ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries A C RL Annual Report 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 new realities, new relationships m is s io n The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) enhances the effectiveness of academic and research librarians to advance learning, teaching, and research in higher education. 726 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Message from the President Helen H. Spalding A C R L ’s 64th P resident W hat a special privilege to serve as ACRL Presi­ dent during such a dynamic and productive year for ACRL. I want to thank the members, the Board, and the staff, whose collaboration and hard work resulted in such remarkable accom plishments! The theme for the 2002-03 presidential year, “New Re­ alities, N ew R e la tio n sh ip s,” acknow ledged the changing nature o f the environm ent in w hich we work, and the new relationships and partnerships that these changes inspire us to create. Facets o f the theme were addressed through many ACRL initia­ tives and achievements, including the following: • monthly C&RL News columns contributed by members; • section program m ing, particularly at the ALA Annual Conference in T oronto; • providing more visibility for the value o f academic and research libraries and librarians through increased media coverage; presenting at events, such as the A merican Association for Higher Education; and the Academic and Research Library Campaign (toolkits and manuals are now available through the ACRL Web site for use by members in designing strategic marketing plans for their own libraries); • breaking attendance records, setting the record for m ost first-tim e at­ tendees and m ost scholarship awardees, and providing unusually rich pro­ grams at this year’s National Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina; • funding six ALA Spectrum Scholarships and establishing the ACRL/E. J. Josey Spectrum Scholar M entor Program; • responding to member requests for a greater range o f professional de­ velopment opportunities by partnering with the TLT Group to offer a three- part online seminar series on information literacy and launching ACRL’s first online seminar, “All Users Are Local: Bringing the Library Next Door to the Campus W orldwide;” • creating a video to be used as a recruitment tool that showcases diverse librarians speaking passionately about the exciting and challenging work that academic and research librarians do; • strengthening cross-border relationships with the Canadian A ssocia­ tion o f College and U niversity Librarians and with the M exican Consejo N acional p ara A suntos B ibliotecarios de las In stituciones de E ducación Superior; • addressing scholarly com munication cost and fair use issues with the media and higher education leaders; and • establishing new electronic lists, one for those interested in scholarly communication issues, and one for those interested in marketing and advo­ cacy for academic and research libraries. C&RL News ■ December 2003 727 Message from the President Through the dedication and commitment of ACRL members and staff, the association has been able to achieve success and empower us to more effec­ tively facilitate learning, teaching, and research in our campus communities. ACRL Sponsorships for 2003 ACRL expresses its sincere appreciation to the following sponsors for their generous donations to the various programs and events we have offered throughout the year. With your corporate support, we were able to provide dynamic, high- quality programs for ACRL’s members. Colleagues Summa Cum Laude Blackwell’s Book Services Chemical Abstracts Service Docutek Information Systems Inc. EBSCO Information Services Elsevier Science Inc. Gale Group (Thomson) ProQuest Magna Cum Laude Endeavor Information Systems Swets Blackwell YBP Library Services Cum Laude 3M Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America Aux Amateurs de Livres International S.A.R.L. Charlotte Convention & Visitors Bureau CHOICE H. W. Wilson Foundation IDC Publishers Innovative Interfaces Jean Touzot Libraire-Editeur SI RSI Corporation Thomson/ISI D ean’s List Adam Matthew Publications Ltd. Bibliographical Society of America Brepols Publishers Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Casalini Libri, S.P.A. College & Research Libraries News Copyright Clearance Center Erasmus Boekhandel bv Goethe Institut Haworth Press Inc. Iberbook International Jones e-global Library K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH Lindsay & Howes Booksellers Otto Harrassowitz M ortar Board Antiquarian Booksellers of Canada Belser Wissenschaftlicher Dienst Ltd. Ben Kinmont, Bookseller Bruce McKittrick Rare Books Greater Minneapolis Convention and Visitors Bureau Nedbook International B.V. Philadelphia Rare Books and Manuscripts Reese Company SOLINET Springer Verlag New York Inc. Swann Galleries University Products Inc. 728 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Message from the Vice-President Tyrone H. Cannon Vice-President/President-Elect It was an honor to be elected ACRL’s vice-presi- dent/president-elect in May 2002. I enjoyed meet­ ing many of you during the year as I traveled to Atlanta, Philadelphia, Charlotte, and Toronto. The vice-presidential year is an exciting, challenging, and busy one, but the rewards of serving the asso­ ciation in this capacity are countless. My primary focus this past year was on developing the theme for 2002-03 and recruiting volunteers to serve on ACRL committees and task forces. I chose “Partnerships and Connections: The Learning Community as Knowledge Builders” as the theme for my presidential year because I be­ lieve strongly in the academic and research library’s teaching role. I wanted a theme that would underscore the teaching that academic and research librarians engage in to ensure that graduates are able to find and critically evaluate information and become excited about lifelong learning. I wanted a theme that would underscore the necessary partnerships that we need on our campuses to accomplish this important goal, explore ways to establish them, and salute those already in place. Cochairs o f the President’s Program Planning Committee, Herman L. Tot­ ten (University o f North Texas) and Julie Alexander (University of Texas- Arlington), are working with the committee on an excellent program for the 2004 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Monday, June 28, 2004, and ACRL sections are planning a diverse array of timely programs that will capture your interest. At the upcoming ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Diego, the President’s Program Committee will host a discussion forum, “Partnerships and Connections Come Alive!,” January 12,2004, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Patricia Senn Breivik will talk about the new joint academic/public library at San Jose State University, Ilene Rockman will discuss the new partnership with Edu­ cational Testing Service and major universities to assess the skills 21st- century students need to function in an inform ation society, and David Lewis of Indiana University at Purdue will highlight the library’s role in the university’s first-year experience program. The Nominations Committee, chaired by Albie Johnson (Wheelock Col­ lege), presented a strong slate of candidates for ACRL vice-president/presi- dent-elect on the 2004 ballot: Camila Alire (University of New Mexico) and Charles Kratz (University of Scranton). Kathleen Carney (Boston College) chaired the Appointments Committee and coordinated 118 appointments to ACRL committees, which included 30 reappointments, 15 new members, 19 interns moving to member slots, and 53 interns. I had the pleasure of speaking at the Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Conference. C&RL News ■ December 2003 720 Message from the Vice-President ACRL launched a com prehensive strategic planning initiative this year with data collection as the initial focus. ACRL conducted focus groups at the ACRL National Conference in Charlotte, held leadership and open ses­ sions at the Annual Conference in Toronto, and conducted telephone inter­ views with members, nonmembers, ALA-only members, inactive members of ACRL, and new members o f ACRL. ACRL 2003 Annual Conference Programs—Toronto ■ ACRL/CACUL Joint Presidents’ Program— New Realities, New Relationships Across Borders ■ AAMES— International Cooperation in Building Visual and Print Collections: Creating Metadata and Broadening of Information Services ■ ANSS— Oral Tradition, Copyright, and the Internet: Aboriginal Canada in the 21st Century ■ ARTS—Canadian Cinema: Hollywood of the North ■ @ your library—Survival in Academe: Marketing @ your library Workshop ■ CLS— Casting Our Nets or Ice Fishing? Recruiting Future College Librarians ■ CJCLS— How Are We Doing? Assessing Library Services ■ DLS— Crossing Our Own Borders: Partnering with Faculty and Instructional Designers in the Online Environment ■ EBSS—What’s Trump? Making Decisions About Professionalism and Ethics in a New Century ■ IS— Information Literacy in Higher Education: International Perspectives ■ LES—Canadian English Literature: A User’s Guide ■ LPSS— Crossing New Borders: The Impact of Globalization on Information Sources ■ Racial and Ethnic Diversity— Diversity Strategic Plans for Libraries ■ RBMS—True North: A Canadian Approach to National Book History: The History of the Book in Canada ■ STS— Partners in Science: An Exploration of a Scientist-Librarian Relationship ■ Status of Academic Librarianship— Status of Academic Librarians in the 21st Century ■ ULS—The Great Debate: The Library as Place ■ WESS—Across the Pond: New Research Library Networks in Europe and Across the Atlantic 730 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Letter from the Executive Director Mary Ellen K. Davis Executive D irector Despite a climate o f budget cuts and uncertainty in the higher education environment, ACRL mem­ bers significantly enriched the ACRL community by developing new tools to assist in advocacy efforts, publishing research in ACRL journals and books, developing new guidelines, responding to proposed governmental changes affecting infor­ mation resources, sharing ideas with colleagues at ACRL’s numerous events, and participating in focus groups and surveys to share their vision for ACRL. In 2003 ACRL members set a new attendance record at ACRL’s National Conference in Charlotte, April 10-13, an indication o f the high value they place on continual learning. ACRL’s flagship event offered a variety of ses­ sions from the visionary to the nitty-gritty to help academic and research librarians make more effective contributions to the research and educational mission of their institutions. ACRL expanded its professional development opportunities in 2003 by offering its inaugural online courses. Our first course on developing a plan to support distance learning was offered in the fall, and ACRL partnered with TLT Group to offer additional online courses in information literacy. New Webcasts from the National Conference were also developed so that learn­ ing can be brought to the desktop for those short on time and travel funding. ACRL offered more workshops and preconferences at the ALA conferences in order to provide time for learning as well as business. ACRL successfully launched the Academic and Research Library @ your library campaign in April 2003. This campaign provides tools and key mes­ sages, developed through consumer research, to help librarians become better advocates for libraries and librarians. Toolkits and sample materials are avail­ able on the ACRL Web site. I encourage you to customize these materials for use on your campuses, in your communities, with your funders, with your trustees, and in presenta­ tions at non-library conferences. Together we can raise the awareness o f the value o f librarians and libraries. Please take a moment to review the “M eet the Staff" section on pages 752-755. By the end o f 2003, ACRL had filled its remaining four vacancies. Please join me in welcoming David Connolly, Benjamin Hawk, Tory Edwards, and Megan Bielefeld. Our excellent staff is here for you, and we look forward to working with you. A special thanks to ACRL’s many corporate colleagues who have so gen ero u sly su pported A CR L’s p ro g ram s and services th is year. T heir continued support allows ACRL to enhance its services, which, in turn, enhances the ability o f ACRL’s mem bers to provide the highest-quality s e rv ic e s to th e ir ca m p u s c o m m u n itie s . T h a n k s, also , to th e m any C&RL News ■ December 2003 731 Year in Review F rien d s o f ACRL. T h eir d o n atio n s this y ear p ro v id ed ad d itio n al sch o l­ arsh ip s to th e N atio n al C onference. Working together, ACRL members can forge new partnerships, com muni­ cate the value o f librarians and libraries to our constituencies, share ideas and enhance our learning, and m ake A CRL the association o f choice for academic and research librarians. Services and Program s ACRL continued to address the needs o f academic and research librar­ ians, providing its varied menu o f high-quality services and programs and introducing several new ones. New collaborations have been developed w ithin ALA, with other higher education groups, and across borders with Canadian and Mexican colleagues. G reater visibility for the value o f w hat we do has been achieved through increased m edia coverage and the developm ent o f the A cadem ic and R e­ search Library Campaign materials. ACRL worked closely with ALA’s Public Inform ation Office and 3M to develop and implement the Academic and Research Library @ your library campaign, to better communicate the value o f academic and research librar­ ians and libraries to higher education and society. A CRL staff and leaders are frequently contacted for referrals, information on faculty status and ACRL standards and guidelines, inform ation regard­ ing technological advances, buildings, library systems in use, and inform a­ tion literacy. Academic and Research Library @ your library campaign As part o f @ your library, the Campaign for A m erica's Libraries, ACRL and ALA partnered to create a national m arketing effort. T he A cadem ic and Research Library Campaign was developed to heighten awareness and sup­ port o f academic and research li­ Key messages b r a r ie s an d to • College and research libraries are an essential part o f a ttr a c t m o re the learning community. q u a lity c a n d i­ • College and research libraries connect you w ith a dates to the pro­ world o f knowledge. fe s s io n . T h e • College and research libraries are investing in the c a m p a ig n w as future, w hile preserving the past. la u n c h e d d u r ­ ing ACRL’s 11th National Conference in Charlotte in April, which coincided with National Library Week. M embers o f ACRL’s @ your library task force, along with 40 academic and research librarians w ho participated in a strate­ gic planning and marketing session hosted by 3M Library Systems (a found­ ing partner o f the Campaigns for A m erica’s Libraries), were integral to the planning and implementation o f the campaign. As part o f the campaign, the @ your library Toolkit for Academic and Research Libraries was developed 732 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review and made available online and in print. The toolkit includes creative strategies, practical ideas, case studies and profiles, customizable press materials, and more. Downloadable graphics from the @ your library campaign have also been made available for use in developing your library’s marketing campaign. The success of these initiatives led the ACRL Board to establish a standing Committee on Marketing Academic and Research Libraries. Advocacy and government relations To address growing concerns about recruitm ent to the profession, ACRL created a joint task force in 2002 with the Association o f Research Libraries to look at recruitment issues. The goal o f this task force is to develop fresh strategies for recruiting and advancing a new generation o f talent for the profession o f academic librarianship to succeed in the 21st century. This year the task force worked on creating a recruitment video, which will be available at the end o f 2003. To advocate for academic library issues in the public policy arena, ACRL adopted the 2002 2003 Legislative Agenda, which focused on several legis­ lative and public policy areas that affect academic libraries. One major focus of the library community throughout this year has been reauthorization of and appropriations for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). On September 25, President Bush signed into law HR 13, the Museum and Li­ brary Services Act of 2003. This law funds library programs, including LSTA. The library community continues to advocate for funding of LSTA at the newly authorized level of $232 million. In response to a series of letters sent to college presidents last year from representatives of the recording industry, the leaders of six major higher- education organizations, and the Electronic Privacy Information Council, respectively, on the subject of file-sharing over computer networks, ACRL sent a letter to all academic library directors encouraging them to advise cam­ pus administrators on copyright to ensure that policies related to file-sharing allow for usage that is not in violation of copyright law and uphold fair use. ACRL used a variety of strategies to respond to these and many other issues, including the broadcast of Action Alerts over Legnet, ACRL’s Legis­ lative Network electronic list, which includes representatives from each ACRL chapter. The members of the network forward relevant legislative messages and calls for action to their chapter members, who can consult the ACRL Washington Watch Web page where materials about the Legislative Agenda issues are maintained. This Web page also keeps the academic community informed o f legislative issues that affect their libraries. Another advocacy service that ACRL offers to its members is the ACRL Legislative Update. Designed to keep members up-to-date about the status o f legislation and other public policy issues that affect academic libraries, updates are avail­ able to ACRL members as a free subscription e-mail newsletter. C&RL News ■ December 2003 733 Year in Review ACRL Award Winners 2003 ■ A c a d e m ic /R e s e a rc h L ib rarian o f th e Year (D onor: Y B P L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s ) R o s s A tk in s o n , C o rn e ll U n iv e rs ity ■ H u g h C . A tk in s o n M e m o ria l A w a rd (D o n o r: A C R L , A L C T S , L A M A , L IT A ) W e n d y P rad t L o ugee , U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta ■ D o c to r a l D is s e rta tio n F e llo w s h ip (D o n o r: T h o m s o n ISI) Y ung rang L a u ra C h e n g , Ind iana U niversity, B lo o m in g to n , fo r “T h o u g h ts , Feelings, an d A ctions: Q ua ntitative C om p ariso ns of Inte ra c tio n s an d R ela tio n s h ip s am o n g T h re e Factors in C o lleg e S tu d e n ts ’ Inform a tion S e e k in g ” ■ E x c e lle n c e in A c a d e m ic L ib ra rie s (D on or: B la c k w e ll’s B o o k S e rv ic e s ) C ity C o lle g e of S a n F ra n c is c o B a ru c h C olleg e, C ity U n iv e rs ity of N ew York Lo yola U niversity, N ew O rle a n s ■ S a m u e l L a z e r o w F e l l o w s h i p ( D o n o r: T h o m so n IS I) K a th a rin e T. F a rre ll, P rin c e to n U n iv e rs ity , a n d M a rc T ru itt, U n iv e rs ity o f N o tre D a m e fo r “ P ro p o s a l to D e v e lo p S ta n d a rd s fo r A c q u is itio n s D a ta in In te g ra te d L ib ra ry S y s ­ te m s " ■ K. G . S a u r A w ard fo r B est A rtic le in C & R L (Donor: R. R. Bowker/K. G. S a u r Publishing) Lila F a u lk n e r a n d K a rla H a h n , U n iv e rs ity o f M a ry ­ land , fo r “ E v a lu a tiv e U s a g e -B a s e d M e tric s fo r th e S e le c tio n of E -J o u rn a ls ” ■ C J C L S A w a r d s (D o n o r: E B S C O In fo rm a ­ tio n S e rv ic e s ) L e a r n in g R e s o u r c e s /L ib r a r y P ro g ram A w ard : B aton R oug e C o m m u n ity C o l­ lege L e a r n in g R e s o u r c e s / L e a d e r s h i p A w a r d : M a ry C arr, S p o k a n e C o m m u n ity C o lle g e ■ E B S S D is tin g u is h e d E d u c a tio n a n d B e ­ havior S ciences Librarian: llene F. Rockman, Cali­ fornia State University Office of the C hancellor ■ IS A w a r d s M iriam D u d le y A w a rd (Donor: E ls e v ie r Science): Loanne Snavely, Pennsylvania State University Innovation A w a rd (Donor: Lexis-N exis): Instructor College Task Force (Laurie Alexander, Joy Cichewicz, K aren D ow ning, Lauri S utch, an d P atricia Yocum), U niversity of M ich ig a n -A n n A rb o r P u b lic a tio n A w a rd : J a m e s K. E lm b o rg , U n iv e r­ s ity o f Iow a , fo r “T e a c h in g a t th e D e s k : T o ­ w a rd a R e fe re n c e P edagogy,” p o rta l: L ib ra r­ ie s a n d the A c a d e m y (2 002) ■ L P S S /M a rta L a n g e A w a rd (D o n o r: C o n ­ g r e s s io n a l Q u a rte rly ) R o s e m a ry A lle n L ittle (p o s th u m o u s ), P rin c e to n U n iv e rs ity ■ R B M S /L e a b E x h i b i t i o n C a t a l o g u e A w a rd s (D onor: K a th a rin e K y e s a n d D a n ie l J. Le a b E n d o w m e n t) D ivisio n 1 ( E xpensive): D e v ic e s o f W ond er: F rom th e W o rld in a B o x to Im a g e s o n a S c re e n , G e tty R e s e a rc h In stitu te D ivisio n 1 H ono rable M e n tio n: J o h a n n e s L e b e k : The A rtis t a s a W itn e s s o f H is Time, S tanford U n iv e rs ity D ivision 2 (M oderately E xpensive): S a c re d S paces: B u ild in g a n d R e m e m b e rin g S ite s o f W orsh ip in the N in e te e n th C entury, C o lle g e o f th e H o ly C ro s s D iv is io n 3 ( In e x p e n s iv e): V ic to ria n s , M o d e rn s , B e a ts : N e w in the B e rg C ollectio n, 1994-2001, N ew Y ork P u b lic L ib ra ry D ivisio n 4 ( B r o ch ures): V irg in ia R o o ts M u s ic : C re a tin g a n d C o n s e rv in g