ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL N ews ■ D ecem ber 2000 / 995 I N T E R N E T R E S O U R C E S Medical resources information for the consumer Helping you make informed decisions by Caryl Gray T he American health care system has un­dergone rapid change during the last de­ cade. The rising cost of medical care, along with advances in medical technology, has made it increasingly important for consum­ ers to be well informed about their medical choices. Access to current information also facilitates discussion between physician and patient while making decisions concerning treatment options. The Internet provides a unique opportunity for consumers to have access to current medical information so that they can be active partners in their health care. This article presents a selected list o f Web resources providing health information for the consumer. These resources are starting points for librarians and for the general pub­ lic searching for health-related information. All of the selected sites publish a disclaimer, which emphasizes the importance of consult­ ing with a qualified health care professional concerning medical and health concerns. The criteria for selection included content, cred- itability of site sponsor, and currency and au­ thorship of information. Site design was also considered, particularly ease of navigation. Co m prehensive W eb s it e s • H ealth /Fitn ess. The site well organized and easy to use. Specific top­ ics are listed under broad subject categories such as Alternative/Complementary Health, Disabilities, Diseases/Conditions, Fitness/ Wellness, Mental Health, Recovery/Addiction, and Women’s Health. A guide, who is either an expert or has an interest in the topic, has compiled each subject Web page. This site also provides links to scheduled chat sessions on various health topics. A ccess: http:// h om e, ab ou t, com /health/index. htm?PM= 59_0208_T. • d rk o o p .co m . C. Everett Koop, forme surgeon general o f the United States, estab­ lished According to Koop, this s ite “e m ­ powers con- su m ers to becom e ac­ tive, well-in- formed par­ ticipants to better manage their health.” An extensive pull-down menu accesses informa­ tion on specific “Conditions & Concerns.” O ther categories o f inform ation include Health News, Family Health, Health Re­ sources, and Health and Fitness. Another re­ source of interest is “Health Tools,” which includes a collection of calculators. These calculators can be used to assess fitness, diet is and nutrition, and general health. Calcula­ tors to assess the risk for diseases such as r About the author I CaryI Gray is a college librarian at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, e-mail 996 / C&RL News ■ December 2000 heart disease, HIV, and Diabetes Type II are also included. Access, • H ealthlink Plus. This consumer health Web site was compiled by the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) in North Carolina. HealthLink Plus brings to­ gether “reliable, recent, and authoritative information from sites selected by PLCMC’s professional Information Services staff.” The selected resources are categorized by the fol­ lowing headings: General Health Information, Health Care Providers, Health Insurance, Medical Research, Staying Healthy, Mental Health, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Each of these headings is linked to a subject page listing appropriate Web re­ sources. The topics associated with each cat­ egory are also linked, so that specific infor­ mation can be located easily. For example, the Staying Healthy category lists general wellness, first aid, nutrition, fitness, and stress management as specific topics. This organi­ zation makes it easy for a consumer to locate appropriate health information quickly. The site provides access to guidelines for evalu­ ating medical information on the Internet. Access: • Healthology. This unique Web site of­ fers a different approach to accessing health information. Healthology, Inc., a privately held health media company, offers daily Webcasts. The Webcasts, which address a wide range of health topics, are moderated and e-mail questions can be submitted dur­ ing the discussion. According to the site inform ation: “T h ese W ebcasts p ro vid e the Internet audience with direct access to the nation’s top health experts from institutions around the country.” Healthology Live lists the dates and times o f future Webcasts. Healthology On-Demand provides access to previous Webcasts. Information on specific subjects can be found at the “Areas of Interest” pull-down menu. These topic pages bring together Webcasts and relevant a rticle s av a ila b le on the H e alth o lo g y site . A c c e s s : http:// • Mayo Clinic Health Oasis. This Web site organizes information by topical centers, such as the Arthritis Center, the Cancer Cen­ ter, the Children’s Center, the Heart Center, the Men’s Center, and the Women’s Center. Center information sources include recent articles, reference resources, quizzes, and links to other relevant Web sites. New infor­ mation is added to this site daily. The Inter­ active Pizza Counter, a unique resource on this site, can be used to create a pizza and to evaluate its nutritional value. The Virtual Cookbook has recipes for a wide variety of healthy dishes, including the Mayo Clinics’ recipe for a healthy pizza. Access: http://www. • MEDLINEplus. The National Library of Medicine provides