ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 383 Library Schools Curricula Committee Wednesday, January 21, 10:00- 12:00 noon U niversity Libraries Section Steering Committee Tuesday, January 20, 8:30-10:00 p.m. Committee on Extension Libraries Tuesday, January 20, 9:00-9:30 a.m . Urban Universities Library Committee Monday, January 19, 2:00-4:00 p.m. NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR ESTHER J. PIERCY AWARD Nominations are being sought for the second Esther J. Piercy Award which will be presented by the Resources and Technical Services Divi sion of the American Library Association at the 1970 Annual ALA Conference. The recipient of the award is to be a li brarian who has not had more than ten years of professional experience, but who has shown outstanding promise for continuing contribu tions and leadership in any of the fields com prising technical services. Accomplishments to be recognized are leadership in professional as sociations at local, state, regional and national levels; contributions to the development, appli cation, or utilization of new or improved meth ods, techniques, and routines; significant con tributions to professional literature; conduct of studies or research; or teaching in the area of the technical services. The award is made possible by contributions to a memorial fund for the late Esther J. Piercy. Gifts to the fund are welcome and should be directed to the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Checks should be made payable to the American Library As sociation, and should indicate that they are for the Esther J. Piercy Award. Nominations for this award should be sub mitted before December 31, 1969, to Carlyle J. Frarey, Chairman, Esther J. Piercy Award Jury, School of Library Service, Columbia Uni versity, New York 10027, and should be ac companied by a statement of qualifications and accomplishments. ACRL Membership October 31, 1969 ....................................13,769 October 31, 1968 ....................................13,122 October 31, 1967.................................... 12,446 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES N EW S ACRL News Issue of College & Research Libraries News Editor, Michael Herbison, Casper Col lege, Casper, Wyoming 82601. Editor, Richard M. Dougherty, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Editorial Board: Richard D eGennaro, Harvard Uni versity; David Heron, University of Kansas; Ells worth Mason, Hofstra University; F red H einritz, Southern Connecticut State College; W illiam Axford, Florida Atlantic University; Peter Hia tt, Indiana University. ACRL Officers, 1969/70: President, Philip J. McNiff; Chairman, College Libraries Section, John E. Scott; Junior College Libraries Section, Ruthe Erickson; Rare Books Section, Robert J. Adelsperger; Subject Specialists Section, Marcia J. Miller; Agriculture and Biological Sciences Subsection, Howard Rovelstad; Art Subsection, Wolfgang M. Freitag; Educational and Behavioral Science Subsection, Donald Leatherman; Law and Political Science Subsection, Roy M. Mersky; Slavic and East European Subsection, Joseph Placek; University Libraries Section, Roscoe Rouse. News from the Field, Personnel profiles and notes, classified advertising, official matter of ACRL, and other material of a timely nature is published in the News issues of College b Research Libraries. Inclusion of an article or advertisement in CRL does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. Production and Advertising and Circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111. 60611. Change of address and orders for subscriptions should be addressed to College & Research Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Subscription to CRL is included in membership dues to ACRL of $6 or more; other subscriptions to CRL are $10 per year. Neither subscriptions nor memberships include miscellaneous unscheduled supplements, which are available by purchase only. Retroactive subscrip tions are not accepted. Single journal copies are avail able at $1.50 each and News issues at $1.00 each from ALA Publishing Department. Indexed in Library Literature. Abstracted in Library Science Abstracts. Book reviews indexed in Book Re view Index. College & Research Libraries is the official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association; and is published seventeen times per year—bi-monthly as a technical journal with 11 monthly News issues, com bining July-August—at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo.