ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1992/161 C o p in g w ith r e p e titiv e -m o tio n in ju r ie s in a la r g e a c a d e m ic lib r a r y By Richard A. Eissinger University Librarian Texas A & M University Koriyama, Japan and Thomas W. Ricks Science Reference Librarian University o f Colorado a t Colorado Springs A re y o u r w orkstations user-friendly? R e ports from th e public a nd corporate sectors in re ce n t years have revealed d ra ­ m atic increases in w orker injuries related t tive actions or m otions. F o r em ployers these inju­ ries translate to lost tim e, re d u ce d productivity, and increased benefits costs. A re ce n t National Institute fo r O ccupational Safety and H e alth (N IO S H ) in­ vestigation o f th e new spaper industry in th e U.S. established a significant relationship b etw een com ­ p u te r term inal usage and th e incidence o f repetitive m otion injuries.1 Som e h ealth care officials are p re dicting th at this type o f injury will be th e n u m b er one occupational hazard o f th e 1990s.2 Libraries are ju st beginning to recognize and acknowledge th e existence o f th ese problem s. The S te rlin g e . Evans L ibrary at Texas A&M University is an exam ple o f a large academ ic library w here a good deal o f repetitive w ork is co n d u cted by staff using c o m p u te r term inals. W ith a large centrally located facility, holdings over 1.9 million volumes, a fully in te g rate d online system, a nd a full range o f electronic re fe re n ce services, m ost o f th e 137 clas­ sified staff a nd 57 professionals spend som e tim e working w ith co m p u te r term inals. In January 1991, p ro m p te d by increasing com ­ plaints and several re p o rte d w rist injuries am ong library staff, th e Evans L ibrary Staff Association form ed a com m ittee to investigate th ese incidences. T he staff com m ittee was com posed o f professional a n d paraprofessional librarians, w ho set o ut to investigate th e com plaints a nd to form ulate recom ­ o m endations to th e library adm inistration on m eth ­ ods to deal w ith this continuing problem . T he rceopme tmi­ ittee searched the literature o f repetitive m otion injury, circulated a questionnaire am ong th e librarystaff, a nd consulted professional occupa­ tional therapists for input. I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f t h e p r o b l e m A literature survey revealed expressed concern th ro u g h publishing activity in business and govern­ m en t sectors, w ith little activity re p o rte d from th e library quarter. N o reports w ere found on how academ ic libraries are dealing w ith these problem s. O ne re c e n t study d id address repetitive m otion injuries in large public libraries through a survey of m anagem ent response to incidence o f these inju­ ries.3 T he com m ittee th e n designed a nd circulated a questionnaire to th e Evans L ibrary staff to ascertain th e n u m b er o f w ork-related injuries in th e library and to establish th e level o f th e staffs’ concerns and know ledge on repetitive-m otion injuries. T he questionnaire was d istributed to 194 library staff m em bers a nd sought candid response by as­ suring anonymity. Most of those re tu rn e d (68 indi­ viduals, 35%) included lengthy com m entary. Many (43 individuals, 63% o f th e respondents) identified specific com plaints due to th e ir w orkstation envi­ ronm ents such as neck and backache, sore arms, and headache. M ost o f those responding indicated 162 /C & R L News th a t th ey shared workstations with o th er individuals and th a t they had only marginally adjustable w ork­ station equipm ent. T hese factors severely lim it the ability to properly adjust work conditions to the individual, worker. T he majority (35 individuals, 51% o f th e respondents) asked for m ore inform a­ tion on repetitive-m otion injuries and on how to properly adjust w orkstation e quipm ent. A surpris­ ing num ber o f individuals (7 library staff, 11% of the respondents) reported prior or present treatm ent by a physician for some type of repetitive-motion injury. These responses prompted the committee to seek out­ side professional advice in studying these problems. T he com m ittee consequently approached a com ­ m unity health care provider, Scott & W hite, Inc., th at agreed to conduct a thorough library evalua­ tion. A group o f Scott & W hite physical a nd occu­ pational therapists th en inspected library worksta­ tions and interview ed staff about th eir w ork envi­ ro n m en t concerns. T he therapists’ recom m enda­ tions included a program to m odify existing w ork­ stations to provide a safer a nd m ore productive work environm ent, and outlined suggestions for educating the staff in th e p ro p e r utilization o f the existing workstations. T hey suggested th at a p ro ­ gram o f stretching exercises and provision for fre ­ q u e n t breaks for operators would help to relieve som e of th e physical stress at th e c om puter w orksta­ tion. T hey outlined suggestions for providing e d u ­ cational