ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 5 /2 7 1 ACRL preconferences in Chicago The topics will be documenting cultures and legal research A CRL will offer two p reconferences prior to the ALA Annual C onference in Chi­ cago this summer. Details about both follow. Brochures for both preconferences are avail­ able from the ACRL office. T o request o n e o f the brochures call the ACRL office at (8 0 0 ) 545- 2433, ext. 2510 or 3248; fax your request to (3 1 2 ) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 ; o r s en d e-m ail to: alth ea. jenkins@ 36th rare books preconference “Collecting Cultures: T he Politics and Practice of Building Special Collections” is the them e o f the Thirty-Sixth P r e c o n fe r e n c e o f th e Rare Books and Manuscripts Section o f ACRL, to be held at Indiana University, Bloom ington, from June 2 0 -2 3 , 1995. T he plenary sessions and seminars will fo ­ cus on the role o f special collections in docu­ menting cultures. Drawing on current trends in sch o larsh ip , p articip an ts w ill e x p lo re h o w inodes o f collecting both reflect and influence modes o f scholarship. T he precon feren ce will rigorously exam ine the constructs that inform the traditional ways special collections have been built and will evaluate those constructs in the light o f contem porary scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. T he program will bring special collections librarians together with a variety o f scholars who use primary sources in n ew ways; it will introduce the array o f new scholarly paradigms that are being used, query the constructed na­ ture o f special collections, and explore both librarians’ and scholars’ understanding o f the role libraries play in providing primary research materials and preserving culture in its broadest terms. Throughout the preconference, em pha­ sis will b e placed on integrating theoretical ap­ proaches taken from scholarship with practical applications by special collections librarians in their day-to-day work. A variety o f professional developm ent semi­ nars will b e provided; in addition, a special, day-long limited enrollm ent w orkshop on rare b o o k reference sources will b e offered. Speakers. Carolyn Dever, New Y o rk Uni­ versity: “Taxonom ies o f Gender: Sex, Author­ ship, and the A rchaeology o f Research in Vic­ to rian S tu d ies”; Mark Dimunation, C ornell University, Ithaca, New York: “Past Reconsid­ erations: Re-reading Our Collections through the Lens o f the New History”; John Durham, B o le riu m B o o k s : “C o lle c tio n s, C u ltu res: A B o o k se ller’s V iew ”; Eugene Eoyang, Indiana U niversity, B lo o m in g to n : In form al rem arks about his b o o k Coat of Many Colors from a Minority of One (B ea c o n Press, 1995); Frances Smith Foster, Emory University: “ReCollecting Texts, R econsid erin g Contexts”; Henry Glassie, Indiana University, Bloomington: “Libraries, Mu­ seums, and Cultures”; Holly Hall, W ashington U n iv e r s ity , St. L o u is : “S u b je c t i v i t y As Everybody’s Subject: Som e O bject Lessons for Literature Collections”; Elisabeth Kennedy, State University o f New Y ork at Buffalo: “T h e Im­ p o rta n ce o f O ral H istories in D ocu m en tin g W o r k in g - C la s s L e s b ia n C u ltu r e ”; Teresa Mangum, Iow a State University: “Finding the History o f Aging in the Nineteenth Century”; Cathy M’Closky, Y ork University, Canada: “Mar­ keting Multiple Myths: T he Hidden History o f Navaho W eaving As Revealed in the Lorenzo Hubbell Papers”; Simon Morgan-Russell, B ow l­ ing G reen State University: “A Renaissance o f Q ueer Materials: Rethinking the Evidence”; Cary Nelson, University o f Illinois, Urbana-C ham paign: “T he New A rchaeological Library: Pre­ serving Material Culture, or, W hy D oes the Li­ brary Need an Old Pair o f Shoes?”; David Nord, Indiana University, Bloom ington: “T h ere’s More to a N ewspaper Than the Newspaper: Doing Journalism History in Manuscript Collections”; Brad Westbrook, University o f California, San Diego: “Lighting Up the Territory.” 2 7 2 / C&RL News Seminars. O p p ortu nities fo r con tin u in g education and professional developm ent will include a variety o f seminars for preconference participants. Topics include: a scholar’s forum on new uses o f special collections materials; locating literary manuscripts; dealing with du­ plicates; cultural and ethnic special collections; provenance and rare materials cataloging; cata­ loging rare serials; collecting children’s litera­ ture; mentoring in special collections librarian­ ship; perspectives on teaching the history o f the b ook; working with guest curators for e x ­ hibitions; Renaissance bibliography; digital im­ age access projects; cooperative collection d e­ velopm ent; planning for new buildings; and security issues facing special collections. Tours. Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction; Archives o f Tradi­ tional Music; Literary Electronic T ext Resource Service (LETRS); Music Library and Variations Project; Musical Arts Center. Tours o f libraries and special facilities on the Indiana University Campus will b e offered concurrently with the seminars. Space will be limited. Sign-up for the tours will b e at the reg­ istration desk at the Indiana Memorial Union C onference Lobby, Mezzanine Level. Registration. Registration is limited to the first 250 applicants. T he registration fee o f $175 for ACRL mem bers, or $210 for non-ACRL mem­ bers, must b e included with the registration form. This fee includes: entry to all preconfer­ en ce receptions, luncheons, and coffee breaks; and entrance to all preconference papers and seminars. A special student registration fee o f $75 is available for all currently enrolled, full­ time students. This fee includes entry to all pre­ con feren ce papers, seminars, receptions, and breaks, but not lunches. A separate fee o f $35 will b e charged for the optional trip to Nash­ ville, Indiana, on Thursday evening. T o regis­ ter for this RBMS p recon feren ce con tact the ACRL office at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2510 o r 3248. Housing and transportation. Housing is available on the Indiana University campus in Eigenmann Graduate Residence Center, which offers single, air-conditioned room s with same- s e x floors and com m unity bathroom s. Each room has a phone and data jack. Linens are provided. The cost will b e $28.50 per night. Most travelers fly into the Indianapolis In­ ternational Airport and con nect to Bloom ing­ ton with ground transportation. Details on alternative housing and transpor­ tation inform ation are given in the p re c o n ­ ference brochure. Y ou may request on e from the ACRL office by calling (800) 545-2433, ext. 2510 or 3248. Legal research for no n-law librarians “Taking the Mystery out o f Legal Research for Non-Law Librarians” is the preconference b e ­ ing offered by ACRL’s Law and Political Sci­ en c e Section (LPSS), 8 :30 a .m .-5 :0 0 p.m. on Friday, Ju n e 23. Lunch will b e included. This full-day con ference is for librarians who w ant to learn m ore about legal reference and how to assist their patrons in doing legal re­ search. Librarians w ho are experienced in do­ ing legal research will provide an introduction to the legal system in the United States. Partici­ pants will learn how laws get passed and where to locate the texts o f laws, both federal and state. They will learn the basics o f finding ad­ ministrative regulations and court reports. The preconference will con clud e with a panel dis­ cussion on applied legal reference. A major elec­ tronic publisher will dem onstrate its online ref­ e ren ce system. T he program will b e followed by a vendor fair with representatives from both print and electronic publishing. Audience. Academic librarians and public librarians needing an introduction to or review o f legal reference. T he program will bring them up-to-date with new sources o f information. Speakers. Lorraine Kulpa, B a k e r and McKenzie Library: “Introduction to Legal Re­ search”; Natalie Schatz, Fletcher School o f Law and Diplom acy Library: “Legislative Process— Statutes and Codes”; Deanna Wood, University o f New H am pshire Library: “Adm inistrative Regulations”; Jacqueline Orlando, Capital Uni­ versity Law Library: “Case Law Research— Re­ porter System, Digests, How to Shepardize”; Darcy Kirk, Georgetown University Law Library: “Secondary Legal Materials”; Cheryl Nyberg, Uni­ versity o f Illinois Law Library: “L ooseleaf Ser­ vices.” A panel discussion will b e presented by Bruce Kennedy, University o f Toledo; Laura Bartolo, Kent State University Library; and Bar­ bara Morgan, University o f Massachusetts: “An­ swering Difficult Legal Questions at the Refer­ en ce Desk and Library Instruction Program s.” Registration. The registration fee is $120 for ACRL mem bers, $155 for ALA mem bers, and $215 for non-ALA mem bers. The deadline for registration is May 15, 1995. T o register for this LPSS preconference contact the ACRL office at (80 0 ) 545-2433, ext. 2510 or 3248; fax: (312) 280-2520.. April 1 9 9 5 /2 7 3