ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 716 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young Bonnie Biggs, assistant to the dean, coordinator for public services, and university coordinator for arts and lectures at California State University in San Marcos, has been elected president o f the American Indian Library Association for 1998— 99. Victoria Hanawalt, college librarian at Reed College in Oregon, has been elected to the Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) Board o f Trustees. Also elected to the OCLC’s Users Council Executive Committee were Betsy Wilson, associate director o f libraries for Public Services at the University o f Wash­ ington, for vice president/president-elect. Larry Alford, senior associate university li­ brarian at the University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Kristin Senecal, head o f technical services at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, were both elected as delegates- at-large. Charles B. Lowry, dean o f libraries at the University o f Maryland in College Park, has been appointed to a three-year term on the Research Libraries Advisory Committee o f OCLC. The appointment runs from July 1998 through June 30, 2001. The advisory commit­ tee helps OCLC better understand the needs and future direction o f academic research li­ braries. Although a portion o f committee meetings is devoted to briefing committee members on developments at OCLC, the major purpose is for OCLC to gain feedback from committee members. Jerry D. Saye has been named Outstanding Teacher o f the Year (1997-98) in the School o f Information and Library Science at the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). A student nomination for the award mentioned said Saye maintains a collegial relationship with students and views himself as a facilitator in the learning process, not simply a source o f technical information. “I was extremely touched that students had selected me,” said Saye. “Their standing ovation was the most special moment in my teaching career.” A p p o i n t m e n t s James Benson has been named dean o f the university libraries at St. John’s University. Benson will continue as director o f the divi­ sion o f library and information science. He has been a faculty member o f the university’s graduate school o f arts and science since 1983 and director o f the library and information science program since 1993. He received his B.A. from the University o f Kansas and earned his MLS and Ph.D. in library service at Rutgers University. Prior to com ing the St. John’s, B enson held various academ ic positions throughout the country. His first post was as a reference and circulation librarian at Texas Southern University. He later served as refer­ ence and government documents librarian at Southwest Texas State University before be­ coming visiting associate librarian at Califor­ nia State University in Chico. He subsequently took the position o f assistant professor at the graduate school o f library services at Rutgers, then became associate professor in the gradu­ ate school o f library service o f the University o f Alabama. Sarah Mort Cron has been named dean o f academic information services and director o f Kent Library at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. Cron was most recently head o f access services at the Uni­ versity o f Northern Iowa. Before her service there she was an assistant professor in the graduate library school at the University o f Arizona. She has taught at Indiana University’s School o f Library and Information Science and served as head o f media services and audio­ visuals at Southwest Missouri State Univer­ sity. She earned a doctorate and a specialist’s degree, both in library and information sci­ ence, from Indiana University. Cron holds an MLS and a B.A. in English from the University o f Iowa. Roman V. Kochan is now dean o f library services at California State University in Long C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 717 Beach (CSU). Kochan’s appointm ent w as the culmination o f a 26-year career during w hich he held several other posi­ tions, including director o f technical and support services, deputy direc­ tor, and acting director o f the library. He also Roman V. Kochan served as assistant vice president o f CSU’s Di­ vision o f Administration and Finance for over five years. Kochan earned his B.A. in Social Sciences and M.A. in History from the Uni­ versity o f Manitoba; his degree in library and information science is from the University o f British Columbia. Harriett MacDougall has been named di­ rector o f the Einstein Library at Nova South­ e a s te r n U n iv e rs ity (NSU) in Fort Lauder­ dale, Florida. During her 20 year career at NSU, she was assistant and later associate di­ rector o f the Einstein Li­ brary. M acDougall re­ ceived the 1997 South­ east Florida Library and Inform ation N etw ork H arriett MacDougall (SEFLIN) Vista Award in recognition o f her support o f the mission o f the multitype library network. Daniel Ortiz has been appointed director o f the Morton R. G odine Library at Massachu­ setts College o f Art (MCA). Ortiz