ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries winner receives $150, a certificate, a one-year sub­ scription to the museum’s publication, The Old Sturbridge Visitor, and a five-year membership to the Old Sturbridge Village Research Library Soci­ ety. Roth’s book uses a great variety of sources in­ cluding tax and land records, population and elec­ tion statistics, and period diaries to shape a social portrait of not one community, but of an entire ge­ ographic region. P E O P L E People in the news F rancesca Allegri, formerly head of Inform a­ tion Management Education Services at the Uni­ versity of North Carolina Health Sciences Library, Chapel Hill, relocated to Champaign, Illinois, in March. She will be teaching, consulting and w rit­ ing in the areas of user education and information m a n ag e m e n t. She co n tin u es as e d ito r of th e column, “Information Management Education,” in Medical Reference Services Quarterly. Annie G. King, library director at Tuskegee In­ stitute, Alabama, has been awarded the Distin­ guished Service Award presented by the Alabama Library Association to an individual who has made a significant contribution toward the development of library service. The aw ard was presented at the association’s annual convention in Birmingham on April 13. King has served at Tuskegee for 37 years. She began her career there in 1952 as a reference librarian, became acting librarian in 1966, and li­ brary director in 1970. W ithin the Alabama Library Association King has worked in the College, University, and Special Libraries Division and served on numerous com­ mittees. Beyond the association she has provided leadership in improving library services for the his­ torically black institutions. She is a charter mem­ ber and currently chairm an of the board of trustees of the cooperative College Library Center in At­ lanta, the national organization established to ex­ tend the benefits of cooperative processing and par­ tic ip a tio n in O C L C to h isto ric a lly b lack universities. She participated in the planning of the Network of A labam a Academic Libraries, and worked with the initial planning group to insure that NAAL would include all the state’s academic institutions offering graduate education; for that NAAL is unique in the nation. She is a current member of the NAAL Executive Council, the sec­ ond time she has been elected to this position. In addition, King chaired the first Resource Sharing Committee of NAAL which developed the proce­ dure for the NAAL reimbursement program that has been successful in promoting the use of library resources throughout the state. Her committee also developed the charge to seek funding to improve the document delivery network. As a result, NAAL will be funded in 1989 to install telefacsim ile equipment in all general and cooperative libraries. Profiles J udith Adams, head of the Humanities D epart­ ment at the Auburn University Libraries, has been appointed director of the Lockwood Library at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Adams began her professional career at Lehigh Univer­ sity where she served as senior reference lib rar­ ia n . F ro m th e re she moved to the Library of Congress, th e n to the N a tio n a l R eference Center for Bioethics L it­ erature at Georgetown University, and then to Oklahoma State Univer­ Judith Adams sity before joining th e staff at Auburn. A grad­ uate of Syracuse University, Adams is the coauthor of several publications including Technology and Values in American Civilization: A Guide to Infor­ mation Sources (Gale Research, 1980), and Jules Verne: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (G.K. Hall, 1980). She co-authors an article called “C urrent Bibliography in the History of Technol­ ogy” th at appears annually in the journal Technol­ ogy and Culture. She has made numerous presen­ ta tio n s a t n a tio n a l co n feren ces, w ritte n an d m anaged grants, and served actively in national as well as local professional organizations. She is cur­ May 1989 / 423 424 / C& RL News rently w riting an economic and cultural history of the amusement p ark industry in America. Shirley R. Baker, associate director for public services at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy Libraries, has been appointed dean of univer­ sity lib raries a t W ash ­ ington University in St. Louis effective A ugust 1. B aker has served in h e r p re s e n t p o sitio n since 1985. Before th at she served as assistant di­ rector for public services a t M IT fro m 1982 to 1985, as l i b r a r i a n a t Johns Hopkins U niver­ sity from 1976 to 1982, a n d as lib r a r i a n a t N o rth w e ste rn U n iv e r­ sity from 1974 to 1976. Shirley R. Baker As a m em ber of the L i­ braries’ Steering Com m ittee she