Tradition, L ib ra ry of V irg in ia D ivisio n 4 H ono rable M e n tio n: A L o v e A ffa ir w ith L in e D ra w in g s b y A I H irs c h fe ld , P ie rp o n t M o r­ ga n Library. ■ O b e rly A w a r d fo r B ib lio g r a p h y in th e A g r ic u ltu r a l o r N a tu ra l S c ie n c e s (D o n o r: E u n ic e R o c k w o o d O b e r ly M e m o r ia l F u n d ) D avid G. Frodin, R oyal B o ta n ic G arden s, U nited K in g d o m fo r “S ta n d a rd F lo ras o f th e W o rld ” ■ W E S S /C o u tts N ijh o ff G ran t (D on or: C o u tts N ijh o ff In te rn a tio n a l): M ic h a e l P. O ls o n , H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity ■ W S S A w a r d s C areer A ch ievem en t (Donor: G re enw ood P ub­ lishing Group): R uth H. D ickste in , U n iv e rs ity of A riz o n a S ig n ific a n t A c h ie v e m e n t (D onor: R outle dge ): S h e rri B a rn e s , U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia -S a n ta B a rb a ra 734 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review ACRL continued its strong showing at the A LA Legislative Day. To fur­ ther educate academic librarians on the im portancè o f legislative advocacy and to in fo rm them o f the details o f specific le g isla tiv e issues affecting academ ic libraries, A CR L sponsored a luncheon pro g ram attended by 45 academ ic librarians. A t the luncheon, attorney T hom as Susm an discussed the effects o f Septem ber 11 on the current legislative and judicial environ­ ment. Claudette Tennant, from the ALA W ashington Office, spoke about the effect o f the USA PATRIOT A ct on academic libraries. A Focus on the Future Task Force collected data in a variety o f settings to identify key issues in academ ic librarianship th at the profession needs to address. In Novem ber 2002, the task force published the article “Top Issues Facing Academic Libraries: A Report o f the Focus on the Future Task Force” in C&RL News. A program on these issues was held at the ACRL N ational Conference in Charlotte. As part o f ACRL’s advocacy awareness, ACRL continued placing ads in the Chronicle o f H ig h er Education, focusing on the contributions libraries make to the campus learning community. Awards S ince 1923, the A CRL Awards P rogram has reco g n ized and hon o red the p rofessional contributions and achievem ents o f academ ic libraries and li­ brarians. This special recognition by ACRL enhances the sense o f personal growth and accom plishm ent o f our mem bers, provides our m em ­ bership with role models, and strengthens the image o f our m em ­ bership in the eyes o f em ployers, leadership, and the academ ic com munity as a whole. In 2003, 24 o u tstan d in g in d iv id u als and in stitu tio n s receiv ed A CR L aw ards rec o g n izin g th e ir acco m p lish m en ts. A C R L ’s top honor, the A cadem ic/R esearch L ib rarian o f the Year Award was presented to Ross A tkinson, associate university librarian for col­ lections at Cornell University, for his dedication as an outstanding mem ber o f the library profession w ho has made a significant con­ tribution to academic librarianship and library development. ACRL’s Excellence in Academic Libraries Award recognizes the staff o f a com munity college, a college, and a university library for ex e m p la ry p ro g ra m s th a t d e liv e r o u tsta n d in g se rv ic es and r e ­ sources to further the educational m ission o f their institutions. This y ear’s recipients were the City College o f San Francisco; Baruch College, the City U niversity o f New York; and Loyola U niversity-N ew Orleans. The award, sponsored by ACRL and B lackw ell’s B ook Services, includes a presentation ceremony on the campus o f each award-winning library. Chapters A CR L extends its reach into the local academic library com m unity through the activities o f its chapters. O ffering opportunities for academic librarians C&RL News ■ December 2003 735 Year in Review to m eet and share experiences in their regions, ACRL chapters sponsored more than 40 programs across the United States, and ACRL officers visited chapters in Eastern New York, Missouri, Utah, Illinois, and Wisconsin as guest speakers. Sections S eventeen sections p rovide m em bers w ith opportunities to advance the know ledge base o f the profession, develop leadership skills, m entor col­ leagues, and share their expertise and ideas. Sections also develop and maintain standards and guidelines for directing the development and future directions o f the profession. Sections offered 14 stim ulating program s and 2 preconferences at the ALA A nnual Conference in Toronto in the areas o f copyright, metadata, recruitment, assessment, collection management, ethics, information literacy, partnerships, staff, and facilities. At O ctober’s Frankfurt Book Fair, five ACRL representatives from W estern European Studies Section hosted an exhibit promoting ACRL’s products and services, as well as American college and university libraries, at the world’s largest trade fair devoted to the book. ACRL Membership Statistics A C R L P e r s o n a l O r g a n iz a t io n a l A u g u s t 2 0 0 3 A u g u s t 2 0 0 2 % in c r e a s e or S e c t io n s to ta l to ta l d e c r e a s e A C R L 11,259 8 8 2 1 2 ,1 7 4 11,717 + 3.9 % A A M E S 3 3 0 4 9 381 3 9 2 - 2.8 1 % A FA S 2 3 5 18 2 5 4 25 2 + 0 .7 9 % A N S S 4 2 9 5 6 4 8 5 50 3 - 3 .5 8% A R T S 7 1 5 7 3 7 8 9 7 5 0 + 5 .2 0 % C J C L S 1,040 191 1,235 1,205 + 2 .4 9 % C LS 2 ,1 8 0 24 2 2 ,4 2 7 2 ,2 6 9 + 6 .9 6 % D LS 1,438 7 0 1,509 1,463 + 3 .1 4 % E B S S 7 8 9 141 93 0 93 6 - 0 .6 4 % IS 3 ,5 8 0 3 3 8 3 ,9 1 9 3 ,8 6 6 + 1.37% LE S 5 4 8 10 55 8 5 4 0 + 3 .3 3 % L P S S 5 1 3 6 8 5 8 4 56 5 + 3 .3 6 % R B M S 1,4 74 142 1,6 17 1,596 + 1 .3 2 % S E E S 178 3 9 2 1 9 2 1 3 + 2 .8 2 % S TS 1,406 162 1,569 1,561 + 0 .5 1 % U LS 4 ,8 8 5 2 5 0 5,141 5 ,0 5 2 + 1 .7 6 % W E S S 5 1 8 4 3 5 6 5 5 4 8 + 3.1 0% W S S 47 3 4 7 5 2 0 5 1 6 + 0 .7 8 % 736 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review Section representatives welcomed first-time ACRL national conference attendees at a special orientation in Charlotte, North Carolina. ARTS, Dis­ tance Learning Section, and Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) redesigned their brochures. The College Libraries Section held vir­ tual meetings in lieu of holding sessions at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. EBSS took a leadership role in responding to the proposed elimination of the ERIC Clearinghouse by the Department of Education. The EBSS “Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers” was approved by the Board. Section member­ ship committees staffed the ACRL booth at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia and the ACRL National Conference in Charlotte. Standards and guidelines ACRL is the source that the higher education community looks to for stan­ dards and guidelines on academic libraries. ACRL promulgates standards and guidelines to help libraries, academic institutions, and accrediting agen­ cies understand the elements of a high-quality library. ACRL has created a total of 29 standards, guidelines, and model statements that are reviewed and updated by the membership on a regular basis. All of ACRL’ s standards and guidelines are posted on the ACRL Web site (, click on “Standards and Guidelines.”) Newly approved or revised standards for 2003 include “Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline”; “Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers” ; “Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries”; and “Guidelines Regarding Thefts in Li­ braries.” A draft was also created of “Standards for Libraries in Higher Edu­ cation” which, when approved, will replace the standards for college, uni­ versity, and community, junior, and technical learning resources programs. A Code of Ethics for Special Collections Librarians was approved by the ACRL Board to replace the “Standards for Ethical Conduct for Rare Book, Manu­ script, and Special Collections Librarians.” Partnerships and collaborations ACRL collaborated with the higher education community in a variety of ways to define and illustrate the role o f libraries in learning, teaching, and research. ACRL continued to show a strong presence at the meeting o f other higher education associations and at library-focused events. Along with several other academic and research librarians, ACRL President Helen Spalding spoke at the Rally for America’s Libraries on the impact of budget cuts on our services and users. Spalding also spoke at the Missouri Library Association Annual Conference, Utah Library Association Annual Conference, the East­ ern Illinois University Booth Library rededication, and the Appalachian State University library groundbreaking (along with ACRL Executive Director Mary Ellen Davis). Davis and Spalding spoke at the American Association for Higher Educa- C&RL News ■ December 2003 737 Year in Review tion Provosts Dinner in March on “Changing Realities for Higher Education.” The presentation reviewed scholarly communication issues, less access to in­ formation, and public policy issues, including PATRIOT Act, PATRIOT Act II, copyright, and fair use. ACRL President Helen Spalding signed a cross-border agreement, on be­ half o f ACRL, along with a representative of the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL) to reaffirm a mutual commitment between ACRL and CACUL to promote international activities among aca­ demic and research librarians and educators. A similar agreement is expected to be signed with the N ational Council o f H igher Education Libraries in Mexico. Scholarly communication FY 2003 was the first year of the ACRL Scholarly Communication program. A part-time visiting program officer for scholarly communication was hired and began to work with the Scholarly Communication Committee to implement the work plan as recommended. The effort to develop principles of scholarly communication for ACRL resulted in a document approved by the Board in June 2003 and forms the basis for all ACRL activity in this area. Significant progress took place in the areas of coalition-building and ad­ vocacy. ACRL collaborated with other library associations in the Informa­ tion Access Alliance to develop a white paper encouraging greater scrutiny o f mergers of serial publication publishers in relation to antitrust enforce­ ment; the paper was submitted to the U.S. Department o f Justice. Also in collaboration with other library organizations, ACRL commented on the pro­ posed demise o f PubScience. In addition, ACRL staff worked closely with its Educational and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) and the ALA Washington Office regarding the ERIC contract. Programmatically, the ACRL Scholarly Communication Discussion Group has become active and is now supported by an e-mail discussion list that has several hundred participants. The Scholarly Communication Committee continues to work with SPARC to sponsor a forum at each ALA conference and at appropriate venues, such as the ACRL N ational