ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2003 / 685 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Galloway R ich ard W. C lem ent, special collections librarian at the University of Kansas, is the recipient of the Gretchen and Gene A. Budig Distinguished Librarian Award for 2003. Clem­ ent joined the university faculty as assistant special collections librarian in 1986. He was named special collections librarian in 2001 and was promoted to librarian III in 2002. He is an elected member of the Grolier Club (an international bibliophilic society) and is editor of ACRL’s RBM: A J o u r n a l o f R a re B ooks, Manuscripts, a n d Cultural Heritage. V ictoria A. H orst, public services librar­ ian at Newberry College in Newberry, South Carolina, has returned to the United States after a one-year stint as library director at Iringa University College in Iringa, Tanza­ nia. C a th e r in e A. L e e , lib rary d ire cto r at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, has been selected as a Georgia Governor’s Teach­ ing Fellow (GTF) for the 2003-2004 academic year. Lee will participate in the GTF Aca­ demic Year Symposia Program, where she will attend a number of three-day symposia on the University of Georgia campus while also engaging in instructional improvement projects at Wesleyan. Participants in the GTF Program are selected based on their teach­ ing experience, interest in continuing instruc­ tional and professional development, ability to have an impact on their own campus, and a strong commitment by their home in­ stitution for release time and other forms of support for the duration of their participa­ tion in the program. Lee is the first librarian accepted into the GTF program. A p p o i n t m e n t s Ew a B arczyk has been appointed interim director of the University of Wisconsin-Mil­ waukee Libraries, where she has served as associate director since 1998. P a tric ia D e n h o lm has b een appointed director of the Sidney Silverman Library at Bergen Community College. Denholm, who joined the Bergen Community College in 1999 as assistant director of the Sidney Silverman Library and served as interim director for the past year, brings to Bergen nearly 15 years of library experience. She served as the head of acquisitions at Essex County College Library and the records man­ Patricia Denholm ager for the William T. Grant Foundation. She is a member of the ACRL Bylaws Committee, the Virtual Aca­ demic Library Environment Shared Informa­ tion Literacy Committee, the New Jersey Li­ brary Association, and Beta Phi MU, Theta Chapter— the national library honor society. H e c t o r M a y m i-S u g r a ñ e s has jo in e d Shippensburg University as the new associ­ ate vice president of information technolo­ gies and services/dean of library and media services. David J . Nutty is now director of university libraries at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. Prior to this appointment, he was dean of library and technology services at Richmond American International University in London, associate university librarian for user services and technology at George Wash­ ington University in Washington, D.C., and assistant university librarian for public ser­ vices at Loyola University Chicago. He has been active in ACRL legislative issues and served as Chair of the Government Relations Committee. Ed. note: To e nsu re t h a t y o u r p e rs o n n e l n ew s is c o n s id e re d f o r p u b lic a tio n , w r it e to A n n -C h ris te Gallow ay, p ro d u c tio n e dito r, C&RL News, 50 E. H uro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-m ail: agallow ay@; fa x: (312) 280-2520. 686 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2003 Taylor Ruhl has been named university li­ brarian for the University of La Verne’s Wil­ son Library. Ruhl has spent nearly 30 years as an academic librarian, and the last four as di­ rector of library and media services for the Community College of B a ltim o re County (CCBC) in Essex, Mary­ land. Prior to his ten­ ure at CCBC, Ruhl op­ Taylor Ruhl erated an information services consulting practice (1996-99) and was dean of university libraries at Regent Univer­ sity in Virginia Beach, Virginia (1994-97). In n ocen t Afuh is now the science librar­ ian in the Magrath Library at the University of Minnesota. Douglas A nderson is now systems of­ ficer at the University of Alabama Libraries. Gordon A nderson has been appointed the Scandinavian area studies/Western Eu­ ropean social sciences librarian in Wilson Library at the University of Minnesota Librar­ ies. M ichael A rth ur is now acquisitions and serials librarian at the Old Dominion Uni­ versity Libraries. Michelle Baildon has been appointed scholarly communications reference librar­ ian at Boston College. C h arles W. B ailey J r . has b een ap­ pointed assistant dean for digital libraiy plan­ ning and development at the University of Houston Libraries. Laura C. B arrett is now the reference and instruction/mass communications and technology librarian at Cascadia Community College and University o f Washington, Bothell Collocated Campus. Rob B ehary has