ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL N ew s m June 2001 / 643 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young The University of Kentucky (UK) Librar­ ies’ book endow m ent is at $62 million and growing. As part of a university-wide capital campaign, the UK Libraries fundraising com ­ mittee—u n d er the leadership of Lexington businessm an, William T. Young—has raised contributions from private donors totalling nearly $40 million w ith an additional $20 mil­ lion pledged from the state of K entucky’s “Bucks for Brains” program. Young, w hose initial $ 5-million contribution kicked off an earlier $ 58-million cam paign for constm ction o f the state-of-the-art library at UK that bears his nam e, w as not content to stop once the roof was raised on the new library in 1998. Young hopes that the total will reach $120 million before the cam paign ends. The library will use the m oney to expand its collections, especially in the areas of research materials and databases on science, technology, and m edicine. Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) has re c e iv ed a $1 m illion aw ard from th e A ndrew W. M ellon F ou n d atio n to p u rch ase e q u ip m e n t for th e library’s n e w p re s e rv a ­ tion lab o ra to ry a n d to estab lish an e n d o w ­ m e n t to s u p p o rt p re se rv a tio n staff p o si­ tions. An initial gift o f $300,000 w ill assist in e q u ip p in g th e p la n n e d lab orato ry, a n d a m atch ing grant o f $700,000 (c o n tin g e n t u p o n th e IUB Libraries raising d o u b le th at a m o u n t in p riv ate fund s) w ill e n d o w a d ­ ditio nal p o sitio n s in th e P reserv atio n D e­ p artm en t. A n e w $1.7 m illion state-o f-the- art p re se rv a tio n lab o ra to ry will b e a com ­ p o n e n t of th e Auxiliary Library Facility, an off-site shelvin g facility th a t w ill h o ld a p ­ p ro x im a te ly 2.7 m illio n le s s e r-u s e d v o l­ um es from B loom ington c am pu s libraries, in clu din g th e Lilly Library. Amigos Library Services has received a $50,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to develop plans for strengthening the programs and long-term financial structure of its Imaging and P reservation Services. The planning process should be com pleted by May 1, 2002. Johns Hopkins University's Sheridan Libraries have b een aw arded $200,000 by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation to en ­ hance traditional classroom-based humanities courses by creating com plem entary online resources. Drawing on the expertise of the hum anities faculty and the university’s Cen­ ter for Educational Resources, u p to five u n ­ dergraduate courses will b e supplem ented w ith the application of a range of digital tech­ nologies. Launched in the Eisenhower Library last fall, the center supports faculty in the application of new m edia and technology in teaching. Newly designed humanities courses will feature searchable image databases and readings, digital versions of primary course m aterials lin k ed to o th er Web resources, online writing w orkshops, digital audio ca­ pability for language instruction, and virtual discussions. A c q u i s i t i o n s The Society of American Archivists (SAA) archives have b e en acquired by the U niversity of W isconsin, M ilwaukee. The records am ount to m ore than 350 cubic feet a nd date from th e founding of the SAA in 1936 to th e 1990s. Particularly notable series include records of the annual m eetings from 1937; co rresp on den ce relating to the A m e ri­ c a n Archivist, also dating from 1937; records from the late 1940s of the International C oun­ cil of Archives, w h o se m ission w as to su p ­ po rt exchanges b etw e e n United States and foreign archives; records of the first SAA Pro­ fessional Affinity G roups (now SAA sections) from the 1980s; Problem s in Archives Kits or PAKs, as th e y w e re m o re c om m on ly know n; and records relating to public ar­ chives holdings, som e of w hich form ed the basis of Ernst P osner’s 1964 study, A m eri­ c a n State Archives. Ed. n o te: S e n d y o u r n e w s to : Grants & A cqu isitio n s, C&RL News, 50 £. