ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 707 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynn E. Bradley Pending legislation in the 105th Congress The 105th Congress is scheduled to end the second and final session o f this Congress or “sine die” on O ctober 9 . As w e g o to press, there remain many contentious issues o n co n ­ gressional agendas, most notably several ap­ propriations bills, which, without passing, could again shut d ow n the federal government. The scenario o f another government shutdown is not relished by anyone, especially incumbents seeking to b e returned to the H ouse or Senate in the N ovem ber elections. Negotiations and debate on bills related to intellectual property, government information, and other library-related issues cou ld g o right up until the very last moment o f the 105th Con­ gress. With the overlay o f other political in­ trigues and investigations and the tremendous amount o f appropriations legislation to be com ­ pleted, it is hard to predict which bills will find closure in this Congress. Watch especially for final reports o n whether the House and Senate com plete w ork on out­ standing intellectual property legislation. In early August, the H ouse o f Representatives passed H.R. 2281 implementing the World In­ tellectual Property Organization (WIPO) co p y ­ right treaty bill with a controversial database protection measure attached. Negotiations be­ tween House and Senate conferees cou ld g o right up to the first w eek in October. Similarly watch for final results o n S. 2288, the Wendell H. Ford Government Publications Reform Act o f 1998. It w ou ld revise Title 44 o f the United States C ode to improve public ac­ cess to governm ent information, including strengthening the Federal Depository Library Program. Meanwhile, som e observers predict that final reports from this Congress will in­ clude reauthorization o f Higher Education Act before “sine die.” Internet filtering provisions have been at­ tached to tw o different appropriations bills. Attached to the Commerce, Justice, State and Judicial appropriations bill S. 2260, is a bill spon­ L ynn e E. B ra d le y is d e p u ty e x e c u tiv e d ir e c t o r o f ALA's W a sh in g to n Office; e-m ail: leb@ sored by Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), S. 1619, which w ou ld require all E-rate telecommuni­ cations discount-eligible schools and libraries to install filtering software o n som e or all o f their com puter terminals in order to get the library-school discounts. S. 1482, a bill authored by Sen. Dan Coats (R-Indiana), which w ould prohibit commercial W eb distribution to mi­ nors, has also been attached as an amendment to S. 2260. No such amendments are attached to the House version o f the com m erce appro­ priations bill, although there is a separate stand alone bill, H.R. 3783, sponsored by Rep. Michael O xley (R-Ohio) and others in the H ouse es­ sentially identical to Coats’ Child Online Pro­ tection Act. H ow ever, the H ouse appropriations sub­ com mittee with jurisdiction ov er library and ed u ca tio n fu n din g a p p r o v e d 15 to 0 an amendm ent offered b y Rep. Ernest Istook Jr. (R-Oklahom a) that w o u ld require K -12 p u b ­ lic schools and libraries, as a condition o f receiv in g federal funds from any federal agency for the acquisition or operation o f com puters, to install software to protect chil­ dren from obscenity. Whatever the final ou tcom e o f pending legislation in this Congress, this fall campaign period is an extremely important opportunity for ACRL members and other library a d v o­ cates to make contact with Congressional in­ cumbents and n ew candidates alike. With key issues in mind, such as intellectual property and access to government information, library advocates are encouraged to attend and par­ ticipate in candidates’ forums and debates. ALA creates Legislative Action Center T o build u p o n the legislative updates in the ALA Washington Office Newsline (ALAWON) and information provided at the ACRL W eb site, the ALA Washington O ffice has recently expan ded its online services to include the Legislative Action Center located at h ttp :// From this site you can read alerts o n legislative issues that are criti­ cal for libraries, stay inform ed o f Congress’ current schedule, and find your members o f Congress. ■