ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 9 5 / 2 7 7 In tern et Review s Sa ra A m a to, editor United Nations G opher. Access: g o p h e r:/ / g o p h e r. Contact: UNDP gopher administrator, root@ E l e c t r o n i c a c c e s s to United Nations d ocu m ents has two obvious advantages over print: tim elin ess and ease o f d is trib u tio n . T h e United Nations g o p h er rep ­ resents a c o m m itm e n t to both and, although still rela­ tively sm all, p rom ises im ­ proved access to information generated by and about this important interna­ tional body. T he o p en in g m enu features 14 ch oices. Al­ though there is n o m enu item offering a key­ word search o f the directories, files, or c o n ­ tents o f the U.N. gopher, the available categories are clearly labeled and organized. T h e first— “The United Nations, w hat it is and w hat it does”— provides the full text o f the U.N. Char­ ter, the Statute o f the International Court o f J u s ­ tice, and the Universal D eclaration o f Human Rights, as well as folders o f additional material describing the U.N. system , organization, re­ sources, and p ea cek eep in g functions. T he seco n d item o n the op en in g m enu links the user to the daily journal and to press brief­ ings and releases, current-year Security Coun­ cil resolutions, and statem ents by the Secretary General. Users with only a vague idea o f w hen the Security Council passed a particular resolu­ tion may find the chronological ordering cum ­ bersom e as they w ork first through filenam es such as “94-03: March 94/” and th en through files labeled with resolution numbers rather than with topical keyw ords. T he rapid availability o f the resolutions p robably outw eighs such in­ c on ven iences for m any researchers, how ever. M enu categ ories for G en eral A ssem bly and Security Council material and d ocu m ents from such w idely pu blicized m eetings as the Inter­ national C on feren ce o n P opulation and D evel­ opm ent contribute to th e g o p h er’s usefulness. The United Nations Econ om ic and Social Coun­ cil has its ow n spot o n th e m enu; it includes a link to the Com m ission o n Sustainable D evel­ Sara Amato is automated systems librarian a t Central Washington University; sam ato@ tahom o p m e n t g o p h e r c o m p le te w ith a n e x c e l l e n t u s e r s ’ manual. Another main menu h e a d in g , “U n ited N atio n s D e v e lo p m e n t P ro g ra m m e (U N D P) D o c u m e n ts,” p ro ­ vides the UNDP’s statem ent o f purpose, a description o f the organization, a w ell-or­ ganized collectio n o f state­ m ents by officials, and simi­ la r d o c u m e n ts . T h e U.N. g o p h er also m akes it easy to c o n n e c t to the gop h ers o f the International Atomic En­ ergy Agency, International T elecom m unication U n io n , N orth A tlan tic T reaty O rg an izatio n , U nited N ations C h ild ren ’s Fund, th e W orld Health Organization, the W orld B ank, etc. T w o items on the U.N. G o p h er m ain m enu lead to directories and a telecom m unications catalog for ph on e numbers and e-mail addresses o f individuals affiliated w ith the U.N. Selections for environm ental inform ation, o th er gop h er servers, and external public d atabases provide c on n ectio n s to n etw orked resou rces beyond those offered b y the U.N., w hile two final menu items c eleb rate the organization’s 50th anniver­ sary and ann ou n ce n ew developm ents. As the UN g o p h er con tin u es to grow, it will serve as a tim ely and easily accessib le alterna­ tive to the rather slow publishing program o f the organization and its m any affiliated agen ­ cies. C ollege students, M odel U.N. participants, researchers, and the librarians w ho serve them will find m uch to appreciate about the U.N. G op h er.— Cheryl Knott Malone, University of Texas at Austin; C horus: A Resource for A cadem ic an d Educational Com puting in the A rts/H u ­ m an ities. Access: h ttp://w w w,ca: 2080/Chorus/hom e.htm l. Chorus, accord ing to its ow n introduction, “is a resou rce for acad em ic and educational com puting in the arts/humanities. (T h e terms ‘arts’ and ‘hum anities’ are used to refer to the study o f language, b o th m odern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; philosophy; ar­ chaeology; religion; ethics; the history, criticism, and theory o f the arts; those areas o f education and social s cien c e w h ich have hum anistic c o n ­ tent and/or em ploy hum anistic m ethods; and, gopher://gopher 2 7 8 /C&RL News th eo lo g y .” T h e project is coordinated by Todd J . B. B layone, faculty lecturer at McGill Univer­ sity. His p rev iou s e x p e r ie n c