ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 5 6 /C & R L News I n th e N e w s “W h e n two m en m ee t th e re are really six p re se n t — each as he sees th e o th e r m an, each as he sees h im self and each as h e is truly.” This old saying, recalled in C onnie D ow ell’s d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e C a li f o r n i a E t h n i c a n d M ulticultural Archives (CEM A) project, has appli­ cation in every facet o f our professional (and p e r ­ sonal) lives. As th e article states, “o u r long history o f m isunderstanding e thnic groups com es from a lack o f know ledge.” C E M A and projects like it will provide access to inform ation th at m ay help us b e tte r appreciate d ifferent viewpoints. Bob Doyle and O pritsa D. P o p a’s article on th e colloquium p re p a re d for Rom anian librarians also illustrates this re m in d e r a bout perspectives: “… participants forgot about th e speaker and argued loudly and intensely a bout th e feasibility and benefits o f various services. T he A m erican delegation could only look on, am azed at th e pas­ sions unleashed by m ere descriptions o f library services.” As som eone w ho w ore w rist splints for eight weeks d ue to w rist pain apparently b rought on by an ill-fitting c o m p u te r w orkstation, I encourage you to review T hom as Ricks and R ichard E issinger’s d e ­ scriptions o f repetitive-m otion injuries and prev en ­ tive steps th at can b e ta k e n to avoid them . T hey note th a t cooperation (appreciating various viewpoints) is a key to successfully p reventing th ese injuries. This issue also contains highlights o f th e ALA M idwinter M eeting (congratulations to C arla Stoffle, A C R L ’s new est A cadem ic o r R esearch Librarian of th e Year) as well as statem ents by AC R L ’s p re sid en ­ tial candidates Thom as Kirk and B arbara W ittkopf. Ann d e Klerk provides us w ith a re p o rt on th e E lectronic Publishing and N etw orking m eeting and this issue contains the second in a series o f m edia tips. T h ere is still tim e to reg ister for A C R L ’s 6th National C onference in Salt Lake City, April 12-14. Blaine Hall highlights th e m any w onderful eateries a nd clubs in th e last o f his series on Salt Lake City. I h ope you will jo in us. — M ary E llen K. Davis E d ito r & Publisher U 38398@ U ICV M .bitnet "Some librarians decide to consolidate their business with one serials vendor because they appreciate the benefits o f dealing with a single representative. We're consolidating as m any titles as we can through Faxon fo r a n even more simple reason. I've never asked Faxon fo r anything I haven't gotten." -D ina Giambi, H ead of Acquisitions and Serials, Kent State U niversity Helping you manage your world o f information. To learn more about the Faxon Company, the international subscription agency with a commitment to quality service, c a lll (800) 766-0039