ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 746 / C&RL News News from the Field Indiana University opens 12th Family Student Housing Library Indiana University-Bloomington (IU) opened its I2th Halls o f Residence Library on September 29. The Family Student Housing Library is unique because it serves both students and their families, including children o f all ages. Magazines, newspa­ pers, childrens books, videos, reference materials, paperbacks, and access to IU’s online catalog and Infotrac are provided by the library. The Family Housing Library was established through the ef­ forts o f the Family Student Council, the Halls o f Residence, and Undergraduate Library Services staff. Funding for start-up costs, hourly wages, and materials was arranged by the students. Chronicle o f Higher Education goes online at USC News stories and opinion articles from the Chronicle o f Higher Education have been added to the University o f Southern California’s (USC) on­ line campus information system, VSCInfo. The USC -Chronicle project, announced last March, provides free online access to a full-text database on a campus system. Campus users will be able to read and search more than two years’ worth o f informa­ tion from the Chronicle using the familiar screens and menus o f USC Info, the university’s proprietary software. USC plans to enhance the online Chronicle with several features from the newspaper’s printed version including: the Chronicle’s fact files, provid­ ing statistical data about enrollments, salaries, en­ dowments, expenditures, etc., in a spreadsheet format; foundation grants; the gazette, a calendar o f events in academe; and instructional and adminis­ trative software for higher education. LSUS breaks ground for $10.2 million library Louisiana State University in Shreveport (LSUS) held a groundbreaking ceremony on September 20 for a $10.2 million library building. The 119,000- square-foot building will feature a curved three- story full-height glass wall .Building should be com ­ pleted within two-and-a-half years. With the move to the new building, LSUS will double its collection o f some 200,000 volumes with the addition o f the J.S. Noel Special Collection— also 200,000 vol­ umes— collected by Shreveport businessman James S. Noel. About 30% o f the books in the Noel Collection are old or rare and unusual, and some 4,000 books are more than 200 years old. Cameron University Library celebrates Renaissance Cameron University Library o f Lawton, Okla­ homa, held a Renaissance Open House, “ Discover­ ing New Worlds,” in September as part o f the Cameron University Library staff in full regalia. Back row (l to r): Victoria Swinney, Chieko Tedford, Cheryl Bums, Barbara Henderson, Lacreta Skrdle, Susie Cooke, and Barbara Pickthon ; Kneeling in front (l to r): Max Burson and Robert Baca. university’s year-long celebration o f the Renais­ sance. Library staff members dressed in Renais­ sance costumes and gave demonstrations o f the seven C D -R O M systems and the VTLS Computer Catalog. Cameron’s Renaissance celebration is in­ tended to promote a new view o f higher education and its place within the community. Describe your library’s innovative activities for C&RL News readers C &RL News would like to feature in the “ News from the Field” section creative activities, practical tips, programs, and management solutions imple­ mented in your academic library. Brief descriptions December 1991 / 747 John F. Kennedy and Zora Neal Hurston were selected by ACRL’s New Publications Advisory Board fo r the latest additions to the Great Minds poster series. The posters, produced by ALA Graphics, are available fo r $5.00 each. To order call toll-free (1-800-545-2433, press 8) or send your order to ALA Graphics, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. o f 150-300 words are sought. Share your new ideas for old problems and creative responses to new challenges with C&R L News readers. Descriptions o f all types o f ideas, activities, and programs are welcome; especially sought are descriptions o f com ­ munity outreach programs, adaptations o f library automation, managing libraries with few resources, successful approaches to bibliographic instruction and information literacy, recruitment and retention activities, and cultural diversity activities. Send your descriptions (photos are also welcome) to: C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; fax: (312) 280-7663; bitnet: u38398@uicvm. Recipe for preserving sound record­ ings: bake at 122° for four hours Archivists at the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill preserved some rapidly deteriorating sound recordings o f some o f North Carolina’s best folk musicians and