series o f profes­ sorships for the library faculty, three o f which were created this year. Cook is the author or coauthor o f more than 30 articles on li­ brary services and resources. She serves as coprincipal investigator on “Service Effec­ tiveness in Academic Research Libraries,” a project funded by a grant from the Fund for the Improvement o f Postsecondary Educa­ tion (FIPSE). Cook received the Association o f Former Students Distinguished Achieve­ ment Award in 1992 and was coauthor o f a paper that received the Outstanding Confer­ ence Paper Award from the Southwest Edu­ cational Research Association in January 2000. Berna Heyman, associate dean for academic services and automation at the College o f William & Mary’s Swem Library, was hon­ ored with the third annual Irwin McGraw- Hill Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Award from the Entrepreneurship Division o f the Academy o f Management. Heyman w on the award with Professor o f Psychology Kelly Shaver for the Psychology Department’s Psychology o f Entrepreneurship course, a course that examines the people w ho create entrepreneurial organizations and the ele­ ments o f the process that contribute to ven­ ture success. The course’s delivery system is primarily Web-based and was developed in partnership with William & Mary’s Swem Li­ brary to provide the most current resources available. Shaver and Heyman developed the course resources and entered their submis­ sion in the competition without using a single piece o f paper. Denise Troll, assistant university librarian for library information technology at Carnegie Mellon Libraries, has been named a Digital Library Federation (DLF) distinguished fellow. She will spearhead the part o f DLF’s program that aims to identify and evaluate measure that are appropriate for assessing the use and effectiveness o f digital library collections and services. Troll is the third fellow the Council on Library and Information Resources and DLF have appointed since the program was established in May 20Ò0. A p p o i n t m e n t s Carolyn Henderson Allen has been ap­ pointed dean o f libraries at the University o f Arkansas, Fayetteville. She was form erly deputy director o f university libraries and director for support services at the Uni­ versity o f Florida (1992-2000). Previous to 82 / C & R L N e w s ■ J a n u a r y 2001 her position at the Uni­ versity of Florida, Allen served in various ad­ ministrative positions having to do with staff development, person­ nel, and collection de­ velopment at the Uni­ versity of Southern Cali­ fo r n ia ( 1 9 8 7 - 9 0 ) , Carolyn Henderson Allen S ta n fo rd U n iv e rs ity (1977-87), and the University of Tennessee (1975-78). B a rb a ra I. D ew ey has been appointed dean o f the library at the Uni­ versity o f Tennessee af­ ter six months as in­ terim university librar­ ian at the University of Iowa Libraries in Iowa City, where she held a number of administra­ tive positions since arriv­ ing in 1987. Prior to that position she worked in Barbara I. Dewey various library-related positions at Northwestern University, Indiana University, and Minnesota Valley Regional Li­ brary System. Dewey was chosen this year in a national competition to be a fellow in the Frye Leadership Institute held at Emory Uni­ versity. M ary D oyle has been named interim direc­ tor o f libraries at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. She will continue as director of information technology, a po­ sition she has held since August 1997. R o b ert Ja m e s has been appointed director o f library services at Wake Technical Com­ munity College in Raleigh, North Carolina. R ic h a rd M eyer, former library director at Trinity University, is now dean and director o f libraries at the Georgia Tech Libraiy and Information Center. Prior to working at Trin­ ity, Meyer was associate director o f libraries at Clemson University and he held positions at Indiana State University and the University o f Texas at Dallas. He has presented a vari­ ety o f papers and published articles related to technical and management issues of librar- C&RL New s ■ J a n u a ry 2001 / 83 ies, particularly regard­ ing costs and automa­ tion. An active member o f ALA, Meyer was a founding board mem­ ber of the Higher Edu­ cation Network Asso­ ciation (South Carolina). He was also a consult­ ant for the Mackenzie Richard Meyer Institute o f Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Lilly Endow­ ment, the Harris Corporation, the Chemists club, and others on library management and organization. B arb ara D oyle-W ilch has b een named head librarian at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. For