inform ation for staff workers, and provided guidelines on the selection o f ergonom ic chairs and equipm ent. T hey concluded th eir evaluation with recom m endations th at th e library conduct a p e ri­ odic review o f the program to include systematic data collection (noting lost days, n u m b er o f injuries, type o f injuries, and library areas w here injuries occurred) and a scheduled assessm ent o f th e p ro ­ gram by train ed professionals. R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s o f t h e c o m m i t t e e T he library com m ittee th en recom m ended that th e L ibrary Adm inistration consider several actions th at w ould have im m ediate benefit. T hese actions included altering work schedules to accom m odate m ore freq u e n t breaks, rotating job assignm ents to m inim ize repetitive motions, providing staff with examples o f stretching exercises to minim ize stress, and conducting an inventory o f existing w orksta­ tions to identify specific problem areas. It was stressed th at these efforts involve m inim al initial cost and have th e im m ediate benefit of building awareness o f th e existence o f these problem s am ong library staff. However, th e com m ittee n o ted th at long-term solutions would require extensive p lan­ ning, m uch g re ater expense, and a long-term com ­ m itm ent by th e adm inistration. Purchase o f ergo­ nom ic equipm ent a nd w orkstation enhancem ents m ust be accom panied with staff education and training program s and an ongoing evaluation p ro ­ gram to ensure a continual awareness. Evidence o f how effectively library staff and adm inistration can w ork to g eth e r in addressing these problem s is evidenced by a re ce n t com m it­ m en t by the library director to purchase several new ergonom ic workstations as an initial step in solving th e problem . In addition, a group has b e en selected from am ong the library staff to begin th e design and im plem entation o f a preventive training program based on th e com m ittee’s recom m endations. C o n c l u s i o n s This p a p er can serve as an outline for all libraries, regardless o f size or type, th at seek to reduce the potential for repetitive-m otion injuries am ong li­ brary staff. E ncouraging a cooperative atm osphere b etw een library staff and adm inistration is im por­ tan t in recognizing and addressing th e problem . W hen repetitive-m otion injuries are suspected or discovered in th e library, librarians have th e obliga­ tion to th eir colleagues in the library, to th e profes­ sion, and to th eir library patrons to investigate the m atter and encourage change w here appropriate and feasible. N ot only is th e health of th e employees at risk, b u t these injuries can be expensive in term s o f rehabilitation and loss o f productivity. This p ro ­ cess can som etim es be politically and financially unpopular with som e adm inistrators, b u t if ap­ proached systematically and collectively the pro ­ cess of evaluation and recom m endation has a greater chance of success. W e should n o t wait for others outside the library to im pose changes. N ew technologies will continue to b e im ple­ m en te d by libraries. L ibrarians m ust be aware of th e potential problem s th at com e with these tec h ­ nologies. Some o f th e incidents o f repetitive-m o­ tion injury re p o rte d at Sterling C. Evans Library have b een w orkstation related, b u t m any are due to lack of education and understanding of the p ro b ­ lem. W orking within a cooperative ra th e r th an an adversarial environm ent has allowed th e fullest use of these new technologies w here productivity and a healthy w ork environm ent can both exist. N O TES 1Jim Castelli, “Review comm ission stands ready to arbitrate OSHA disputes,” Safety & Health (Au­ gust 1990): 32-34. 2P e te r A. Susser, “W ashington scene: Growing concern for w orkers’ repetitive m otion injuries has m ade th eir prevention O SHA’s issue o f th e n in e ­ ties,” E m ploym ent Relations Today 16 (Autumn 1989): 243-48. 3James M. Kusack, ‘T h e light at the end of the carpal tunnel,” Library Journal 115 (July 1990): .56-59. ■ ■ "The best reference help for today's job seekers." Syndicated columnist Joyce Lain Kennedy says, "The corporate briefs are to job seekers what annual reports are to investors... It's a bargain." Corporate Jobs Outlook! How can you really help people seeking jobs? With our timely, objective "Reports" on major employers! You'll get details on growth plans, salaries, benefits, financial stability, training, hiring, advancement opportunities, and corporate culture. You'll receive Reports on 100 corporations yearly. Published by the author of the acclaimed book, The Almanac o f American Employers. That's why CJO is used by outplacement experts, by the personnel departments of AT&T and most of the Fortune 500 firms, by placement offices and libraries at top universities such as CalTech, Yale, and North­ western, and by researchers at such places as The World Bank. 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