supervised the se­ lection of an au to m ated lib rary system an d d i­ rected its execution as chair of the Im plem entation C oordinating Committee. Baker has a bachelor’s degree from M uhlenberg College and tw o m aster’s degrees from the University of Chicago. The au­ th o r of several papers on library services and tech­ nology, Baker is active in national and local profes­ sional associations. T imothy S. H ealy, president of G eorgetow n U niversity, has been a p p o in ted p resid en t and chief executive officer of th e New York Public L i­ b rary . H ealy began his career as an instructor of L atin and English at F o rd h a m P rep School in New York, th en held a num b er of positions at F o rd h am University in ­ clu d in g executive vice president (1965-1969). Before his ap p o in tm en t a t G e o rg e to w n he served as vice chancel­ lor for academ ic affairs a t C ity U n iv e rs ity of T im othy S. HealyNew York (1969-1976). W h ile on t e m p o r a r y leave in 1974 he served as special assistant to th e chancellor of th e State University of New York for th e p lan n in g of a State Prison College. A M anhattan native, Healy received his bache­ lo r’s degree in English and his m aster’s in philoso­ phy from Woodstock College in M aryland. He was ordained a Jesuit priest at the Facultés Saint Albert in Louvain, Belgium, and later received his m as­ te r’s in English literature from Fordham Univer­ sity, and his doctorate from Oxford University. He has held fellowships from the D anforth Founda­ tio n , th e A m erican Philosophical Society, th e American Council of Learned Societies, and is a Fellow of St. Cross College, Oxford. He has re­ ceived m any h o n o ra ry degrees, a n d c u rre n tly serves as a mem ber of the NCAA Presidents Com ­ mission; a mem ber the Congressional Commission for the Study of M igration and Cooperative Eco­ nomic Development; a trustee of the Shakespeare T heatre at the Folger; a director of the Consortium on Financing Higher Education; a m em ber of the Board of Trustees of Regis High School; director and chairm an of the American Council on E duca­ tion; and a m em ber of the Secretary of State’s Advi­ sory Com m ittee on South Africa. The author of m any articles, Healy has also published tw o books on the poet John Donne. Barton M. L essin, associate director of the Cen­ tral Michigan University Libraries, has been ap­ pointed assistant dean of libraries for W ayne State U n iv e rsity , D e tr o it, Michigan. Lessin earned his MLS from Simmons College, his m aster’s in M ed iterran e a n studies from Brandeis U niver­ sity, and his bachelor’s in h is to ry fro m O h io University. He is a m em ­ ber of the Association for Educational C om m uni­ cations and Technology, the L ibrary A dm inistra­ tio n a n d M anagem ent Barton M. Lessin Association, and ACRL. Among his publications are “T he Off-cam pus L ib rary Services C onfer­ ence,” in C ‹BR LN ews (1987) and “The L ib rarian ’s Role in th e E sta b lish m e n t of Q u a lity in Off- cam pus G raduate E ducation,” in Issues in Higher Education (1985). In addition, Lessin has edited three volumes of proceedings from the Off-campus L ibrary Services Conference. Barbara J. Smith, assistant dean of libraries at Pennsylvania State University for the past seven years, has been appointed head of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries ef­ fective July 5. Smith has also served as coordina­ to r of Penn State’s Com ­ m onw ealth Cam pus L i­ b ra rie s D ivision from 1975-82 and as a refer­ ence lib ra ria n a t Penn State in the early 1970s. She e arn ed h er b a ch e ­ lor’s degree from Penn State, her m aster’s in ed­ u cation from the State University of New York Barbara J. Sm itha t O sw eg o , h e r MLS May 1989 / 425 from the University of Pittsburgh, and her doctor­ ate in higher education from Penn State. Smith has published many articles on libraries and education and has held elected positions in state and national library associations including the Council of the American L ibrary Association. She served as director of the Regional Inventorying and Cataloging Center at Penn State for the Penn­ sylvania Newspaper Project sponsored by the Na­ tional Endow m ent for the Humanities. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) E leanor Alexander has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the Smithsonian Institution Li­ braries’ Museum of American History Branch, W ashington, D .C . J ulie Arnott has been appointed associate pres­ ervation librarian at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Nancy Austin has been appointed head of cata­ loging at Stanford University’s Lane Library, Cali­ fornia. Betsy Baker has been nam ed head of reference at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Nancy K. Bayers has been appointed physics li­ b rarian at th e C atholic University of America, W ashington, D .C . Barbara Beaton has been appointed coordina­ tor of the Inform ation C enter in the Reference D e­ partm ent at the University of Michigan’s H atcher G raduate Library, Ann Arbor. M. E liot Bikales is the new circulation supervi­ sor in the Circulation and Reserves D epartm ent at H arvard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. D avid Binkley has been appointed reference li­ brarian at California State University, Chico. Nora J. Bird has been appointed head of the Reference D epartm ent in the C abot Science L i­ brary at H arvard University, Cam bridge, Massa­ chusetts. Sherri Bisogno has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Ohio State University, Mansfield cam ­ pus. Susan Blaine has been appointed head of the Newark Campus L ibrary at Ohio State University, Newark. Mary Brennan has been appointed deputy assis­ tant director for collection development at the Uni­ versity of Texas, Austin. J ulie Brewer has been appointed assistant li­ brarian for personnel services at the University of Delaware, Newark. C arole C able has been appointed assistant for library development and publications at the Uni­ versity of Texas, Austin. Mary M. C arr has been appointed library direc­ tor a t N orth Idaho College, Couer d’Alene. Kay Ann Cassell has been appointed associate director for programs and services at the New York Public Library’s Branch Libraries. M uriel C onant has been appointed head of public services in the Museum of Comparative Zo­ ology Library at H arvard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. E llen Cunningham has been appointed preser­ vation officer at the University of Texas, Austin. Birgitta D alrymple has been appointed re- fe re n c e /in te rlib ra ry lo an lib r a ria n a t C orpus Christi State University, Texas. Alice P. D ixon has been appointed head of the Special Collections D epartm ent at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Kathleen Donovan has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the G utm an L ibrary at H arvard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Sallie H. E llison has been appointed assistant director for access at the W ayne State University Libraries, D etroit, Michigan. E mily E pstein has been appointed specialized collections cataloger at Kansas State University Li­ braries, M anhattan. Steven R. F olsom has been appointed assistant cataloger at Oklahoma State University, Stillwa­ ter. Ronald F ontaine has been prom oted to head reference lib rarian at Sacred H eart University, Fairfield, Connecticut. J oseph G alron-G oldschläger has been ap­ pointed Jewish studies cataloger at Ohio State Uni­ versity, Columbus. D iane Garner has been appointed head of the D ocum ents/M aps Section at Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park. E mma C . G ibson has been appointed general reference librarian at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. C hristopher Gorsuch has been appointed as­ sociate university librarian in the Serials D epart­ m ent at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Gail Gradowski has been appointed reference/ bibliographic instruction librarian at Santa Clara University, California. D aniel F . H anne has b een a p p o in te d bus- iness/general reference lib ra ria n a t C alifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona. C aroline H opkinson has been appointed ref- erence/bibliographic instruction librarian at Arm­ strong State College, Savannah, Georgia. C lint H oward has been appointed assistant university librarian for collections at the University of California, Davis. Sheila Grant Johnson has assumed additional duties as assistant university librarian for refer­ ence, instruction, and collections at the Oklahoma State University Library, Stillwater. 426 / C&RL News J ohanne L aGrange has been appointed audio­ visual cataloger at Texas A&M University, College Station. Rhonda Lawrence has been appointed associ­ ate librarian in the L aw L ibrary at the University of California, Los Angeles. Bruce Leach has been appointed head of the Bi­ ological Sciences Library a t Ohio State University, Columbus. L elahvon Lugo has been appointed com puter assisted reference lib rarian at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. Mary Markland is the new physical sciences li­ b rarian at N orth D akota State University, Fargo. J ames M ason has been ap p o in ted preserva- tion/assistant collection development librarian at Kansas State University, M anhattan. H ilda H ockley Minarek is now cataloger in the Hilles and Lam ont Libraries at H arvard Uni­ versity, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. D avid Moltke-H ansen has been nam ed cu ra­ tor of the Manuscripts D epartm ent at the Univer­ sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. L ydia Morrow has been appointed head serials librarian at Governors State University, University Park, Illinois. P eggy M ueller has been appointed assistant for public services operations and staff develop­ m ent at the University of Texas, Austin. D iane Newsum is the new reference librarian at Ohio State University, Columbus. Marcia Parsons is now head of the Fine Arts Li­ brary at the University of Texas, Austin. D arlene J. Patrick has been appointed head of the Acquisitions D ep artm en t at Corpus C hristi State University, Texas. J oy Pile has been appointed music catalog li­ b rarian at Middlebury College, Vermont. L ynette Ralph has been appointed head of the Circulation D epartm ent at Florida State Univer­ sity, Tallahassee. Arlieda Ries has been appointed head of the Chem istry L ibrary at Ohio State University, Co­ lumbus. Anne G. Ritchie is now circulation and interli­ b ra ry loan lib ra ria n in C en tral R eference and Loan Services at the Smithsonian Institution L i­ braries, W ashington, D .C . M ary Rogers has been prom oted to assistant university librarian at Sacred H eart University, Fairfield, Connecticut. Mark Roosa has been appointed senior assistant librarian for preservation in the Collection M an­ agement Division at the University of D elaw are, Newark. Karen Rupp has been appointed social science reference librarian at Texas A&M University, Col­ lege Station. L einaala Seeger has been nam ed director of the library at the University of Idaho Law School, Moscow. Nancy Shlaes has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at Governors State University, University Park, Illinois. Nancy R. Simons has been appointed assistant science librarian at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. D iane Smith has been appointed head of the Computer-Based Resources and Services Team at Pennsylvania State University Libraries, Univer­ sity Park. Josephine Smith is now the gifts, special collec­ tions, and archives librarian at Sacred H eart Uni­ versity, Fairfield, Connecticut. Reinhart Sonnenburg has been appointed clas­ sics, G erm an, linguistics, and Romance languages librarian at Ohio State University, Columbus. L inda M. T aylor has been appointed senior cat­ aloger at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Nell T homas has been appointed head of the V eterinary Medicine L ibrary at Tuskegee Univer­ sity, Alabama. Shawn T onner has been prom oted to assistant director of public services at Florida State Univer­ sity, Tallahassee. Gregor T rinkus-Randall has been appointed collection m anagem ent consultant at the Massa­ chusetts Board of L ibrary Commissioners, Boston. Anne Van C amp has been nam ed archivist at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Califor­ nia. Stephen Van Dyk has been nam ed chief of the Sm ithsonian L ibraries’ C ooper-H ew itt Museum Branch, New York. J ulia F . W allace is now head of the Govern­ m en t Publications L ib rary a t the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. E lizabeth W ehner has been appointed assis­ ta n t cataloger in the Record M aintenance Section at the University of W aterloo Libraries, O ntario. Beth W eil has been appointed head of the Bio­ sciences Library at the University of California, Berkeley. C harlotte W elch has been appointed head of technical services at Bennington College, V er­ mont. E. E lizabeth W eston has been appointed assis­ ta n t librarian in the C entral Processing D epart­ m ent at the University of D elaw are, Newark. Stephen W olter has been appointed reference librarian and head of public services at Bennington College, Vermont. Abigail Yasgur has been appointed reference li­ b rarian in the Schlesinger L ibrary at Radcliffe Col­ lege, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Retirements Yen-Tsai F eng, Roy E. Larsen librarian of H ar­ vard College, Cam bridge, Massachusetts, will re­ tire after the current academic year. Appointed to the position in 1980, Feng is the first w om an to serve as the librarian of H arvard College. Her ca­ May 1989 / 427 reer at H arvard began in 1955 as a reference librar­ ian in the College Library. In 1957 she was ap­ pointed specialist in book selection for the social sciences in the Book Selection Division, and in 1965 she was appointed assistant librarian for docu­ ments, where she developed the Documents Divi­ sion. In 1967 she left H arvard and became assistant director for research library service at the Boston Public Library. She then became the librarian of Wellesley College in 1977. Feng received a bachelor’s degree in literature from the University of Shanghai, a master’s in E n­ glish literatu re from Colorado State College, a Ph.D. in international relations from the Univer­ sity of Denver, and an MLS from the Columbia University School of Library Service. She has re­ ceived honorary doctorates from New England College, Regis College, Smith College, Saint Jo­ seph’s College, and Simmons College. Feng has also received many other honors during her career, including the Joseph Coolidge Shaw, S.J., Medal of Boston College and the Julius Adams Stratton Prize for Cultural Achievement by the Friends of Switzerland, both of which she received with her husband, Philip McNiff. She has served on the ALA Committee on Accreditation, the WGBH Educa­ tional Foundation Community Advisory Board, the Library Visiting Committees for MIT and Les­ ley College, and the Board of Directors of the Bos­ ton YWCA, as well as chairing the ACRL Asian and African Committee and the Finance Com m it­ tee of N ELIN ET. Feng currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Polaroid Corporation and the Board of Trustees of Boston College. Ralph W. H ansen, librarian/archivist at Boise State University, Idaho, will retire at the end of May after 10 years of service at BSU and 36 years of service in the profession. Hansen began his career as a reference librarian at Brigham Young Univer­ sity but in 1956 switched to archival work when he founded the BYU archives. In 1962 he moved to Stanford University where he founded the SU ar­ chives in 1965. In 1967 he became the head of the Acquisitions Departm ent at Stanford while contin­ uing to serve as the university archivist. After a flood at Stanford’s Meyer Library in 1978, Hansen supervised the restoration of 50,000 damaged vol­ umes. In 1979 he moved to Boise State as the associ­ ate librarian. While at BSU, Hansen was put in charge of the three-year project of processing the Sen. Frank Church papers, which was completed in 1988. Sarah Miller, faculty member of the Rutgers University D epartm ent of Library and Inform a­ tion Studies, retired at the end of the 1988 school year after ten years of service. Before joining the staff at Rutgers, Miller served as head of serials and documents acquisition at C olum bia University, and ta u g h t p a rt-tim e a t C o lu m b ia ’s L ib ra ry School. She holds a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, and anM .A ., MLS, andD L S from Co­ lum bia, where she also received the School of Li­ brary Service’s Joseph Towne Wheeler Award. Miller has done extensive research into the his­ torical aspects of government printing and the gov­ ernm ent’s dissemination of information, particu­ larly as these have affected libraries. One of her recent articles, “A Distribution of Books by the Continental Congress: The Nation’s Earliest Legis­ lation Addressed to Libraries,” appeared in the Jo u rn a l o f L ib ra ry H isto ry. A p a p e r she presented—“Government Printing in the United States, Past and Present”—at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the American Printing History Asso­ ciation will appear in a forthcoming issue of Print­ ing History. J oseph W hitten, professor of library science at Long Island University, Brookville, New York, re­ tired after 27 years of service. Originally from Jack- son, Mississippi, W hitten received his bachelor’s degree from Mississippi College. He also holds de­ grees from George Peabody College, Colum bia University, and New York University. Prior to his position at LIU, W hitten served as head librarian at SUNY M aritime College, The Cooper Union, and Lycoming College. He has also taught at the University of Texas, the University of North Caro­ lina, Florida State University, Columbia Univer­ sity, and the University of Kentucky. W hitten belongs to several professional associa­ tions including ALA and the New York Library As­ sociation. He has been honored by the County Ex­ ecutive of Nassau County and the SUNY Librarians Association. The “Joseph N. W hitten Award for O utstanding Scholarship and Service” was named in his honor by the Beta Mu Chapter and is given to graduating students at the LIU School of Library and Information Science. Deaths Mary Kelley, staff member at the Library of Congress, and former cataloger at the State Uni­ versity of New York at Buffalo, died in July 1988. M arian M. O rgain, former curator of special collections at th e U niversity of H ouston, died M arch 6. A native Texan, Orgain held degrees from Texas C hristian University and Colum bia University. She served as the librarian of the Hous­ ton Chronicle before becoming the first curator of special collections at Houston, where she devel­ oped the university’s Friends of the Libraries orga­ nization. She retired from the university in 1980 af­ ter 13 years of service. Barbara A. Smith, former head of