ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 698 / C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2003 →Fa G a s r y P a t t t i l F l o acts Internetuseb yE u ro pean ch ildren → “The number o f children online in Europe has grown by three million in the last 12 months, according to new research from Nielsen//NetRatings. There are now 13.1 million kids online; four million under 12 years old, and nine million 12—17 year olds.” "13 m illion kids using the Internet across Europe," September 29,2003 T yping b e h a v io r → Researchers at the Tech nion -Israel Institute o f T ech n olog y have developed software that is able to identify com puter users by m onitoring their typing behavior as they type freely. The technology may be used in the future as part of security systems to prevent unauthorized users from using specified applications. Kevin Hattori, "H e y . . . You're Not My User!" September 29,2003 M u s e u m s an d e d u c a tio n survey → Museum spending on educational programs increased fourfold from 1995 to 2001. Seventy percent o f responding museums said the number o f schools, students, and teachers they serve had grown in the past five years. "Museums spend over a billion, com m it over 18 m illio n hours to K-12 education programs study finds," Institute o f Museum and Library Services. January 29,2003 ww . September 30, 2003 A d u lt lite ra c y p ro g ra m s → A survey by the National Center for Education Statistics found that adult lit­ eracy programs w ere offered by 17 percent o f public library outlets. Ninety- o n e percent o f outlets not offering programs nam ed inadequate staff or re­ sources as a factor in their d ecision not to offer adult literacy programs. "Programs fo r adults in public library o utle ts," National Center fo r Education Statistics, publications/2003010/. September 30,2003 W eb lo g s → Estimates o f the number o f Weblogs (or “blogs”) range from 1.4 million to 2.9 million worldwide, depending on the counting technique used. Blogging is split about evenly between the sexes. NITLE W eblog census, October 1,2003 Phil W o lff, "H o w many blogs and bloggers? How big th e blogosphere?" . September 3,2003 Gary P attillo is reference librarian a t the University o f N orth Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: