ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 417 assistant librarian, agricultural and biological sciences library at the Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity library. Carrie Lynne West is now assistant direc­ tor, Marquette University libraries, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. Marilyn Y. White has been appointed librarian II, cataloging department, York Uni­ versity libraries. Mrs. Myra White has been appointed head bibliographer at the Honnold Library for the Claremont Colleges. James Williams has assumed the position of assistant instructor in the graduate school to teach in the area of information and communi­ cation science at the University of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Judy R. Williams is now chemistry librarian at Columbia University in the city of New York. Robert A. Winters is the new assistant uni­ versity librarian for building and technical serv­ ices at Princeton University library. Vicki Dale Withers has joined the staff Classified A dvertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Ad­ vertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE publi­ cations at G.P.O. prices mailed within 72 hours. Order from Marv Broadbent, 4410 Josephine, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS mailed to you within 3 days. SuDocs price plus postage. Capital Documents Service, Box 4922, Wash­ ington 20008. OUT OF PRINT BOOK LANDERO, THE PERIPLUTIC BIB- LIODICIST, 11501 Sherman Way, North Hol­ lywood, Ca. 91605, specializing in OP tomes in Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, es­ pecially as listed in BCL, Lamont, Essay Index, Granger, etc. Catalogs Issued. Wants searched through personal peregrinations and PAN- AN ABSES. FOR SALE U.S.D.A. YEARBOOK OF AGRICULTURE. For Sale—31 volumes in good condition for $100.00 express collect. Included are: 3 historic of the Oklahoma State University library as assistant social sciences librarian. Darrow Wood has joined the library de­ partment at New York City Community Col­ lege, The City University of New York, as as­ sistant acquisitions librarian. Sandra Young is now reference librarian at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Lorenzo A. Zeugner, Jr., has been ap­ pointed assistant librarian and head of the li­ brary of the York campus of Pennsylvania State University. Benedict K. Zobhist, assistant dean of the faculty and chairman of the history department at Augustana College since 1965, has been named assistant director of the Harry S Tru­ man library at Independence, Missouri. RETIREMENTS Eleanor G. Steinke retired as librarian of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center li­ brary March 1, 1969. She was appointed head librarian in 1956, prior to which time she was assistant librarian. ■ ■ volumes dated 1884, 1911, and 1914. Also: an unbroken series of 28 volumes covering the years 1936 to 1968 inclusive. Edwin A. Mason, P.O. Box 32, Lincoln, Mass. 01773. GEOLOGIC REFERENCE MATERIAL with emphasis on mineral economics consisting of Federal, States and other Geologic Publica­ tions relative to the Western United States, a 30 year collection, all out of print and over 1400 items in excellent condition. Price $14,500.00 as a lot only in the original files. Will personally deliver up to 1000 miles of 919 Ouray Avenue, phone 303-242-1208, Grand Junction, Colorado. POSITIONS W ANTED COLLEGE LIBRARIANSHIP or University Administrative position (Head, Assoc, or Asst. Directorship) sought by male, L.S. and Ph.D. degrees plus substantial university technical services, readers’ services experience. Midwest or Pacific Coast preferred but will consider other. $15,000 min. Box 765, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, man, 45, married. M.A. (Lib.), Ph.D. (French). Seeks challenging director­ ship in quality program college/university li­ brary. 17 yrs. exp., 13 as Hd. Libn. 9 yrs. col­ lege teaching, inch Ind. Study Program Di­ rection. Primary interests: collection building, library-curriculum-research integration. Build­ ing planning exp. Present salary $16,000. Avail­ able July/Sept. 1970. Box 768, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. FEMALE, M.S.L.S., 12 years varied experi­ ence. Background in sociology, political sei- 418 ence, history, education. Prefer small to medi­ um sized academic institution. Prefer warm or mild climate. Especially interested in Texas, N. Mexico, Ariz. Available immediately. Box 769, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Cataloging CATALOGER, LC classification, liberal arts college of 1,000 students, 100,000 volumes in­ cluding government documents. Salary open, M.L.S. required, experience desirable. Faculty status, one month vacation, TIAA, Blue Cross and Major Medical available. In progressive city with cultural and recreational opportuni­ ties. Apply to: Judith Armstrong, Director, Drury College Library, Springfield, Missouri 65802. CATALOGER. Immediate opening. To do original cataloging and classification and to revise work done by pre-professionals. MLS degree and experience with L.C. Classification required. Full faculty status and usual fringe benefits. Salary depending on qualifications. Suburban University located on Long Island, 35 minutes from Penn Station. Apply to Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director, Adelphi Univer­ sity Library, Garden City, New York 11530. HEAD CATALOGER. Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, where growth means opportunity, is looking for a librarian to lead and direct the more than 30 full time members of the cata­ loging department. This position is challeng­ ing and offers major opportunities for profes­ sional fulfillment and growth, including partici­ pation in planning an entirely new library sys­ tem. The responsibilities of the position demand a Masters Degree in Library Science and a minimum of 5 years of cataloging experience, including not less than 2 years of adminis­ trative work, plus demonstrable leadership ability. Minimum salary $13,200 and up for 12 month contract, Illinois Retirement System benefits, academic status, one month vacation. Applicants should write to George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Libraries, North­ ern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. UNIVERSITY OF DENVER. One position open immediately. Head, Catalog Department. Appropriate experience required. Faculty rank, T.I.A.A., liberal benefits. Salary open, de­ pendent on qualifications and experience. Send resume and 3 references to: PERSONNEL OF­ FICER, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, UNI­ VERSITY OF DENVER, DENVER, COLO­ RADO 80210. Miscellaneous QUEENS COLLEGE of The City University of New York seeks to fill the position of Chief Librarian of the Klapper Library. Present hold­ ings include 325,000 volumes and 3,100 jour­ nals; accession rate of 30,000 volumes, with plans under way to accelerate growth and ex­ pand facilities; large computer capacity in support of automation development. The pro­ fessional staff enjoys faculty status, high sal­ aries and benefits; has experience and expertise necessary for servicing wide range of under­ graduate and graduate programs. Open Sep­ tember 1, 1970, the position of Chief Librarian will carry rank of full professor at a salary up to $30,000, according to qualifications. Doc­ torate preferred, in addition to ten to fifteen years appropriate professional and adminis­ trative experience; knowledge of automation techniques and building required. Send resume to Dr. Jules Brody, Associate Dean of the Faculty, Queens College, Flushing, New York 11367. LIFE SCIENCE LIBRARIAN—Supervision of life science library and four departmental libraries. Requires graduate degree in library science, appropriate experience, full faculty status, generous fringe benefits. Salary open. Send application and resume to John H. Mori­ arty, Director of Libraries, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana 47907. Multiple ACADEMIC LIBRARY SERVICES. New York, State University at Binghamton. Five positions open. Usual degree requirements and fringe benefits. General Reference Librarian to assist 2 other generalists and 3 subject specialists in expanding Reader Services Department of developing university center. Reference experi­ ence preferred; social science background use­ ful. $8,490-11,150. Art Librarian to assume managerial and reference responsibilities for growing collection housed in separate area of main library. Duties also include supervision of Rare Book and Special Collections. Background in art history essential. Experience desirable. $10,470-12,290. Administrative Assistant to Director of Libraries. Duties to include super­ vision of personnel records for staff of 100 employees, recruitment and hiring, maintenance of budget and statistical records, and general coordination of internal library activities. MLS required. $8,490-10,100. Collegiate Librarian to develop, expand, and coordinate undergrad­ uate collections in each of four undergraduate colleges of university center. New position demanding imagination and interest in experi­ mentation and innovation. $10,470-12,290. Science Bibliographer, to act as liaison between faculty and library in building research collec­ tion to support graduate program. Fifth year library degree plus graduate degree or under­ graduate concentration in laboratory science or mathematics required. $11,500-13,500. Ap­ ply to Mr. Josiah T. Newcomb, Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE has openings for department heads in cataloging 419 and acquisitions. Automated, centralized proc­ essing, DDC, approximately 12,500 vols/yr., MLS—accredited library school, 4 yrs. related experience, preferably in academic setting. Salary ($ll,248-$15,450) depending on quali­ fications, 4 wks. pd. vacation, Blue Cross, tui­ tion exemption. Catalog position open Dec. 1969; Acquisitions, May 1970. Address in­ quiries to James I. Richey, Director, District Library Services, Cuyahoga Community Col­ lege, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Reference Services UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS at the Medical Center, Library of Medical Sciences, Chicago. CIRCULATION-REFERENCE ASSISTANT, fifth-year library school degree, experience de­ sirable, minimum salary $8,000, month vaca­ tion, retirement system, academic rank, avail­ able immediately. Write: Wilma Troxel, Direc­ tor, University of Illinois, Library of Medical Sciences, 1853 West Polk Street, P. O. Box 7509, Chicago, Illinois 60680. Telephone: 312- 663-7332. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN to administer separate government publications collection. Some general reference work. Experience pre­ ferred but not necessary. M.L.S. required. 500,000-volume library. Starting salary $7500. 35-hour week. Month vacation. A/C building. Usual fringe benefits. Position open Jan. 1 or Feb. 1, 1970. Apply: Donald B. Engley, Li­ brarian, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 06106. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. At least three years experience in reference work. Science background preferred. Salary $8,700 up. To join excellent reference department of five li­ brarians. Bucknell University is a coeduca­ tional institution of about 2,800 students situ­ ated in central Pennsylvania. Four weeks annual leave, TIAA. An equal opportunity employer. Send resumé and three references and any in­ quiries for further information to George M. Jenks, University Librarian, Bucknell Univer­ sity, Lewisburg, PA 17837. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to work at Cen­ tral Library and headquarters of the Suffolk Cooperative Library System, located in Bell­ port, New York, 60 miles from New York City. Assist in development of Central Library col­ lections and work with U.S. Government doc­ uments depository. M.L.S. and four years refer­ ence experience required. Beginning salary $11,128.00. Contact: Personnel Office, P.O. Box 187, Bellport, N.Y. 516-924-8200. EXPERT ON STATISTICAL SURVEYS in the library and information science field to serve as Chief, Library Surveys Branch, National Center for Educational Statistics, U.S. Office of Education. Significant administrative and statistical experience required. Incumbent will be expected to exercise leadership in planning and conducting statistical survey programs for libraries of all types, information and data cen­ ters, museums and related cultural organiza­ tions, and educational broadcasting media. Starting salary for this GS-15 position is $21,589. Applicants should submit Federal Government Personal Qualifications Statement (Standard Form 171) to: Mr. Sidney Shtul- man, Director, Division of Survey Planning and Analysis, National Center for Educational Sta­ tistics, 400 Maryland Avenue S.W., Room 1087E, Washington, D.C. 20202. HEAD, SCIENCE LIBRARY. Major academic research library desires man with undergradu­ ate major or master in science plus accredited library degree to direct main science library and supervise all branch science libraries. Must be scholarly and able to communicate with scientists. Several years experience desirable but will consider person with two years only if other credentials strong. Salary: Minimum of $11,800. Contact: Dr. C. Edward Carroll, Di­ rector of Libraries, University of Missouri— Columbia 65201. Technical Services ACADEMIC LIBRARY TECHNICAL SERV­ ICES. New York, State University at Bing­ hamton. Two positions open. Usual degree re­ quirements and fringe benefits. Catalogers (2) with several years L.C. experience. $8,490- 10,100. Apply to Mr. Josiah T. Newcomb, Di­ rector of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. ASSISTANT for acquisitions needed for rapid­ ly expanding library. MLS required, experience desirable. Retirement plan, group hospitaliza­ tion, generous sick leave. New building. Sal­ ary scale $7490-$9801. Write Librarian, Tow­ son State College, Baltimore, Maryland 21204. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Califor­ nia State College in San Joaquin Valley mid­ way between San Francisco and Yosemite. Salary $11,628-$14,112. Supervise staff of 12. Air-conditioned, carpeted new building. Apply to R. Dean Galloway, Stanislaus State College Library, Turlock, California 95380. MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION SO EAST H U R O N S T R E ET C H IC A G O I LL IN O IS 6 0 6 1 1 ■ College and university faculty members occupy pivotal positions in today's world. They are consultants, expert witnesses, creators and leaders of public opinion, authors, inventors— they are, in short, the kinds of people other people need to Identify, locate, correspond with, telephone, visit. The National Faculty Directory with its 330,000 listings is the first—and only—comprehensive locator for these influential individuals who are often inquired about at every reference desk in the nation. Until now. Information on the academic community has been available only in piecemeal form in individual college catalogs, association membership lists, who's who’s, and similar hard–to –maintain and hard–to –use sources. Now, The National Faculty Directory gives you a single source… arranged alphabetically by surname … in which to locate virtually any person in the United States who has a full-time or part-time faculty T he THE ONLY SOURCE YOU NEED TO LEARN "WHO’S WH N ERE" I a N tional THE ACADEMIC WORLD Faculty position at any of more than 2,500 colleges and universities. Directory Each listing includes the individual’s name, institution name, departmental designation, street addres if necessary, city, state, and zip code. - s 1970 The wide range of activity of academic personnel means that a wide range of other people are interested in them, their affiliations, and their addresses. Publishers; equipment manufacturers; units of federal, state and local governments; newspapermen; management consultants; personnel departments; executive recruiters; research scientists; academic colleagues– all these and hundreds of others are among the users who w ill hope to find The National Faculty Directory in their libraries. ■ 330,000 Names in One Alphabet ■ All Academic Disciplines Represented The National Faculty Directory—1970 is being published in January, 1970. The paperbound edition is $47.50; a clothbound edition w ill be available in February at $58.50. Send us your order now for the edition that w ill best meet your organization’s needs. A ll or G ders a se l nt e on o R ur t e hirt s y-d e ay a fre r e c ex h ami na C tion o plan mpany BOOK TOWER ■ DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226