public ser­ vices at Governors State University, University P ark , Illinois, died at hom e in Park Forest on 428 / C & R L News M arch 8. H e r m ost re ­ cent position w as as co­ ordinator of com m unity college relations a n d a n ­ alyst of acad em ic p ro ­ gram s for th e provost, a post she held a t G over­ nors S tate since 1986. Smith served as acting dean of Governors State’s O ffice o f S p ecial P r o ­ gram s a n d C o n tin u in g E ducation in 1981-1982 an d 1984-1986; she was Barbara A . S m ith assistant dean and direc­ to r of continuing educa­ tio n o f th e special p ro g ram s office in 1979-1981 a n d 1982-1984. She also w o rk ed in th e G overnors S tate U niversity L ib ra ry fro m 1974 to 1979, serv­ in g as m ed ia storage specialist, systems lib r a ria n , a n d h e a d of p u b lic services. S m ith also served for m a n y years as vice p re sid en t a n d secretary of W ei T ’o Associates, I n c ., M atteson, Illinois, w h ich she h elp ed fo und. S m ith ’s p rev io u s p o sitio n s in c lu d e d su m m e r school lectu rer a t th e U niversity of W ashington School of L ib rarian sh ip (1972); coordinator for de­ p a rtm e n ta l libraries, ad m inistrative assistant to th e d ep u ty director, an d circulation a n d reserve li­ b r a r i a n a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f C h ic a g o L i b r a r y (1965-1971); reference lib rarian a t C hicago State U niversity (1964-1965); assistant professor a t th e U niversity of D enver G ra d u ate School of L ib rary and In fo rm atio n Science (1963-1964); reference li­ b r a r i a n a t H o n g K o n g C ity H a ll L i b r a r y (1962-1963); chief of public services, circulation li­ b ra ria n , an d periodicals lib rarian a t th e U niversity of D enver (1954-1961); an d reference assistant in th e F in e Arts D e p artm en t of th e C in cin n ati Public L ib rary (1953-1954). She received h e r MLS (1953) and a b achelor’s degree in hum anities (1951) a t th e University of D enver. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • C a rto la i, Illu m in a to rs, a n d P rin ters in Fifteenth-Century Italy, by M ary A. Rouse an d Roscoe A. Rouse (127 pages, D ecem ber 1988), has been published as U C LA University Research L i­ b ra ry D e p a rtm e n t of Special C ollections O cca­ sional Paper no. 1. Illu strated w ith a color frontis­ p ie c e a n d 25 b l a c k - a n d - w h i t e p la te s , th e m onograph discusses th e role of th e p a p er suppliers (cartolai) in th e decoration of p rin ted books in R en­ aissance Florence. In ad d itio n to a catalogue of il­ lu m in a te d an d deco rated books on exhibition a t th e U C LA L ib rary , th e volum e contains a list of all item s know n to have been p rin ted by th e press of San Jacopo di Ripoli in Florence. A copy m ay be requested from th e D e p artm en t of Special Collec­ tions, University Research L ib rary , U C LA , 405 H ilg ard A ve., Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575. • T h e CATLA Union List o f Serials, com piled by th e C hicago A rea Theological L ib rary Association, has been p roduced on five m icrofiche cards using O C L C ’s union listing capability. I t contains rec­ ords for 15,000 serial titles found in th e libraries of 25 theological sem inaries in Io w a, W isconsin, Illi­ nois, n o rth e rn In d ian a, and M ichigan. T he cost is $30.00 (prepaid). C o n ta ct W illiam D a rr, M organ L ib rary , G race Theological Sem inary, 200 Semi­ n a ry D rive, W inona L ake, IN 46590. • Developing Partnerships, a re p o rt th a t docu- m ents a p roject u n d ertak en a t th e O n tario In stitu te fo r S tudies in E d u c a tio n o n b e h a lf o f C o n ta c t N o rth /C o n ta c t N ord, m arks a significant co n trib u ­ tio n to th e lite ra tu re of C an a d ia n a d u lt education in rem ote com m unities. Copies m ay be ordered for $18.50 C a n a d ia n (p rep a id checks m a d e o u t to L a u re n tia n University) from C o n tact N o rth /C o n ­ ta c t N ord, 160 Douglas Street W est, Sudbury, O n ­ ta rio , C a n a d a P3E 1G1. • T h e Directory o f Telefacsimile Sites in North American Libraries (4th e d ., 1988) lists m ore th a n 1,700 libraries w ith telefacsim ile units an d p ro ­ vides fax num bers, contact persons, full in stitu ­ tio n al addresses, an d O C L C o r R LIN symbols. T h e ty p e of fax eq u ip m en t in use is indicated for 1,350 sites, w ith O m nifax eq u ip m en t rep o rted in 28 % of th em . T h ere are entries from all 50 states, th e Dis­ tric t of C olum bia, th e V irgin Islands, and all b u t tw o of th e C an a d ia n provinces. T he directory is available for $24.00 (prepaid, plus $2.00 handling) from CBR C onsulting Services, P .O . Box 248, Bu­ ch an a n D am , TX 78609-0248.