ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 200 / CirBLNews PRESERVATION NEWS P re p a re d by Ja n e H edberg College Libraries Committee Commission on Preservation and Access Com m ission on Preservation and Access Receives Hewlett Grant The Commission on Preservation and Access an­ nounced receipt of a three-year, $450,000 grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The grant will support a number of the commission’s national and international preservation/access programs. Cons DistList m em bership continues to grow Walter Henry’s online forum for preservation/ conservation practitioners, Cons DistList, now has approximately 300 members and would welcome more. Membership is free, but does require access to the Internet or Bitnet. Members receive a copy of the Cons DistList approximately once a week, the opportunity to participate in the discussion, a copy of the membership directory, and access to the File List, a collection of text files on preservation/ conservation-related topics. I f you would like to join, send an e-mail request for the membership d irectory questionnaire to whenry<2>lindy. (on the Internet) or xb.k98@stanford (on Bitnet). You can also reach Walter at (415) 725­ 1140 (on the NetofLastResort). ICI announces w inners of conservation awards Information Conservation, Inc., has announced the winners of its “Prize for a Plan” competition. The competition awarded ICFs conservation ser­ vices to institutions as well as cash prizes to the individuals who authored the proposals. The Uni­ versity of Oregon (UO) won first prize— $3,000 worth o f I C I ’s conservation services— and Normandy Homer, author of UO’s proposal, won $200 in cash. The University of Florida, Gainesville, (author John Freund), the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, (author Elizabeth Kwater), and the Jefferson County Public Library, Lakewood, Colorado, (author Karen Jones) re­ ceived honorable mentions o f $1,500 in IC I ser­ vices to the institutions and $100 in cash to the authors. ICI, intending to augment scarce preservation resources, originally designed a single prize compe­ tition in which libraries could submit short propos­ als describing how they would use $3,000 worth of conservation services. The 70 responses it received from 40 states and every type o f library convinced it to increase the number o f prizes and more than double the amount awarded. Sharlane Grant, preservation officer of the Ari­ zona State Library; Eleanor Stewart, conservation o ffic e r for Stanford University; and Don Etherington, vice president of ICI, evaluated the proposals. All entries were judged on the basis of the stated rationale for choosing the materials to be treated and the suitability of the proposed treat­ ment for their future use. The evaluation process was described as very difficult because so many of the proposals were exceptionally good. IC I management was pleased with the response to the competition and plans to offer it again next fall. Items f o r this column are welcomed and can be submitted via: Internet JHEDBERG@LJJCY. WELLESLEY.EDU; fax: (617) 239-1139; phone: (617) 235-0320, x2103; or write: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02181-8275. ■ ■ WELLESLEY.EDU The complete reference collection. 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