ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 325 RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Peter E. Hanff, Coordinator, Technical Ser­ vices, The Bancroft Library, University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, CA 94720 Richard G. Landon, H ead, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, To­ ronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A5 M em ber-at-Large (three-year term) D onald Farren, Providence, RI 02906 D ean H. Keller, C urator of Special Collec­ tions, Kent State University Libraries, Kent, OH 44242 SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN SECTION Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect George V. Hodowanec, Director, William Al­ len W hite Library, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 66801 E dw ard Kasinec, Research Bibliographer and Librarian, Ukrainian Research Institute, H ar­ vard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 Secretary (three-year term) H ow ard M. Leich, Slavic Acquisitions L i­ brarian, University of Illinois at U rbana/C ham ­ paign, Urbana, IL 61801 Kay L. Shaffer, Slavic B ibliographer/C ata­ loger, University Libraries, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222 Member-at-Large (one-year term) Murlin Croucher, Slavic Bibliographer, Wil­ son Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chair/ Chair-E led Jean Boyer Hamlin, Librarian, D ana Library, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102 Rita L. Paddock, Head of Public Services, H arvard College Library, Cambridge, MA 02138 ■ ■ 1978 LRRT Research Competition The Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association has announced its 1978 Research Competition for two $500 awards and invites entries from all researchers. The deadline for subm itting entries is April 1, 1978. The LRRT Research Development Com­ m ittee is conducting and judging the Research Competition, and the decision of the committee will be announced by Jane Robbins, LRRT chairperson, prior to the 1978 Annual Confer­ ence of the ALA. G u i d e l i n e s f o r t h e R e s e a r c h C o m p e t i t i o n 1. All research papers subm itted m ust repre­ sent completed research not previously published. 2. All research papers must be related in at least a general way to library and informa­ tion science. Any research mode is accept­ able. 3. Research papers subm itted in the competi­ tion m ust not exceed seventy-five pages. 4. Research papers completed in the pursuit of master’s and doctoral studies ( e.g., theses, seminar papers, dissertations, etc.) are not eligible for entry. Research utilizing data gathered by a master’s or doctoral stu­ dent is eligible unless the research report is taken directly from the paper subm itted for degree requirements. Papers th a t are spin-offs of such research are eligible for entry in the competition. 5. Papers generated as a result of a research grant or some other source of funding are eligible for entry in the competition. 6. Research papers prepared by joint investi­ gators are eligible for entry. 7. Only one research paper per entrant will be considered in the 1978 competition; m ultiple entries from one entrant will not b e accepted. 8. Research papers will be judged on the fol­ lowing points: a. Definition of th e research problem; b. Application of research methods; c. Clarity of the reporting of the research; d. Significance of the conclusions, as judged by the committee. 9. The committee reserves the right to select no w inning papers if in its judgm ent none of the papers is considered satisfactory. 10. E ach w inner of the competition will receive a $500 award. 11. W inners of th e competition will be expect­ ed to present their research papers at one of the LRRT Research Forum programs at the 1978 Annual Conference. In the event that the recipient of the aw ard is unable to attend the conference, an alternate may be designated to make the presentation or the presentation may be delayed, w ith the approval of the committee, until a later conference. 12. T he w inning papers will be published by the LRRT in its research series. To enter the 1978 LRRT Research Competi­ tion, send three (3 ) copies of your research re­ port, postmarked no later than April 1, 1978, to: Robert Burr, Librarian, Crosby Library, Gonzaga University, Spokane, W A 99202. ■ ■