this health information Web site. “Health Topics” is organized alpha­ betically by topic with cross-references; top­ ics are also categorized by subject area. Each topic page includes links to information on the disease or condition. For example, the Web page for breast cancer includes links to information on diagnosis, prevention/screen- ing, research, and nutrition. In addition, there is a “Frequently Requested Topics” list for direct access to information on topics of cur­ rent interest. The site also links to a medical dictionary and to a medical encyclopedia as additional resources for medical information and definitions. MEDLINEplus includes a “Drug Information” section with content pro­ vided by the United States Pharmacopeia. More than 9,000 prescription and over-the- counter drugs are described and evaluated. There are also links to information on newly approved drugs and drugs in clinical trial. In addition to the health topics and drug infor­ mation, this comprehensive site includes a link to MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine’s database. Access-. http://www. MEDLINEplus also includes links to addition resources, such as directories of healthcare professionals and a list of medical and health organizations. Ac­ cess. http://www http://www C8ιRL News ■ Decem ber 2000 / 997 • WebMD. This comprehensive Web site was developed by Healtheon/WebMD to pro­ vide access to up-to-date information for con­ sumers and health care professionals. Access: Consumers are directed to the WebMD/Health section of this site. Of particular interest is the “Newly Di­ agnosed” category, which has brief articles on topics such as ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer’s, depression, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, migraines, and prostate cancer. These articles include links to additional Web-based information and resources about the disease or condition. The WebMD/Health site covers nutrition, fitness, drugs and herbs, and many other topics of interest to the consumer. Access-, http:// The “Health Teacher” sec­ tion of WebMD provides lesson plans and resources appropriate for K-12 health instruc­ tion. Access: http://www.healthteacher. com. • Wellness Web. Conventional Medicine, Alternative/Complementary Medicine, and Nutrition and Fitness are the broad subject sections of this well-organized site. Each sec­ tion has an editorial board with the member­ ship listed at the top of the section’s page. Each editorial board member has a personal Web page with b io g r a p h ic a l and contact in­ formation. The sectio n pages link to o th er Web resources and to informa­ tion available on the Wellness Web. Specific subject infor­ mation is also listed under “Centers,” which include topics such as wellness, fitness, can­ cer, heart, health insurance, and pain man­ agement. “Late Breaking Research” links to the Center for Current Research. The Center searches the National Library of Medicine databases to provide patients with informa­ tion on current developments at πiajor re­ search facilities. Ongoing additions to this site are listed under “New at WellnessWeb.” A c­ cess. Academic sites • HealtliLinks. This site is a project of the University of Washington Health Sciences Center. It brings together Web sites, databases, electronic journals, and other electronic re­ sources related to the health sciences. Ac­ cess to many of the resources on this site is restricted. A small picture of a lock identifies the restricted resources. An extensive sub­ ject index, which includes cross-references, provides access to information on specific topics. Each month this site focuses on a spe­ cific topic; for example, October 2000 was devoted to pesticides. Past focus articles can be located at the “Front Page” link. The “Toolkit” section lists resources of interest to specific user groups, including consumers. Access: • MEDWEB @ Em ory University. Thi site was developed and is maintained by the staff of the Robert W. Woodruff Health Sci­ ences Center Library at Emory University to support the academic and the research pro­ grams o f the university. The “Consumer Health” section of MEDWEB contains infor­ mation o f interest to the general public. This section contains an extensive list of topics arranged alphabetically; each topic page in­ cludes numerous links to related Web re­ sources. Access: http://www.MedWeb.Emory. Edu/MedWeb/. A sso c ia tio n W eb site s Association Web sites provide educational information about particular diseases or con­ ditions, including resources for patients and their caregivers. Non-professional sites also provide opportunities to support financially the advocacy and research missions of the organizations. All sites stress that the infor­ mation should not be substituted for con­ sultation with a qualified health care pro­ fe s s io n a l n o r sh ou ld it b e u sed to self-diagnose a medical problem. This is a very selected list of association Web sites, which contains information o f consumer s http://www.healthteacher http://www.MedWeb.Emory 998 / C&RL News ■ December 2000 interest. The Encyclopedia o f Associations is an excellent reference resource for locating information about organizations. Associations Unlimited, a fee-based resource from the Gale Group, is the electronic version of this re­ source. A sso ciatio n s (d iseases and conditions) • Alzheimer’s Association. This well- organized site provides access to