e in p resen tin g m aterial o f this type com es from a stint as guest e d i t o r f o r Offline: Computer Research fo r Religious Studies. Chorus is not envi­ sion ed as a serial pub­ lication, but as a site, in the true sen se o f a p l a c e , w h i c h w ill evolve and grow over time and as m ore and m ore p eo p le con trib­ This g rap h ic is fro m th versity Park E lem en tarute. T h e resou rce of­ lin k fro m City.Net. fers fe a tu re a rticles, softw are reviews, b o o k review s, and links to o th er resources in the fields o f hum anities and hum anities com puting, and is actively solicit­ ing qualified contributors and section editors at present. T he editorial team , as it stands, com ­ prises an im pressive array o f personnel, includ­ ing faculty from Y ale, the University o f Con­ n ecticu t, M cG ill, th e University o f Durham , Notre D am e, and o th er schools. T h e initial feature articles include “Electronic Shakespeare: Making T exts C om pute” by Eric Jo h n s o n , and “Tow ards a Virtual University” by L. G regory Bloom quist. This is a prom ising site, esp ecially exciting in its incipient ability not only to d escribe, but to dem onstrate principles o f com puting appli­ cations vis-à-vis the humanities. T h e design o f Chorus is professional and attractive as w ell as easily navigated. Care is given to the citation o f sou rces, and to the credentials o f the contribu­ tors.— David Dodd, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; City. Net. Access: T h o s e w h o r e c a ll a fr a n tic ru stlin g o f Newsweek pages in the days following last year’s South African election s, w h en students rushed in to locate the new flag o f the nation, might e n jo y e x a m in in g th e m an y sites a c c e s s ib le through City.Net. A w ide variety o f questions may b e answ ered using this w e b server o p er­ ated by City Net Express o f Portland, O regon. B eg u n in 1994 b y form er Intel system s engi­ n eer K evin Altis, this rapidly grow ing site ar­ ranges and provides links to city, regional, and country hom e pag es around the world. T h e sim ple nam e b elies the real strength o f this resou rce in that it functions as an electronic hybrid o f m any kinds o f referen ce materials— part atlas, part gazetteer, part alm anac, and m u ch m ore. T h is reso u rce will ap p eal to a multidisciplinary audience, and could b e an ap­ propriate stop for u n ­ dergraduates seekin g d a ta o n tra v e l a n d to u rism , m a rk e tin g , d em o g ra p h ic s , g o v ­ ernm ent and politics, and social and cultural to p ics. City.N et also m ay p rov e to b e o f equ al value to librar­ e Fairban ks, Alaska, Uni­ ians seek in g answers y S ch o o l’s hom e page, a to ready-reference or “stum per” questions. T h e re s o u rc e is w e ll o rg a n iz ed an d e x ­ trem ely easy to brow se, and the s creen dis­ plays for the h om e pag es o f sites are simply designed. T h ere are links at the bottom o f ea ch hom e page b ack to th e ind ex from w hich on e beg an a search, along with four alphabetical ind exes to cities, states o r provinces, regions, and countries. W hile there is n o onlin e help, o n e should rem em ber that this is essentially a directory; such help is likely unnecessary. T he site administrators have p laced clearly marked links o n the h o m e page that users may select to post questions to City.Net. And this review er consistently has received a resp on se to all o f his queries within a m atter o f hours. T h e ch ief flaw in this resource appears to b e a bug in the keyw ord search engine, w hich presently returns zero hits with som e frequency. City.Net staff are currently w orking to correct this problem . T h e typical city page offers o n e o r m ore city guides from w hich to ch o o se, along with maps, transit sched ules, and o th er general in­ form ation. T h e guides, and the city pages them ­ selves, typically include a m ix o f travel, busi­ n e s s, a n d e n te rta in m e n t m a teria ls m o st o f interest to business, m arketing, o r travel stu­ dents. And w hile there is substantial data in som e city pages, the real value o f this resource lies in the vast am ount o f inform ation included in the many links to foreign countries. B y brow s­ ing the country pag es o n e m ay locate an as­ tounding variety o f ecle c tic facts, from sum ­ m ary ta b le s o f th e 199 1 In d ia c e n s u s , to 18 1 1 -1 9 9 1 population tables for Scotland. Need to k n o w th e s tate flo w e r o f M alaysia? Try City.Net. And d o n ’t forget— those country flag illustrations are just a m ou se click away.—J ohn Creech, Willamette University Library