ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 40 / C&RL News titles, write to Order Department. American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago, IL 60611. To order copies of out-of-print titles, con­ tact University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor. MI 48Ì06. To Advertise in ACRL Publications To place display ads in C &R L or C &R L News, contact the Advertising Department. American Li­ brary Association, (312) 944-6780. To place classi­ fied ads in C ò R L News, or job listings in the Fast J o b Listing Service or the telephone JOBLINE, contact ACRL headquarters, (312) 944-6780, ext. 286. To place ads in Choice, contact the Advertis­ ing Manager. Choice. (203) 347-6933. ■ ■ ACRL List of Materials Available Unless otherwise noted, single copies of ACRL materials are available to members of the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries free of charge and to non-members for $1 each from: ACRL Publications, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. All orders must in­ clude a self-addressed mailing label and 50¢ for postage and handling. All materials sent outside the U.S. will be mailed surface rates unless airmail postage is prepaid. Only payment in U.S. funds will be accepted. Payment must accompany orders. Make checks payable to ACRL/ALA. S t a n d a r d s a n d G u i d e l i n e s Standards f o r University Libraries. (C &R L News. April 1979). ACRL/ARL. Standards f o r C o lleg e L ibraries. (C &R L News, October 1975). C o lleg e L ibrary Standards: Questions an d An­ swers. (C &R L News, November 1974). The Use an d Effectiveness o f the 1975 Standards f o r C ollege L ibraries (1981). Larry Hardesty. Chair. Ad Hoc Committee on Standards and Guidelines. College Libraries Section, ACRL. An Evaluative Checklist fo r Reviewing a College Library Program ‚ Based on the 1975 Standards f o r C ollege Libraries. (C &RL News, November 1979). G uidelines f o r Tw o-Y ear C o lleg e L earning R e­ sources Programs. (C &R L News. January and February 1982). ACRL/AECT. Statem ent on Q uantitative Standards f o r Two- Y ear L ea rn in g R eso u rces P rog ram s (1979). (Draft available in C ò R L News. March 1979). Guidelines f o r Bibliographic Instruction in A ca­ d em ic Libraries. (C &R L News. April 1977). Access Policy Guidelines. (C &RL News. Novem­ ber 1975). Guide to M ethods o f L ibrary Evaluation. (C &RL News. October 1968). Guidelines f o r Branch L ibraries in Colleges and Universities. (C &R L News. October 1975). Guidelines f o r Extended Campus Library Services. ( C ò R L News, March 1982). The Mission o f an Undergraduate L ibrary (M odel Statement). (C &R L News. November 1979). Guidelines fo r Audio-Visual Services in A cadem ic L ibraries (1968). $1.50. Order from ACRL of­ fice. Payment must accompany order. B i b l i o g r a p h i c I n s t r u c t i o n B ibliographic C om peten cies f o r Education Stu­ dents (1981). Prepared by the Education and Be­ havioral Sciences Section Bibliographic Instruc­ tion for Educators C om m ittee. Provides examples of a wide range of educational biblio­ graphic sources, and presents a basic rationale for the use of the given examples. Bibliographic Instruction H andbook (1979). Pre­ pared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Task Force (1971-77) and the Policy and Plan­ ning Committee of the ACRL Bibliographic In­ struction Section (1977-79). $5 for ACRL mem­ bers, $6 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. Library Instruction Clearinghouses 1981: A D irec­ tory (1981). This directory revises and updates Library Instruction Clearinghouses: D eposito­ ries and Publications: 1980. compiled by Mary Huston-Miyamoto. This revision is by Barbara J. W ittkopf, University of Florida Libraries. $3.50 for ACRL members. $4.50 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. Organizing and Managing a Library Instruction Program : Checklists (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section’s Con­ tinuing Education Committee. $3 for ACRL members. $4 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. Petals Around a Rose: Abstract Reasoning and Bib­ liographic Instruction (1981). Paper presented by Cerise Oberman-Soroka in the Program “Learning Theory in Action: Applications in Bibliographic Instruction.” Sponsored by the Bibliographic Instruction Section and the Com­ munity and Junior College Libraries Section’s Instruction and Use Committee, ACRL. $4 for ACRL members. $5 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. P roblem s with E valuatin g L ib ra ry Instruction (1976). Panel discussion from the 6th Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Aca­ demic Libraries. May 13-14. 