the past 12 years, Doyle-Wilch has been at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, where she was li­ brary director before becom ing dean of aca­ demic services. Her accomplishments include establishing Augustana’s first instructional technology center and developing and imple­ menting a three-year plan for campus infor­ mation technology networking— a rewiring project that cost $3.7 million. Doyle-Wilch has been a librarian for nearly 30 years, work­ ing in various capacities at Butler University in Indianapolis, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Triton College in River Grove, Illi­ nois, and the Colorado State Library o f the Colorado Department o f Education. Teal A n d erso n is the new Web/usability specialist in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. S u san n a B o y lsto n has been named li­ brarian for user services at the University of Virginia Library’s Science and Engineering Libraries. M ichaela B re n n e r is now bibliographic records librarian at C arleton C olleg e in Northfield, Minnesota. S co tt B ritto n has b een appointed head o f access at Washington University in St. Louis. M argaret B u rri has been appointed cura­ tor of manuscripts in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. D aren Callahan has been appointed cata­ loging librarian at Southern Illinois Univer­ sity in Carbondale. K ate C u nningh am has been appointed reference-humanities librarian at Colorado State University. C andace Dalrym ple is now associate dean and director of the Center o f Educational Re­ sources in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. K athryn Davis has been named assistant director o f developm ent in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. K a re n F isc h e r has been appointed head of reference and instruction at Carleton Col­ lege in Northfield, Minnesota. D aniel F oley is now the nonbook cata- loger/metadata librarian in the Monographs Department, Technical Seivices Division of the Golda Meir Library at the University of Wis­ consin in Milwaukee. J o h n Gaeng is the new microcomputer sys­ tems coordinator in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. J e r e m y G arritan o has been appointed science reference liaison librarian at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. R ebecca G rah am is now head of library computing services in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. A d v e rtise r index ACRL 4, 8, 36 American Economic Association 17 American Theological Library Association 31 Archival Products 28 Association o f Research Libraries 11, 82 CHOICE 84 CQ Press 40 EBSCO 37 Endeavor Information Sys. 15 Greenwood Publishing 70 InfoUSA 80 McGraw-Hill/NTC 73 netLibrary Cover 2, 1 OCLC 79 PhysicsÐirect Cover 4 R. R. Bow ker Cover 3 ScienceDirect 22, 23 Swets/Blackwell 18 Theatre Research Data Group 29 University o f Oklahoma Libraries 35 84 / C&RL N ew s ■ Ja n u a ry 2001 C heryl G u n selm an has b e e n appointed business and econom ics reference librarian at W ashington State University. J e n n ife r Gunter has joined the staff o f the University o f Virginia Library as an NHPRC fellow. Susan Gunter is n o w electronic resources librarian at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia. D ea n H en d rix has b een appointed refer­ ence-biological sciences librarian at Colorado State University. Mary A. H o llerich is now associate direc­ tor for access services at the Pritzker Legal Research Center o f N orthw estern University Law School. M ih ok o H o so i has been appointed library fellow at the University o f California in Santa Barbara. L in d a K o p e c k y h as b e e n a p p o in te d h e a d o f th e R esearch an d Instructional Sup­ p o rt D e p a rtm e n t at th e G o ld a Meir Library a t th e U niversity o f W isco n sin in M ilw au­ k ee. A lliso n L evel has b e e n ap p o in ted refer­ ence-agricultural sciences librarian at Colorado State University. Patricia Lovett is the n ew reference ser­ vices coordinator in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University. P am ela M acK intosh has b e e n appointed university reserves librarian in the University o f Michigan’s Shapiro U ndergraduate Library. Sarah McCord has b een appointed bio­ medical electronic resources/reference librar­ ian at W ashington State University. E lliot M etsger is the n ew senior systems a d m i n is tr a t o r , UNIX, in th e M ilto n S. Eisenhow er Library at Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity. M ary J a n e M iller has b een appointed di­ rector o f developm ent at MIT Libraries. M arilyn