ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 277 People P R O F IL E S Eugene P. Kennedy has been appointed as New York University’s dean of libraries. The dean will direct the operations of eight libraries at the six univer­ sity centers from of­ fices in the new El­ mer Holmes Bobst Library and Study Center on Washing­ ton Square South. The Bobst, which re­ cently opened, is one of the world’s largest open-stack libraries. Mr. Kennedy brings to the position ex­ pertise and extensive experience in library Eugene P. Kennedy administration and technology. Since com­ ing to NYU two years ago as associate dean, he has assumed leadership in the planning and de­ velopment of the Bobst Library, where a com­ prehensive multimedia center will be developed in recognition of the increasing supply and de­ mand for nonbook learning resources. His experience includes eight years in in­ formation sciences for several federal govern­ ment agencies. He was director of the Federal Aviation Agency’s information retrieval pro­ gram (FAIRS); then chief of the Systems De­ velopment and Coordination Staff of the E du­ cational Resources Information Center, U.S. Office of Education, where he was responsible for the design, development, and implementa­ tion of the Office of Education’s comprehensive information retrieval program. He also directed the Office of Education’s Library and Informa­ tion Sciences Research Program prior to joining St. Louis University as director of libraries in late 1968. He held that position until coming to New York University in 1971. Mr. Kennedy is an alumnus of Villanova Uni­ versity, and of the Drexel Library School. He has done further graduate study in law, E n­ glish, and management technology at Temple and American Universities. Patricia Anne Sacks, librarian at Cedar Crest College, has been named to the new po­ sition of director of Muhlenberg College and Cedar Crest libraries, Allentown, Pennsylvania. The establishment of a joint library administra­ tion program is one of a continuing series of steps in the development of interinstitutional cooperation between Muhlenberg and Cedar Crest. Mrs. Sacks, who will direct the joint library operation, has the faculty rank of associate pro­ fessor at Cedar Crest and will hold the same rank as a member of the Muhlenberg faculty. She received the bachelor of arts degree in his­ tory and politics from Cedar Crest and the mas­ ter of arts in library science from Drexel Uni­ versity. She was appointed librarian at Cedar Crest’s Cressman Library in 1966, and her ser­ vice to the college has included membership on the long-range educational planning commit­ tee, which developed a new curriculum, and the advisory committee on fiscal planning. A P P O I N T M E N T S Penny E. Albright—cataloger—University of South Carolina, Columbia. Arne Arneson—music librarian—State University of New York, Binghamton. Virginia Ashley—assistant reference librari­ an, McKissick Memorial Library—University of South Carolina, Columbia. Nancy L. Baker—reference librarian/En- glish—State University of New York, Bing­ hamton. Susan K. Beidler—catalog librarian— Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jer­ sey. Nadine R. Belz—acquisitions librarian— Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jer­ sey. Paul E. Birkel—associate librarian—Uni­ versity of San F rancisco, California. Daniel Brassell—reference librarian—Syr­ acuse University, New York. Robert K. Brandriff—instructor, science reference librarian—Bowling Green State University libraries, Ohio. Susan H. Brinn—reference librarian, Perkins Library—Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Serena Burke—bibliographer, Perkins Li­ brary—Duke University, Durham, North Car­ olina. E lizabeth B. Capehart—cataloger—Uni­ versity of South Carolina, Columbia. Jane Cargill—head of technical services, Learning Resources Centre—Southern Alber­ ta Institute of Technology, Calgary, Al­ berta. Ann M. Case—editor—Bibliographic Index. Leonx G. Cooper, Jr.—director of library services—University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Marilyn J. Craig—catalog librarian—Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson. Nancy B. Crane—head, reference depart- 278 ment, Bailey Library—University of Ver­ mont, Burlington. Karen M. Corey—reader service librarian and assistant professor of library sciences— Purdue University Calumet Campus, Ham­ mond, Indiana. Pamela S. Cormier—assistant reference li­ brarian, Bertrand Library—Bucknell Univer­ sity, Lewisberg, Pennsylvania. Milton H. Crouch—assistant director for reader services, Bailey Library—University of Vermont, Burlington. Roylene G. Cunningham—loan services li­ brarian, Norris Medical Library—University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Mary G. D’Alesio—assistant readers ser­ vices librarian—Concord College, Athens, West Virginia. Eldon H. Degge—director—Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET). Sanford D orbin—head, reference depart­ ment, Wilbur Cross Library—University of Connecticut, Storrs. Cynthia B. D uncan—director, Sandel Li­ brary—Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe. F. Peter Dzwonkoski—assistant to the cura­ tor, Yale Collection of American Literature— Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Roberta Engleman—subject cataloger, Per­ kins Library—Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Edwin V. Erbe, Jr.—assistant reference li­ brarian—Newark State College, Union, New Jersey. Sister Margaret Everhart—catalog li­ brarian, Rare Book Cataloguing Division— Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Gerald W. Ewing—media production co­ ordinator—Stockton State College, Pomo­ na, New Jersey. Charling C. Fagan—assistant librarian— Bunker Hill Community College, Charles­ town, Massachusetts. Ann B. Fitzsimons—reference librarian— State University of New York, Purchase. David N. Forsythe—head of technical ser­ vices—State University of New York, Pur­ chase. Stephanie J. Frontz—head, fine arts library —Rochester University, New York. Martha J. Golden—instructor, catalog li­ brarian—Bowling Green State University libraries, Ohio. E lisabeth M. Gori—senior library assistant, technical services—Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown, Massachusetts. Jo Anne Hall—interlibrary loans librarian, Bailey Library—University of Vermont, Bur­ lington. Mohamoud Hamud—Africana Studies li­ brarian—Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. John J. Hawkins—head librarian—Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown, Mas­ sachusetts. Eileen M. Heaser—assistant science and technology librarian—California State Uni­ versity, Chico. Sara Heitshu—head of book purchasing and receiving section—University of Michi­ gan library, Ann Arbor. John B. Hench—editor—American Anti­ quarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. Randy Hensley—reference librarian—Cali­ fornia State University, Chico. Sally Herbison—reference librarian, Learn­ ing Resources Centre—Southern Alberta In­ stitute of Technology, Calgary, Alberta. Eugene W. Huguelet—associate director of library services—East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. David K. Isaacson—general reference li­ brarian—Western Michigan University, Kal­ amazoo. Simone Jacobson—assistant librarian in physical sciences—Cornell University, Itha­ ca, New York. D. Ronald Johnson—acquisitions librarian —University of North Carolina, Wilming­ ton. Steven Johnson—catalog librarian, subject cataloging division—Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Thomas L. Johnson—assistant librarian, South Carolina Library—University of South Carolina, Columbia. Diane C. Kasper—instructor, education ref­ erence librarian—Bowling Green State Uni­ versity libraries, Ohio. Michael Keller—music librarian—Cor­ nell University, Ithaca, New York. Karon M. Kelly—information desk librari­ an—California State University, Sacramen­ to. Loretta Kelner—chief of public services, Bertrand Library—Bucknell University, Lewisberg, Pennsylvania. Arthur L. Ketchersid—assistant director for technical services—University of South Florida Library, Tampa. Susan Klimley—reference librarian—Muh- lenburg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Lawrence Kline—subject cataloger, Per­ kins Library—Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Martha Lapas—reference librarian, chief bibliographer—East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Charles R. Landau—assistant social sci­ ences librarian—California State Universi­ ty, Sacramento. 279 Douglas Leadenham—science librarian— University of Arizona, Tucson. Donald Leatherman—librarian of the E d­ ucational Media Center Library—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. LOIS J. LEHMAN—education librarian—In­ diana University, Bloomington. Susan L. Lindgren—assistant reference li­ brarian, Bailey Library—University of Ver­ mont, Burlington. Dorcas MacD onald—interlibrary loan li­ brarian—Syracuse University, New York. Mary McIlvaine—librarian, government publications department—University of Con­ necticut, Storrs. Robert J. Madden—special collections li­ brarian—Newark State College, Union, New Jersey. Michael Markwith—head of acquisitions —State University of New York, Bingham­ ton. Arthur H. Miller Jr.—head librarian— Lake F orest College, Lake Forest, Illinois. Charlotte Millis—librarian—Plymouth State College, Plymouth, New Hampshire. Ilmee Min—catalog librarian, Law Library —Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Jeanette Mosey—assistant cataloger—T ex­ as Woman’s University, Denton. Karen Muller—catalog librarian, Mellon Center Cataloguing Project—Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Richard M. Murian—assistant order librari­ an—California State University, Sacramen­ to. Norman L. Nelson—instructor, administra­ tive assistant—Oklahoma State University library, Stillwater. Vivian Orlowski—social science bibliog­ rapher—Yale University, New Haven, Con­ necticut. Gerald Palsson—science librarian—Un i­ versity' of Arizona, Tucson. Gary N. Paul—assistant university librarian for administration—California State Uni­ versity, Sacramento. David M. Pilachowski—assistant reference librarian, Bailey Library—University of Ver­ mont, Burlington. Penelope D. Pillsbury—assistant reference librarian, Bailey Library—University of Ver­ mont, Burlington. Janet S. Reed—head, Business Administra­ tion Library—University of Connecticut, Hartford. Joe Rees—reference librarian, Perkins Li­ brary—D uke University, Durham, North Car­ olina. Barbara Ringer—register of copyrights— Library of Congress. James K. Roach—reference librarian—Tex­ as W oman’s University, Denton. Suzanne Rutter—bibliographical assistant to the director, Beinecke Library—Yale Uni­ versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Nancy Schiedel—assistant exchange and gifts librarian—University of Michigan li­ brary, Ann Arbor. E llen Shappe—reference librarian—Syra­ cuse University, New York. Matthew J. Simon—government publica­ tions librarian—Newark State College, Un­ ion, New Jersey. Sabina W. Sinclair—biology librarian—In­ diana University, Bloomington. Carolyn A. Snyder—personnel librarian— Indiana University Library System. Astrid Steele—exchange and gifts librarian —Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Stuart A. Stiffler—head librarian—Beh- rend College, Pennsylvania State Universi­ ty, Erie. Barbara Sweetland—head cataloger, Learning Resources Centre—Southern Al­ berta Institute of Technology, Calgary, Al­ berta. Joyce A. Tracy—curator of newspapers— American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. Cyril C. Treisteh—college librarian—Pa­ cific Oaks College, Pasadena, California. Huei-ling C. T sai—catalog librarian, East Asian Collection—Yale University, New Ha­ ven, Connecticut. Virginia L. Vail—assistant reference librar­ ian—Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey. Ann B. Vidor—catalog librarian—Universi­ ty of Arizona, Tucson. Sandra J. Warren—multimedia services de­ partment head, Library of the Health Sciences —University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago. Pamela G. Weed—physics and chemistry li­ brarian—University of Vermont, Burlington. Alice Wilson—librarian, School of Engi­ neering—Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. John Wyman—senior programmer/analyst —Syracuse University, New York. Stephen Young—reference librarian—Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. R E T IR E M E N T S John S. D avidson, librarian at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania for thirty- three years, will retire from the faculty at the conclusion of the current college year. Myrtle Stubkjaer retired as librarian at Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena, California, after fourteen years of service. ■ ■