storytellers by baking the tapes for four hours at 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The tapes had begun shedding their oxide coatings and were gumming up the tape players. After a number o f unsuccessful strategies, archivist Mike Casey and sound engineer Jeff Brown tried a new technique. They built a cardboard oven with a hair dryer as the heat source and baked the tapes to melt their binding systems. As the tapes cooled overnight, the binding systems reformed and stabilized the oxide coating long enough to rerecord the music, stories, and interviews. “We were 100% successful,” Casey said. “Two tapes [o f 50] failed the first time, but we baked them again, and they worked fine then.” Columbia University reaches 6 million Columbia University Libraries recently acquired its six millionth book. Selected for the milestone was Iter Italicum, Volume Five, a work by Columbia professor emeritus Paul O. Kristeller, a scholar whose life work emphasizes library research. Parents Fund benefits University of Illinois Library Library services for undergraduates have been targeted as the thrust o f the 1992 Parents Fund Drive at the University o f Illinois in Urbana. Cre- atedin March 1991 b y Chancellor Morton W. Weir, the fund seeks to provide additional resources to enrich the undergraduate experience. With funds generated to date, the Undergraduate Library re- 748 / C&RL News ceived $25,000 to develop an interactive worksta­ tion that will offer students an orientation program using music, graphic images, narration, and text. Trinity Christian College joins LIBRAS Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, Illinois, joined LIBRAS, a consortium o f northeastern Illi­ nois liberal arts college libraries, bringing the num­ ber o f members to 17. LIBRAS facilitates resource sharing, cooperative collection development, pro­ motes continuing education, and the use o f technol­ ogy among its members. Grants available from Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund Qualified American citizens with well-developed projects in the field o f politics, public administra­ tion, mass media, business and industry, working life, human environment, education, and culture are invited to apply for travel grants from the Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund. Grants o f from SEK 10,000-20,000 will be made to support three-to-six-week study visits to Sweden. Applications are available with SASE from: Bicen­ tennial Fund, Swedish Information Service, One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017- 2201. Deadline: February 7, 1992. Acquisitions • C o lo ra d o State University Libraries (CSU) has received the first installment o f posters from the Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibitions, held biannually in Fort Collins, to which some o f the world’s finest poster artists contribute. CSU is establishing a poster study cen­ ter to access, preserve, and disseminate information on the poster collection. CSU also acquired (with­ out restrictions) six boxes o f Gilbert G. Stamm’s papers. Stamm had a distinguished career in gov­ ernment service, working primarily with irrigation, reclamation and other water issues. H e served as commissioner o f the Bureau o f Reclamation from 1973-77. • The Harvard-Yenching Library acquired a Japanese microfilm collection o f more than 15,000 reels. Valued at $1.042 million, the collection is a gift o f the Nikko Securities Company o f Tokyo and comprises 120,000 titles originally published in 160,000 volumes o f books printed in the Meiji era (1868-1912). The titles are from the National Diet Library, the Japanese counterpart o f the Library o f Congress. • The New York Public Library acquired the Vladimir Nabokov Archive for the Library’s Berg Collection. Nabokov (1899-1977) was an important 20th-century writer. The archives in­ clude manuscripts, corrected typescripts, proofs and galleys, 31 diaries, and correspondence. • Oklahoma State University’s Edmon Low Library has received a large collection o f urban aerial photographs from MPSI Systems, Inc. o f Tulsa. MPSI, a provider o f information services and computerized decision support systems, has agreed to continue donating photos from its American and foreign offices. The collection, valued in excess o f $1,800,000, contains nearly 12,000 detailed photos o f most major North American urban areas and many other cities worldwide. • San Francisco State University has re­ ceived from public television producers Richard Rector and Jules Power, videotapes o f 660 half- hour programs o f "Over Easy,” a popular program on aging which aired on PBS from 1977-82. • University o f California, Santa Cruz, ac­ quired the archive o f com