1976. Eastern February 1983 / 41 Michigan University. Audiocassette. 60 minutes. $6.50. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. W orksheet on How to Use “Resources in E d u ca­ tion." C o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n Continuing Education Survey. Part I: A vailable Continuing Education Resources (1978). Com­ piled by Gretchen Redfield for ACRL. $12.50. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pa ny order. Continuing Education Survey. Part II: Existing Needs Assessment Studies (1978). Compiled by Gretchen Redfield for ACRL. $12.50. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. CE C o u r s e S y l l a b i ACRL continuing education course syllabi are available at a charge of $10/syllabus for ACRL members and $15/syllabus for non-members from: Barbara Macikas, AC R L. 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. Establishing the C ollege BI Program : T he D irec­ t o r ’s R o le (CE 103) provides the academic li­ brary administrator with an overview of mana­ gerial considerations essential in establishing the successful BI program. Written by Dennis Robi­ son. Strategies an d Tactics f o r Enhancing th e Role and Position o f the L ibrary within th e C ollege or University (CE 104) explores internal and exter­ nal factors influencing the role of the library in the academic community and provides exercises designed to help library administrators advance the library’s position within the institution. Written by P. Grady Morein. T im e M an ag em en t a n d C o n d u ctin g E ffe c tiv e M eetings (CE 105) emphasizes time as a re­ source, describes the most frequent time prob­ lems encountered by librarians and discusses techniques for organizing and managing time. Also considers the meeting as a management tool: what meetings can and cannot accomplish and how to use meetings successfully. Written by Sheila Creth. An Introduction to Maps in L ibraries: Maps As In­ form a tion Tools (CE 201) describes the informa­ tion potential of maps in the academic library environment. Considers acquisitions, collection development, reference, instruction space and equipment requirements. W ritten by David Cobb and Charles Seavey. Teaching M ethods f o r th e BI Librarian (CE 202) outlines learning theory and instructional meth­ ods effective in bibliographic instruction with an emphasis on planning and execution. Written by Marilla Svinicki. Writing the Jou rn al A rticle an d Getting it Pub­ lished (CE 501) reviews the publication process and considers effective strategies for publishing including selection of publishing medium, man­ uscript preparation and submission. Written by Richard Johnson. Survey Research M ethods (CE 503) reviews the methodology of conducting survey research in­ cluding sampling techniques, questionnaire de­ sign, data reduction and analysis and evaluation of surveys found in library literature. Written by Gary Golden. S t a f f D e v e l o p m e n t C L IP N ote #1-80: P erform an ce Appraisal (1980). Prepared by the ACRL College Libraries Sec­ tion’s Continuing Education Committee. $7.50 for ACRL members, $10 for non-members. Or­ der from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. C L IP N ote §3-81: J o b Descriptions (1981). Spon­ sored by the ACRL College Library Section’s Committee on Continuing Education. $17.50 for ACRL members. $25 for non-members. Or­ der from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. M anagem ent an d Staff D evelopm ent (1982). Pro­ ceedings of a workshop sponsored by the North­ ern California ACRL Chapter in June, 1979. $8 for ACRL members, $10 for non-members. Travel Policies o f Twenty-O ne C ollege & Univer­ sity L ibraries (1980). $3. Order from ACRL of­ fice. Payment must accompany order. Results o f the A C R L 100 Survey on C lassified A d­ vertising (1982). $5. Address orders to the ACRL 100 Project at the ACRL office. F a c u l t y S t a t u s a n d G o v e r n a n c e A c a d e m ic Status Survey (1981). Results of an ACRL 100 Libraries Project survey of academic status policies in academic and research li­ braries. $12 for ACRL members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. G overn an ce in th e A cadem ic L ibrary (1981). Beta- max or U-matic videotape (specify) of six aca­ demic librarians reviewing issues relating to the status of the academic librarian and the ACRL A N EW PUBLICATION B ack to the B ooks: B ibliographic Instruction and the Theory o f Inform ation Sources