ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 406 / C& RL News goals and objectives of the extended campus pro­ gram; 2) a librarian to plan, im plem ent, coordinate, and evaluate library resources and services address­ ing the inform ation needs of the extended campus com m unity; 3) persons w ith the capacity and skills to identify needs and respond to them flexibly and creatively; 4) classification, status, and salary scales for ex­ tended campus library staff th a t are equivalent to those provided for other library employees. Facilities The library should provide facilities and equip­ m ent sufficient in size, num ber, and scope to attain the objectives of the extended campus programs. Examples of suitable arrangem ents include but are not lim ited to: 1) contracts w ith a non-affiliated library to pro­ vide resources and/or services; 2) an off-site library office for consultations, ac­ cess to ready reference collections, electronic trans­ mission of inform ation, online data base searching and interlibrary loan services; 3) telephone consultation services; 4) pairing of students and faculty w ith a staff m em ber w ho will respond to their needs; 5) a branch library. Resources Access to library materials in sufficient num ber, scope, and formats should be provided to: 1)support the students’ needs in fulfilling course assignm ents, in clu d in g re q u ire d an d assigned readings and research papers; and to supplem ent and enrich the students’ academ ic programs; 2) support teaching and research needs of fac­ ulty; 3) accom m odate other inform ation needs of the extended campus com m unity as appropriate. Programs granting associate degrees should pro­ vide access to collections which meet the “G uide­ lines for Two-Year College L earning Resources Program s” and th e “S tatem ent on Q u an titativ e Standards.” Programs granting baccalaureate or m aster’s degrees should provide access to collec­ tions w hich m eet the standards defined by the “Standards for College L ibraries.” Programs offer­ ing doctorate degrees should provide access to col­ lections which meet the standards defined by the “Standards for University Libraries.” Services The library services offered the extended campus com m unity should be designed to meet effectively a wide range of different inform ation and biblio­ graphic needs. Examples of arrangem ents which m ay m eet these needs include: 1) reference assistance; 2) computer-assisted bibliographic and inform a­ tion services; 3) a program of library user instruction designed specifically to meet the needs of the extended cam ­ pus community; 4) assistance w ith non-print m edia and equip­ m ent; 5) reciprocal borrowing, contractual borrow ­ ing, and interlibrary loan services; 6) prom pt docum ent delivery such as a courier system or electronic transmission; 7) publication of library services to the extended campus community. ■ ■ ACRL executive summary C in c in n ati was all w e could th in k ab o u t in March; well, almost a ll.. .In between, w e m anaged to squeeze in: Professional development W e subm itted a proposal to NEH for a series of eight hum anities program m ing workshops, co­ sponsored w ith the Public Libraries Association, over a three-year period. T he chief consultant would be Julie Virgo. O ur track record over the past five years gives us reason to hope we m ay get funding. Liaison and advocacy W hen we received a call regarding the crisis in funding for materials expenditures in Massachu­ setts’ publicly supported institutions of higher edu­ cation, ACRL staff contacted key members in Mas­ s a c h u s e tts as w ell as K a te M aw d sley , o u r Legislation Com m ittee chair, who spoke to Massa­ chusetts legislators. The ALA W ashington Office cam e to our aid, too. The situation is still not re­ solved, b u t at least our members know we can and do have ways to offer support. JoAn Segal v isited R osary C ollege L ib ra ry School and discussed possible cooperative activi­ ties. She also addressed the LIBRAS consortium of colleges in the Chicago suburbs on issues in aca­ demic librarianship. Research and publication Negotiations are underw ay w ith ALA Publish­ ing for publication of the M anual o f O utput Mea­ sures fo r Academ ic Libraries. W e signed our first network contract for Books fo r College Libraries (3d ed.) tape service. AMI- M ay 1 9 8 9 / 4 0 7 GOS will offer to its members a service that will match the library’s holdings against the set to see which items they do or do not hold. It beats tearing up the pages and having a student assistant look each one up in the card catalog! ACRL published ACRL University Library Sta­ tistics, 1987-88, and Collection Development Poli­ cies fo r College Libraries, CLIP Note §11. Strategic management directions Staff worked with ACRL president Joe Boisse and Budget and Finance Committee chair Linda Relating research agendas By Bonnie Gratch Director o f Information Services Bowling Green State University Editor’s Note: The “Research Forum ” column was begun several years ago to encourage research ideas, explore methodology, and report on research in progress. Recently Bonnie Gratch, a m em ber o f the C&RL News Editorial Board, offered to serve as editor o f this column and follow the progress o f A C R L’s Research Com m ittee as they develop a R e­ search Agenda fo r the Association. Anyone wishing to submit short or medium-sized, relatively infor­ mal items fo r possible inclusion in this column may write directly to: Bonnie Gratch, Research Forum E ditor, W illiam T. Je ro m e L ibrary , Bow ling G reen State University, B ow lin g G reen , OH 43403-0170. Recently a number of organizations and com­ mittees have been engaged with developing re­ search issues and agendas for librarianship/infor- mation science. The September 1988 College and Research Libraries contains an editorial by Charles Piele on an information sheet about the dues in­ crease to be voted on by members. JoAn Segal continued to work with other divi­ sion leaders and staff and with ALA leaders and staff on a new Operating Agreement between ALA and divisions. Data collected will help divisions as­ sess the financial impact of proposed changes. Ballots were prepared for the Spring elections. Sheryl Stephens has accepted a position with the American Bar Association effective in mid- April.— JoAn S. Segal, A CRL Executive D irec­ tor. ® ® Martell which describes the research formulating initiatives of the Association of Research Libraries, the Council on Library Resources, and ALA’s Of­ fice for Research. The January 1989 American L i­ braries contains a news item which alerts its read­ ership to a monumental study carried out by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Library Programs in 1986-1987, of which two volumes of the report titled, Rethinking the Library in the In­ form ation Age—Issues in Library Research: Pro­ posals fo r the Nineties, have recently been pub­ lished. The process employed in studying research issues and generating Rethinking the Library is a testa­ ment to excellent research methodology, and at the ACRL Research Committee’s Midwinter meeting in Washington, committee members and observers were privileged to hear Anne Mathews, director of Library Programs, U.S. Department of Educa- RESEARCH FORUM