ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 9 4 / C&RL News • September 2002 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg ARL reaffirm ation The Association of Research Libraries issued a statement, “The Responsibility of Research Li­ braries for Preservation,” in May 2002. This statement reaffirms “preservation as one of the fundamental responsibilities o f the research li­ brary community.” It also describes the complexity o f preserv­ ing all types o f research materials, and the ne­ cessity for making “w ise and economical choices among a spectrum o f options from conserving an artifact in its original manifesta­ tion to preserving only its informational con­ tent in an alternative format that best facilitates its continued use.” The full-text of the statement is available at html. 9/11 report Heritage Preservation has issued “Cataclysm and Challenge,” a 26-page report about the de­ struction o f cultural and historical artifacts re­ sulting from the September 11 attacks. The report includes both a study o f the losses in N ew Y ork City and Washington, D.C., and a survey o f the disaster prepared­ ness o f 122 cultural institutions in Low er Manhattan. Among the survey’s findings were that stan­ dard emergency preparedness activities proved to be most effective in protecting or saving ma­ terials, even in this unprecedented situation. It also found that only 46 percent o f the institu­ tions surveyed had a written emergency plan, and only 42 percent had staff trained in disas­ ter response procedures. Only 60 percent had a current catalog or collection inventory, and more than half o f those did not keep a back-up copy o f holdings off-site. The full-text is available as a free p d f at Cataclysm.htm. Printed copies are available for a shipping and handling fee from Lucy Kurtz at Heritage Preservation, 1730 K Street, NW Suite 566, Washington, D.C. 20006-3836; phone: (888) 388-6789; fax: (202) 634-1435; e-mail: lk u rtz@ h erita g ep reserva tio n .o rg ; URL: Benchmarks Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries in the United Kingdom, has pub­ lished Benchmarks in Collection Care fo rM useums, Archives and Libraries: A Self-Assessment Check­ list. This 92-page document helps institutions evaluate their collection care activities against basic good and best practices, then identify pos­ sible improvements and measure progress in making those improvements. The checklist is available as a free PDF at lications/OOpubs. asp. Technical m etadata standard The National Information Standards Organi­ zation (NISO) has released Data Dictionary— Technical Metadatafo r Digital Still Images (NISO Z39.87-2002/AIIM 20-2002) as a draft standard for trial use. Jointly developed with AIIM In­ ternational, this standard provides technical support for applications to validate, manage, migrate, process, and ultimately preserve digi­ tal still images. It utilizes MIX, an XML schema that defines the format for interchange and/or storage o f the specified data. The standard will be available for review and implementation from June 1, 2002, through December 31, 2003. Oya Rieger (Cornell Uni­ versity) and Robin Dale (Research Libraries Group) cochaired the Standards Committee AU that developed this draft standard so expedi­ tiously. The standard is available as a free PDF at MIX is available free through a link on the standard’s page above, or at http://www. Comments should be submitted to NISO headquarters by e-mail at ■ Ja ne H e d b e rg is p re s e rv a tio n p r o g r a m o ff ic e r a t H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity Lib r a r y , -m a ii: ja n e _ h e d b e rg @ h a rv a rd .e d u ; fa x : (617)496-8344 http://www C&RL News ■ September 2002 / 595