ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1983 / 57 C A L E N D A R February 25— Rare Books: "The W orld of Rare Rooks," an introduction to the field, a winter workshop from Drexel University's School of Library and Inform ation Science. Fee: $60. Contact: Direc­ tor, Office of C ontinuing Professional Educa­ tio n. Drexel U niversity, 32d an d C hestnut Streets. Philadelphia. PA 19104: (215) 895-2153. 27-March 2 — Indexing: The 25th Annual Confer­ ence of the National Federation of Abstracting and Inform ation Services w ill be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel. Arlington. Virginia. The chair will be Inez L. Sparr, Migra­ tion Information & Abstracts Service. Confer­ ence theme is “ Information Transfer: Incentives for Innovation .” Contact: NFAIS. 112 South 16th St., 12th Floor. Philadelphia, PA 19102: (215) 563-2406. March 3-4— Pharmacy: Pharmaceutical Inform ation Resources." a Drexel University School of Li­ brary and Inform ation Science winter work­ shop. Fee: SI 10. Contact: See February 25 en­ try. 6 11 Audio-Visual: The 30th Audio-Visual Insti­ tute for Effective C om m unications, In dian a University. Bloomington, sponsored by the Na­ tional Audio-Visual Association. This institute provides communicators with a practical over­ view of AV communications techniques. Con­ tact: NAVA Industry & Business Council. 3150 Spring Street. Fairfax, VA 22031: (703) 273­ 2700, 10— Multitype Cooperatives: The Tulsa Area L i­ brary Cooperative will hold a workshop in con­ junctio n w ith A RL's O ffice of M anagem ent Studies to explore the potential for cooperative collection development projects among libraries in the Tulsa area. Contact: Carol Hughes. Coor­ dinator. Tulsa Area Library Cooperative. 400 Civic Center, Tulsa, O K 74103; (918) 592-7893. 11 — Autom ation: "Shopping for Library Auto­ mated Systems,” a Drexel University School of Library and Inform ation Science winter work­ shop. Fee: $95. Contact: See February 25 entry, 14-16— Collection Management: M E T R O Collec­ tion Management and Development Institute, New York City. Fee: staff of M E T R O member libraries, $110: non-METRO members. S125. Contact: M E T R O /C M D I. 209 W . 23d St.. New York, NY 10011. 16-18— Conservation: Second Annual Seminar on Conservation of Archival Materials, sponsored by the Humanities Research Center. University of Texas at Austin. The seminar will provide in­ struction and experience in various structures u tilize d for rare book boxm aking, m a ttin g graphic material, and housings for photographic artifacts and manuscript collections. Registra­ tion is limited to 30. Fee: $235. Contact: Patricia Palmer, Humanities Research Center. P .O . Box 7219, University of Texas, Austin. TX 78712: (512) 471-1833.' April 4-7— Catholic Libraries: 62d Annual Convention. C a th o lic L ib rary Association, W ashington H ilton, W ashington. D .C . Contact: John T. Corrigan, Catholic Library Association. 461 \V. Lancaster Ave.. Haverford. PA 19041: (215) 649-5251. 12-14— Population: 16th Annual Conference of the Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Inform ation Centers, "A P L IC Is Alive and W ell and Visiting Pittsburgh." at the Pittsburgh Hilton. Contact: Susan Pasquariella. Head L ib rarian, Center for Population and Family Health. C olum bia University, 60 Haven Avenue. New York. NY 10032: (212) 694-6985. 14-16— Africana: Archives-Libraries Committee of the African Studies Association, Spring Meet­ ing, Northwestern University. Evanston, Illi­ nois. Contact: Hans Panofsky, Africana, North­ western U niversitv L ib ra ry , E v anston . IL 60620. 27-28— Management: The College and University Section of the Tennessee Library Association will sponsor the A C R L continuing education course entitled "Strategies and Tactics for Enhancing the Role and Position of the Library” as a pre­ conference to the TLA meeting in Gatlinburg. II. Lea Wells. A RL consultant, is the instructor. Fee: SI 15 for A C R L members. S I50 for non­ members. Registration is open until March 25. Checks should be made payable to Vanderbilt University Library and mailed to Mary Anne Gusehke, Vanderbilt University Library, 419 21st AvenueS., Nashxille. TN 37*240-0007; (615) 322-2407. May 5 6— New Technology: "Com puter Software Ap­ plications for Libraries and Information Cen- 5 8 / C & R L N e w s ters,” a seminar offered by the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Library & Information Sci­ ence at the Pratt Manhattan Center. 30th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York. Fee: $150. One CEU. Contact: Rhoda Garoogian, Assis­ tant Dean, Pratt Institute, G SLIS. Brooklyn, NY 11205; (212) 636-3702. 8 -1 1 — Western Europe: A Symposium on Western European Studies and North American Research Libraries, sponsored by the University of Minne­ sota's Western European Area Studies Center, will be held at the Sheraton-Ritz Hotel, Minne­ apolis. The event will bring together librarians and scholars to discuss research trends and the acquisition, control, and use of library resources from Western Europe. The chair is Clara Lov­ ett, Chief of the European Division of the L i­ brary of Congress. Fee: prior to March 15. $65; after March 15, $75. Contact: Department of Conferences, University of Minnesota. P.O. Box 14084, Minneapolis, MN 55414-0084. 