joined the staff of the Gumberg Library at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh as reference librarian and subject specialist for art history and classics. Gerald Benoit has been appointed to the faculty at Simmons College’s Graduate School of Library Information Science, specializing in information management. Lynne Bisko has been named nonprint librarian at Elon University in North Caro­ lina. J i m B lan sett is now information re­ sources librarian in the McLure Education Libraiy at the University of Alabama Librar­ ies. Ja m es C apobianco has been appointed coordinator of Web development/reference librarian at Emerson College Library in Bos­ ton. Lisa C arro ll has joined the California Maritime Academy Library as information flu­ ency librarian. B ry an C arso n has been named elec­ tronic services/reference and instruction li­ brarian at Middlebury College Libraries. Heeja H. Chung is now serials librarian for the H. W. Wilson Company. N ancy DuPree has been named infor­ mation resources librarian in the McLure Education Library at the University of Ala­ bama. Linda Eells has been appointed social sciences/science librarian at Magrath Library at the University of Minnesota. Tim E ricso n has joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Li­ braries’ School of Information Studies. M ary B eth F accioli has been named reference and instructional services librar­ ian at the McCain Library at Agnes Scott Col­ lege. Christine Ferguson has been appointed electro n ic resources/serials librarian at Furman University. J a n Marie Fo rtier is now director of the Learning R esource Center at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon. J i m G albraith has been promoted to assistant director for collection development at the Columbia University Libraries. Gary Geisler has been appointed a fac­ ulty member specializing in information management at Simmons College’s Gradu­ ate School of Library and Information Sci­ ence. Kristin Gerhard has been promoted to associate dean for collections and technical services at the Iowa State University Library. Philip H erold has been appointed head of the Forestry Library at the University of Minnesota Libraries. R achel Hollis has been appointed bib­ liograp hic serv ices co o rd in ato r at the Monterey Bay Library at California State Uni­ versity. C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2003 / 687 M arna H ostetler has been named head of the interlibrary loan department at the University of South Carolina-Columbia’s Tho­ mas Cooper Library. Lauren Ayn Kata has joined Georgia State University’s Pullen Library as archivist for the Southern Labor Archives. Maura Kenny has joined the Archives and Special Collections Department at the New Mexico State University Library as process­ ing archivist Debbie Landi has been named special collections librarian and university archivist at Furman University. Mark Leach has been appointed assistant music librarian at the University of South Carolina’s School of Music Library in Colum­ bia. Jo n a th a n Lill has been appointed project archivist/surveyor in the Rare B ook and Manuscript Library at the Columbia Univer­ sity Libraries. A lan May has b een appointed catalog librarian at the University o f Alabama Li­ braries. Kevin M essner has been appointed sci­ ence librarian jointly in Magrath and the Bio-Medical Libraries at the University of Minnesota. Susan M etcalf is the new social sciences reference librarian in the Reference and Research Department at the New Mexico State University Library. H. Clark Nall has joined Georgia State University’s Pullen Library as instruction/ref- erence librarian. Ju stin Otto has been named economics librarian for General Libraries o f Emory University. George I. Paganelis is now the inaugu­ ral curator of the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Col­ lection at California State University-Sacra- mento. Daille P ettit has been named acquisi­ tion/collections librarian at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. C in d y P ie r a r d is the new head o f the re fe re n ce and research services d ep art­ ment at the New Mexico State University Library. J a n e t Pine has joined the staff of the Iowa State University Library as a science and technology librarian. Steve Posti has been appointed access services librarian at Duquesne University’s Gumberg Library. Anna Salyer has been named reference librarian in the Tacoma Library at University of Washington. S co tt S alzm an has rejo in ed Furman University as systems librarian. M ichelle S ears is now electronic re­ sources acquisitions librarian at the Univer­ sity of Alabama Libraries. H ilary Seo has joined the staff o f the Iowa State University Library as the head of preservation. Eileen Smith is now a catalog librarian II on the Rare Book Team of the Yale Uni­ versity Library. D o ro th y Tao has been named associ­ ate librarian in the Arts and Sciences Librar­ ies at the University of Buffalo. J o e T o th has b een named collection development librarian at Middlebury College Libraries. J e r e m ia h T rin id ad -C h ristian sen has joined the