Conference. The program officer has been invited to speak at several state or regional library associations. Critical to the program is the development of the scholarly communication toolkit. Work on the toolkit began in the spring, and its structure was vetted by the Scholarly Communication Committee in June. Information literacy Recognizing the important educational role libraries play, ACRL continued its work in information literacy. A number o f information literacy resources and initiatives were developed this year. The AASL/ACRL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy was created to continue the work o f the AASL/ACRL Information Literacy Task Force. The committee will focus on how to prepare K -2 0 students to be infor- 738 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review m ation literate and w ill p ro v id e ch an n els o f com m u n icatio n to the re sp e c ­ tive divisions. T he A CR L B oard approved “C h aracteristics o f P rogram s o f In fo rm atio n L iteracy th a t Illu stra te B est P ractices: A G u id elin e” and “G u id elin es for In stru ctio n P rogram s in A cadem ic L ib raries” in June 2003. A CR L p artn ered w ith TLT G roup to o ffer a th ree-p art o n lin e sem inar series on th e topic o f in form ation literacy and developed its own online sem inar, “A ssessin g S tudent L earn in g O utcom es.” T h e criteria developed d u rin g 2 0 0 2 ’s B est P ractices in In fo rm atio n L it­ eracy Invitational C onference w ere incorporated into a preconference, “Best P ractices in In fo rm atio n L iteracy: A ssessin g Your P rogram ,” offered at the A CR L N atio n al C o n feren ce in C harlotte. R equests fo r the “Inform ation L iteracy Com petency S tandards for H igher E d u catio n ” co n tin u e to com e in, w ith a to tal o f 3,487 standards shipping ou t in FY 03; the standards w ere also accessed an average o f 2,500 tim es each m onth on the A CR L Web site. A CRL co n tin u es to resp o n d to req u ests fo r p erm issio n to tran slate these standards in to languages o th e r than E n ­ glish. C urrently, the “In fo rm a tio n L iteracy C o m p eten cy S tan d a rd s” are available in G reek and Spanish; tran slatio n s in to G erm an and C h in ese are underw ay. P ro fessio nal d e velo p m en t C o n tin u o u s learn in g is very im p o rtan t to the A C R L m em bership. To m eet this o n going need, A CR L o ffered a diverse slate o f p ro fessio n al d ev elo p ­ m ent activities. D uring 2 0 0 2 -0 3 , o ver 3,000 in d iv id u als p articip a ted in events, in clu d in g the N atio n al C onference, p reco n feren ces, w orkshops, in ­ stitu tes, and e-learning. Preconferences ACRL preconferences, held in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference, con­ tinue to provide academic and research librarians with tips, tools, and new ways of thinking. Three preconferences were held in Toronto, with 317 individuals partici­ pating: ■ 44th Annual Rare Books and Manuscripts Preconference— True/False: Facsimiles, Fakes, Forgeries, and Issues of Authenticity in Special Collections ■ Planning Collaborative Spaces in Libraries: An ACRL/CNI Preconference ■ Planning Instructional Opportunities forTargeted Populations C&RL News ■ December 2003 739 Year in Review National Conference In April, ACRL offered its premier professional development event— its 11th National Conference, “Learning to M ake a D ifference.” The conference, chaired by Larry Hardesty (Austin College), attracted more than 3,400 indi­ viduals, breaking previous attendance records. A m ong the records set were those for the m ost first-tim e conference attendees (900+) and the m o st sc h o la rsh ip awardees (8 students • “This conference opened my eyes to many and 64 lib ra ria n s). issues facing the profession, and gave me lots of C o nference a tte n d information to take back to my library.” ees w ere able to • “I think ACRL is one of the best conferences choose from more than offered academic librarians. The presentations are 250 p ro g ram s and always o f the highest quality, and I always come p rec o n fe re n ce s. A t­ away from there with great enthusiasm and lots tendees also had the o f good ideas.” o p p o rtu n ity to learn • “The ACRL National Conference provides ab o u t new v en d o r excellent opportunities for intellectual stim ula­ products and services tion, professional development, and networking from the 169 com pa­ with colleagues. The focus on academic and re­ nies that exhibited at search libraries yields very relevant sessions and 246 10x10 booths and sp eak ers.”— 1 1th A C R L N a tio n a l Conference 18 tabletop exhibits. a tten d ees More than 9 out of 10 attendees (93.8%) characterized their experience at the 2003 ACRL National Conference as positive. Their m ajor goals in attending were a desire for professional development (83.2%), program content (66.2%), and network­ ing and sharing ideas with colleagues (58.1%). Nearly all respondents (97.9%) would be likely to recommend the ACRL National Conference to a colleague. ACRL aims to retain the best activities and services from previous con­ ferences and introduce some new activities to better meet member needs. In Charlotte ACRL offered these enhancements: • @ your library campaign: The academic and research library portion of the cam paign was “launched” in Charlotte. A preconference on strategic marketing was offered (all 62 slots sold out), and every National Conference Workshops @ Midwinter Meeting Due to their popularity, ACRL offered workshops prior to the ALA Midwinter Meet­ ing for the second time. These workshops continue to be well-received, with a total of 115 individuals attending in Philadelphia: ■ Behaviors that Burden the Workplace ■ Creating a Continuous Assessment Environment 740 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review attendee received the brand new @ your library Toolkit fo r Academic and Research Libraries. • first-tim e attendee orientation session: This session provided an over­ view of the conference and tips on making the most of both the conference and ACRL membership. Nearly 200 individuals attended the orientation. • product update and poster sessions: An increased number of both the product update sessions and poster sessions were held in Charlotte. • slide show: M embers of the local arrangements committee prepared a photographic slide show of conference events that was shown in the ball­ room prior to the closing keynote session. ACRL’s 12th National Conference, “Currents and Convergence: Navigat­ ing the Rivers o f Change,” will be held in Minneapolis, April 7-10, 2005. Camila Alire (University of New Mexico) will chair the conference. Bookmark! Immersion programs To help librarians and institutions develop and implement information lit­ eracy programs on their campuses, ACRL’s Institute for Information Literacy offered both a regional and national Immersion Program. These four-and-a- half day programs provided two tracks o f intensive training and education. Track 1 focused on individual development for librarians interested in en­ hancing or extending their indi­ • “Immersion was a great learning experience that vidual in stru ctio n skills w hile will allow me to improve my institution, not to mention Track 2 focused on developing, a significant personal challenge!” integrating, or managing institu­ • “Immersion was definitely the best library-related tional and programmatic informa­ learning experience I ever had!” tion literacy programs. • “For IL librarians, this is the best professional de­ T h e re g io n a l Im m e rsio n velopment opportunity available, period. Focused, in­ Program was held at Coe Col­ ten se, p ro d u ctiv e, ongoing … you c a n ’t ask for lege, July 11-16, 2003. This year, m ore.”— Imm ersion participants ACRL licensed the Im m ersion Program to Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM). Forty-seven individuals participated in the program and, for the first time, teaching faculty attended with their librarians. Eighty- two percent of the regional Immersion ’03 respondents rated their experience as positive. The national Immersion Program took place at the University of Rhode Island, August 1-6, 2003, with 88 individuals, selected from a com­ petitive applicant pool o f 149, participating in the program. Ninety-one per­ cent of the respondents rated their experience at the National Immersion ’03 program as positive. The 2004 national Immersion Program will be held at the University of Washington, July 30-August 4, 2004. Leadership institutes Another very successful ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute was held Au­ gust 3-8, 2003, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ninety-seven individuals at­ tended with another eight still on the waiting list. These eight will be offered C&RL News ■ December 2003 741 Year in Review early-bird registration for the 2004 program, which has already been sched­ uled for A ugust 8-1 3 , 2004. W hen asked to provide a quick characterization o f their experience at the institute, 86 percent said it was “very positive,” and 14 percent said it was “somewhat positive.” e-learning ACRL launched its first online seminar, “All Users Are Local: Bringing the Library N ext D oor to the Campus Worldwide,” in November 2002, offering it a total o f three times in FY 2003. The sem inar provides librarians w ith the tools they need to develop a program to support distance education at their institutions. A second online sem inar, “A ssessing Student L earning O u t­ comes,” was developed by ACRL over the summ er o f 2003 to be offered in the fall. Online seminars feature real-tim e chat discussions, threaded discus­ sion lists, and 24/7 access to course materials. In the spring o f 2003, ACRL partnered with TLT Group to offer a three-part online sem inar series on inform ation literacy. The series includes seminars on best practices, collaboration, and assessm ent. ACRL added six new e-learning Webcasts to its catalog in 2003 on topics such as u sability testing, scholarly com m unication, and assessm ent. The new Webcasts are o f programs from ACRL’s 2003 N ational Conference and feature stream ing audio synchronized with speakers’ Pow erPoint presenta­ tions and supplem ental materials. These sessions offer convenient, afford­ able professional developm ent opportunities. Publications In 2003, ACRL published seven new titles, plus the three volumes o f the 2001 academ ic library statistics. C h o ice s’s O utstanding A ca d em ic Titles 1 9 9 8 - 2002 was published as a continuation o f the previous best-selling com pila­ tion from 1992-1997 and the Proceedings o f the A C R L Eleventh N ational Conference was published in both print and electronic versions. ACRL Journals ■ Choice— Book review journal of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August combined). ■ College & Research Libraries—Official scholarly journal of ACRL; six bimonthly issues per year,, click on “Publications” ■ College & Research Libraries News—Official news magazine of