ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 708 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 J o b of a Lifeti D m a n ia n n e e M iz z y World library partnership This month, “Job of a Lifetime” looks at what might be your academic leave of a lifetime. World Library Partnership (WLP) is a nonprofit organi­ zation whose mission is to “advocate for sustain­ able, community-based libraries in developing areas of the world.” Its Inform the World (ITW) Library Skills Exchange program partners pairs of international volunteer librarians with local librarians in Central America and South Africa. The four-week program is designed to allow the librarians “to bring their expertise together to create unique answers to the information needs of rural communities.” I spoke with three vol­ unteers about their expe­ riences. Arlie Sims, head of reference and instruc­ tional services at Colum­ b ia C o lle g e -C h ic a g o , w o r k e d w ith Vilm a Yamileth Ordóñez at the Concepcion de Mana Pub­ lic Library in Honduras, which has its own build­ ing. Kara Malenfant, uni­ A r l i e S im s , h e a d o f r e f e r e n c e a n d in s tr u c tio n a l services a t C o lu m b ia C o lle g e - C h ic a g o ; K a ra M a le n f a n t , u n i v e r s i t y in f o r m a t io n lib ra ria n a t D eP aul U n iv e rs ity ; a n d V e ro n d a P it c h f o r d , c o o r d in a t o r o f m e m b e r s h ip s e r v ic e s a t t h e C h ic a g o M u lt it y p e L ib ra ry System. versity information librar­ ian at DePaul University, w orked with educator/li- brarian Lucy Makaula and Principal Gladys Maseko at the Tenteleni Primary School in the town of KaNyanzame, Mpungalana Province, South Af­ rica. There the teachers gave up their staff lounge to provide a room for the library. Veronda Pitchford, coordinator of membership services at the Chicago Multitype Library System, was a recipient of the Elaine Christian fellowship, which supports the participation of African and African American librarians in the program. She worked with Assistant Principal Khombie Gumede and Principal T.E.H. Mdletsche at the Manzibomvu Primary School, KwaZulu Natal Province, South Africa, where the library was housed in part of a regular classroom. Coincidentally, Pitchford and Malenfant both w orked with Nancy Bertholf, a school librarian, as their WLP volunteer partner. It's tru ly a partnership Malenfant, who had previously worked as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Armenia, had a lot of ques­ tions when first considering the ITW program. “I w anted to make sure it was going to be a real hands-on, grassroots, lo­ cal-level d e v e lo p m e n t project, and that I’d really be able to accom plish something.” Sims stated, “It’s not a charity sending librarians to tell them how to do things in their part of the world, but rather a chance for librarians from developed countries to work as a team with li­ brarians from countries w ith fe w e r re s o u rc e s [who are] facing different kinds of challenges. We can use our professional experience in conjunction with the local librarian’s knowledge of their com­ munity. It’s truly a partnership.” An adventure w orth having When asked about their preparation for the ex­ perience, Sims described, “At the beginning we attended four days of intensive training, three of the days together with the community librar­ ians. They taught us about the communities where w e w ould work, and together w e learned Danianne M izzy is assistant head o f th e Engineering Library a t the University o f Pennsylvania. Have an idea fo r a "Job o f a L ifetim e" sto ry? E-mail: C&RL News ■ December 2003 / 709 particular skills appropriate to those kinds o f li­ braries and settings.” Malenfant said that she was initially intimidated by the prospect of having to process and catalog books. “I’m a reference li­ brarian. What do I know about processing books? But betw een the intensive training and the w on­ derful manual Libraries f o r All, w hich contains step-by-step instructions, it was fine.” They all experienced some level o f culture shock, and the physical conditions required an adjustment. Pitchford explained, “I d o n ’t even go camping,” but she adapted to carrying water, using an outhouse, and sometimes doing w ith­ out electricity. Sims confided, “It’s pretty scary to get into an SUV, leave the other volunteers behind, and go off into the mountains not know ­ ing w hat you’re going to encounter. But once I got involved in the work of the library and the community, all that disappeared into the back­ ground. Being involved in family and comm u­ nity life is a priceless part of the experience. It w as an adventure w orth having.” Projects and accom plishm ents Each set o f volunteers ITW Library Skills Exchange W h ere: Central America and South Africa F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v is it : w w w . worldlibraries. org/ d e v e lo p s th e p ro jects they are going to under­ take with the community librarians. The idea for a survey cam e from the community-based library committee at Concepción de María. “We developed a library survey to get feedback from the com­ m unity ab o u t w hat kinds o f m aterials they w anted,” said Sims. We w ent out into the com­ munity, to the churches, the schools, the com­ munity cooperative, the health clinic—all the places w here people meet—and asked for in­ put. At the same time, w e talked about w hat the library could do and comm unicated that the li­ brary w as there for the community. The survey w as very successful.” Sims also talked about the im portance of the library. “It was moving for me to see how proud people w ere of this resource in their comm u­ nity and how excited they w ere about the pos­ sibilities. People are able to come into the li­ brary, to this very small collection, and many times find som ething quite useful w ith the help of the librarian. It w as really quite touching to hear people say, ‘You m ean I can really take these books home, and read to my child, and bring them back next time I’m in town?’ This was significant because they might have to walk for hours or take a bus to get there from their rural community.” Pitchford participated in a number of projects, som e of w hich involved the teachers as well as the students. ‘We w orked w ith the teachers in the school on incorporating resources into the school curriculum, since many of the teachers did not have any exposure to libraries them ­ selves. We tried to let them know that it was their library too, w ith resources to help them w ith their teaching. I also really enjoyed work­ ing w ith the kids, reading to them, connecting w ith them, and showing them books in their hom e language.” Among other projects, Malenfant is duly proud of having all 1,000 students visit the library within just 3 w eeks. She explained that, “Previously, the teachers did all the book selection for the students. We educated the students about the proper care of the books and how to select a good book, while at the sam e time working with the teachers to ex­ plain w hy it w as impor­ tant to let the students choose for themselves. Hopefully the teachers saw th at th ey can be trusted and will continue the practice.” Lessons learned M alen fan t m e n tio n e d learning about the South African idea of Ubuntu, “You are a person through other p eople.” This seems to sum up the insight that all three brought away from this powerful experience. For Sims, “The best resources there w ere the commitment of the people— not just the library staff but the w hole community—and the books. Librarians there had great strength in hooking people up w ith resources available in the community. I learned how much librarians have to offer to the world, even with few er resources.” Pitchford said, “How important hum an resources are. You d o n ’t always have to have the best com puter.” Malenfant described it as a return to the simple, basic principles of librarianship, “Helping people to enhance their education and their lives through reading books.” T hrough their w ork these th ree volunteers clearly fulfilled the WLP mission to “em pow er individuals an d enrich com m unities.” ■