has just been published by ACRL. Edited by Ross Atkinson, it contains the papers given at the Philadelphia An­ nual Conference program meeting of the Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section. Conference speakers were Patrick Wilson (UC-Berkeley) and Conrad Rawski (Case Western Reserve). Responses to their papers were given by Frances Hopkins (Temple University) and Tom Kirk (Berea College). The volume is 78 pages and may be ordered prepaid from ACRL at $12 for members and $15 for non­ members. ■ ■ 42 / C &RL News standard on Library Governance. $35. Orde from ACRL office. Payment must accompan order. Faculty Status f o r A cadem ic Librarians: A History an d Policy Statem ents (1975). ACRL Commit tee on Academic Status. $3.50. Order from: Or der Department. American Library Association. 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Payment must accompany order. Standards f o r Faculty Status f o r C ollege and Uni versity Librarians. (C &R L N ews. May 1974). Join t Statem ent on Faculty Status o f C ollege and University Librarians. (C &RL N ews‚ February 1974). ACRL/AAUP/AAC. M odel Statem ent o f Criteria an d Procedures fo r A p p oin tm en t. Prom otion in A cad em ic R ank, an d Tenure f o r C ollege an d University L ib rari­ ans. ( C ò R L N ews‚ September 1973 and October 1973, with a revision by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors) . G uidelines an d P rocedures f o r the Screening an d A ppointm ent o f A cad em ic Librarians. (C &RL N ew s‚ September 1977). Statem ent on the T erm inal Professional D egree f o r A cad em ic L ibrarian s (1975). Statem ent on C ollective Bargaining (1975). Salary Structures o f L ibrarian s in H igher E duca­ tion f o r the A cadem ic Year 1975-76 (1976). Ri­ chard J. Talbot and Ann von der Lippe. $2.50. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. Sem inar on Criteria f o r Promotion an d Tenure in A cad em ic Libraries (90 minute audiocassette). Describes a Fall 1974 meeting of 15 untenured University of Oregon faculty members. The dis­ cussion includes issues raised in the consideration of faculty status. $6.50. Order from A CRL of­ fice. Payment must accompany order. M a n u s c r i p t s a n d A r c h i v e s G uidelines on Manuscripts an d Archives (1977). Compilation of policy statements prepared by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Committee on Manuscripts Collections. Con­ tains: Introduction by Clyde C. Walton: State­ ment on Appraisal of Gifts: Statement on Legal Title; Statement on Access to Original Research Materials in Libraries. Archives, and Manu­ script Repositories (Note: this statem ent has been superseded): Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Noncommercial Purposes: Statement on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Archives for Commercial Pur­ poses: and Universal Gift Form and Instruc­ tions. Jo in t Statem ent on Access to O riginal Research M aterials. This supersedes the 1976 ACRL State­ ment on Access mentioned in the above para­ graph and the 1974 Standards for Access of SAA (A m erican A rchivist. January 1974). ( C ò R L N ews. April 1979). R elator Terms f o r R are Books. Manuscripts, and r y ­ ­ ­ Special C ollections Cataloging (1981). Revised by ACRL RBMS Standards Committee. ( C ò R L News. October 1981). C o l l e c t i o n D e v e l o p m e n t C L IP N ote §2-81: C ollection D evelopm ent Poli­ cies (1981). Prepared by the ACRL College Li­ braries Sections’s Continuing Education Com­ mittee. $8.75 for ACRL members, $11.50 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Pay­ ment must accompany order. Books f o r C ollege Libraries. 2d ed. (1975). 6 vols. $65. Single vol., $12.50 each. Vol. 1, Humani­ ties; Vol. 2, Language and Literature: Vol. 3. History; Vol. 4, Social Sciences; Vol. 5, Psychol­ ogy, Science. Technology, and Bibliography: Vol. 6. Author, Title, and Subject Indexes. O r der from Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E . Huron S t., C hicago, IL 60611. Bo o k f o r Jun ior C ollege Libraries (1969) J a m e s ' W. Pirie, comp. $35. Order from Order Depart­ m e n t . American Library Association. 50 E. Hu­ ron St.C h ic a g o , I L 60611. O t h e r How to P articipate in A CR L. G uidelines f o r AC R L Chapters. D irectory o f Extension L ibrary Services Personnel (1981). Compiled by the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee. Free. Order from ACRL office. A C R L University L ib ra ry Statistics 1978-1979 (1980). A Compilation of Statistics from Ninety- Eight non-ARL University Libraries. $5 for ACRL members, $7.50 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. L ib ra r ies a n d A ccred ita tio n in Institutions o f Higher L earning (1981). Proceedings of an invi­ tational conference sponsored by ACRL and COPA. June 26-27. 