received a B.A. and MLS from the University o f Puerto Rico and a doctorate o f arts in Library and Information Sciences from Simmons College in Boston. He com es to MCA from the Uni­ versity o f Massachusetts in Boston, where he was associate director o f libraries, and prior to that position, science librarian. From 1984 to 1991, he w ork ed as assistant head o f the science library and as collection development officer at the Rio Piedras Campus at the Uni­ versity o f Puerto Rico Library System. He is a member o f several professional organizations in c lu d in g th e ALA, th e S o c ie d a d de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico, and was vice president o f the A sociacion de Egresados de la Escuela de Bibliotecologia. He is also a found­ ing member o f the Reforma chapter o f Puerto Rico, an ALA affiliate. Ortiz is also the treasurer o f the Board o f Directors o f the Ofidna Hispana, a community-based job training agency in Boston, and has served as the Oficina’s Board Secretary. Carroll Varner has been named director o f A cadem ic Library Services at East Carolina University in G reenville, North Carolina. Varner will be the chief administrator o f the mil­ lion-volum e Joyner Li­ brary, which is nearing co m p le tio n o f a $30 million expansion and renovation. Varner, w ho h ad b e e n at Illin ois State since 1989, holds a bachelor’s in political science from the Uni­ versity o f Tennessee, an MLS from the University C arroll V a rn e r o f Denver, an MBA in management and finance from the University o f Nebraska, and a Ph.D. in higher education admin­ istration from Illinois State. Edward A. Warro has been appointed dean o f libraries at Loyola University in Chicago. Warro, w h o has held several positions in Loyola’s library system for the last 17 years, has been acting dean for the past year. He received his A.B. with high distinction in French Literature at Dartmouth College and earned his MLS at Simmons College in B os­ ton. He w ork ed as an acquisitions librarian at Simmons and served as chief acquisitions librarian at Southwest Texas State University. “Ed brings to Loyola a wealth o f experience in libraries know ledge about the role o f tech­ nology information transmission and a proven record o f leadership at Loyola,” said Larry Braskamp, Loyola’s senior vice president for academic affairs. Mona Bell has been named catalog librar­ ian at Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. Margaret Breen has been appointed c o ­ ordinator o f m onographic acquisitions at the University o f Delaware Library in Newark. Deborah Campana is n ow conservatory librarian at Oberlin College in Ohio. 71 8 / C&RL News ■ October 1998 Elaine Cline has been appointed librarian o f the National Air and Space Museum Branch at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Steven L. Davis has been appointed as­ sistant curator o f the Southwestern Writers Collection at Southwest Texas State Univer­ sity in San Marcos. Sharon Epps has been appointed coor­ dinator o f circulation/reserve at the Univer­ sity o f Delaware Library in Newark. Joan F. Ferguson was appointed North Carolina Collection Cataloger at the Univer­ sity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Guy Frost has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at Valdosta State Uni­ versity in Valdosta, Georgia. Rhonda A. Fuhrmann is n ow reference librarian at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. Jessica George is n ow education librar­ ian at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. Donna L. Gilton received tenure and was promoted to associate professor at the Gradu­ ate School o f Library and Information Stud­ ies at the University o f R hode Island in Kingston. Marilu Goodyear has been appointed as­ sociate vice chancellor for information ser­ vices at the University o f Kansas Libraries. Alan Grosenheider has been appointed international studies cataloging librarian at the University o f Washington in Seattle. Billie Hackney is n ow cataloging services librarian at Old Dominion University in Nor­ folk, Virginia. Carl Jones has been appointed head o f the library systems office at the MIT Libraries. Joan Kolias has been appointed informa­ tion technology librarian for collection ser­ vices at the MIT Libraries. Amy Lewontin has been appointed li­ brary technology consultant to the Metrowest Massachusetts Regional Library System. Firouzeh Logan has been appointed c o ­ ordinator o f suburban campus library services at the DePaul University Library in Chicago. Cheryl McCarthy received tenure and was prom oted to associate professor at the Graduate School o f Library and Information Studies at the University o f Rhode Island in Kingston. William Meloy has been appointed dis­ tance learning/education librarian at Cleve­ land State University Library. Jonathan Miller has been promoted to deputy director o f the library at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Nina Davis-Millis has been appointed in­ formation technology librarian for public ser­ vices at the MIT Libraries. Teresa Morris has been appointed to the Pauline A. Young Residency at the