ACRL; 11 issues per year (July/August combined), ■ RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage—A journal of theory and practice covering all aspects of special collections librarianship; two issues per year,, click on “Publications” 742 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review Choice During 2003, Choice launched or began work on several new initiatives while still coping with a continuing economic slowdown that included at least one unanticipated challenge, the R ow eC om /divine bankruptcy. This unhappy development reduced Choice revenues by an estimated $35,000 to $45,000 as Choice, along w ith m any other scholarly publishers, agreed to grace those libraries which, as form er Row eCom /divine custom ers, had ordered but were unable to pay for Choice materials as a result o f RoweCom’s bank­ ruptcy. Fortunately, this did not prevent Choice from closing 2003 with a m odest surplus. M eanw hile the editorial program continued apace as Choice published 6,828 new reviews in 2003, its highest output in recent years. Choice also published ten new bibliographic essays and several new special features. Other significant Choice initiatives in 2003 included: • The addition o f a usage statistics module to the Site License Edition of ChoiceReview • The continued development o f the “Forthcoming Reference” feature on In November, the 2 0 0 3 -0 4 edition o f this popular feature became the first to be released simultaneously in print and on CRO. • The July pub licatio n o f O utstanding A ca d em ic Titles, 1 9 98-2002, a five-year compilation o f Choice OAT reviews edited by Rebecca A. Bartlett, Choice humanities editor. This clothbound title is now available from ACRL. • The August 2003 publication o f Web VII. This year’s Web issue contains review s o f some 602 selected Internet resources, including 37 new sites. New Monograph Titles for 2002-03 ■ Standards an d A ssessm en t f o r A cadem ic L ibraries: A Workbook, W illiam N eal N elson and Robert Fernekes ■ Recruitment, Retention, an d R estructuring: H um an R esources in A cadem ic Libraries, Ad Hoc Task Force on Recruitm ent and Retention Issues, ACRL Personnel Administrators and S taff Development Officers Discussion Group ■ First Year Student Library Instruction Programs, CLIP Note #33, D ebbie Malone and Carol Videon, compilers ■ Learning to M ake a Difference, Proceedings o f the ACRL 11th National Conference A pril 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina ■ D escriptive C ataloging o f A ncient, M edieval, R enaissance, a n d E arly M odern M anuscripts, G regory Pass ■ C H O IC E ’S O utstanding A cadem ic Titles, 1998-2002: Reviews o f Scholarly Titles that Every Library Should Own, Rebecca A. Bartlett, editor ■ The D ig ita l R eference Research A genda, P ublications in L ibrarianship no. 55, R. David Lankes, Scott Nicholson, Abby Goodrum, editors ■ A C R L 2001 Academ ic Library Trends and Statistics (3 volumes), Center for Survey Research, University o f Virginia, compiler C&RL News ■ December 2003 743 Year in Review This highly popular reference tool is available for sale at the Choice Web site, w w • The appearance in the September issue o f two special features, “Looking Beyond 9/11: A Selection o f Choice Reviews” and “The Post-9/11 World: Recent and Forthcoming Titles, 2003-2004.” In addition, during 2003 Choice began formal planning for two ambitious new projects, a w holly new edition o f C hoiceR eview (known in­ house as CRO2) and Resources fo r College Libraries (RCL), an electronic product designed as the long-aw aited successor to B ooks f o r College L i­ braries. CRO2 is expected to launch in 2005, RCL in 2006 or 2007. C&RL News College & Research Libraries News continued to provide new s, articles offering practical solutions to com ­ mon challenges, and reviews o f Web resources. A new bimonthly column, “Job o f a Lifetime,” was launched in Novem ber 2002 to highlight innovative and unusual positions in academic and research librarianship. C&RL W illiam Gray Potter successfully com pleted one year as editor o f C&RL. Thirty-one articles were published in the journal, which continues to be the p re m ie r jo u rn a l o f s c h o larly c o m m u n ic atio n in th e fie ld o f acad em ic librarianship, with an acceptance rate o f approximately 35 percent. R B M Vol. 3, No. 2 and Vol. 4, No. 1 o f RBM: A Journal o f Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage were published. The two issues featured articles and opinion on special collections and the cultural and theoretical influences that affect how collections are put together. The coeditors, M arvin Taylor and Lisa Browar, resigned in midterm due to career commitments. Following a search and interview s at the 2003 M idw inter M eeting, Richard Clement was named as new editor. He worked with the outgoing editors in the pro­ duction o f Vol. 4, No. 1 and began a full three-year term beginning at the 2003 ALA Annual Conference. His first issue was Vol. 4, No. 2 in fall 2003. Full text o f articles from back issues were placed on the ACRL Web site going back to Vol. 13, No. 1 o f RBML. There is a one-year embargo on electronic publica­ tion o f RBM articles. ACRL Web site In tandem with the ALA-wide move to a Web content management system, ACRL launched a redesigned Web site in April. In addition to providing an 744 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Review updated look for ACRL, the site features a new navigation structure and intui­ tive interface to simplify access to the array o f association information avail­ able online. The reorganization o f the site was based on usability testing with ACRL members. A number o f items to be made available for ACRL or ALA members only were identified at the ALA Annual Conference for a fall 2003 roll-out. Statistics The 2002 Academic Library Statistics project had a total number of respon­ dents of 1,603 or 52.2 percent. The 2001 survey used the ARL survey without modification, in part to allow ARL libraries to complete the trends section only and allow ACRL to im port their data directly into its database. The trends section reported data on the use of space in academic libraries. As in previous years, the print publication is available in three volumes according to Carnegie classification as well as online as an electronic publication. Access is fee-based and includes searching, selection of institutions into a separate file, and display of data in tabular or graphical form to facilitate peer com parisons. C&RL News ■ December 2003 745 ACRL Board of D irectors, 2 0 0 2 - 0 3 ACRL B o a rd 2 0 0 2 -0 3 (I t o r): (b a c k ) W . B e d e M it c h e ll, P a tric ia A . K re itz , D e b o r a h B. D a n c ik , T h e re s a S. B y rd , R o b e r t F. Rose, P a m e la S n e ls o n ; ( f r o n t ) P a tric ia A . W a n d , M a ry E lle n K. D avis, H e le n H. S p a ld in g , T y ro n e H. C a n n o n , E rik a C. L in k e , R ita Jones. N o t s h o w n : Lois H. C h e p e ro n a n d M a r y R e ic h e l. ACRL Board of Directors, 2002-03 P r e s i d e n t H e le n H. S p a ld in g , U n iv e rs ity o f M is s o u ri-K a n s a s C ity V i c e - p r e s i d e n t / P r e s i d e n t - e l e c t T yrone H. C a n n o n P a s t - P r e s i d e n t M a ry R e ic h e l, A p p a la c h ia n S ta te U n iv e rs ity B u d g e t & F in a n c e C o m m itte e C h a ir E rik a Lin ke , C a rn e g ie M e llo n U n iv e rs ity A C R L C o u n c ilo r P a tric ia A. W a n d , A m e ric a n U n iv e rs ity D ire c to rs -a t-la rg e T h e re s a S. B yrd, O h io W e s le y a n U n iv e rs ity Lo is H. C h e re p o n , S a in t J o h n ’s U n iv e rs ity D e b o ra h B. D a n c ik , U n iv e rs ity o f A lb e rta R ita J o n e s , C ity C o lle g e o f S a n F ra n c is c o P a tric ia K re itz, S ta n fo rd L in e a r A c c e le ra to r C e n te r W. B e d e M itc h e ll, G e o rg ia S o u th e rn U n iv e rs ity R o b e rt F. R ose, U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in -E a u C la ire P a m e la S n e ls o n , F ra n k lin a n d M a rs h a ll C o lle g e E x e c u tiv e D ir e c to r (E x -o ffic io ) M a ry E lle n K. D avis, A C R L /A L A 74 6 1 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial Report Erika Linke Budget an d F inance Comm ittee C hair ACRL’s budget performance exceeded the budget projections for the fiscal year 2002-03. At the end o f the fiscal year, the ACRL Operating Fund Bal­ ance totaled $2,213,971. The Choice Operating Fund Balance closed the year with $1,173,291. These budget figures, and those throughout this report, are based on the unaudited fourth quarter budget reports and unaudited final closing. ACRL manages dynamic and fluid budgets. In this report, the operating budget will be highlighted. The impact o f a weaker economy has been felt in this current budget year. Decreased revenues in several areas were offset partially by reduced spending and open staff positions and bolstered by a successful ACRL National Conference. It was anticipated that two factors during the fiscal year—reduced travel funds in libraries and concern about SARS— might negatively affect National Conference attendance. In reality, those factors did not appear to influence participation and attendance at the conference. 2002-2003 operatinq budqet hiqhliqhts ACRL’s operating revenues o f $2,910,148 (excluding Choice) exceeded the projected budgeted revenue by $106,512. W ithout a strong perform ance from the National Conference, operating revenue would have been down substantially. Another source o f operating revenue is membership dues. As membership costs rise, the association has drawn on conference net rev­ enue and reserves to offset the costs associated with membership activities such as support o f sections, com mittees, and chapters and perquisites of membership, such as journal publications. Revenue from publications did not meet budget projections. No publication product group met budgeted revenues. Weakened advertising and lower than projected sales also took a toll on revenue. The only bright spot for revenue was the National Conference. Revenues f r o m … B u d g eted A c tu a l M embership Dues $447,674 $459,010 C& RL $163,259 $145,093 C&RL News $504,026 $436,101 Pre & Post Conferences $142,105 $94,091 R B M $36,941 $30,830 Nonperiodical Pubs $165,400 $101,394 Library Statistics $90,637 $60,617 C&RL News ■ December 2003 747 Financial Report O perating expenses o f $2,468,508 (excluding Choice) w ere $458,639 less than budget. C ontaining expenses and open staff positions offset the re ­ duced revenue. Reduced expenses and cost containm ent, com bined w ith a sound National Conference, resulted in a net o f $441,640 instead o f a bud­ geted over expense o f $ 123,511. Choice’s actual revenue o f $2,283,116 in 2002-03 was down from the bud­ geted revenue by $241,214. Expenses for Choice totaled $2,275,320, reflect­ ing reduced expenses by $251,884. As a result, the budget showed a small net o f $7,796 instead o f a projected negative net o f $2,874. Choice revenues declined as major advertisers scaled back marketing and advertising. Licens­ ing revenues were flat. Choice gained new subscribers, and p rin t subscriptions continued to decline. A nother im pact on revenue was the RoweCom/divine bankruptcy. ACRL and Choice joined other scholarly pub­ lishers in providing com plimentary subscriptions to those libraries who had paid RoweCom prior to the bankruptcy. C h o ice B u d g e te d A c tu a l R e v en u e s $2,524,330 $2,283,116 Expense $2,527,204 $2,275,320 Operating N et $(2,874) $7,796 ACRL asset management ACRL’s long-term investment portfolio includes the ACRL general endow­ ment, the Choice endowment, and three award endowments (Oberly, Leab, and A tkinson). At the end o f the 2002-03 fiscal year, the total value o f all A C R L endow m ent funds w as $1,670,860. T he continuing d ecline o f the economy and the w eak investment m arket has had an impact on the current value o f ACRL’s long-term investments. The Board has appointed a Long- Term Investm ent Fund Task Force to review investm ent perform ance and recommend a plan for drawing on net interest. 