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: ayoung@ 644 / C&RL News ■ June 2001 Yale University alumnus Walter L. Pforzheimer has donated his private collec­ tion of more than 15,000 books and 46 linear feet of manuscript material to Yale’s Beinecke Library. Pforzheimer inherited two collections from his father (an almost complete collec­ tion of the French playwright Molière and a collection of French armorial bindings, which included one of the bindings from the library of 16th-century bibliophile Jean Grolier). As a student, Pforzheimer began gathering ma­ terials of the Philadelphia-born novelist, short- story writer, and humorist Frank Stockton (1834-1902). Pforzheimer, a Yale Law School graduate, began w orking for the CIA and im­ mediately began to form a collection on the intelligence agency. The materials include not only manuscripts, official documents, and his­ torical materials, but also fiction and biogra­ phy relating to intelligence and espionage, ranging chronologically from the American Revolution to the Cold War. The papers of Américo Paredes (1915- 99), scholar and humanist, are now part of the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Col­ lection at the University of Texas (UT) at Aus­ tin. The papers (65.5 feet) include manuscripts of his published and unpublished work, cor­ respondence, note cards, class notes, audio- and videotapes, sheet music and songbooks, and files of his editorial w ork for major folk­ lore journals. In 1956, Paredes received his doctorate in English from UT, w here he spent his scholarly life teaching and developing program s an d centers o n folklore o f the Southwest and Mexico, and for the study of Mexican American culture. His best-know n w ork With His Pistol in His H and: A Border B allad a n d Its Hero (1958) was the basis for the 1982 film The Ballad ofGregoria Cortez. The NASA/Johnson Space Center's ar­ chives have been acquired by the University of Houston, Clear Lake’s (UHCL) Neumann Li­ brary. Representatives from the two organiza­ tions signed a memorandum of understand­ ing for the transfer, which contains copies of correspondence, reports, and more than 1,000 oral history interview tapes and transcripts documenting the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. Johnson Space Center’s collection documents the history and role played by the center in NASA’s hum an space flight program. Renovation at the Neumann Library are un­ derway to meet National Archives and Records Administration standards, which call for a se­ cure, environmentally controlled facility. UHCL also plans to hire an archivist to oversee the collection. The agreement allows for the docu­ ments to be housed at UHCL for 10 years with the option for a possible extension. The archives of the Jewish Historical So­ ciety of the Upper Midwest (JHSUM) will be housed by the University of Minnesota Librar­ ies, Twin Cities Campus. The agreement calls for JHSUM to place 500 linear shelf feet of archives on long-term loan with the Univer­ sity Libraries. The libraries will catalog the ar­ chives and provide access for research by stu­ dents, scholars, and members o f the public. The archives contain institutional and organi­ zational records, family histories and genealo­ gies, photos, oral histories, videos, and maps. The items focus on the Jewish community in Minnesota, and North and South Dakota, with additional materials from northern Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The University of Michigan's Special Col­ lections Library has completed cataloging its Shakespeare Pamphlet Collection, also known as the Crosby Shakespeare Collectanea. More than 270 records describe the holdings of the p urchase from the late Jo sep h Crosby of Zanesville, Ohio, a prominent Shakespearian scholar of the 19th century. The collection fea­ tures scholarly works by noted Shakespearian authorities; theatrical memorabilia; and ivy and other foliage from the church walls that cov­ ered Shakespeare’s grave. Particularly well rep­ resented are materials relating to the publica­ tion of John Payne Collier’s “discovery” of a copy of the 1632 Second Folio, and its even­ tual exposure as a forgery. ■ ( “Preservation... ” continued fr o m page 637) every two years in various international locations. ‘Works of Art on Paper, Books, Documents and Photographs: Techniques and Conservation” will be the theme for this congress. The call for pa­ pers requests presentations about study of origi­ nal materials, techniques of manufacture, and methods of restoration or conservation. For more information, contact: IIC, 6 Buckingham St., Lon­ don WC2N 6BA, England; phone: +44 (0)20 7839 5975; fax: +44 (0)20 7976. ■