University o f Delaware Library in Newark. Ramona N iffenegger has b e e n a p ­ pointed social science librarian at the Louisi­ ana State University Libraries in Baton Rouge. Amanda Y. Oates has been appointed ar­ chivist o f the Southwestern Writers Collection at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. Allison Pirri has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Linda Pitts is n ow serials services librar­ ian at the University o f Washington in Se­ attle. Barbara Prior has been appointed art li­ brarian at Oberlin College in Ohio. Robert Renaud is n ow associate dean o f information services at Connecticut College in New London. Tim Salm has been appointed instructional designer at the DePaul University Library in Chicago. Kristina L. Shanton has been appointed Music/Theatre Arts librarian at California State University in Long Beach. Advertiser index American Psychological Cover 2 Archival Products 685 Blackwell’s B ook Services Cover 3 Blackwell’s Info Services 662 R.R. Bowker 682 CHOICE 652, 674 CIS 672 Graphics Press 649 Information Quest 688 Marcive 658 Minolta 696-97 OCLC 706 Primary Source Media 675 Sociological Abstracts 661 SpaceSaver Cover 4 Want Publishing 702 C&RL News ■ O ctober 1998 / 719 Daniel J. Slive has been appointed rare b ook s librarian for the UCLA Library. Barbara Stevenson has been appointed external relations specialist at the University o f Nevada in Las Vegas. Eva Stowers is n ow science reference li­ brarian at the University o f Nevada in Las Ve­ gas. Roberto J. Tejada is the new assistant cu ­ rator o f the Wittliff Gallery o f Mexican & Southwestern P h otography at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. Mary Thom pson has been named pu b­ lic services librarian at Gardner-Webb Uni­ versity in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. Diane Vanderpool has been appointed head instruction services librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Nevada in Las Vegas. David Ward has been named reference/ instruction librarian at the University o f Ne­ vada in Las Vegas. Brian Warling is n ow design coordina­ tor for the California Digital Library. Steven Weaver has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina. Michelle White has been appointed in­ formation services librarian at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. Douglas M. W ilcox has been appointed automated systems librarian at Delta State Uni­ versity in Cleveland, Mississippi. R e t i r e m e n t s Boris Chumakov, reference librarian and bibliographer, retired from York University (YU) in North York, Ontario, Canada. His 28 years o f service included positions as assis­ tant reference librarian, reference librarian, education bibliographer, and foreign humani­ ties bibliographer from 1972 until his retire­ ment. James A. Damico, director o f university li­ braries at the University o f South Alabama in Mobile, has retired. His 37 years in the library profession have included administrative p o ­ sitions at the University o f Southern Missis­ sippi, Rice University, Bro w n University, and the University o f Dayton. While at Southern Mississippi, he also taught courses at the graduate library school. Prior to his academ ic experience, he served eight years in special li­ braries. He served as a m e m b e r o f th e SOLINET Board from 1985-88, and he was a member o f the commit­ tee that form ed the data elements for the OCLC James A. Damico catalog system. Damico received a B.S. in Business Administration from C. W. Post College o f L.I.U. and his MLS from Rutgers University. Eileen Daniel, reference librarian at the Frost Library, retired from York University in North York, Ontario, Canada. In her years o f ser­ vice since 1990, Daniel has been head o f the reference department o f the Scott Library and reference librarian. Sarah B. Jubinski, has retired as dean o f learning resources for Northampton Commu­ nity College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, af­ ter m ore than 29 years o f services. Robert L. Klassen, director o f library pro­ grams at the Institute o f Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in Washington, D.C., has re­ tired after 39 years o f library service. He b e ­ gan his career as a librarian at the California State Library, then left to head the Fresno (California) Pacific University Library to help in its first-time accreditation for tw o years, and returned to the state library where he spent seven years. Klassen joined the U.S. Department o f Education (then the Office o f Education in HEW) in 1968. From 1982-95, he served as director o f the LSCA state library grant programs. Since 1995 he has been the director o f all federal library grant programs in the U.S. Department o f Education. He managed the transfer o f the New Library Ser­ vices and Technology Act Programs to IMLS, where they operate with a congressional ap­ propriation o f $146.3 million in the current year. ■ E d . n o t e : To ensure th a t y o u r p erso n n el news is consid e red fo r p u b lic a tio n , w r ite to A n n -C h riste Young, Production Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: 312-280-2520.