ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 2 0 / C irRL Afeu;s THELD EFSASCADIIS D eadlines: O rd ers fo r regular classified a d ve rtise m e nts m ust reach the AC R L o ffice on o r before the second o f the m onth preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 fo r the O ctob er issue). Late jo b listings will b e accepted on a space- a vailab le basis after the second of the m onth. F M m : Cla ssified a dve rtise m e nts are $ 6.3 0 p e r line fo r in stitu ­ tio ns that are A C R L m em bers, $ 8.00 for others. Late jo b notice s a re $ 15.25 p e r line for institutions that are ACRL m em bers, $18.00 for others. O rg an iza tion s subm itting ads will be charged accordin g to th e ir m em bership status. D isplay ad rates range from $27 5 to $56 5 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. G uideline s: Fo r ads which list an application deadline, w e suggest th a t d ate be no so on er than the 20th d a y o f the m onth in w hich the notice a pp ea rs (e.g., O cto b e r 20 f o r the O ctob er issue). All jo b a nn ouncem ents sh ou ld include a sa lary figure. Jo b a n ­ n ouncem ents will be edited to e xclud e d iscrim ina tory references. Applicants should be aw are that the term s facu lty rank and status vary In m eaning am ong institutions. JOB LINE: Call (312) 944-6795 fo r late-breaking jo b ads fo r academ ic and research library p ositions. A pre-recorded sum m ary of positions listed with the service is revised w e ekly; each Frida y a new tape includes all ads received by 1 :00 p.m . th e p re viou s day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording fo rtw o w eeks. The ch a rg e fo r each tw o -w e ek listing is $40 fo r A C R L m em bers and $45 fo r n on-m em bers. C ontact: Ted Bales, classified adve rtisin g m anager, C&RL News C lassified A dve rtisin g Departm ent, AC R L, Am erican L ibrary A ssociatio n, 5 0 E. H uron S t., Chicago, IL 6 0611-2795; (312) 280-2 51 3 ; fax: (312) 2 80-7663; Bitnet:U 38398@ U lC VM .b itn et ALA policy re q uires th a t o rg an iza tion s re cru itin g through ALA publications o r placem ent services co m p ly with ALA a nti-discrim in a tion policies. Policy 54.3 state s th a t "A LA is com m itted to e q u a lity o f o pp ortun ity fo r a ll lib ra ry em p loye e s o r a pp lica n ts fo r em p loym en t, re g ard le ss o f race, color, creed, sex, age, p hysica l o r mental h andicap, individual life­ style, o r national o rig in .” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the o rganization a g re e s to c o m p ly w ith th is policy. POSITIONS OPEN AS S IS T A N T T E C H N IC A L SER VIC ES LIBRA RIAN. Entry level, tenure-track, fa cu lty position reporting to the A ssista n t U niversity Librarian for T echnical Services. Prim ary d u tie s include cataloging m onographs and serials and c o lle ction deve lo pm en t. R equired qua lifica tio ns: MLS fro m an A LA -a ccre dite d program , d e m o n ­ strated know ledge and understanding o f th e prin cip les and p ro ­ ce sses of b ibliog ra p hic control, and the a bility to fu n ctio n co lle gia lly in a tea m environ m e n t. Preferred q u a lifica tio ns: E xperience in one o r m ore o f the follo w in g are as: a cqu isitio n s, se ria ls, co llection d e v e lo p m e n t Minim um salary: $ 25 ,00 0; a d ju stab le fo r re le van t p rofessional e xpe rie n ce; 2 4 d a ys va catio n; optional TIAA o r V ALIC retirem ent. A vailab le : Ju ly. 1992. S u b m it le tte r o f app lica tio n, resume, and the nam es, add re sses, and phone num bers o f three re ferences to: T im oth y A. Brown, U nive rsity L ibrarian, Boise S ta te University, Boise, ID 8 37 25 . A p p lica tio ns received by A pril 3 w ill be g iven firs t consideration. E EO /AA em ployer. A UTOM ATED S YSTEM S/R EFER EN C E LIBRA RIAN. Provide wide range o f se rvice s a t the Unive rsity of M aryland Baltim ore County, a suburban research u n ive rsity se rvin g 10,000 u ndergraduate and g raduate students. R esponsibilities in both Technical Services/ Auto m a te d S ystem s and R eference: (1) Lead UM BC staff in continuing im plem entation and o ngoing m aintenance o f University o f M aryland o nline system (CARL), R e spo n sib ilitie s in clude d a ta ­ base m aintenance and preparation of docu m e nta tion . (2) Provide general re feren ce sen/ices, including shared e vening and weekend hours, a s w e ll a s special reference projects, Q u a lifica tio ns: ALA- MLS. D em onstrated a bilities to w o rk e ffe ctively with sta ff and users, to work independently, and to o rg an ize and supervise projects are required. Analytical ability, in itiative, e xcellen t oral a nd w ritten co m m u nicatio n skills a re required. E xperience with M AR C form a ts and one ye ar integrated system or technical services expe rie n ce stro ng ly preferred. S tarting salary $27,000-$30,500, d epending upon qualifications. Send letter o f application, resum e, and nam es of three references to: Jonathan LeB reton, A ssistan t Director, Library, University of M aryland B altim ore County, Baltim ore, MD 21228-5398. A p p lica tio ns received b y M arch 2 7 ,1 9 9 2 w ill be given preference. U M BC is an a ffirm a tive action, e qu al o pp ortun ity em ployer. C ATALO G LIB R A R IA N . Randall Library, University of North C a ro ­ lina a t W ilm ington. P rim ary d u tie s are o riginal ca ta lo ging o f m a te ­ rials in various form ats; database m a n agem ent a nd enh an ce m e nt; and so m e hours each w eek in general reference services. R e qu ire ­ ments: ALA accredited gra du ate degree; in terest in com bining te ch n ical services skills w ith p u b lic se rvices; fa m ilia rity w ith O C LC / MARC cataloging; stro ng interpersonal a nd co m m u nicatio n s skills. F u ll-tim e, tw e lve -m o n th a p p o in tm e n t a t th e ra n k o f L e ctu re r (nonte nu re -tra ck position). S tate m andated benefits, w ith tw e nty- three d a ys annual le ave. Salary: $20,900. C o nside ra tion o f a p p li­ ca tion s by the search co m m itte e will begin M arch 2 0 ,1 9 9 2 , and will co ntin ue until the positio n is filled. Send letter o f a pplication and re sum e (including nam es and telep ho n e n um be rs o f a t least three references) to : Fra n kie T. Mincey, Secretary, Search C o m m itte e fo r Catalog Librarian, Randall Library, University o f North C arolina a t W ilm ington, 601 S. C o lle ge Road, W ilm ington, NC 28403-3297. Equal opportunity, a ffirm a tive action em p loye r. W om en a nd m ino ri­ tie s are encouraged to apply. C A TA LO GER S. Four pro fe ssio na l p ositio n s available. Germanic, Hebrew, Slavic, and C o ntinuationscataloger. S alary range: $28,668- $50,496. For co m p lete posting, conta ct: K aren M u rray a t (310) 8 25 ­ 1201, or write: U nive rsity Library, U niversity of C a lifornia, Los Angeles, 405 H ilgard A ve., Los A ngeles, CA 9 0024-1575. U C LA is an equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. W e e ncourage all q u a lifie d p ersons to apply. C A T ALO GER, T E C H N IC A L SER VIC ES LIB RA RIAN to m anage acqu isitio n s and ca ta lo g d e p artm en ts in a n ew ly autom ated (DRA system ) fou r-yea r c o lle ge library. D u tie s include a ll tech n ical se r­ vices o perations— search, order, cataloging, o riginal cataloging, serials, pre pa ra tion . O ccasion al re feren ce duty. S a la ry to $40,000 d epending on q u a lifica tio n s and expe rie n ce. Position o p e n s Ju ly 1992. M inim um re q uirem en ts: A LA /M L S ; 4 ye ars p rofessional technical se rvice s expe rie n ce, in clu din g ca ta lo ging w ith O C L C and AAC R 2; 2 ye ars su p e rviso ry re sp on sib ility; o rig in al cata lo ging skills; w o rk in library auto m a tion , w ith DRA e xpe rie n ce desirable; good in terpersonal re la tion s and co m m u nicatio n skills. Faculty position, 12-m onth c o ntra ct, 3 0 d a ys va catio n, e xcellen t fringe benefits, p ossib ility o f c a m p u s h ousing. S end resum e, le tte r of app lica tio n and n am es o f th re e re ferences to: Ja m e s E. G aines, Jr., Head Librarian, Virginia M ilitary Institute, Lexington, V A 24450- App lica tio ns w ill be accep ted until the position is fille d . A A/EO E e m p loye r. DEAN O F L IBRA RIES. R esponsibilities: Th e U nive rsity o f Nevada, Las V egas is seeking a Dean o f Libraries w h o m u st e xercise a com b ina tio n o f im aginative visio n a nd m a n ag eria l skills to guid e the UNLV libraries into th e tw e nty-first century. R eporting to the S enior Vice President/Provost, the D ean s u pe rvise s 2 7 pro fe ssio na ls and 48.5 support staff and a cts as the libraries' re p resentative and a dvo cate with the faculty, stud e nts a nd U nive rsity adm inistration. C o lle ction s include o v e r 6 00 ,0 0 0 vo lum es, p lus substantial, g ro w ­ ing p eriod ica ls and n o n bo o k co lle ction s, and m o re than one m illion m icroform s and g ove rn m e nt docu m e nts. The cu rre n t m aterials b udget is $ 2.6 m illion. T h e successful candidate w ill have th e re sp on sib ility o f o versee in g th e p lanning and constru ctio n o f a new March 1992/221 $40 million library. A statewide academic libraries electronic net­ work will be online before the end of 1992. We invite applications and nominations for this position. Qualifications: Requirements for this position include an ALA-accredited degree at the master’s level or higher, with additional advanced degrees desired. We seek a Dean with a record of progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic or research library, including demon­ strated skills in setting priorities and long-range goals, marshalling resources, and motivating staff. The successful candidate will demonstrate strong and creative leadership; an awareness of current and emerging library issues; superior interpersonal skills; and an ability to work effectively with diverse library constituencies in both the university and the community. Salary range: Salary highly competitive, rank negotiable, depending on background and experience. The setting: UNLV is one of the fastest growing universities in the nation with a current enrollment of more than 19,500 students. UNLV was recently cited by U.S. News and World Report (1990-91) as one of the “up-and-coming" colleges and universities in the United States. Located in cosmopolitan Las Vegas, the university has the strong support of the community’s rapidly growing population of 850,000 residents. Application dead­ line and details: Screening will begin April 2,1992, and will continue until the position is filled. The position opens July 1, 1992: Send application letter; resume; names, addresses and phone numbers of at least five references to: Stephen D. Fitt, Co-Chair, Dean of Libraries Search Committee, Position 33001, James R. Dickinson Library, U n iversity o f Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Park­ way, Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001. Librarians at UNLV have tenure- track positions with faculty status, 12-month appointments with 24 days per year of paid vacation and a standard package of fringe benefits including TIAA/CREF or state retirement system. No state income tax. