ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 7 0 / C&RL News The tim e to lead ACRL seeks nominees f o r office W ould you lik e to serve on th e ACRLB oard o f D irectors as vice-president/ president-elect o r s ee k office in an ACRL s ec ­ tion? W ould you like to nom inate an y on e else for o n e o f these positions? If the answ er is yes, here is w hat you n eed to do. ACRL Board of Directors The ACRL Appointments and Nominations Com­ m ittee will b e nom inating candidates for ACRL vice-president/president-elect. T he election will b e held in the spring o f 1996 and the w inners will hold office beginn ing in th e sum m er o f 1996. I f you w ish to b e con sidered for nom ina­ tion o r if you w ould lik e to subm it nam es for consideration, con tact the chair o f the com m it­ tee: M axine H. Reneker, 4 37 College Ave., Palo A lto, CA 9 4 3 0 6 -1 5 2 5 ; fa x : ( 4 0 8 ) 6 5 6 -2 8 4 2 ; e-m ail: m ren ek er@ n p s.n av y .m il, prior to the ALA Annual C on feren ce in Chicago this Ju n e. ACRL section officers Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect o f ACRL section s are selected by the Nominating Com ­ m ittee o f ea ch section . If you w ould like to nom inate s om eo n e or b e nom inated for VC o f an ACRL section , con tact the chair o f the N omi­ nating Com m ittee for the appropriate section prior to the ALA Annual C on feren ce in Chi­ cago. O th er section officers, including secre­ tary and m em ber-at-large, m ay also b e under con sideration for this term o f office, w hich will begin in the sum m er o f 1996. Section nom inating committee chairs Afro-American Studies Librarian Section. E. Gail R eese, Assistant D irector for Inform a­ tion Resources, Case W estern Reserve Univer­ sity, 1 0 9 0 0 E u clid A ven u e, C lev elan d , OH 4 4 106-7151; e-m ail: egr@ p ru .ed u . Anthropology and Sociology Section. David M. H ovde, Purdue University Libraries, 1530 Stewart Center, W est Lafayette, IN 47907-1530; e-mail: hovd e@ m u rd u e.ed u . Arts Section. Christine W hittington, 98 Mill St., O rono, ME 0 4473; e-mail: christin@ m ain e.ed u. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section. Carol L. Jo n e s , Y ale University, K line S cien ce Library, 2 19 P rospect St., B o x 6666, New Ha­ v e n , C T 0 6 5 2 0 - 8 1 1 1 ; e -m a il: c a r o n e s @ quickm . Bibliographic Instruction Section. Shirley Cody, Ferris State University Library, 1201 South State Street, B ig R ap id s, MI 4 9 3 0 7 ; e-m ail: cod y s@ lib0 1.ferris.e d u . College Library Section. Jo h n Sheridan, 1731 N. Nevada Ave., C olorado Springs, CO 80907; e-m ail: jsh erid an @ lo rad o .ed u . Community and Ju n io r College Libraries Section. Ja y B. Clark, San Ja c in to College, Lee Davis Library, 8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, T X 7 7 501-2007; e-mail: jb clark @ ten et.ed u . (Tim e to le a d cont. on p a g e 287) Letter A p p la u s e f o r ACRL's s u p p o r t o f A LA G o a l 2 0 0 0 An o p e n letter to the ACRL Board o f D irec­ tors: Y ou r action in support o f ALA G oal 2000 is truly exception al. T h e Am erican Library Association, b ecau se o f your leadership, will b e able to immediately mount a strong policy initiative in support o f “fair u s e ” protection in an electron ic environm ent and continued federal funding for academ ic libraries. You have demonstrated a real com m itm ent to our academ ic library patrons and an aggressive legislative agenda. Y ou to o k action at a time w h en it could m ake a real d ifference. I ap­ plaud your vision, leadership, and willing­ ness to step up to the challeng es w e face.— Carla Stofβe, University o f Arizona