1 1 -1 2 — Public Services: “Needs Assessment for Planning Academic Library Services," spon­ sored by the national LO EX Library Instruction Clearinghouse and the Center of Educational Resources, will be held at the Hoyt Conference Center, Eastern Michigan University. Ypsilanti. This first biennial LO EX workshop will be con­ ducted by Roger Greer, dean, and Martha Hale, assistant professor, of the School of Library and Information Management at the University of Southern California. Registrations will be taken early in the spring. Contact: Carolyn Kirken­ dall, LO EX Clearinghouse, Room 217H, Center of Educational Resources, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197; (313) 487-0168. 12-13— Government: “Online Government Infor­ mation Resources,” a seminar offered by the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Library & In­ formation Science. Fee: $150. One CEU. Con­ tact: See May 5 -6 entry. 18-20— User Instruction: Twelfth Annual Work­ shop on Instruction in Library Use, Carleton University, Ottawa. Ontario. Title: "Exploring the New Technology for Library Instruction.” Contact: Janet Carson, 4192 Station E , Ottawa, Ontario. K1S 5B2; (613) 235-0445. 1 9 -2 0 — New Technology: "Computers: A Non­ technical Introduction for Librarians,” a semi­ nar offered by the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Library & Information Science. Fee: $150. One CEU. Contact: See May 5 -6 entry. 1 9 -2 0 — MALC: The Midwest Academic Library Conference, Indiana State University. Contact: O ffice of Conferences and Non-Credit Pro­ grams, Room 240 Alumni Center, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809. June 1 -2 — New Technology: “Microcomputers: An In­ troduction for Libraries and Information Cen­ ters." a seminar offered by the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Library & Information Sci­ ence. Fee: $150. One CEÚ. Contact: See May 5 - 6 entry. 2 3 — Documents: "Developing Effective Collec­ tions and Quality Reference Services for U.S. Government Documents,” a seminar at the Holi­ day Inn Convention Center, Los Angeles, con­ ducted by Charles R. McClure (University of Oklahoma) and Peter Hernon (Simmons Col­ lege). Fee: $65. Registration deadline is June 1. 1983. Enrollment limited to 100. Contact: Man­ agem ent C o nsu ltant Services, I n c ., 1710 Oakcrest Ave., Norman, OK 73071. 30-Ju ly 4 — Latin America: The 28th Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Ma­ terials, in San Jose, Costa Rica, sponsored by the Universidad de Costa Rica and the University of Kansas. For seminar information contact: Jane G arner, Benson L atin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin General Libraries, Austin, TX 78712-7330. For local arrangements contact: Ellen Brow, Department for Spain, Portugal, and Latin America. University of Kan­ sas Libraries, Lawrence, KS 66045. ■ ■ D e a d lin e s : O rd e rs for re g u la r c la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts m ust re a c h th e A C R L o ffic e on o r b e fo re th e se c o n d o f th e m o n th p re c e d ­ in g p u b lic a tio n o f th e issue (e.g. S e p te m b e r 2 for th e O c to b e r issue). La te jo b lis tin g s w ill b e a c c e p te d o n a s p a c e -a v a ila b le b a sis a fte r the s e c o n d o f th e m o n th . R a te s : C la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts a re $ 4 .0 0 p e r lin e fo r A C R L m e m b e rs , $ 5 .0 0 fo r o th e rs . L a te jo b n o tic e s a re $ 1 0 .0 0 p e r lin e for m e m b e rs , $ 1 2 .0 0 fo r oth e rs. O rg a n iz a tio n s s u b m ittin g a d s w ill b e c h a rg e d a c c o rd in g to th e ir m e m b e rs h ip status. T e le p h o n e : A ll te le p h o n e o rd e rs s h o u ld b e c o n firm e d b y a w rit­ te n o rd e r m a ile d to A C R L h e a d q u a rte rs as so o n a s p o ssib le . O rd e rs s h o u ld b e a c c o m p a n ie d b y a ty p e w ritte n c o p y o f th e a d to b e u s e d in p ro o fre a d in g . A n a d d itio n a l $ 1 0 w ill b e c h a rg e d fo r a d s ta k e n o v e r th e p h o n e (e x c e p t la te jo b n o tic e s o r d is p la y ads). G u id e lin e s : F o r a d s w h ic h list a n a p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e , th a t d a te m u st b e n o s o o n e r th a n th e last d a y o f th e m o n th in w h ic h th e n o tic e a p p e a rs (e.g., O c to b e r 31 for th e O c to b e r issue). A ll jo b a n n o u n c e ­ m e n ts s h o u ld in c lu d e a s a la ry fig u re . J o b a n n o u n c e m e n ts w ill be e d ite d to e x c lu d e d is c rim in a to ry re fe re n c e s . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld be a w a re th a t th e te rm s fa c u lty ra n k a n d s ta tu s v a ry in m e a n in g a m o n g institutions. J O B L IN E : C all (3 1 2 ) 9 4 4 -6 7 9 5 fo r la te -b re a k in g jo b a d s fo r a c a ­ d e m ic a n d re s e a rc h lib ra ry p o s itio n s . A p re -re c o rd e d s u m m a ry of p o s itio n s lis te d w ith th e se rv ic e is re v is e d w e e k ly ; e a c h F rid a y a new