poser-conductor George Barati. The archive is the first comprehensive music archive acquired by the university and contains documents spanning 60 years including original manuscripts o f the com poser’s music, worksheets, drafts and fragments o f works, commercial record­ ings and audiotapes, photographs, films, and corre­ spondence. • The University o f North Texas Libraries’ Rare Book and Texana Collections have received the papers o f pioneering Texas horticulturist Gil­ bert Onderdonk (1829-1920). Onderdonk, known as the “father o f the Texas peach,” came to Texas in 1851 and founded the fruit industry o f south Texas. The collection includes letters, typescripts, jour­ nals, notes, and ledgers o f Onderdonk as well as the genealogically annotated Onderdonk family Bible (Amsterdam 1717). • The University o f Pennsylvania School o f Nursing was given original copies o f two 19th- century publications by Florence Nightingale in honor o f its dean Claire M. Fagin. The titles are Mortality o f the British Army, at Home, at Home and Abroad, and During the Russian War as Com­ pared with the Mortality o f the Civil Population and Army Sanitary Administration and its Reform Un­ der the Late Lord Herbert. • The University o f Southern California Cinema-Television Library has received 21 scrap­ books belonging to the late Irene Dunne. The materials— including correspondence, papers, and clippings covering the years 1 9 3 5 ^ 7 and 1949-50 — were recently discovered in a trunk by the actress’s daughter while helping a writer research Dunne’s career. During her career, Dunne was nominated for five Academy Awards and appeared in such films as “Cimarron” and “I Rem ember Mama.” • The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University o f Texas at Austin December 1991 / 749 announced the acquisition o f 23 new manuscripts including an undated letter from Samuel Clemens to William Bowen, letters to Argentine conductor Juan Jose Castro, 12 letters from British novelist Robert Murray Gilchrist to James Nicol Dunn, and papers and correspondence o f magazine fiction writer Margaret Cousin. Grants and gifts • Columbia University received $1.5 mil­ lion from Toshiba Corporation to establish the Toshiba Library for Japanese Legal Research which will encourage a better understanding o f the legal culture o f Japan. The collection will include schol­ arly books, statutes, journals, and important trea­ tises on Japanese law. It will build upon the exten­ sive collection donated to Columbia in 1982 o f the late Jiro Tanaka, a distinguished legal scholar and member o f the Japanese Supreme Court. • Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, received $30,000 from the Saunders Foundation o f Tampa, Florida, for the development o f a com- puter-based catalog. Plans call for a Marcive C D - ROM catalog to be in place by January 1992. The college has committed funds for the complete ret­ rospective conversion o f the library’s bibliographic records to machine-readable form. • Montana State University Libraries, Bozeman, received a Title II-D grant o f $245,000 fromthe U.S. Department ofEducation to enhance dial-in service to remote users accessing the online catalog, CatLink. Expansion will include mounting o f four new databases, installation o f an 800 phone line, and document delivery. Expected to benefit from the expansion are Montana’s seven tribally controlled community colleges, county extension agents, extended nursing campuses, and high school Share your opinion with C&RL News readers Do you feel strongly about a particular issue and want to share your thoughts with a wider audience than just your colleagues down the hall? Now you have the opportunity to share your thoughts with a national audience. C&RL News is looking for well- reasoned commentaries on issues o f interest to academic and research librarians for its new column,"The Way I See It.” Essays should be be­ tween 500-750 words and should be sent to ‘The Way I See It,” C &RL News, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; fax: 312-280-7663; e-mail: U38398@UICVM. students participating in the Young Scholars pro­ gram. • North Carolina State University, Duke University, and the University o f North Caro­ lina at Chapel Hill have received a $267,170 grant from the U.S. Department o f Education through the HEA Title II-C Strengthening Research Li­ brary Resources Program. The funds will be used to strengthen the institutions’ collections on the post- World War II South— a joint project called “ D ocu­ menting the Contemporary South.” • N orthwestern University Library received $450,000 for the preservation o f materials in its Transportation Library and Special Collections Department dealing