M oody has b e e n appointed asso­ ciate university librarian in Information and Research Services at the University o f Califor­ nia in Santa Barbara. Susan M oon is the new head o f the Arts Library at the University o f California in Santa Barbara. Jam es M ullins is n o w assistant director for administrative services in the MIT Libraries. L orena O’E n gü sh is now social sciences reference and instruction librarian at Washing­ ton State University. C&RL News ■ Ja nuary 2001 / 85 C arm elita P ickett has b een app o in ted li­ brary fellow at th e University o f California in Santa Barbara. M ic h e lle R o b e r ts o n has b e e n n a m e d original cataloger/authorities librarian in the Milton S. Eisenhow er Library at Johns Hopkins University. Ju d ith S m ith is n o w distance education librarian in the Milton S. E isenhow er Library at Johns H opkins University. Barbara S n ead has b een nam ed collection m anagem ent librarian at G oucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. D a n Stan ton has b e e n a p p o in ted Arizona local docum ents librarian in the G overnm ent D ocuments/M aps D epartm ent at Arizona State University. J e n n ife r S teven s is n o w hum anities refer­ ence librarian at W ashington State University. H eather T apager is n o w resource services librarian for business, m anagem ent and eco­ nomics in th e Milton S. Eisenhow er Library at Johns H opkins University. J o e T en n is has b e e n nam ed reference and instruction librarian at C arleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. Pam Werre is the n ew public services li­ b rarian at M in n e so ta S tate U n iv ersity in Moorhead. Sue W o o d so n has b een ap pointed elec­ tronic public access services librarian in the Milton S. Eisenhow er Library at Johns Hopkins University. R e t i r e m e n t s G lenn O fferm an n , h ead librarian an d direc­ tor o f library services for Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota, retired after 33 years o f service. D uring his tenure as director of library services, O fferm ann h e lp e d th e institution adopt a ho st o f advancem ents to transform C oncordia’s library into a technological re­ source center. As a founding m em ber o f the Cooperating Libraries in C onsortium (CLIC) in 1969, Offerm ann w as closely involved in that organization’s developm ent an d has served on the B oard o f Directors since its inception. In addition to his duties as director of library ser­ vices, Offerm an has b e e n the C oncordia Uni­ versity archivist since 1971, a role he has con­ tinued since his retirement. H e also served on the Faculty Senate an d num erous university committees. In 1982, h e com pleted the boo k Missouri in Minnesota: A Centennial History o f the Minnesota South District-Tloe Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (1882-1982), w hich traces the historical developm ent o f the dis­ trict. O fferm an has b een a m em ber o f num er­ ous professional an d academ ic associations, including ALA, Minnesota Library Association, Lutheran E ducation Association, C oncordia Historical Institute-St. Louis, Missouri, Commit­ tee o n Historical Studies an d Resources, CHI gwiwier/y Editorial Committee, a n d th e J.J. Hill Reference Library B oard of Trustees. D e a t h s Kuang-yao Fan, 66, retired curator o f the Uni­ versity o f Maryland (UM), College Park, Librar­ ies’ East Asia Collection, died O ctober 9, after a len g th y illness. Fan p la y e d a k e y ro le in building u p the Chinese- la n g u a g e m o n o g r a p h an d serial holdings. Af­ ter w orking at the Wash­ ington, D.C. Public Li­ brary as a reference librar­ ian a n d cataloger, Fan joined the UM Libraries in 1969 as a Jap an ese language cataloger. Be- K u a n g - y a o F a n cause of his bilingual ability, he w as selected to catalog the Chinese collection as the Librar­ ies b eg an to acquire m ore Chinese materials to serve th e needs of the growing cam pus com­ m unity an d the m any Chinese-speaking resi­ dents in the W ashington, D.C. m etropolitan area. D uring his career, Fan also provided Chi- nese-language reference assistance and served as a bibliographer. H e retired from UM in Sep­ tem ber 1998 after having served all of his nearly 30 years o n cam pus w ith the East Asia Collec­ tion, which he headed both as curator and acting curator. Fan was a mem ber of the Association of Asian Studies and the Chinese Librarians Asso­ ciation. ■ Ed. n o te: To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to Ann-C hriste Young, p roduction editor, C&RL News, 5 0 E. Huron S t, Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520.