2003-2004 ACRL budget The 2 003-04 ACRL and Choice budgets, recom m ended by the Budget and Finance C om m ittee, were approved at the 2003 A LA A nnual Conference. The ACRL budget (without Choice) is projected to have a deficit. Drawing on our fund balance, the association w ill support new initiatives such as scholarly communication and the @your library campaign for academic and research libraries. Support w ill continue for scholarships and for information literacy. In addition, FY 2003-04 is not a N ational Conference year, although during this year some expenses for the 2005 conference will be paid drawing on the fund balance. The 20 0 3 -0 4 budget projects, revenues, expenses, and fund balances are as follows: 748 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial Report FY 2003-2004 Operating Budget ACRL CHOICE Beginning fund balance $2,213,971 $1,173,290 R evenues $1,815,998 $2,369,093 Expenses $2,234,306 $2,446,129 Operating Net $(418,308) $(77,036) T ran sfe r to L ong-T erm Investm ent* $(100,000) $ - Ending Fund Balance $1,695,663 $1,096,254 * Transfers to long-term investment may or may not be made. For budgeting purposes, ALA requires prior notification o f possible transfers to long-term investment. Thanks I wish to thank the members o f the Budget and Finance Committee for their diligence, budgetary insights, and thoughtful consideration o f budget as­ sessment and evaluation. I have been privileged to work with such a hard working and insightful group of people. ACRL staff efforts to support the work of the budget and finance committee deserve recognition. Their careful efforts in executing the budget in the course o f their work merit our thanks. Members of the Budget and Finance Committee are: Susan M. Allen, Nicho­ las C. Burckel, Lynn K.Chmelir, Rita Cecilia Knight, Susan M. Kroll, William F. Louden, Daniel R. Lee, Diane E. Perushek, and Sandra Yee; ex-officio mem­ bers are ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect Tyrone Cannon and ACRL Executive Director Mary Ellen Davis. ACRL continues to have a reserve fund from which to support new initiatives and to offset occasional reductions in revenue. Extensive budgetary assessment, review, and recommendations provide the association with the financial capac­ ity to act on its priorities and to weather economic challenges. C&RL News ■ December 2003 749 Financial Report Executive S um m ary20 02-2003 FY2002 FY2003 FY2003 SOURCES OF REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL Op. Fund $2,158,495 $1,872,331 $1,872,331 Long-Term Investment $784,032 $987,691 $987,691 Choice Fund $1,124,939 $1,195,496 $1,195,494 Choice Long-Term Investment $435,933 $461,457 $461,457 Subtotal $4,503,399 $4,516,975 $4,516,974 MEMBERSHIPDUESANDOTHER Dues $444,818 $447,674 $459,010 Other (e.g., standards) $4,739 $3,000 $3,348 Donations $16,450 $3,000 $10,500 A w a rd s $12,745 $9,400 $19,200 Sec. Newsletters $1,200 $1,500 $1,600 Special Events $17,739 $26,300 $16,026 @ Your Library $0 $0 $5,000 Subtotal $497,691 $490,874 $514,684 PUBLICATIONS Choice $2,357,870 $2,524,330 $2,283,116 C&RL $171,724 $163,259 $145,093 C&RL News $568,978 $504,026 $436,101 RBM $35,573 $36,941 $30,830 Nonperiodical Pubs. $123,623 $165,400 $101,394 Library Statistics $88,052 $90,637 $60,617 Subtotal $3,345,819 $3,484,593 $3,057,151 EDUCATION Regional Institutes $239,154 $256,167 $178,170 National (0 1 ,0 3 ) ($7,994) $946,519 $1,314,370 Pre-& Postconferences $113,319 $109,813 $94,091 Web-CE $1,789 $40,000 $27,974 Subtotal $346,267 $1,352,499 $1,614,605 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Friends of ACRL (operating) ($13,900) $0 $6,825 Friends of ACRL (restricted) $4,550 $0 $1,245 TOTAL REVENUE $4,175,877 $5,327,966 $5,193,265 Choice Revenue $2,357,870 $2,524,330 $2,283,116 TOTAL REV. W/O CHOICE $1,818,007 $2,803,636 $2,910,148 National Conference Revenue ($7,994) $946,519 $1,314,370 Total Rev. W/O National Conference $1,826,001 $1,857,117 $1.595,778 Note: A ctu a l num bers show n are rounded fr o m two d ecim a l p laces. Therefore, subtotals 'm ay n o t p recisely represent colum n totals due to rounding. 7 5 0 1 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial Report FY2002 FY2003 FY2003 OBJECT OF EXPENSE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITES M em bership Svcs. $37,134 $80,571 $31,616 Exec. C om m . & Board $127,806 $144,455 $108,104 A d v is o ry $9,988 $13,066 $52,631 S ta n d a rd s distrib. $11,520 $11,605 $7,199 D iscussion G ro ups $3,326 $4,323 $3,652 A w a rd s $22,158 $22,111 $37,555 C hapters $49,972 $80,743 $36,248 Committees $33,034 $54,016 $44,838 S ection s $78,499 $86,627 $95,133 S e c tio n N e w s le tte rs $31,588 $33,960 $30,908 C h a p te rT o p ic s $3,326 $0 $0 C & R L O v e r R ev. $2,670 $0 $27,376 C & R L N e w s O v e r R ev. $0 $0 $0 Liaiso ns to H ig h e r Ed. $31,672 $45,932 $35,319 S pecial E vents $18,964 $25,025 $16,014 Inform ation Lite racy $116,181 $75,180 $11,757 S c holarships $12,625 $68,750 $77,755 S cholarly C om m unication $113 $92,850 $57,310 F o c u s on th e F u tu re $0 $10,000 $0 @ Y o u r L ib ra ry $0 $0 $3,876 Subtotal $590,574 $849,214 $677,291 SPECIAL PROJECTS F r ie n d s o f A C R L -n o n -re s tric te d $3,790 $13,963 $3,915 F r ie n d s of A C R L - R e s tric te d $0 $0 $6,825 Subtotal $3,790 $13,963 $3,915 PUBLICATIONS C hoice $2,237,314 $2,527,204 $2,275,320 C&RL $171,724 $188,311 $145,093 C & R L N e w s $382,237 $457,827 $344,127 R B M $35,157 $37,674 $32,755 N onperiodical Pubs. $126,347 $146,855 $70,202 L ib ra ry S ta tis tic s $79,408 $79,709 $76,228 Subtotal $3,032,187 $3,437,580 $2,943,725 EDUCATION Regional Institutes $180,205 $217,779 $152,283 N ation al (9 5 ,9 7 ,9 9 ,0 1 ,0 3 ) $117,587 $751,902 $840,016 Pre-& P ostC on fere nces $104,704 $137,693 $86,644 W eb-CE $12,437 $46,220 $24,128 W E S S - P aris C o n fe re n c e $0 $0 $15,827 S u b to ta l $ 4 1 4 ,9 3 3 $ 1 ,1 5 3 ,5 9 4 $ 1 ,1 1 8 ,8 9 9 T O T A L E X P E N S E S $ 4 ,0 4 1 ,4 8 5 $5 ,454 ,351 $ 4 ,7 4 3 ,8 2 9 C H O IC E E X P E N S E S $ 2 ,2 3 7 ,3 1 4 $ 2 ,5 2 7 ,2 0 4 $ 2 ,2 7 5 ,3 2 0 T O T A L E X P . W /O C H O IC E $1 ,80 4 ,1 7 1 $ 2 ,9 2 7 ,1 4 7 $ 2 ,4 6 8 ,5 0 8 N e t W /O C H O IC E $ 1 3 ,8 3 6 ($ 1 2 3 ,5 1 1 ) $ 4 4 1 ,6 4 0 C H O IC E N e t $ 1 2 0 ,5 5 5 ($ 2 ,8 7 4 ) $ 7 ,7 9 6 A d d e d to C H O IC E LTI ($ 5 0 ,0 0 0 ) $ 0 ($ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ) C H O IC E E nd O p e ra tin q Bal $ 1 ,1 9 5 ,4 9 5 $ 1 ,192 ,621 $1 ,173 ,291 A d d e d to A C R L LTI ($ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) $ 0 ($ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) End op er. re s e rv e b a la n c e $ 1 ,872 ,331 $ 1 ,7 4 8 ,8 2 0 $2 ,213 ,971 M a n d a te d O p e ra tin g R e s e rv e $ 4 7 6 ,1 8 4 $ 5 0 2 ,9 1 2 $ 5 0 2 ,9 1 2 T O T A L E XP. W /O N T L C N F $ 1 ,6 8 6 ,5 8 3 $ 2 ,1 7 5 ,2 4 5 $ 1 ,6 2 8 ,4 9 3 C&RL News ■ December 2003 751 Friends of ACRL The Friends o f ACRL donations support areas key to ACRL’s mission. These include the P rofessional D evelopm ent Scholarship Fund, Innovative New Program Fund, Best Practices in A cadem ic Librarianship Fund, and Global C onnection Fund. Since the establishm ent o f the Friends o f ACRL, 99 donors have become Friends and contributed more than $32,000 to dem onstrate their support for its initiatives. This year $6,825 o f the Professional D evelopm ent Scholarship Fund w ent to fund scholarships to the ACRL N ational Conference. Thanks to those listed below for contributing to the Friends o f ACRL in 2002-2003. MILLENNIUM CLUB W. Bede Mitchell Deborah H. Moffett Wycoff Margaret F. Nichols Oswald Ratteray GOLDCLUB Sharon Rogers Erika C. Linke Helen H. Spalding Pamela Moffett Padley Susan E. Stroyan Juana R. Young Mary Lee Sweat Pat Wand SILVER CLUB Charles E. Kratz, Jr. Hannelore B. Rader FRIENDS Mary Reichel Mignon Adams Marion Reid Steven J. Bell Lynn Scott Cochrane CENTURY CLUB Donald G. Frank Charles Beard Mary Ghikas John M. Budd Rita W. Jones Theresa S. Byrd Frances Maloy Tyrone Cannon William N. Nelson Deborah B. Dancik Leland Park Mary Ellen K. Davis Derrie Perez JuliaGelfand Robert F. Rose Tom Kirk Carolyn A. Sheehy Patricia A. Kreitz Cynthia R. Steinhoff Michael J. LaCroix Sister Anita Talar Sue Martin Barbara W ittkopf 75 2 1 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Meet the ACRL Staff Many o f you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL’s staff, of which there are 13.35 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here’s your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two o f ACRL’s Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with in­ formation about their responsibilities. Take a minute to “meet the staff!” We’re looking forward to hearing from you. MEGAN BIELEFELD, program coordinator. Co­ ordinates ACRL awards program, elections, chapters, and ACRL promotion activity. Contact for ACRL discussion groups. Phone: (312) 280- 2514; e-mail: SHANNON CARY, program officer. Coordinates ACRL government relations activities and Friends of ACRL activities. Manages ACRL’s divisional appointment activities. Phone: (312) 280-2510; e-mail: MARGOT SUTTON CONAHAN, manager of pro­ fessional development. Conceptualizes and de­ velops ACRLs educational offerings, including the ACRL National Conference, preconferences, and institutes. Coordinates ACRLs involvement in the ALA Divisions Job Shadow Day. Phone: (312) 280-2522; e-mail: DAVID CONNELLY, administrative assistant to the executive director. Assists in budget preparation and review; arranges Board travel; maintains colleagues records; coordinates file system. Phone: (312) 280-2519; e-mail: C&RL News ■ December 2003 753 Meet the ACRL Staff MARY ELLEN K. DAVIS, executive director. Di­ rects activities of the ACRL and CHOICE offices. Coordinates policy implementation and pre­ pares ACRL’s budgets. Ex-officio to the ACRL E xecutive C om m ittee and the Board of Directors. Serves as official contact for higher education organizations and coordinates ACRL Colleagues, Information Literacy, and Scholarly Communication programs. Phone: (312) 280- 3248; e-mail: mdavis TORY EDWARDS, meeting and special events planner. Manages logistics for ACRL professional development events, including preconferences, workshops, institutes, and the ACRL National Conference. Phone: (312) 280-2515; e-mail: ANN-CHRISTE GALLOWAY, production editor. Copyedits and lays out C&RL News in print and online. Writes “People in the News” and “Grants and Acquisitions” for C&RL News. Phone: (312) 280-2524; e-mail: FRANCINE GRAF, managing editor of Choice. Manages all aspects of the magazine, reviews- on-cards, and electronic databases; coordi­ nates the work of CHOICE’S editorial staff; plans the editorial calendar; handles CHOICE’S busi­ ness and economics sections. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e-mail: 75 4 1 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Meet the ACRL Staff BEN HAWK, administrative assistant to the as­ sociate director. Assists in section committee appointment process; coordinates conference program logistics for ACRL at ALA conferences; assists with membership retention and recruit­ ment. Phone: (312) 280-2521; e-mail: SUSAN K. MARTIN, visiting program officer for scholarly communication. Responsible for ad­ vocacy, education, research, and coalition build­ ing. Phone: (508) 420-0224; e-mail: martin@ DAWN MUELLER, production editor. Maintains ACRLs Web site; lays out and produces C&RL; designs and produces RBM‘. works with section editors to produce and distribute section news­ letters; designs and produces ACRL brochures and flye rs. Phone: (312) 280-2516; e-mail: STEPHANIE ORPHAN, editor-in-chief, C&RL News/\Neb developer. Responsible for content and production of C&RL News in print and online. Conceptualizes, develops and imple­ ments new products and services to be deliv­ ered over the Web; oversees development of the ACRL Web site. Phone: (312) 280-2511; e- mail: C&RL News ■ December 2003 755 Meet the ACRL Staff ELISE PARKER, classified ads manager/edito- rial assistant. Manages job ads for C&RL News in print and online; contact for information about subscriptions, job ads, and manuscript submis­ sions for C&RL News; design and production of ACRL brochures and flyers. Phone: (312) 280- 2513; fax: (312) 280-7663; e-mail: eparker‹ã MARY JANE PETROWSKI, associate director. Serves as chief operating officer for ACRL; coor­ dinates ACRL membership promotion and re­ tention activities; oversees ACRLs Annual Con­ ference programs and activities; coordinates ac­ tivities of sections and chapters; manages sec­ tion appointments and nominations processes. Phone: (312) 280-2523; e-mail: mpetrowski@ IRVING ROCKWOOD, editor and publisher of Choice. Handles magazine and other product advertising sales; subscription services; mar­ keting and promotions for Choice and ACRL jou rn a ls. Phone: (860) 347-6933; e-mail: HUGH THOMPSON, manager of publications. Handles all questions about ACRL’s publica­ tions; oversees production of C&RL and RBM; answers questions about ACRL’s Web site; manages ACRL’s Academic Libraries Trends and Statistics program. Phone: (312) 280-2517; e-mail: Structure Bookmarks new realities,new relationships missionThe Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) enhances the effectiveness of academic and research librarians to advance learning, teaching, and research in higher education. 726 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Message from the PresidentHelen H. SpaldingACRL’s 64th PresidentWhat a special privilege to serve as ACRL Presi­dent during such a dynamic and productive year for ACRL. I want to thank the members, the Board, and the staff, whose collaboration and hard work resulted in such remarkable accomplishments! The theme for the 2002-03 presidential year, “New Re­alities, New Relationships,” acknowledged the changing nature of the environment in which we work, and the new relationships and partnerships that these cha C&RL News ■ December 2003 727 Message from the PresidentThrough the dedication and commitment of ACRL members and staff, the association has been able to achieve success and empower us to more effec­tively facilitate learning, teaching, and research in our campus communities.ACRL Sponsorships for 2003ACRL expresses its sincere appreciation to the following sponsors for their generous donations to the various programs and events we have offered throughout the year. With your corporate support, we were able to provide dynamic, high- quali Summa Cum LaudeBlackwell’s Book ServicesChemical Abstracts Service Docutek Information Systems Inc. EBSCO Information Services Elsevier Science Inc.Gale Group (Thomson)ProQuestMagna Cum LaudeEndeavor Information Systems Swets Blackwell YBP Library ServicesCum Laude3MAntiquarian Booksellers Association of AmericaAux Amateurs de Livres International S.A.R.L.Charlotte Convention & Visitors BureauCHOICEH. W. Wilson FoundationIDC PublishersInnovative InterfacesJean Touzot Libraire-EditeurSI RSI CorporationThomso Dean’s ListAdam Matthew Publications Ltd. Bibliographical Society of America Brepols PublishersCambridge Scientific Abstracts Casalini Libri, S.P.A.College & Research Libraries NewsCopyright Clearance CenterErasmus Boekhandel bvGoethe InstitutHaworth Press Inc.Iberbook InternationalJones e-global LibraryK. G. Saur Verlag GmbHLindsay & Howes BooksellersOtto HarrassowitzMortar BoardAntiquarian Booksellers of Canada Belser Wissenschaftlicher Dienst Ltd. Ben Kinmont, Bookseller Bruce McKittrick Rare Books Great 728 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Message from the Vice-PresidentTyrone H. CannonVice-President/President-ElectIt was an honor to be elected ACRL’s vice-presi- dent/president-elect in May 2002. I enjoyed meet­ing many of you during the year as I traveled to Atlanta, Philadelphia, Charlotte, and Toronto. The vice-presidential year is an exciting, challenging, and busy one, but the rewards of serving the asso­ciation in this capacity are countless. My primary focus this past year was on developing the theme for 2002-03 and recruiting voluntee C&RL News ■ December 2003 720 Message from the Vice-PresidentACRL launched a comprehensive strategic planning initiative this year with data collection as the initial focus. ACRL conducted focus groups at the ACRL National Conference in Charlotte, held leadership and open ses­sions at the Annual Conference in Toronto, and conducted telephone inter­views with members, nonmembers, ALA-only members, inactive members of ACRL, and new members of ACRL.ACRL 2003 Annual Conference Programs—Toronto■ ACRL/CACUL Joint Presidents’ Program—New Reali 730 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Letter from the Executive DirectorMary Ellen K. DavisExecutive DirectorDespite a climate of budget cuts and uncertainty in the higher education environment, ACRL mem­bers significantly enriched the ACRL community by developing new tools to assist in advocacy efforts, publishing research in ACRL journals and books, developing new guidelines, responding to proposed governmental changes affecting infor­mation resources, sharing ideas with colleagues at ACRL’s numerous events, and participating in focus groups C&RL News ■ December 2003 731 Year in ReviewFriends of ACRL. Their donations this year provided additional schol­arships to the National Conference.Working together, ACRL members can forge new partnerships, communi­cate the value of librarians and libraries to our constituencies, share ideas and enhance our learning, and make ACRL the association of choice for academic and research librarians.Services and ProgramsACRL continued to address the needs of academic and research librar­ians, providing its varied menu of high-quality services 732 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Reviewand made available online and in print. The toolkit includes creative strategies, practical ideas, case studies and profiles, customizable press materials, and more. Downloadable graphics from the @ your library campaign have also been made available for use in developing your library’s marketing campaign. The success of these initiatives led the ACRL Board to establish a standing Committee on Marketing Academic and Research Libraries.Advocacy and government relationsTo address growing concern C&RL News ■ December 2003 733 Year in Review ACRL Award Winners 2003 ■ Academic/Research Librarian of the Year(Donor: YBP Library Services) Ross Atkinson, Cornell University■ Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award(Donor: ACRL, ALCTS, LAMA, LITA) Wendy Pradt Lougee, University of Minnesota■ Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (Donor: Thomson ISI) Yungrang Laura Cheng, Indiana University, Bloomington, for “Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions: Quantitative Comparisons of Interactions and Relationships among Three Factors in College Students’ Information Seeking”■ Excellence in Academic Libra Publication Award: James K. Elmborg, Univer­sity of Iowa, for “Teaching at the Desk: To­ward a Reference Pedagogy,” portal: Librar­ies and the Academy (2002)■ LPSS/Marta Lange Award (Donor: Con­gressional Quarterly) Rosemary Allen Little (posthumous), Princeton University■ RBMS/Leab Exhibition Catalogue Awards (Donor: Katharine Kyes and Daniel J. Leab Endowment)Division 1 (Expensive): Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen, Getty Research InstituteDivision 1 Honorable Mention: Joha 734 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in ReviewACRL continued its strong showing at the ALA Legislative Day. To fur­ther educate academic librarians on the importancè of legislative advocacy and to inform them of the details of specific legislative issues affecting academic libraries, ACRL sponsored a luncheon program attended by 45 academic librarians. At the luncheon, attorney Thomas Susman discussed the effects of September 11 on the current legislative and judicial environ­ment. Claudette Tennant, from the ALA Washington Office, spoke C&RL News ■ December 2003 735 Year in Reviewto meet and share experiences in their regions, ACRL chapters sponsored more than 40 programs across the United States, and ACRL officers visited chapters in Eastern New York, Missouri, Utah, Illinois, and Wisconsin as guest speakers.SectionsSeventeen sections provide members with opportunities to advance the knowledge base of the profession, develop leadership skills, mentor col­leagues, and share their expertise and ideas. Sections also develop and maintain standards and guidelines for direc ACRL Membership StatisticsACRL Personal Organizational August 2003 August 2002 %increase orSections total total decreaseACRL 11,259 882 12,174 11,717 + 3.9%AAMES 330 49 381 392 - 2.81%AFAS 235 18 254 252 +0.79%ANSS 429 56 485 503 - 3.58%ARTS 715 73 789 750 +5.20%CJCLS 1,040 191 1,235 1,205 +2.49%CLS 2,180 242 2,427 2,269 +6.96%DLS 1,438 70 1,509 1,463 +3.14%EBSS 789 141 930 936 -0.64%IS 3,580 338 3,919 3,866 + 1.37%LES 548 10 558 540 +3.33%LPSS 