Columbia University Libraries as GIS/map librarian in the Social Sciences Di­ vision. Scott Vine is now reference services li­ brarian at Franklin & Marshall College. Ju stin M. W adland has been appointed reference librarian in the Tacoma Library at University of Washington. M ary W eber has been appointed head of biomedical information service in the Bio- Medical Libraiy at the University of Minne­ sota. Sally W ym an is now senior reference librarian/bibliographer for chemistry and physics at Boston College Libraries. Y e X u has been appointed Chinese stud­ ies librarian at the University of Washington Libraries. Song Y u has b een named chemistry librarian in the Science and Engineering Division o f the Columbia University Li­ braries. R e t i r e m e n t s Marie M orris Nitschke has retired after 35 years in the General Libraries o f Emory University. N itschke b eg an w orking at 688 / C&RL News ■ Novem ber 2003 Em ory as d ocu m en ts librarian , m oving on to re fe re n c e and resea rch services for m ost o f h e r career. She sp ecialized in A m eri­ c a n H istory as a p art o f h e r c o lle c tio n m an agem en t resp o n sib ilities. Jo h n Schacht, referen ce librarian in R e­ search and Information Services at the Uni­ versity o f Iow a Libraries, has retired. Peter Watson-Boone has retired from the University o f W isconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), after 13 years o f service as director o f librar­ ies. During W atson-Boone’s tenure, the UWM Libraries added 1.5 million items, a 43 per­ cent increase in holdings; implemented a new online catalog; established a digitization unit; and inaugurated ser­ v ic e s , s u c h as E -re- serve, docum ent deliv­ ery, electronic full-text, and digital spatial data. W atson-Boone led the planning for the Stage IV e x p a n sio n o f the G o ld a M eir L ib ra ry building and substan­ tially strengthened the Peter Watson-Boone L ib r a r ie s ’ A r c h iv e s , S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s , and American Geographical Society Library (AGSL). In 1999, the libraries received a m a­ jo r funding com m itm ent from the Univer­ sity o f W isconsin System Administration to r e c a t a lo g th e A G SL ’s v a st c o ll e c t i o n s . W atson-Boone has b een active locally, re­ gionally, and nationally in library organiza­ tions, m ost recently serving on the E xecu­ tive Committee o f ACRL’s University Librar­ ies Section. A cofounder o f two RASD sec ­ tions (CODES and MARS), h e received ALA’s Isadore Gilbert Mudge Citation in 1991 for d istin g u ish ed c o n trib u tio n s to' re fe re n c e librarianship. W atson-Boone was university librarian at Idaho State University from 1987 to 1990; before that, he held various library positions at California State University, Chico and UCLA. He served on the editorial boards o f Reference Seivices Review, B ehavioral an d Social Sciences Librarian, Jo u r n a l o f A ca­ dem ic Librarianship, and Jo u rn a l o f Access Services, and has authored over 75 publi­ cations, including m onographs, chapters, ar­ ticles, tech nical reports, and b o o k reviews. D e a t h s G ertrude “Trudy” Ja c o b so n , 8 3 , w h o retired from Iow a State University in 1986 after serving many years in library instruc­ tion, has died. In 1983, Ja c o b so n coauthored “Motivation via Videotape: Key to Under­ graduate Library Instruction in the Research L ib r a r y ” in th e J o u r n a l o f A c a d e m ic Librarianship. She also coauthored “Ninety Years o f Library Instruction” in the 1981 ALA Yearbook. Gerald Jahoda, 77, professor emeritus o f the Florida State U niversity Sch o o l o f In ­ fo rm atio n Studies, has died. Ja h o d a b e ­ gan his library c a re e r as th e chem istry li­ brarian at the U niversity o f W isco n sin and la ter d irec te d th e te c h n ic a l in fo rm a tio n cen ters at C olgate-P alm oliv e and the E sso R e s ea rch and E n g in e e rin g C om pany. In 1963, h e jo in e d the facu lty at Florida State University. He dealt with a progressive fail­ ure o f his v ision b y in corp o ratin g assistive te c h n o lo g y in to his ow n w o rk e n v iro n ­ m en t and b y b e co m in g an ad vo cate for blin d and p hysically h an d icap p ed students and library p atro n s. H e a p p lied his r e ­ search skills to d evelop in g n ew tech n iq u es fo r au d ible ind exing, w h ile con tin u in g his w ork in im proving in form ation a c c e s s to sighted sch o lars and students. He w as a prolific au th or and active con su ltan t. Elizabeth A. W indsor, 94, retired head o f the reference department at Iowa State University Library, has died. She began her career at Iowa State in 1954 and retired in 1974. ■ A d v e r t i s e r i n d e x AACMCM 666600 AAnnnnuuaall RReevviieewwss 664433 ARLARL P P uubblliiccaattiioonnss 667700, , 667766 CChheemmiiccaall AAbbssttrraaccttss SSvvcc.. CCoovveerr 4 4 CCHOHOICICE E 664466 EEBBSSCCOO 665511 LLeexxiiss--NNeexxiiss CCoovveerr 22 OOCCLCLC 667755 OOxxffoorrdd UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss 668844 PPaarraatteexxtt 666633 SSWWEETTSS//BBllaacckkwweellll CCoovveerr 33