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. UNLV employs only U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for providing reference service at a general reference desk, working with auto­ mated reference services (online searches and networked CD’s), participating in established library instruction program and collec­ tion development in assigned disciplines. Some evening and weekend hours required. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Reference experience in a research library. Effective interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: Second subject master's in the social sciences. Preference given as follows: 1. Psychology, 2. Social Work, 3. Sociology, 4. Anthropology. Famil­ iarity or experience with library automation. Benefits: Partially paid health and dental insurance, TIAA-CREF. Reduced tuition, 25 days vacation and generous professional development time, sick and holiday leave, academic leave possible after three years of employ­ ment. Additional fringe benefits. Salary: $21,000, plus depending on qualifications and experience. Deadline for applications: March 31, 1992. Submit letter of application, resume and names, ad­ dresses and telephone numbers of three references and/or place­ ment bureau address to: Kathy Ann MacDougall, 330 Marriott Library, U n iversity o f Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; FAX (801) 585-3463. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply HEAD OF CATALOGING. Responsible for the management of all cataloging activities for the University Libraries. Cataloging is done via OCLC to conform with national standards, including AACR2, LC classification, and LCSH. Duties include setting cataloging policy, maintaining quality control, solving complex authority control and cataloging problems, and coordinating activities with heads of other departments. Provides a leadership role in working with the Inno­ vative Interfaces library system database. Additional responsibili­ ties include directorship of the Arkansas Newspaper Project and service on library committees. Supervision of five professional catalogers and 14.5 FTE support staff. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS; extensive knowledge of AACR2, OCLC, MARC formats, LC classification, and LCSH; supervisory experience; a minimum of four years' cataloging experience in an academic or research library. Familiarity with automated library systems preferred. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience, $34,000 minimum. Twelve-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF, twenty-two days annual leave, tuition, and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant university and the major academic research institution in the state, offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Located in a rapidly growing area of northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville (popula­ tion 42,000) also offers a wealth of natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: John A. Harrsion, Director of Libraries, U n iversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201. The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States. HEAD OF CIRCULATION. Responsible for management and leadership of the Circulation Division, which includes 14 full-time and 65 part-time staff; hiring, training, and supervision of staff; development and implementation of new directions and policies related to circulation services; participation with Assistant Director and other Public Services Division Heads in planning for and Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for govern­ mental agencies that employ librarians. The recommenda­ tions are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommen­ dations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, jo b seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a profes­ sional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. 222/C &RL News LIBRARY DIRECTOR Temple University, Japan The Tokyo campus of Temple University has an enrollment of over 2,000 students and offers ESL instruction, undergraduate, and graduate liberal arts degrees. The library director is responsible for the overall administration of the library and reports to the Dean of T emple University Japan. Duties include supervision of 5 librarians, 2 support staff, and student assistants. The campus is moving to new facilities in May 1992. In addition to the transition to new facilities, a new automated system will be installed. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; at least 4 years professional experience, including supervisory responsibilities; ability to adjust to an overseas urban environment; flexibility in working with a small, but rapidly growing academic library; demonstrated leadership, communica­ tion and interpersonal skills; cultural sensitivity for managing an international staff. Salary from low $40s depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits competitive. Application, including resume and the names of 3 references should be sent to: Director of International Programs Vice Provost’s Office Temple University 5th floor Conwell Hall Broad and Montgomery Streets Philadelphia, PA 19122 Review of applications will begin March 20 and continue until the position is filled. An EO/AA employer. carrying out policies and activities related to public services librarywide. Incumbent may become involved in other library activi­ ties such as instruction and collection development. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Four years relevant profes­ sional library experience and/or four years significant circulation experience. Excellent communication skills, demonstrated ability to work well with others and established commitment to quality public service. Preferred: Demonstrated successful supervisory and management skills, knowledge of NOTIS online systems, knowledge of current library technology and automation, and experience in an academic library strongly preferred. Second master’s degree or other advanced study, evidence of ongoing professional development through university service, continuing education, and participation in professional organizations also desirable. Benefits: Partially paid health and dental insurance, TIAA-CREF. Reduced tuition, 25 days vacation and generous professional development time, sick and holiday leave, academic leave possible after three years of employment. Additional fringe benefits. Salary: $30,000, plus depending on qualifications and experience. Deadline for applications: March 31, 1992. Submit letter of application, (letters of applications should address the candidate’s ability to meet stated qualifications), resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references and/or placement bureau address to: Kathy Ann MacDougall, 330 Marriott Library, U n iversity of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, (801) 585-3463, FAX (801) 585-3464. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, DOCUMENTS DIVISION. Responsible for managing the Marriott Library Documents Division, a strong service-oriented division of the Public Services Department. The Documents Divi­ sion is a large selective Federal Depository Library, a Patent Depository Library and a depository for the U.N., Unesco, FAO, EC and GATT. Technical processing is performed in NOTIS. Division Head oversees and participates in a wide range of reference, instruction, and outreach services. Major functions include estab­ lishing goals and priorities for the area, administering division budget, directing technical processing and overseeing collection development, management and maintenance. Head will supervise staff consisting of librarians, classified staff, and part-time staff. Incumbent will report to the Assistant Director for Public Services and will participate with the Assistant Director and other Public Services division heads in planning for and carrying out policies and activities related to public services library-wide. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Five years signifi­ cant experience with government publications, strong commitment to quality public service program and effective communications and interpersonal skills required. Preferred: Demonstrated successful supervisory/management skills, knowledge of current library tech­ nology and automation, knowledge of issues and trends associated with government information strongly preferred. Experience in a research library, second master’s degree or other advanced study, and evidence of ongoing professional development through univer­ sity service, continuing education, and participation in professional organizations also desirable. Benefits: Partially paid health and dental insurance, TIAA-CREF. Reduced tuition, 25 days vacation and generous professional development time, sick and holiday leave, academic leave possible after three years of employment. Additional fringe benefits. Salary: $30,000, plus depending on qualifications and experience. Deadline for applications: March 31, 1992. Submit letter of application, (letters of application should address the candidate’s ability to meet stated qualifications), resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references and/or placement bureau address to: Kathy Ann MacDougall, 330 Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, (801) 585-3463, FAX (801) 585-3464. The Univer­ sity of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING SECTION, East Carolina University, Joyner Library. Responsibilities: The Head of the Mono­ graphic Cataloging Section is responsible to the Head of the Cataloging Department for the planning, coordination, and control March 1992/223 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Illinois Wesleyan University Illinois W esleyan University invites nominations and applications for the position of University Librarian, effective August 1,1992. Illinois W esleyan is a nationally recognized, comprehensive undergraduate university enrolling 1,750 students pursuing degrees in the liberal arts, fine arts, and nursing. Our residential campus is located in the heart of Bloomington, Illinois, a prosperous small city in the central part of the state. Sheean Library houses nearly 200,000 volumes, with another 30,000 in the Thorpe Music Library of the School of Music. We seek as our Librarian a person who will im aginatively and enthusiastically embrace the challenge of excellence in library leadership: to make Illinois W esleyan’s library the intellectual center of the campus— ad yn am ic place for the nurture of undergraduate research. The Librarian, reporting directly to the academ ic dean, would be both a campus and a public advocate for the library, and able to seek external support for its growth. She or he would work closely with thefaculty and students and would lead the professional librarians and staff in new and important initiatives in collection development, bibliographic instruction, automation, and media services. A candidate forthis position must have an ALA-accredited MLS and an additional advanced degree, preferably a doctorate; must have had administrative experience; and must be eligible for a tenurable appointm ent at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. Salary and benefits will be competitive. W e strongly encourage women and minorities to apply. W e will accept applications and nominations until March 3 1 ,1 9 9 2 . Please send letters of nomination or application, resumes, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Robert Bray Chair, University Librarian Search Illinois Wesleyan University P.O. Box 2900 Bloomington, IL 61702 of original and copy cataloging of print monographic materials in all languages and subjects added to the general collection. Training and supervision of staff are primary responsibilities of the position. Duties include the formulating, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating policies, procedures, and standards for monographic cataloging for the general collection in coordination with the Asso­ ciate Director for Technical Services, the Head of the Cataloging Department, and other cataloging section heads, as appropriate, this position is responsible for all original cataloging of monographs for the general collection. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s in library science; two years of original monographic cataloging experience in an academic library; working knowledge of AACR2, LC rule interpretations, LCSH, LC classification, and OCLC stan­ dards; experience with automated cataloging systems; reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages, preferably Spanish, French and or German; good oral and written communications skills; ability to work effectively with ail levels of staff; ability to work independently. Supervisory experience preferred. Twelve-month, tenure-track, faculty position w ith appointm ent at the rank of Assistant Professor. Salary $23,000 m inimum , depending on qualifications and experience. Research and publication re­ quired for tenure and prom otion. East Carolina U n iversity’s libraries serve a cam pus com m unity of over 16,500 students and 1,300 faculty. The university is a constituent institution of the sixteen -cam pus U n iversity of North C a rolina System . Screening of applications will begin May 1992, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and names of th ree current references to: Head, M onographic Cataloging Search Com m ittee, Pat Elks, Adm inistrative Assistant, Joyner Library, East C a ro lin a U n i­ v e r s ity , G reenville, NC 27858-4353. O fficial transcripts from each college or university attended w ill be required prior to any offer of em ployment. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. HEAD OF READERS SERVICES. Dawes Memorial Library, Marietta College is seeking an energetic and innovative librar­ ian for the position, Head of Readers Services. Position affords the opportunity to work in a team environment where creativity and new program initiatives are encouraged. Marietta College, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in an historic southeastern Ohio river town. Library maintains a collection of 250,000 volumes and nonprint materials. Depart­ ment head supervises work of staff (3.5 FTE support staff and 20 plus student assistants) in circulation, interlibrary loan, media, and reference services. Duties include providing gen­ eral reference services (print, CD-ROM and online searching), planning and participating in library instruction program, and developing reference and government document collections. ALA-accredited MLS required; 3 years experience in academic reference services preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of com­ puters and their applications in a library required. Effective communication and interpersonal skills essential. Candidates should possess organizational ability and a willingness to contribute to library management and making service policy decisions. Minimum salary is $23,000 for 12 months with salary dependent on education and experience. The permanent, tenure-track position carries faculty rank; 22 vacation days plus benefits package. Preferred starting date is July 1, 1992. Review of applications begins April 1, 1992, and will continue until position is filled. Please send a current resume, and names 2 2 4 /C &R L News INFORMATION MANAGEMENT EDUCATION COORDINATOR REFERENCE DEPARTMENT (SEARCH EXTENDED) The University of Virginia Library The University library is the 28th largest library in ARL. The library system comprises the main library and 10 branches, with independent libraries for law, medicine, and graduate business. The libraries serve 1,600 teaching faculty, 6,000 graduate and professional students, and 11,000 undergraduates. The University library's NOTIS system, VIRGO, provides an online catalog, circulation, acquisitions, serials check-in, nine Wilson indexes, and Current Contents. An Electronic Text Center has recently been established. The IME Coordinator reports to the Director of Reference Services and for system- wide responsibilities reports to the Associate University Librarian. Assumes a leadership role in planning and coordinating information management education programs in the 11 libraries. Develops and implements workshops using innovative, instructional methods and state-of-the-art technology. T rains library faculty and staff to conduct IME. Using marketing analysis techniques, analyzes informational needs of library users and non-users and devises services and programs to meet identified needs. Develops and oversees production of a newsletter on library services. Provides reference service. Required qualifications and experience: ALA-accredited MLS or master’s degree in a related field. Demonstrated success with electronic information technology, and effective computer, interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills. Ability to implement and utilize innovative technology to conduct effective IME in a dynamic environment. Demonstrated organizational and leadership skills. Salary; $28,000 or higher, negotiable, depending upon qualifications. General faculty status, 22 days vacation, generous sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, state and TIAA/CREF retirement plans, research leave. Applications received before April 17,1992, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Gail Oltmanns Director of Personnel and Planning Alderman Library University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. of 3 references to: Sandra B. Neyman, College Librarian, Dawes Library, M arietta College, Marietta, OH 45750. Marietta College is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. HUMANITIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Within the centralized Reference and Information Services (RIS) Department, provides comprehensive assistance with an emphasis in the humanities- literature, language, and philosophy. Subject-focused liaison ac­ tivities include CD-ROM and database searching, library instruc­ tion, and collection development in areas to be assigned. As one of four RIS faculty assigned to the humanities, the incumbent will contribute to developing and implementing services designed for users in these disciplines. The Humanities Reference Librarian will also share reference desk service with approximately 20 faculty and staff. Some evening and weekend service is required. Re­ quired qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; an undergraduate degree in the humanities plus several years’ academic library experience or an additional graduate degree, applicable to the description and responsibilities outlined above; excellent written and oral communication skills; demon­ strated enthusiasm for public service; and the ability to work productively with a diverse group of librarians, support staff, and students. Preferred: Reference experience in a research library setting, including database and CD-ROM searching; knowledge of a major European language; computer literate. Tenure-track posi­ tion. Twenty-four days annual leave, tuition remission, usual ben­ efits. Assistant Professor rank. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Jill Keally, Head, Library Personnel Office, The U n iversity o f Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Review of applications will begin March 15, 1992, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO, affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Earlham College. Newly created full-time position, responsible for maintaining, coordinating, and supervising access to electronic services and instructing staff and public in use of CD-ROM and online databases. In addition to CD-ROM and online services now available, the library will be installing an integrated library system. Additional responsibilities include some reference, with occasional night and weekend work. MLS or other relevant graduate degree March 1992/225 MULTICULTURAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN (REOPENED) University of California, Santa Cruz Assistant librarian/Associate librarian. Salary range fo r these ranks: $28,668-$50,496. Reporting to the Head of Reference Services: Responsible for providing leadership in library services for the campus multicultural community. Coordinates an outreach program. Provides library instruction and specialized reference service in multicultural studies. Provides general reference service in the social sciences and humanities: serves 12-15 hours a week at the Reference Desk, including weekend and evening service; participates in computer reference service; prepares and presents instructional materials; selects reference materials. Participates in library-wide activities, including administrative committees and special projects. Qualifications required: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school; demonstrated ability to communicate and establish ties with the UCSC multicultural community and to provide an intensive outreach program to that community; broad interest in the humanities/social sciences and in working with undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty; ability to work at the reference desk, provide library instruction, and perform online searches. Preferred: prior reference desk experience; multicultural outreach experience. Previous applicants are still under consideration and need not apply. Application deadline March 31,1992. Applicants should supply a statement of their qualifications, a resume, and the names of four (4) references who can comment on their qualifications. Send correspondence to: Katherine Beiers Assistant University Librarian—Personnel University Library University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 UCSC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. and experience in library computer technology required. Interest in reference work with strong written and oral communication skills. Academic library experience preferred. Position available July 1; starting date and salary negotiable. Review of applications will begin April 15 and continue until position is filled. Send resume, the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Evan Ira Farber, College Librarian, Earlham College, Richmond IN 47374. Earlham is a liberal arts college, affiliated with the Society of Friends, and as an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer welcomes applications from women, racial minorities, and Quakers. INSTRUCTIONAL AND ACCESS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Eastern Washington University seeks a dynamic, innovative, expe­ rienced public services librarian to coordinate the work of newly formed Instructional and Access Services unit; and to plan and coordinate programs to instruct users in the use of the Libraries and of automated information systems. Reports to the Dean of Libraries and participates in policy-making and planning for the libraries. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; minimum three years professional aca­ demic library public services experience, with at least two years of significant user-education responsibilities; familiarity with online systems and other automated information tools, such as CARL, OCLC’s EPIC or FirstSearch; excellent written and oral communi­ cations skills; demonstrated ability to meet requirements for faculty promotion and tenure; and ability to work independently, yet effectively with faculty and with colleagues. Supervisory experi­ ence, second master’s degree in business or science and knowl­ edge of one foreign language, desired. Salary: $29,000-$35,000 annually, depending on degrees and experience. TIAA/CREF; comprehensive medical insurance; 24 days vacation and estab­ lished holidays; generous sick leave; assistance with moving expenses; generous support for professional travel. No state or local income taxes. Twelve-month, tenure-track appointment. Start date: April 6, 1992. Review of applications will begin March 15,1992, and will continue until position is filled. Submit letter of application, curriculum vita and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Ted Otto, Chair, Instructional and Access Services Librarian Search Commit­ tee, MS 84, Ea stern W a sh in g to n U n iv e rs ity , Cheney, WA 99004-2495. AA/EOE. LIBRARIAN/MUSIC SPECIALIST, East Carolina University, Joyner Library. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Head of Music Library, participates fully in all aspects of the branch library opera­ tion including general public services (some evening and weekend duties on a rotating schedule), bibliographic instruction, online database and CD/ROM searching, and technical services pro­ cesses for music materials. Shares in the supervision of student and graduate assistants. The Music Library, located in the School of Music, is staffed by 2 professionals, 3 support staff, and student assistants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; advanced degree in music, or substantial progress toward same; working knowledge of modern European languages, experience with OCLC automated cataloging procedures and MARC music formats, AACR2, LC classification, and automated library systems. Familiarity with online database searching and experience in an academic or special library preferred. Twelve-month, tenure-track, faculty posi­ tion with appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. Salary $23,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Professional achievement, service and research/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 16,500 students and 1,300 faculty. The university is a constituent institution of the sixteen-campus University of North Carolina System. Screening 2 2 6 /C &R L N ew s HEAD OF MATERIALS PROCESSING Montana Tech Montana Tech is a publicly supported college with emphasis in science and minerals engineering. he college offers the largest mining engineering program in the United States and the third largest etroleum engineering program in the country, in addition to programs in business and the social and hysical sciences. The library holds 200,000 volumes and 77,000 maps and has a staff of 8, is a ember of WLN and serves a student body of 1,881. Montana Tech invites applications for the position of Head of Materials Processing. The Head of aterials Processing supervises and participates in the acquisition and processing of books, serials, nd documents. This non-tenure position holds faculty rank. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS egree or willingness to obtain the same in the near term; considerable professional experience in an cadem ic library; knowledge of acquisitions and cataloging methods and procedures; expertise with he use of microcomputers in libraries; experience with a major bibliographic utility such as WLN or CLC; excellent management, supervisory and communication skills. Preferred candidates will have working knowledge of an online integrated system and a second master's degree in science or ngineering. Salary is $25,000-$27,000. To apply for this position, send resume, letter of application and names of three references to: Director’s Office The Library MontanaTech Butte, MT 59701 Applicant screening will begin on April 6,1992, and continue until the position is filled. Montana Tech is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. T p p m M a d a t O a e will begin May 15, 1992, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and names of three current references to: Librarian/Music Specialist Search Committee, Pat Elks, Administrative Assistant, Joyner Library, East Carolina U niversity, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: Responsible for planning, administration, and coordination of Preservation Depart­ ment of the University Libraries. Solicits and administers grant funding. Supervises the operation of the Book Conservation Unit and the Brittle Book Program. Coordinates the identification and review of brittle and seriously dilapidated books from the circulating collections; surveys and analyzes the physical condition of non­ circulating collections. Supervises replacement searching. Selects or recommends treatment methods to prolong lives of library materials which cannot be salvaged by simple repair or rebinding. Coordinates activities as necessary with the Physical Processing Unit in Technical Services. Plans and conducts educational ses­ sions on preservation concerns for students and staff. Serves as liaison for preservation matters with Collection Development, Tech­ nical Services, Circulation, and other library units. Supervises 1 full­ time professional, 1 part-time clerk, and student assistants. Main­ tains awareness and understanding of development in the field of preservation/conservation; develops policies and procedures. Reports to Assistant Director for Collection Development. Re­ search, publication, and service to the Libraries and University are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promo­ tion. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited Library School. Two or more years experience as a preservation adminis­ trator in an academic or research library subsequent to receipt of MLS. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Sal­ ary minimum $30,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Person­ nel Officer, University Libraries - U L 139, University at Albany, State U n iversity of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of applications and resumes will begin April 24, 1992. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who we can contact. The University at Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. PRINCIPAL BIBLIOGRAPHER COLLECTIONS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (Head of Department). The University of Illinois at Chicago is seeking a Principal Bibliographer to head the Collections Development Department. The Collections Development Depart­ ment consists of six librarians, three support staff, a resident librarian, and student assistants. The Department is part of the Collections Development and Information Services Division, and the Principal Bibliographer reports to the Assistant Librarian (Col­ lection Development and Information Service). The Principal Bib­ liographer has administrative responsibility for subject bibliogra­ phers who manage collections in the health sciences, humanities, professional studies, science and technology, and social sciences. Among the duties of the Principal Bibliographer are to 1) direct and develop the library's collections program in collaboration with the subject bibliographers, the University Librarian, and the faculty, 2) propose annual budget allocations for purchase of collections, and March 1992/227 R e fe re n c e L ib r a r ia n o f th e F in e A rts L ib r a r y The Fine Arts Library, a department of the Harvard College Library, supports the research and instructional activities of the Fine Arts Department faculty and students, curators and officers of the Harvard University Art Museums, plus University faculty and students in related fields. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Book Collections, the Reference Librarian provides and coordinates reference services including direct reference desk service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, preparation of bibliographic guides, and development of the reference collection. The Reference Librarian will also contribute a reference service perspec­ tive to managerial discussions of policies and issues, in the Book Collections. This newly created position offers growth potential, to be determined by the goals of the institution and reflecting the incumbent’s strengths. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent and working knowledge of at least two major European languages required, with an advanced degree in Art History or related field desirable; demonstrated oral and written communication skills essential; and knowledge of and experience with on-line database searching preferred. Anticipated hiring range: low to mid 30s Available: Summer 1992 Major Benefits: One month’s vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; dental insurance; life insurance; University-funded Retirement Income Plan; tax- deferred annuity options; tuition assistance. Interested candidates may send a resume and the names o f three references to: Susan Lee, Associate Librarian o f Harvard College for Administrative Services, Harvard College Library, Widener 188, Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University upholds a commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. H a rv a rd U n iv ersity H a r v a r d C ollege L ib r a r y 3) serve as the primary spokesperson for collections to the Univer­ sity community. The University Library is supported by a materials budget of $4,000,000 and a collection of 1,700,000 volumes. Minimum qualifications: an ALA-accredited MLS; three to five years increasingly responsible experience in a collections development department; fund management ability, and demonstrated ability to meet University standards in research, publication, and profes­ sional service commensurate with tenure. Salary/rank/contract: Faculty appointments in the UIC Library begin at $25,000. Salaries are competitive and based on education and relevant experience. Rank dependent on qualifications and experience; faculty status; twelve-month appointment; 24 days vacation; 12 days annual sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; medical insurance (contribution based on annual salary; coverage for dependents may be purchased); two dental plans available; life insurance paid for by the State; participation in the State Universi­ ties Retirement System compulsory (8% of salary is withheld and is tax exempt until withdrawal); no Social Security coverage but Medicare payment required; physical examination at University Health Service is required upon appointment. For fullest consider­ ation apply by: April 3,1992. Apply, with supporting resume and the names of at least three references, to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librarian/C, U n iversity o f Illin o is at C hicago Library, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. RARE BOOK BIBLIOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST. The Rare Book Bibliographic Specialist is responsible for providing general and in- depth reference service to a diverse clientele. Along with other staff members provides at least 16 hours of reference service per week; assists patrons with use of both the online catalog and with rare book specialized catalogs. Provides reference service to interna­ tional and national patrons through correspondence and by tele­ phone. Responsibilities also include collection development, cata­ loging and some supervision of student assistants. Department: The Rare Book and Special Collections Library reports to the Assistant Director of Special Collections and Preservation, who in turn, reports to the Director of Library Collections. The Rare Book and Special Collections Library offers service to all undergraduate and graduate students in the university community, to all faculty in all curricula taught in the university, residents of the state of Illinois, as well as to scholars nationally and internationally. The Library has a working collection of approximately 300,000 volumes, 40,000 microforms, 2,000 incunabula, and 600 cubic feet of manuscripts. The Library has an outstanding collection of the works by and about John Milton, strong holdings in seventeenth and eighteenth century English literature, and the internationally known H.G. Wells Ar­ chives. The Library is a member of OCLC. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, or its equivalent; a minimum of two years professional reference experience in a university or research library; evidence of ability to work with a diverse and demanding clientele; a reading knowledge of at least one western European language, preference given to French or German; evi­ dence of ability to meet university standards of research, publica­ tion, and service. Preferred: Undergraduate degree or substantial coursework in either History, English literature, modem European literature, or Classics; reading knowledge of Latin; experience in collection development; experience in original cataloging of rare book or special collections materials. Desired: Experience and/or knowledge of online catalogs and database applications using a personal computer; familiarity with preservation activities and procedures in a rare book atmosphere; experience in a rare book or special collections unit; familiarity with rare book/special collec­ tions reference sources. Salary and Rank: Salary $25,000 upward for appointment as Assistant Professor, depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Librarians are faculty and must demonstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication, and university, professional, and community service in order to meet university standards for tenure and promotion. Application: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and 2 2 8 /C &R L N ew s telephone numbers of five references to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, U n iversity of Illin o is Libra ry (U-C), 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-5494. Deadline: April 15,1992. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARIANS (3). Arizona State University West, founded in 1984, is an upper-division institution providing undergraduate and graduate degree programs to nearly 5,000 students. Located in Phoenix, a major metropolitan area, ASU West is characterized by a culturally diverse and non- traditional student body and a commitment to public service and support of the community. With a staff of 12.5 librarians and over 40 support staff, the library emphasizes services tailored to unique and changing institutional and client needs, collection building closely coordinated with campus curriculum building, intensive use of electronic information technology, and a partnership with faculty to achieve the academic mission. We seek applications from dynamic, energetic, and creative librarians for the following posi­ tions: These new positions support the teaching, learning, and research activities of the West Campus Business (accountancy, management, and marketing), Arts and Sciences, and Human Services (communication, justice studies, leisure studies, nursing, and social work) programs through electronic information retrieval, reference and information services, bibliographic instruction, col­ lection development, and faculty liaison. Librarians eligible for continuing appointment (tenure) participate in the development, delivery, and evaluation of quality reference and information ser­ vices, maintain an active program of professional development, and contribute to the advancement of the University, the library, and the profession. Positions report to the Head of Research and Information Access Services. Qualifications: Required: An ALA- accredited Master’s; at least two years post-Master’s and/or signifi­ cant pre-professional reference experience; demonstrated elec­ tronic information retrieval expertise; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work collegially to achieve goals; the ability to market and promote library services; and evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices. Preferred: aca­ demic preparation or significant work experience in business, history, or the social sciences; collection development experience. Rank and salary are dependent on record of experience and professional contributions. Minimum salaries are: Librarian - $34,500; Associate Librarian - $30,000; and Assistant Librarian - $25,000. Application deadline: April 1,1992. To apply, send a letter of application (addressing specific qualifications as they relate to the responsibilities described), a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four references (including at least one supervisor) to: Christopher Millson-Martula, Assistant Director, Fletcher Library, A rizona State U n ive rsity West, 4701 W. Thunderbird Rd., Glendale AZ 85306. (602) 543-5717. ASU West is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The University of Wis­ consin-Parkside invites applications for the position of reference/ instruction librarian. The successful candidate will provide refer­ ence service to users; serve as liaison to several faculty depart­ ments for purposes of bibliographic instruction, online searching and collection development; and participate in additional outreach and instruction programs. Requirements: Required: Graduate li­ brary degree from an ALA-accredited library school; well-devel­ oped interpersonal and communication skills; evidence of strong commitment to reference services, ability to provide effective course-related library instruction, and professional commitment to librarianship. Desirable: Experience in use of microcomputers and electronic information sources; teaching experience and demon­ strated interest in and knowledge of current trends in bibliographic instruction. Salary: $24,000-$27,000, depending on experience and qualifications. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts, and names, addresses, and telephone num­ bers of three references to: Linda Piele, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Library/Learning Center, UW-Parkside, 900 Wood Road, Box 2000, Kenosha, Wl 53141-2000 (Fax: (414) 595-2545). Review of applications will begin on March 16; deadline for receipt of applications is March 27. The U n iversity o f W isconsin-P arkside is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. Upon request, the university is required to release an undifferentiated list of applicants and nominees. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (2 to 3 positions). Ac­ tive Reference Department seeks two or three innovative, ener­ getic, service oriented librarians. Primary responsibility is to help in searches for information, assist with bibliographic and database searching, and participate in bibliographic instruction outreach program to the university. Also serve as liaison to assigned academic departments. General reference service includes nights and weekends. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; excellent written and oral communication skills. Professional experience preferred. Nine-month, tenure-track position at rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor depending on qualifications. Salary range from $24,603 to $42,080. Report to Coordinator, Reference and Information Services. Send letter of application with resume. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references. Application must be postmarked by April 17, 1992. Send to: Constance Gamaluddin, Search Committee Chairperson, Refer­ ence and Information Services Department, Carlson Library, Clarion U n iversity o f Pennsylvania, Clarion, PA 16214. Clarion University actively seeks minority and women candidates and is an equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN LAW. The Columbia University Law School Library seeks a Refer­ ence Librarian in International and Foreign Law to assist faculty, students, and other patrons in the use of the International Law and Foreign Law Collections through basic reference service. The position reports to the International, Comparative and Foreign Law Librarian, and will oversee maintenance of the United Nations depository collection. The incumbent will supervise 3-6 student assistants, and may participate in the general reference rotation. The Law School Library is the second largest academic law library in the United States. It has internationally recognized international and foreign law collections, and has been a United Nations deposi­ tory library since 1946. It provides service to a full-time faculty of 60 and a student body of more than 1,100 graduate students. In addition, there is substantial fee-based service to the professional community. The Columbia University Law School provides an advanced electronic environment with a strong service orientation. Requirements include: an ALA-accredited MLS, or a JD with appropriate experience (if only the JD is held, a commitment to complete/obtain the MLS will be required); reading knowledge of at least one modern western European language; strong service orientation and organizational skills. Preferred qualifications in­ clude: experience in general law librarianship; familiarity with computers, especially the legal databases LEXIS and WESTLAW; fam iliarity with governm ent documents, especially those of intergovernmental organizations; willingness to work with material in a variety of languages; and some supervisory experience. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $28,600 - $37,180; Librarian II: $30,600 - $41,310. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Colum bia U n iversity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is March 31,1992. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN for dynamic, service-oriented program of humanities and social sciences reference in an outstanding college library. Required: ALA/MLS, sound liberal arts education, academic library reference experience, demonstrated service com­ mitment, excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Pre­ ferred: experience with library instruction, electronic information sources, interlibrary loan, and government documents; knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Oberlin College combines a leading undergraduate college of arts and sciences with a music school of national prominence. The library contains over 1 million volumes and is fully automated. Salary competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience, $24,500 minimum. Generous benefits. To ensure consideration, send letter of application, re­ sume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by March 27, 1992, to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, O berlin C ollege Libra ry, Mudd Center, Oberlin, OH 44074. AA/EOE SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER/REFERENCE, Loyola University Chicago, Science/Math Library. One of four professionals in the newly created Science/Math Library. Provides public services to science faculty and students including reference services. Also serves as a science bibliographer for two or three of the following March 1992/229 areas: Chemistry, Biology, Natural Sciences, Physics, Nursing, Mathematical Sciences. Reports to the Head of Science Library and to the AUL for Collection Development. Qualifications: ALA-accred- ited MLS degree; minimum 3 years experience in an academic or science library in public services and/or collection management; academic background and/or substantial experience in the sci­ ences; knowledge of reference services; knowledge of collection development principles and processes; excellent communications and interpersonal skills; interest in the creative use of technology in the delivery of science library services. The Loyola University of Chicago Library system has over 1,200,000 volumes in its 7 libraries, 6 in Chicago and 1 in Rome, Italy. The FY 92 collection budget is over $3,000,000. The Science/Math Library is currently under development and will open in Fall 1992 on the Lake Shore Campus. The libraries use NOTIS for technical and public services. The libraries have mounted numerous indexes on the university mainframe and have reference indexes and full text periodicals on CD-ROM. Salary from $25,000. Benefits include 20 days vacation, full tuition benefits, university contributions to TIAA/CREF, dental insurance and choice of medical plans. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three recent references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola U n iversity of Chi­ cago, 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626. Application deadline is March 15,1992. Applications will be accepted after the deadline and will be reviewed on a biweekly cycle as necessary until the position is filled. Loyola University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator/employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, The University of Okla­ homa. Duties: Under the general direction of the Head of Reference, this position provides reference and bibliographic service in the general sciences (specifically, anthropology, botany/microbiology, meteorology, and zoology); provides general reference service at the Library’s main reference desk; participates in collection devel­ opment activities in the above subject areas; and acts as liaison with those academic departm ents; perform s online bibliographic searches; participates in library instruction including general tours, CD-ROM and other database instruction; and specific subject- oriented presentations. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA- accredited library school; degree in a science discipline or equiva­ lent professional library experience; knowledge of database search­ ing and library instruction concepts and methods. Desirable: 1-2 years professional or pre-professional reference experience; sub­ ject master's degree in a science discipline; strong interpersonal and communication skills; working knowledge of one or more modern European languages; knowledge of or experience with a major bibliographic utility, familiarity with NOTIS or other automated system; evidence of research or creative achievement. Screening date: April 15, 1992. Search will remain open until filled. Salary: $27,000 (minimum). Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement Sys­ tem; comprehensive medical protection; 33 days paid leave; short­ term disability leave; group life insurance; University holidays. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the University Libraries consist of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.2 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, 2 million government documents and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The Libraries have implemented the public access catalog, cataloging, authority con­ trol, acquisitions, and circulation functions of the NOTIS system. Norman is an attractive community with a low cost of living close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librarians have the privi­ leges and responsibilities of faculty status (non-tenure track) and hold the rank of assistant professor or above. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Manager, Administrative Services, University Libraries, U n iversity o f O klahoma, Norman, OK 73019, (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Ladd Library, Bates College, has opening for librarian responsible for cataloging all serials, including periodi­ cals and government serial publications, and supervises the public service aspects of the periodicals and micromedia area. MLS, familiarity with the OCLC system or other utility, strong interest in issues of collection development and public access for periodicals. 2-3 years experience in cataloging serials preferred. Generous benefits. Salary $22-25,000, depending on experience. Submit resume and three letters of reference by March 27 to: Laura Juraska, Chair, Search Committee, Ladd Library, Bates College, Lewiston ME 04240. Bates College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN (psychol­ ogy, sociology, education, and communication sciences). (Search reopened). Provides wide range of information services in assigned areas, including collection management, liaison with faculty, gen­ eral and specialized reference service, database searching, and user education services. Manages materials funds, coordinates collection development across departments, participates in refer­ ence services in humanities and social science disciplines as well as specialized information services to students and faculty in the social sciences. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accred- ited program; knowledge of literature of psychology, sociology or related area, either from professional experience or extensive coursework; minimum two years’ reference or collection develop­ ment experience in academic or research library; experience in database searching; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: Advanced degree in psychology, sociology or related area; working knowledge of foreign language; experience in library instruction. Salary: $24,794 to $30,800 dependent on qualifications and experience. Send application letter, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 current references to: Alice Puliafico, Library Administration Office, Case Western Reserve U niversity, 210 Freiberger Library, 10900, Euclid Av­ enue, Cleveland OH 44106-7151. Application review will begin April 15, 1992, and continue until position is filled. CWRU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Entry level posi­ tion. Regular, nine-month, tenure-track appointment with faculty status. Responsibilities: general reference; bibliographic instruc­ tion; collection development, online searching, and liaison to History, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology departments; oversees map collection; responsible for specialized outreach activities. Required: ALA/MLS; training or experience in general reference and the social sciences; strong background in relevant computer skills. Preferred: Subject master’s in social science. Second master’s required for tenure. Assistant Professor $24,246- $28,404 for 9 months. Minorities are strongly urged to apply. Applications received by April 15 will receive first consideration but applications accepted until position is filled. Send resume and names of three references to: Teresa Montgomery, Library Person­ nel Committee, S outhern O regon State College, Ashland, OR 97520. Phone: (503) 552-6837. SOSC is an AA/EEO employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS C O O R D IN A T O R , A U T O M A T E D S Y S T E M S . A ssista n t P rofessor (tenu re-lead­ ing). A utom ated System s D epartm en t, startin g J u ly 1. P articipates in plan n in g and policy decisions related to all aspects o f au tom ation for th e U n iversity Libraries. T his in cludes th e on goin g operation and fu tu re grow th o f th e Innovative R esearch In form ation S ystem (IR IS ), and related projects such as IR IS P lus— a local area 2 3 0 /C &RL N e w s n etw ork (L A N ) su p p ortin g C D /R O M and IN T E R N E T — accessible databases. P ro ­ vid es h ard w are and softw are su pport fo r all m icro-b a sed resources. Serves as a tech n ica l ad visor to U n iversity and lib ra ry a d m in istra tion on d evelop in g in form a ­ tion tech n ologies. P rovides op erational su p p ort to the N eb ra sk a State C ollege S ystem , and p a rticip a tes in oth er a u tom ation projects sp an nin g th e state. O versees d ep artm en t bu d gets and d evelops b u d g et prop osals fo r fu tu re grow th o f current system s and for n ew projects. Serves as p rin cipal lia ison b etw een the U n iversity L ib ra ries h ard w are a n d softw are ven dors. N egotia tes licen ses a n d /or con tracts as n ecessary. W ork s closely w ith th e U n iversity C om p u tin g R esou rces C enter in d ev elop in g appropriate telecom m u n ica tion s lin ks fo r all system s. S u pervises 3.5 F T E s ta ff in clu d in g 3 fu ll-tim e p erm a n en t tech n ical sta ff and ap p roxim a tely .5 FTE stu d en t assistants. R equired: M L S from an A L A -a ccred ited lib ra ry sch ool; m in i­ m u m tw o yea rs experien ce in w ork in g w ith an in teg ra ted library system . Strong in terp erson a l skills; d em on strated oral and w ritten com m u n ica tion skills; d em on ­ strated k n ow led ge o f cu rren t in form a tion tech n olog y in clu d in g n etw ork ing, C D / R O M s, and L A N tech n ology. S u pervisory experience. D esired: E xperien ce w ith In n ovative In terfaces, Inc. softw are. D em on stra ted k n ow led ge o f u n ix -b a sed com ­ p u tin g en viron m en ts, and cu rren t telecom m u n ica tion p rotocols su ch as T C P/IP. F am ilia rity w ith D O S -based system s. $ 40,000 m inim u m for a 12-m onth contract. S alary m ay be h igh er dep en d in g u p on th e qu alification s o f the su ccessfu l applicant. A p p ly w ith fu ll resu m e plus n am es and cu rren t a d d resses/telep h on e n um bers o f th ree referen ces b y A pril 15 to: K en t H en d rick son , D ea n o f L ibraries, 106 L ove L ibrary, U n iv e rsity o f N e b ra sk a -L in c o ln , L in coln , N E 68588-0410. A ffirm a tive action, equ al op p ortu n ity em ployer. D IR E C T O R , L IB R A R Y /M E D IA C E N T E R A N D E D U C A T IO N A L T V . 12-m onth p osition . R equires: M L S from an A L A -a ccred ited p rogram ; 1 y ea r L ib ra ry ad m in ­ istra tive experien ce a n d experien ce w ith ed u cation al television . D eadlin e: M arch 27, 1992. F or ap p lication m aterials call: H u m an R esou rces, P a lo m a r C o llege, (619) 744-1150, ext. 2247. E O /A A E . R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . B akersfield C ollege, a com m u n ity college, invites a pplication s for a fu ll-tim e, eleven -m on th (195 day), ten u re-track , fa cu lty position fo r R eferen ce L ibrarian , w h ich starts A u g u st 17, 1992. S alary ran ge $32,601- $49,403. D eadline: A p ril 13, 1992. F o r applications, con ta ct P erson n el O ffice, B a k e rsfie ld C o llege, 1801 P a n ora m a D rive, B akersfield, C A 93305; (805) 395- 4253. A A /E O E . H E A D O F T H E R E F E R E N C E D E P A R T M E N T , G orgas L ibrary, (E xten sion ). R espon sibilities: T he U n iversity o f A la b a m a is seek in g lea d ersh ip for th e R eferen ce D ep a rtm en t o f the G orgas (m ain ) L ibrary. In corp orated in this d ep a rtm en t are the referen ce, gov ern m en t d ocu m en ts, m usic, and m icroform s services, staffed b y six librarian s, seven classified p erson nel, and th irty stu den t assistants. R eferen ce lib ra ria n s are also en gaged in collection developm en t, bib liogra p h ic in stru ction , and an exp a n din g array o f electronic in form a tion services, and it is an ticip ated th at the H ead o f the d ep a rtm en t w ill p articipate in th ese activities. T h e H ead o f R eferen ce rep orts to th e A ssocia te D ean o f L ib ra ries fo r C ollection s and In form a ­ tion S ervices. R equired Q u alification s: M L S from an A L A -a ccred ited program ; su ccessfu l su p ervisory exp erien ce; five yea rs o f su ccessfu l referen ce experien ce in a u n iversity settin g, in eith er a m ain or b ra n ch library; su ccessfu l experien ce in collection d evelop m en t and in th e p rovision o f electron ic in form a tion services; and a d em on stra ted in terest in con trib u tion to th e p rofession. T he su ccessfu l applicant w ill also com m un icate effectively, evin ce a stron g service orien tation , and d em on ­ strate a w illin gn ess to accept the fu ll ran ge o f m iddle m a n a g em en t respon sibilities. C om p en sa tion and R ank: T his is a ten u re-track , fa cu lty position. R a n k an d salary w ill be d eterm in ed on th e b asis o f qu alification s, the m in im u m salary b ein g $36,000. ‘ March 1992/231 B enefits in clud e sick leave, tw en ty-tw o days vacation, B lue C ross/B lu e Shield, T IA A /C R E F and state retirem en t plans. A pp lica tion procedure: Send a letter o f application, resu m e, and n am es o f th ree referen ces p ostm ark ed by A pril 10, 1992, to: V oni B. W ya tt, A ssista n t to the D ea n for P erson nel, U n iv ersity o f A la b a m a L ibraries, P.0. B ox 870266, T uscaloosa, A L 35487-0266. T he U n iversity m aintains m em berships in the A ssocia tion o f R esea rch L ibraries, th e C enter for R esearch L ibraries, S O L IN E T , and th e N etw ork o f A la b a m a A ca dem ic L ibraries. T he N O T IS system is in place and 99% o f the ca ta loged records are in the bib liogra p h ic database. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R S , (3 P O S IT IO N S ). V irgin ia C om m on w ea lth U n iver­ sity, V irg in ia ’s la rgest urban, pu blic u niversity, serves 2 0,000 stu den ts on the academ ic cam pu s and at th e M ed ica l C ollege o f V irgin ia. T he lib ra ries u se N O T IS w ith M D A S. T h e com b in ed libraries h ave $2.7 m illion m aterials b u d get (probable $3.8 in 1992/93) w ith over 950,000 volu m es. V C U is a m em ber o f SO L IN E T , A SE R L , and C RL. P osition s w ill p articipate in restru ctu rin g U n iversity L ibrary S ervices (U LS) to d evelop orga n iza tion resp on sive to dem ands o f m od ern lib ra ry services; w ork as m em b ers o f U L S m a n a g em en t team ; and rep ort to D irector, ULS. P ositions require A L A -a ccred ited M L S. P referred are su ccessfu l m an agerial and supervisory experience; in crea sin g ly progressive resp on sib ility in academ ic libraries; exp eri­ ence w ith a pplication s o f tech n ology; stron g service orien tation ; excellent com m u ­ n ication skills; ability to w ork in d ep en den tly and as tea m m em ber; initiative, creativity, and flexibility; a bility to in trod u ce and m an age organ ization al change; record o f sch ola rly activity and n ation al service to th e p rofession ; advanced degree in ad d ition to M L S. A ssista n t D irector for N etw ork and T ech n ical Services. P rovide dyn am ic and in n ovative lead ersh ip fo r n etw ork and tech n ical services for academ ic and m edical cam pu ses; in itia lly su pervise acqu isition s, catalogin g, and autom ation. A lso p referred is ex p erien ce in tech n ica l services and a u tom ation . A ssista n t D irector for H ea lth S ciences and H ead, T om p k in s-M cC a w L ibrary. P rovide d y ­ n am ic and in n ov a tiv e lead ersh ip and su p ervision fo r h ea lth scien ces lib ra ry (initial resp on sib ilities w ill in clu d e circu lation , in terlib ra ry loan, lea rn in g resou rce cen­ ters, referen ce, special collection s, and u se r edu cation ); in itiate and oversee h ealth scien ces ou trea ch and grants. A lso p referred are experien ce w ith grants and ou treach ; exp erien ce w ith space plan n in g; m em bership in the A ca dem y o f H ealth In form ation P rofessionals. A ssista n t D irector for A ca d em ic S ervices and H ead, J a m es B ran ch C abell L ibrary. P rovide d yn am ic and in n ova tive lead ersh ip and su p ervision for a cadem ic lib ra ry (initial respon sibilities w ill in clud e circulation, lea rn in g resou rce cen ter, referen ce, special collection s, and u ser edu cation ); in itiate and oversee a cadem ic lib ra ry ou trea ch and grants. A lso p referred are experien ce w ith pu blic services and w ith gran ts and ou trea ch activities. $50,000 m inim um . R eview o f a pplication s w ill b eg in A pril 1 5 ,1 9 9 2 , and w ill con tin u e u n til p osition s are filled. S u bm it resu m e and n am es, ad dresses, and ph one n um bers for th ree refer­ en ces to: B arbara J. F ord, D irector, U n iversity L ib ra ry S ervices, V irg in ia C o m ­ m o n w e a lth U n iv e rsity , 901 P a rk A ven u e, B ox 2033, R ich m on d, V A 23284-2033. V irg in ia C om m on w ealth U n iversity is an equ al opportu n ity, affirm ative action em ployer. M in orities and w om en are en couraged to apply. E xperien ce w ork in g in a cu ltu ra lly diverse settin g h ig h ly preferred. C om p lete jo b d escrip tion s and q u a lifi­ ca tion s available u p on request. H E A D L IB R A R IA N , M U S IC L IB R A R Y A N D S O U N D R E C O R D IN G S A R ­ C H IV E S . D irects, d evelops, and ad m inisters all aspects o f operations o f the bra n ch lib ra ry w ith in L ib ra ries and L e a rn in g R esou rces; esta b lish es u n it goa ls and objectives; respon sible for collection develop m en t; su pervises and m an ages u nit person n el fu n ction s; provides referen ce in stru ction , online searching, and in d i­ v id u a l research g u id an ce; p repares op era tin g b u d get requ ests; serves as liaison to d ep a rtm en ta l fa cu lty in th e C ollege o f M u sica l A rts; prepares reports as needed; teach es a gradu ate level resea rch tech n iq u es cou rse and provides L ibrary U ser 232/C &R L News Education instruction for the College o f Musical Arts; represents the MIVSRA in local, regional, and national forums and library organizations; reports to the Assistant/Associate Dean. Environment: The M L/SRA supports music students and faculty through 50,000-plus volumes, scores, recordings in a variety o f formats, and reference works. The Sound Recordings Archives contains more than 500,000 popular music recordings. BGSU Librar­ ies and Learning Resources holds 1.5 million volumes at a Ph.D.-granting university o f 16,000 undergraduate and 2,500 graduate students. BGSU Libraries promote a culturally diverse environment through programs, exhibits, and the appointment o f a multicultural services librarian. A short commute to/from Toledo. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS plus at least 5 years related academic library experience and demonstrated expertise in music librarianship. Commitment to active public service and a record of research, publication, and professional activities for appointment at the Associate/Assistant Professor level. Preferred: Bachelor o f Music degree or higher, ability to communicate clearly both orally andin writing. Salary: $28,000-$32,000. Review o f applications will begin onApril 20, 1992, and will continue until the position is filled. W e actively encourage minorities, women, handicapped, and veterans to apply. BGSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Send application letter, resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of3 references postmarked onor before April 17,1992, to: Dennis East, Chair, Search Committee, Jerome Library Dean’s Office 204, Bowling Green State University, B ow ling Green, OH 43403. L IB R A R Y IN S T R U C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R A N D R E SO U R C E SER VICES L IB R A R IA N F O R E D U C A TIO N . The M ilton S. E isenhow er L ibrary offers the opportunity for an im aginative, enterprising librarian to m ake this strong research library an equally strong teaching library. The library serves a relatively small cam pus o f 2,900 undergraduates, 1,300 graduate students, and about 350 faculty in full-tim e program s, and another 6,000 students enrolled in continuing studies program s. These part-tim e students are a grow ing constituency w ho particularly value library instruction. T he E isenhow er L ibrary has recently reorganized the w ay it delivers the full range o f reference and collection developm ent services to the academ ic com m unity. Its R esource Services departm ent is com posed o f subject specialists, each o f w hom is responsible for building close w orking relationships with the faculty and students in the academ ic departm ents he or she serves. In addition, the provision o f general reference and instructional services by all R esource Services librarians testifies to our determ ination to m ake the E isenhow er L ibrary an excellent teaching library. The L ibrary Instruction C oordinator w ill play a key role in defining and creating the teaching library at Johns H opkins. The E isenhow er L ibrary prizes energy, creativity, and professionalism and offers challenge, independence, and visibility to m em bers o f its R esource Services team . Responsibilities: D irect the library’s instructional program and coordinate the delivery o f instructional services to the U niversity com m unity b y w orking w ith the other R esource Services Librarians, the faculty, and the D ean o f Students Office; Function as Resource Services librarian for Education; Provide reference services, including database searching. Q ualifica­ tions: M LS from an A LA -accredited library school; and an advanced degree in a subject area (preferably E ducation or a related field) or equivalent experience; Significant experience in conducting instructional program s in the use o f the library and its resources; Tw o or m ore years’ experience in collection developm ent and/or reference in a research library preferred; D em onstrated planning, organizational, and leader­ ship skills; W illingness to w ork a flexible schedule (including som e evenings and w eekends) as part o f a team . The hiring range is $28,000 to $35,800 depending on education and experience. The search will remain active until the position is filled. Excellent benefits including life and health insurance, and dental and tuition plans for staff member, spouse, and dependent children. To apply, send letter o f application, resume, and three letters o f reference to: Edward Warfield, The Johns Hopkins University, Homewood Human Resources, 146 Garland Hall, Baltimore, M D 21218. The Johns Hopkins University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Smoke-free and drug-free. “We can be your nation of origin serials vendor for 91% of the titles covered by Index Medicus.” “Two-thirds of Index Medicus™ titles are pub lished outside the U.S., and the 91% includes only the titles published in the countries w here EBSCO’s offices are located, not the surrounding ones which are often served by these offices as well. Now, you’re not likely to want even close to this num ber of medical titles. You may not even subscribe to any m edical titles. But the point is that EBSCO is located virtually everywhere in the world that your titles could originate, no m atter w hether your library’s col­ lection consists of very broad or very narrow subject areas. “EBSCO's database includes approxim ately 95,000 listings for titles published outside the U.S., and we operate 16 non-U.S. Regional Offices on 5 continents. Because our offices are staffed with knowledgeable serials profes­ ­ sionals w ho literally ‘speak the language,’ we are able to m aintain effective, personal contacts w ith publishers throughout the world. “W ith EBSCO you can choose to w ork with the General Manager and serials support staff in your region of the U.S. for all your subscrip­ tion needs, knowing they have the resources abroad to see that you receive superior service on your non-domestic serials. Or, if you prefer to deal directly with a nation of origin vendor, I or any of my colleagues in EBSCO offices around the world will be glad to work with you.” John Ben DeVette General Manager East Asia Regional Office Taipei, Taiwan International Headquarters P.O. Box 1943 Birmingham, AL 35201-1943 (205) 991-6600