ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 7101 C&RL News ■ December 2003 I N T E R N E T R E S O U R C E S Latin America on the Internet A bibliography by Rafael Tarragó W hen I becam e a collection development librarian specializing in Latin America in 1986, there w ere relatively few sites with information about Latin America. In those days o f gopher, w hen e-mail was a novelty, discussion groups and electronic lists were the most useful Internet sources o f informa­ tion on Latin America. In 1991 the First Inter-American Network­ ing Workshop was organized by the Organi­ zation of American States and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvim ento Cientifico e tech n o log ico o f Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. Twelve years later the Spanish-speaking ter­ ritories o f the w estern hem isphere are all online, the latest country to gain an Internet connection being Cuba. T oday the proliferation o f W eb sites, oftentimes unedited and unreliable, has made it necessary to rely on the expertise o f sub­ ject librarians. Librarians specializing in Latin America are able to determine which W eb sites are reliable, but tracking the explosive growth o f the Internet in that region is not an exact science. Several gateway sites are featured here, as well as the sites o f important institutions, sources o f news and statistics, special inter­ ests, electronic texts o f historical data and archives, and databases that require the user to pay a subscription fee. Gateway sites • Guide to B ra z ilia n In te r n e t. Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and a pioneer in the development o f digital infor­ mation in that region. This site includes links useful to social scientists, historians, and li­ brarians. Access: http ://w w w .fg v rj.b r/fg v / cpdoc/informat/guianet.html. • I n t e r n e t S o u r c e s f o r L a t i n A m e ric a . This gateway site, maintained by New M exico State University, is remarkable because of its coverage o f Web sites from or about Latin America and radical groups such as the Zapatistas in M exico. Access: • L a t i n A m e r i c a n I n t e r n e t R e ­ s o u rc e s . This site has links to hundreds of Web sites o f Latin American publications, governm ent agencies, and econom ic data. Access: http://sterling.holycross‚edu/depart- ments/history/alauria/advanced/. • L atin A m e ric a n Studies R e s o u rc e s. This Web site is dedicated to advanced re­ search in Latin American studies, including information about newspaper and rare peri­ odicals collections, primary sources on mi­ crofilm, and Latin American government data. Access: m ents/history/alauria/advanced/. • UT-LANIC. This site, m aintained by the Latin A m erican Netw ork Inform ation A b o u t th e a u th o r Ra fael Tarragó is librarian for Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University o f Minnesota, e-mail: r-tarr@umn. edu © 2003 Rafael Tarragó http://sterling C&RL News ■ December 2003 / 711 Center at the University o f Texas-Austin, is a veritable library o f links to sites re­ lated to Latin America. It includes the Web sites o f governm ent institutions, statistical data, bibliographies, an d inform ative ar­ ticles. Searches can be m ade by country o r b y s u b je c t . A c c e ss : h t t p : / / l a n i c . u te x as.ed u . S e a rc h S ite M ap A b o u t L a n ic Institutions • I n t e r - A m e r i c a n D e v e l o p m e n t B a n k . This site has inform ation on the b an k and on Latin America. It contains a database o f 26 m em ber countries eligible to b o rro w from th e Inter-A m erican D e­ v e lo p m e n t B ank. Access: h ttp ://w w w . iad b .o rg . • IRELA: I n s t i t u t o d e R e l a c i o n e s E u r o p e o -L a tin o A m e r ic a n a s . This site contains current information and events re­ lated to European-Latin American relations. Access: • Library o f C on gress H isp a n ic Read­ in g R oom . This site contains digital infor­ mation on Iberia and Latin America, includ­ ing country studies prepared by library staff and the online edition of the Handbook o f Latin American Studies, an annual bibliogra­ phy of monographs and scholarly articles about Latin America that has been published since 1939. Access: • O r g a n iz a tio n o f A m e r ic a n S ta tes (OAS). This site, w hich includes all Latin American countries except Cuba, has useful information concerning mem ber countries and its ow n organization and procedures. Access: http://w w • SALALM. This site contains informa­ tion on the activities of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Mate­ rials (SALALM), an international organization of librarians specializing in Latin America. Access: h t t p : / / l a t i n o . l i b . c o r n e l l .e d u / salalmhome. html. News and statistics • D a ily S u m m a r y o f N e w s p a p e r s . This site includes daily summaries of news­ papers from Latin America. Access: http :// www. spincom. mx/noticias .html. • E lecto ra l D ata Sets. This site includes electoral data from third-wave democracies (in clu d in g S outh A m erica) g a th e re d by Miguel Centellas at Western Michigan Uni­ versity. Access: h ttp ://w w w .cen tellas.o rg / politics/data. html. • LADARK: L a tin A m e r ic a n D e v e l­ o p m e n t A r c h iv e . This site gives access to the Ibero-A m erican D evelopm ent Elec­ tronic Archive at Johns H opkins Univer­ sity, w hich includes data sets an d other in fo rm a tio n u s e fu l to L atin o am e rica n - ists. Access: h ttp ://w w w .jh u .e d u /~ s o c / ladark.htm l. • L atin A m e r ic a n E n e r g y O p p o r tu ­ n itie s. This site, operated by Target Research, provides business intelligence on the Latin American oil, natural gas, petrochemical, and e le c tric ity in d u s trie s . Access: h t t p : / / Special interests • D e r e c h o s . This site is an excellent source to online information about human rights in Latin A m erica. Access: h tt p : / / • I n s titu to C u b a n o d e E c o n o m is ta s I n d e p e n d ie n te s . This site contains infor­ mation from the island, including reports on the econom y and public opinion. Access: http ://www. cubaicei. org. • P o p u la tio n R e s e a r c h C en ter. This site holds information on population and demography issues for the Caribbean and Central and South America. Access: h ttp :// www. pre. utexas. ed u . • R e l i g i o n i n L a tin A m e r ic a . This site provides information resources that com­ bines animated discussion with contem po­ ra ry r e s e a r c h . Access: h ttp : //w w w . providence. ed u /las. • W o m en in Latin A m erica. This site is dedicated to the promotion of networking and dialogue on issues related to women and culture in Latin America. Access: http://lasa. • Z ap atistas C o m m u n iq u e s. This site c o n ta in s th e c o m m u n iq u e s o f th e S u b c o m a n d a n te M arcos, le a d e r o f th e http://lanic http://lasa 7 12 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 the economy and public opinion. Access: Historical data and archives • E n v ir o n m e n t a l H is t o r y o f L atin A m erica. Online bibliography of English, Spanish, and Portuguese language books, articles, videos, and Web sites about the en­ vironmental history of Latin America. Access: • H istorical te x t archive. This site con­ tains archival information, including a section devoted to colonial Latin American history. Ac­ cess: • Latin A m erica n N a tio n a l A rch ives. This site contains information about the Na­ tional Archives of Latin American nation states. Access: h ttp ://w w w .u n e s c o .o rg / webworld/portal_archives/pages/A rchives/ National_Archives/. • M o d e m H i s t o r y S o u r c e b o o k (1 9 th C en tu ry L atin A m erica ). This is a valu­ able compilation of primary source Web sites. Access: h ttp ://w w w .fo rd h a m .e d u /h a lsall/ mod/modsbook32.html. Subscription databases • H i s p a n i c A m e r ic a n P e r i o d i c a l s I n d e x (HAPI). This online index provides access to the contents of over 400 social sciences and humanities academic periodi­ cals from and about Latin America from 1970 to the present. Produced by the UCLA Latin American Center, HAPI includes more than 200,000 citations to periodical articles. A c­ cess: • I n f o —L a tin o A m e r ic a . Formerly the Info-South database from the University o f Miami North-South Center, this site cov­ ers Latin American n ew sp ap er and g en ­ eral interest periodicals from 1988, but only from 1996 in full text. Access: h t t p : / / w w w .n is c .c o m /F ra m e /N IS C _ p ro d u c ts - f.h tm . • L a t i n A m e r i c a D a t a B a s e (L A D B ). P ro fe s s io n a l jo u rn a lis ts p r o ­ d u ce th re e w ee k ly e lec tro n ic b u lle tin s ab o u t M exico, C entral A m erica an d th e C aribbean, an d South America; available o n th e W eb o r b y e-m ail w ith a s u b ­ sc rip tio n . LADB’s se a rc h a b le archive of o v er 24,000 article s sin c e 1986 is u p ­ d a te d w eekly. Access: h ttp ://la d b .u m n . e d u /in f o /p ric e s . ■ http://ladb.umn