with the history o f railroad development and railway travel. The grant is part o f a $1.8 million grant awarded by the National En- dowment for the Humanities (NEH) to the libraries o f the Committee for Institutional Cooperation (CIC) for the preservation o f more than 20,000 deteriorating books. The libraries o f the CIC in­ clude those o f the Big Ten universities and the University o f Chicago. • St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York, has received a $122,646 grant from the U.S. D e­ partment o f Higher Education through the HEA Title II-D, College Library Technology and Coop­ eration Grants. The award represents 11% o f the $ 1,093,000 to be expended by 1992 to automate the University’s three libraries. • San F rancisco State University was awarded a College Libraiy Technology and Coop­ eration Research and Demonstration Grant o f $89,363 from the U.S. Department o f Education to fund the project “ Developing Core Library Skills Through Multimedia and Computer-Assisted D e­ sign.” SFSU also received a grant o f $14,168 in federal LSCA funds through the California State Library to catalog in machine-readable form its Marguerite Archer Collection o f Historic Children’s Books. The Archer Collection contains over 4,000 rare children’s books and first editions from the period 1780-1930 and approximately 20% o f the titles represent works that will be new to the OCLC database. • The Southeastern Wisconsin Informa­ tion Technology Exchange (SWITCH), a re­ gional consortium o f private colleges, has received a $100,000 grant from the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation to assist the consortium in implement­ ing a multi-state library system network project. • The University at Albany Libraries, State University o f New York (SUNY), is sponsoring a one-year $92,676 cooperative grant project from the New York State Library (NYSL) to preserve on microfiche selected political pamphlets from the collections o f five o f New York State’s research libraries: SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Binghamtom, Cornell University, and New York University 750 / C&RL News are participating in the project. Funding for the project is provided by NYSL’s Division o f Library Development as part o f the New York State Pro­ gram for the Conservation and Preservation o f Library Research Materials. • The University o f New M exico’s Cente nial Science and Engineering Library was awarded Video o f W HCLIS town meeting available For those o f you w ho missed the D ecem ber 10, 1991, teleconference summarizing activi­ ties at the White House C onference for Library and Information Services (W H C LIS), a video­ tape o f the conference is available. The telecon­ ference, supported by the White House C on ­ ference and ALA, will interpret issues and explore ways you and your institution can begin grass roots activities. Viewing the teleconfer­ ence or the videotape is a great way to provide aprofessional development opportunity locally. T o order the $125 videotape contact: Mary Alice Phillips, W H C LIS National Teleconfer­ ence, College o f DuPage, 22nd Street and Lambert Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-9977; phone: (708) 858-6090; fax: (708) 858-0499. n $6,000 by the NASA Training Project. The grant will be used to buy libraiy materials supporting the classwork o f undergraduates as well as materials that address scientific literacy and cultural diversity within science and engineering. ­ • The University o f North Carolina (U N C) at Chapel Hill has benefited from a $490,000 gift from form er Board o f Governors m em ber Walter R. Davis to buy books for the campus library. The money com es from accumulated earnings from endowments established by Davis in 1977 and 1980 and will restore some o f the library’s purchasing power which has been eroded by four years o f state budget cuts. Davis, a Texas oil man and North Carolina native said, “ I want them to keep the library in first-class condition. It’s one thing that shouldn’t be neglected at all, a library.” • The Claude M oore Health Sciences Library o f the University o f Virginia, Charlottesville, re­ ceived $24,814 in funding from the National Li­ brary o f M edicine (N LM ) for an 18-month project to introduce rural health processionals in Virginia to the sources o f information available to them. Li­ brarians will travel to rural sites to provide training in how to search a user-friendly com puter system called G R A TE FU L M E D which links to the N L M ’s M E D L IN E . Through an electronic link called LO A N S O M E D O C , requests for journal articles identified in M E D L IN E are routed to the Health Sciences Library to mail or fax back. ■ ■