1980. Julie Carroll Virgo, ed. $14.95 for ACRL members, $18.95 for non­ members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. Slavic Ethnic L ibraries‚ Museums an d Archives in th e U n ited S ta tes: A G u id e a n d D ir e c to r y (1980). Compiled by Lubomyr R. Wynar. $14 for ACRL members. $17.50 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. Eighteenth-Century English B ooks—Considered by Librarian s an d Booksellers. B ibliographers an d C ollectors (1976). Hendrick Edelman, ed. Proceedings of a preconference sponsored by the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. June 25-28, 1975. San Francisco. $5. Order from A CRL office. Payment must accompany order. N etworks an d the University L ibrary (1974). Le Moyne W. Anderson, ed. Proceedings of an insti­ tute sponsored by the ACRL University L ibraries February 1983 / 43 Section, June 21-23, 1973, Las Vegas. $3. Order from ACRL office. Payment must ac­ company order. A D irectory o f Asian a n d A frican L ibrarian s in N orth A m erica (1978). Prepared under the aus- 7* pices of the Asian and African Section of ACRL. $5 for ACRL members. $6 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. D irectory o f L ib ra ry Science C ollection s (1977). Compiled by Carol S. Nielsen for former division of ALA— Library Education Division. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accom­ pany order. L ib ra r y Statistics o f C o lle g es an d U niversities: Sum m ary D ata 1979 (1982). Data gathered in the H EGIS survey by the National Center for Education Statistics. $10 for ACRL members, $13 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s Official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Published in six bimonthly is­ sues. Editor: C. James Schmidt. Research Libraries Group. Jordan Quadrangle. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of mem­ bership. Also available on subscription. $35/year. Order from Subscription Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. Index f o r Volumes 26 to 40 (1965-1979) o f C o l­ leg e ò R esearch L ib raries an d C o lleg e ò R esearch L ib ra ries N ews (1980). This publication was pre­ pared by Eldon W . Tamblyn. Its revisions conform with procedures observed during the last five years. $10 for A C R L members, $12 for non­ members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s N e w s Official news magazine of the Association of College & Research Libraries. Published in eleven monthly issues (July/August combined). Editor: George M. Eberhart. ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of mem­ bership. Also available on subscription, $10/year. Order from Subscription Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. F a s t J o b L i s t i n g S e r v i c e A job listing which supplements in a speedy, timely fashion the classified advertising in C &R L News. Published twelve times/year. Six month sub­ scription. $10 for ACRL members, $15 for non­ members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany orders. 44 / C &R L News C h o i c e Current book and nonprint selections guide for u n d erg rad u ate lib ra r y c o lle ctio n s published monthly, eleven times/year (July/August com ­ bined). Subscription price. $75/year. Single copies, $7. Order from: Subscription Department. C h o ice. 100 Riverview Center. Middletown, C T 06457; (203) 347-6933. ACRL P u b l i c a t i o n s i n L i b r a r i a n s h i p Numbers 1-33, A C R L M onograph Series. Editor: Arthur P. Young, Dean of Libraries, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Available on standing order or as single volumes. Order from Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. Out-of-print titles are available from University Microfilms, In c., 300 N. Zeeb R d., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Titles in Print No. 29— T he C a reer o f th e A ca d em ic L ib ra r ia n : A Study o f th e Social Origins. E d u ca tio n a l A ttain­ ments. V ocation al E xperien ce, an d Personality C h a ra cteristics o f a G rou p o f A m erican A c a ­ d em ic Librarian s. Perry D. Morrison. (1969). $4.50. No. 3 0 —Ju n io r C o lleg e L ib raries: D ev elo p m en t. N eeds, an d P erspectives. Everett LeRoy Moore, ed. (1969). $3. N o. 31 — T h e U n d erg rad u ate L ib ra ry . Irene A. Braden. (1970). $8.50. No. 3 2 — In te rlib ra ry L o a n