ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1989 / 431 • The Tinker Guide to Latin American and Car- ibbean Policy and Scholarly Resources in Metropoli­ tan New York, edited by Ronald G. Heilman and Beth Kempler Pfannl (217 pages, January 1989), is a list of organizations and collections in the New York area that constitute sources of information and assistance to those interested in Latin Ameri­ can and Caribbean studies. Information is pro­ vided on academic institutions, associations and re­ search c en ters, c h am b ers of com m erce and governm ent offices, consulates, lib raries, UN agencies, bookstores, publications, and City Uni­ versity scholars of Latin American and Caribbean affairs. Copies may be ordered for $27.95 from the Bildner Center for W estern European Studies, CUNY G rad u ate C enter, 33 W . 42d St., New York, NY 10036-8099. ISBN 0-929972-00-7. • The Women’s History Library Collections are still available on microfilm from the W omen’s His­ tory Research Center, even though the Center will probably cease operating after September 1989. The three sets are the only comprehensive records of the changing status of women’s lives from 1968 to 1974. Two of the sets, W omen and Law ($1,738) and W om en and H ealth/M ental Health ($604), contain over 650 subject files of published and un­ published pamphlets and news articles. Each file reflects a topic as it evolved in the women’s move­ ment. The third set, Herstory ($3,790), contains 21,000 issues of 821 women’s newsletters, journals and newspapers published by and about women’s liberation, civic, professional, religious and peace groups. Libraries ordering all three sets receive the Health set free of charge. Sample reels and guides are available from the publisher: W omen’s History Research Center, 2325 Oak Street, Berkeley, CA 94708; (415) 548-1770. ■ ■ CALENDAR June 9-11—Academic libraries: “ The Dynam ics of Small to Medium-Sized Academic Libraries,” a conference sponsored by the Emporia State Uni­ versity School of Library and Information Man­ agement, will be held at the ESU campus. Top­ ics to be discussed in clu d e ex p an d in g connections to curriculum , effecting positive change, addressing challenges within fiscal con­ straints, and in ternationalizing the library. Speakers include Maureen Pastine, Washington State University, and Betsy Baker, Northwestern U n iv ersity . R eg istratio n fee: $50 for ESU alum ni; $60 for all others. C ontact: Allison Level, School of Library and Information Man­ ag em en t, 1200 C o m m e rc ial, E m p o ria , KS 66801; (316) 343-5203. 13-16—Christian librarians: The 33rd annual con­ ference of the Association of Christian Librari­ ans, “Librarians as Pioneers: Publishing, Pro­ d u c in g , an d P re s e rv in g ,” w ill be h eld at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Ore­ gon. Featured speakers will include Joseph C. Aldrich of Multnomah, Earl D. Radmacher of W estern Conservative Baptist Seminary, and David C. Needham of M ultnomah. Plans in­ clude more than thirty professional workshops, roundtables, and special interest sessions, as well as tours of the Portland area. Contact: Lynn Brock, Executive Secretary, Association of Christian L ibrarians, Box 4, Cedarville, OH 45314; (513) 766-2211. August 17-18—CD-ROM: The University of California at Berkeley School of L ibrary and Inform ation Studies and the UC Berkeley Extension will co­ sponsor a conference called “CD-ROM in the Li­ brary: Today and Tomorrow” to be held on the UC Berkeley campus. Speakers will discuss cur­ rent CD-ROM options for library technical ser­ vices, reference, and public access catalogs, as well as where CD-ROM is going and w hat the future is likely to bring. Contact: Library and Inform ation Studies, UC Berkeley Extension, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, CA 94720; (415) 643- 6903. 26-27—Serving immigrants: Librarians, educa­ tors, and representatives of immigrant and refu­ gee groups will explore school library service to immigrant children in a conference titled “New Faces in the Library” to be held at the University of California Extension Center in San Francisco. The conference will include presentations, pan­ els, and workshops. Contact: Library and Infor­ mation Studies, UC Berkeley Extension, 2223 F u lto n St., Berkeley, CA 94720; (415) 643- 6903. ■ ■