ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 79 0 / C&RL News ■ December 2003 F a G a s r y P t a t t i F l l o acts Sto ry C o rp s oral h isto ry project The American Folklife Center at the Library o f Congress is partnering with Sound Portraits Productions to develop StoryCorps, a new oral history project inspired by the historic Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Writers’ Project. It has the potential to becom e one of the largest oral history projects ever donated to the Library of Congress. StoryCorps will build soundproof facilities across the countiy w here Americans can participate in the project. The new collection will be housed alongside the WPA recordings. "American Folklife Center Houses Storycorps Archive," September 30, 2003 Lo st In tern et references Internet references accounted for 2.6 percent of all references in medical and scientific publications betw een 2000 and 2003, according to a new study p u b ­ lished in Science. These cited references often disappear. For example, 13 percent of Internet references w ere inactive in articles 27 months old. Robert P. Dellavalle, et al., "Going, Going, Gone: Lost Internet References," Science. October 31,2003, pp. 787-88 How m uch in fo rm a tio n ? School of Information M anagement and Systems researchers at the University o f California-Berkeley estimate that print, film, magnetic, and optical storage media produced about five exabytes of new information in 2002. This is equiva­ lent in size to the information contained in 500,000 libraries the size o f the Library of Congress print collections. According to their findings, the United States produces about 40 percent of the w orld’s new stored information. Peter Lyman and Hal R. Varian, "How Much Information? 2003," much-info-2003/. October 28,2003 In tern ation al stu d en t e n rollm e n t The Institute of International Education reports the num ber o f foreign students studying in the United States grew less than 1 percent last year following a five- year average annual growth rate o f 5 percent. India, Korea, and Kenya saw increases w hile Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates saw signifi­ cant decreases. India, China, and South Korea are the top three countries with the largest num ber o f students studying in the United States. "Open Doors 2003: International Students in the U.S." November 3,2003 W orldC at and G o o gle A 2 million record subset from the more than 53 million records in the WorldCat database becam e searchable via Google in November. As part of the O pen WorldCat pilot project, select records with 100 or more libraries holding each item can be retrieved, allowing users to click through to individual library holdings information. Barbara Quint, "OCLC Project Opens WorldCat Records to Google," Information Today, Inc. newsbreaks/nb031027-2.shtml. November 3,2003 G ary P a ttillo is re fe re n c e lib ra ria n a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a -C h a p e l H ill, e -m a il: pattillo@ refstaff. lib. Swets Information Services The more things change, sweTs the more they stay the same. W h a t’s Changed Swets Blackwell is now Swets Information Services. Our new name and logo reflect our company’s century-long tradition of expertise, service and innovation, and reinforce the full ownership of our parent company, Swets & Zeitlinger. W h a t’s the Same Our people and broad portfolio of subscription services remains unchanged. Swets Information Services will continue to deliver the same high quality service that our customers and business partners have come to expect. To learn more, contact us at 1-800-645-6595, or visit us at Elsevier Reference Works on ScienceDirect ■ D efinitive reference validated by prestigious editors. ■ Vast co verage. O nline. A t your fin gertips. ■ Rich fu nction ality from a proven platform . Intuitive interface. ■ E xtensive cross-referencing and dynam ic linking w ith 4 m illion journal articles, bibliographic datab ases and over 170 other p u blishers’ platform s via CrossRef. Visit us at ALA Midwinter 2004 January 9-12, San Diego, Booth 1506 C om preh ensive C om posite M aterials Encyclopedia of Materials: S cience and Technology Encyclopedia o f th e N eurological S ciences Encyclopedia o f Cancer Encyclopedia o f H orm ones Encyclopedia o f G enetics C om preh ensive C oordination C h em istry II Encyclopedia o f S eparation S cience E ncyclopedia o f O cean S ciences E ncyclopedia o f A tm osp heric S ciences Encyclopedia o f th e H um an Brain Encyclopedia o f Psychotherapy E ncyclopedia o f Physical S cience and Technology, 3rd Edition Treatise on G eochem istry C om preh ensive S tructural Integrity Encyclopedia of Food S ciences and Nutrition A u th o rita tive , Extensive, O nline R eference A t Its Best