Involvin g A c a d e m ic L ibraries. Sarah K. Thomson. (1970). $5. No. 3 3 — T h e C ase f o r Facu lty Status f o r A ca d e m ic L ibrarian s. Lewis C. Branscomb. ed. (1970). $5. No. 3 4 —N onprint M edia in A ca d em ic L ibraries. P e a rc e S. Grove, ed. (1975). $10. No. 3 5 — T hom as Bray's G ran d Design. Charles T. Laugher. (1973). $8.50. ORDER FORM A C RL Publications Send me the following publications available from the ACRL office: February 1983 / 45 No. 3 6 — T he Shaping o f Am erican L ibrary E d u ca­ tion. Charles D. Churchwell. (1975). $8.50. No. 3 8 —C ollective Bargaining in H igher E duca­ tion. Millicent D. Abell, ed. (1977). $12,50. No. 39— Libraries f o r Teaching‚ Libraries fo r R e­ search: Essays f o r a Century. Richard D. Johns.on comp. (1977). N o . 40—B ook Selling an d B ook Buying: Aspects o f 19th Century British an d North American B ook Trades. Richard Landon. ed. (1979).$ 1 0 . No. 41 — W om en View L ibrarianship: Nine Per­ spectives. Kathryn Lundy, ed. (1980)$ 7 C&RL News G uidelines for Submission of Articles or C olum ns I. Purpose of C &RI. News C ollege ò Research Libraries News is the official news magazine of ACRL. a division of the Ameri­ can Library Association. Its purpose is to record significant activities of ACRL and to report news about academic and research libraries. As the offi­ cial ACRL news magazine. C &R L News main­ tains a record of selected actions and policy state­ ments of the association and publishes timely reports on the activities of ACRL and its sections, committees, discussion groups, councils, and chap­ ters. As a vehicle for communication among college and research librarians, C & RL News reports news items pertinent to academic and research librari­ anship. including information on bibliographic in­ struction. continuing education, appointments, collection acquisitions, grants to libraries, and publications (brief notices). The editor bears responsibility for the contents of each issue of C ò R L News. Materials selected by the editor must be newsworthy, timely, and of practical value to people in the field. The editor has authority to decide what material is appropriate for publication, based on the following guidelines. The editor also reserves the right to make appropri­ ate revisions in material selected for publication in order to standardize style or improve clarity (ex­ cept official ACRL documents, president’s letters, and similar material). Formal, theoretical, or research-oriented arti­ cles inappropriate for C & R L N ews will be for­ warded to the editor of C ollege & Research L i­ braries for review. II. Length Articles and columns should be no more than 2,000 words and no less than 500 words. III. Style C &R L N ews style is informal, but informative and accurate. IV . Content Materials selected should fall into one of the fol­ lowing categories: a. Reports on a project, program, or research un­ derway or recently completed dealing with a topic relevant to academic librarianship. Footnotes should be minimal and charts or tables avoided. These reports may be preliminary descriptions of programs or research to be published formally at a later date in library literatu re ( e .g .. “ Online Searching and Chemistry Students at Knox,” Feb­ ruary 1982). b. Reports on a recent conference or workshop of interest to academic or research librarians (e.g.. “Second International Conference on User Educa­ tion.” November 1981). c. Reasoned and informed speculation or com­ ment on a relevant topic, especially if solicited by the editor or an official ACRL group (e.g.. “Ene­ mies of Books.” October 1981). d. State-of-the-art reports on a relevant topic (e.g.. "Education for Community College Librari­ anship." September 1981). e. Standards, guidelines, or recommendations of an ACRL committee or other official ACRL group (e.g., “Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Programs.” January & February 1982). V. Manuscript Authors should submit two copies, double­ spaced. following either the University of Chica­ go's Manual o f Style or Turabian. VI. Requests for Donations C &R L News may occasionally print requests for the donation of books or materials to libraries, es­ pecially foreign libraries, which have suffered ex­ tensive loss through fire, hurricane, or other natu­ ral disaster. Other libraries soliciting contributions for other reasons will be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C ò R L News. E d ito r’s N ote: T hese guidelines w ere ad o p ted by the C&RL News E ditorial B oard at th e D enver M idwinter M eeting on January 25. 1982. ■■