513 68 584 565 +3.36%RBMS 1,474 142 1,617 1,596 +1.32%SEES 178 736 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in ReviewSection representatives welcomed first-time ACRL national conference attendees at a special orientation in Charlotte, North Carolina. ARTS, Dis­tance Learning Section, and Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) redesigned their brochures. The College Libraries Section held vir­tual meetings in lieu of holding sessions at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. EBSS took a leadership role in responding to the proposed elimination of the ERIC Clearinghouse by the Department of Education. The EBSS “Gu C&RL News ■ December 2003 737 Year in Reviewtion Provosts Dinner in March on “Changing Realities for Higher Education.” The presentation reviewed scholarly communication issues, less access to in­formation, and public policy issues, including PATRIOT Act, PATRIOT Act II, copyright, and fair use.ACRL President Helen Spalding signed a cross-border agreement, on be­half of ACRL, along with a representative of the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL) to reaffirm a mutual commitment between ACRL and CACUL to promo 738 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Reviewmation literate and will provide channels of communication to the respec­tive divisions.The ACRL Board approved “Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline” and “Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries” in June 2003.ACRL partnered with TLT Group to offer a three-part online seminar series on the topic of information literacy and developed its own online seminar, “Assessing Student Learning Outcomes.”The criteria developed d C&RL News ■ December 2003 739 Year in ReviewNational ConferenceIn April, ACRL offered its premier professional development event—its 11th National Conference, “Learning to Make a Difference.” The conference, chaired by Larry Hardesty (Austin College), attracted more than 3,400 indi­viduals, breaking previous attendance records. Among the records set were those for the most first-time conference attendees (900+) and the most scholarship awardees (8 students • “This conference opened my eyes to many and 64 librarians). issues facing the 740 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Reviewattendee received the brand new @ your library Toolkit for Academic and Research Libraries.• first-time attendee orientation session: This session provided an over­view of the conference and tips on making the most of both the conference and ACRL membership. Nearly 200 individuals attended the orientation.• product update and poster sessions: An increased number of both the product update sessions and poster sessions were held in Charlotte.• slide show: Members of the local arrangements commit C&RL News ■ December 2003 741 Year in Reviewearly-bird registration for the 2004 program, which has already been sched­uled for August 8-13, 2004. When asked to provide a quick characterization of their experience at the institute, 86 percent said it was “very positive,” and 14 percent said it was “somewhat positive.”e-learningACRL launched its first online seminar, “All Users Are Local: Bringing the Library Next Door to the Campus Worldwide,” in November 2002, offering it a total of three times in FY 2003. The seminar provides libraria 742 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in ReviewChoiceDuring 2003, Choice launched or began work on several new initiatives while still coping with a continuing economic slowdown that included at least one unanticipated challenge, the RoweCom/divine bankruptcy. This unhappy development reduced Choice revenues by an estimated $35,000 to $45,000 as Choice, along with many other scholarly publishers, agreed to grace those libraries which, as former RoweCom/divine customers, had ordered but were unable to pay for Choice materials as a result of C&RL News ■ December 2003 743 Year in ReviewThis highly popular reference tool is available for sale at the Choice Web site,• The appearance in the September issue of two special features, “Looking Beyond 9/11: A Selection of Choice Reviews” and “The Post-9/11 World: Recent and Forthcoming Titles, 2003-2004.”In addition, during 2003 Choice began formal planning for two ambitious new projects, a wholly new edition of (known in­house as CRO2) and Resources for College Libraries (RCL), an elect 744 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Year in Reviewupdated look for ACRL, the site features a new navigation structure and intui­tive interface to simplify access to the array of association information avail­able online. The reorganization of the site was based on usability testing with ACRL members. A number of items to be made available for ACRL or ALA members only were identified at the ALA Annual Conference for a fall 2003 roll-out.StatisticsThe 2002 Academic Library Statistics project had a total number of respon­dents of 1,603 or 52.2 p C&RL News ■ December 2003 745 ACRL Board of Directors, 2002-03ACRL Board 2002-03 (I to r): (back) W. Bede Mitchell, Patricia A. Kreitz, Deborah B. Dancik, Theresa S. Byrd, Robert F. Rose, Pamela Snelson; (front) Patricia A. Wand, Mary Ellen K. Davis, Helen H. Spalding, Tyrone H. Cannon, Erika C. Linke, Rita Jones. Not shown: Lois H. Cheperon and Mary Reichel.ACRL Board of Directors, 2002-03PresidentHelen H. Spalding, University of Missouri-Kansas CityVice-president/President-electTyrone H. CannonPast-PresidentMary Reichel, Appalachian S 7461 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial ReportErika LinkeBudget and Finance Committee ChairACRL’s budget performance exceeded the budget projections for the fiscal year 2002-03. At the end of the fiscal year, the ACRL Operating Fund Bal­ance totaled $2,213,971. The Choice Operating Fund Balance closed the year with $1,173,291. These budget figures, and those throughout this report, are based on the unaudited fourth quarter budget reports and unaudited final closing.ACRL manages dynamic and fluid budgets. In this report, the operating bu C&RL News ■ December 2003 747 Financial ReportOperating expenses of $2,468,508 (excluding Choice) were $458,639 less than budget. Containing expenses and open staff positions offset the re­duced revenue. Reduced expenses and cost containment, combined with a sound National Conference, resulted in a net of $441,640 instead of a bud­geted over expense of $ 123,511.Choice’s actual revenue of $2,283,116 in 2002-03 was down from the bud­geted revenue by $241,214. Expenses for Choice totaled $2,275,320, reflect­ing reduced expenses by $251,88 748 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial ReportFY 2003-2004 Operating Budget ACRL CHOICEBeginning fund balance $2,213,971 $1,173,290Revenues $1,815,998 $2,369,093Expenses $2,234,306 $2,446,129Operating Net $(418,308) $(77,036)Transfer to Long-Term Investment* $(100,000) $ -Ending Fund Balance $1,695,663 $1,096,254* Transfers to long-term investment may or may not be made. For budgeting purposes, ALA requires prior notification of possible transfers to long-term investment.ThanksI wish to thank the members of the Budget and Finance Commit C&RL News ■ December 2003 749 Financial ReportExecutive Summary2002-2003FY2002 FY2003 FY2003SOURCES OF REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALOp. Fund $2,158,495 $1,872,331 $1,872,331Long-Term Investment $784,032 $987,691 $987,691Choice Fund $1,124,939 $1,195,496 $1,195,494Choice Long-Term Investment $435,933 $461,457 $461,457Subtotal $4,503,399 $4,516,975 $4,516,974MEMBERSHIPDUESANDOTHERDues $444,818 $447,674 $459,010Other (e.g., standards) $4,739 $3,000 $3,348Donations $16,450 $3,000 $10,500Awards $12,745 $9,400 $19,200Sec. Newsletters $1,200 $1 7501 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Financial ReportFY2002 FY2003 FY2003OBJECT OF EXPENSE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALMEMBERSHIP ACTIVITESMembership Svcs. $37,134 $80,571 $31,616Exec. Comm. & Board $127,806 $144,455 $108,104Advisory $9,988 $13,066 $52,631Standards distrib. $11,520 $11,605 $7,199Discussion Groups $3,326 $4,323 $3,652Awards $22,158 $22,111 $37,555Chapters $49,972 $80,743 $36,248Committees $33,034 $54,016 $44,838Sections $78,499 $86,627 $95,133Section Newsletters $31,588 $33,960 $30,908ChapterTopics $3,326 $0 $0C&RL Over Rev. $2,670 $0 C&RL News ■ December 2003 751 Friends of ACRLThe Friends of ACRL donations support areas key to ACRL’s mission. These include the Professional Development Scholarship Fund, Innovative New Program Fund, Best Practices in Academic Librarianship Fund, and Global Connection Fund.Since the establishment of the Friends of ACRL, 99 donors have become Friends and contributed more than $32,000 to demonstrate their support for its initiatives. This year $6,825 of the Professional Development Scholarship Fund went to fund scholarships to the ACRL 7521 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Meet the ACRL StaffMany of you have had phone and/or e-mail contact with ACRL’s staff, of which there are 13.35 ALA-approved FTE positions at headquarters. Here’s your chance to put a face with that voice or e-mail signature. On these pages, we present current ACRL staff (including two of ACRL’s Choice 22.4 FTE staff) with in­formation about their responsibilities. Take a minute to “meet the staff!” We’re looking forward to hearing from you.MEGAN BIELEFELD, program coordinator. Co­ordinates ACRL awards prog C&RL News ■ December 2003 753 Meet the ACRL StaffMARY ELLEN K. DAVIS, executive director. Di­rects activities of the ACRL and CHOICE offices. Coordinates policy implementation and pre­pares ACRL’s budgets. Ex-officio to the ACRL Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Serves as official contact for higher education organizations and coordinates ACRL Colleagues, Information Literacy, and Scholarly Communication programs. Phone: (312) 280- 3248; e-mail: mdavis @ala.orgTORY EDWARDS, meeting and special events planner. Manages logis 7541 C&RL News ■ December 2003 Meet the ACRL StaffBEN HAWK, administrative assistant to the as­sociate director. Assists in section committee appointment process; coordinates conference program logistics for ACRL at ALA conferences; assists with membership retention and recruit­ment. Phone: (312) 280-2521; e-mail: bhawk@ala.orgSUSAN K. MARTIN, visiting program officer for scholarly communication. Responsible for ad­vocacy, education, research, and coalition build­ing. Phone: (508) 420-0224; e-mail: martin@ skmassociates.netDAWN MUELLER, C&RL News ■ December 2003 755 Meet the ACRL StaffELISE PARKER, classified ads manager/edito- rial assistant. Manages job ads for C&RL News in print and online; contact for information about subscriptions, job ads, and manuscript submis­sions for C&RL News; design and production of ACRL brochures and flyers. Phone: (312) 280- 2513; fax: (312) 280-7663; e-mail: eparker‹ã ala.orgMARY JANE PETROWSKI, associate director. Serves as chief operating officer for ACRL; coor­dinates ACRL membership promotion and re­tention activities; oversees ACR