informa­ tion for patients, caregivers, and physicians. The “People with Alzheimer’s” page, which provides information on understanding and living with Alzheimer’s, is complemented by answers to “Frequently Asked Questions.” The “Family Caregivers and Friends” page pro­ vides information and support to those pro­ viding care to persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Access, • American Cancer Society (ACS). The wealth of material available at the ACS site includes facts about specific types of cancer, information on available treatments (includ­ ing alternative and complimentary treat­ ments), and advice on prevention and early detection. The “Living with Cancer” page pro­ vides answers to general questions about daily living and coping with cancer. The ACS site is complemented by the National Cancer In­ stitute site (see Government sites), which pro­ vides more in-depth information and links to additional Web resources. Access-, http:// • American Diabetes Association. For the newly diagnosed with this disease, the “Diabetes Information” section provides ac­ cess to useful information. The site also in­ cludes advice on nutrition and exercise. Of particular interest is the Virtual Grocery Store, sponsored by commercial producers of low- sugar products, which includes a brief re­ view of basic meal planning for diabetics. Registration is required for full access to the Virtual Grocery Store. Access: http://www. • American Heart Association (AHA). The official Web site for the AHA includes information on the warning signs for heart attacks and stroke, risk assessment, exercise programs, and nutrition. The “Heart and Stroke A-Z Guide” is an alphabetical index to information related to these diseases. The link to Books/Cookbooks includes several sample recipes from the AHA cookbooks. Access: • American Stroke Association (divi­ sion of the American Heart Association). This site, more directly related to stroke than the American Heart Association site, contains a consumer section on risk management, prevention, treatment, and recovery. Infor­ mation for caregivers and access links to the Stroke Family Support Network provide re­ sources specifically for “stroke families.” A c­ cess: • Asthma and Allergy Foundation o f America. As well as presenting general in­ formation about asthma and allergies, this site contains two sections that users will find help­ ful. “Ask the Allergist” includes responses to submitted questions, including an archive of past questions. Children can find informa­ tion appropriate for them in the “Kids and Teens” section. This site also gives local pol­ len count information. Access: http://www. • National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This site provides information about the dis­ ease for patients and their families. The pub­ lications section includes “Just the Facts,” which provides factual answers to frequently asked questions. The MS Information section offers “Knowledge is Power,” a six-week, free program for those newly diagnosed with MS. Registration is required to receive mailings and newsletters. The Educational Programs section provides access to programs such as “MS Learn on Line” and “Moving Forward.” Each program listing provides specific infor­ mation for accessing the program, including free d ow nloads o f softw are such as RealPlayer. Access: A sso ciatio n s (pro fession al) • A m e ric a n M ed ical A s s o c ia tio (AMA). “AMA Health Insight” provides ac­ cess to consumer health resources on the AMA Web site. The site is well organized with clearly defined categories such as “Specific Condition,” “General Health,” and “Healthy Family.” Topics within these categories can be selected from pull-down menus. The site also includes the “JAMA Patient Page,” which n http://www http://www C&RL News ■ Decem ber 2000 / 999 provides information on a current topic of interest. The “Interactive Health” category pro­ vides assistance in creating a confidential personal or family health history. Access: http ://www. ama-assn. org/ consumer, htm. • Am erican A cadem y o f P ed iatrics (AAP). The “You and Your Family” section of this site provides valuable information for parents, including an immunization sched­ ule and car safety information. A link to in­ formation about the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) “Back to Sleep” campaign is one of the many resources found in this section of the AAP Web site. The site also includes a list of childcare guides and other association publications of interest to parents. Access: • American Dental Association (ADA). Information for the consumer can be found on the “Public” section of this Web site. “Oral Health Topics A-Z” is the primary location for information on personal and family oral health. The “Frequently Asked Questions” link pro­ vides additional information. “Find a Dentist” gives the Internet user access to a list of ADA members to find a local dentist. Directions to the dental office can be printed. The site also provides information on the ADA Seal of Ac­ ceptance. Access, Governm ent W eb site s • CDC Web Site. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sponsors this well-or­ ganized Web site. “Spotlights” links to current information on health-related issues. The “Trav­ elers’ Health” section has a wealth of informa­ tion for the international traveler. Specific health information for geographic regions is available, as are tips for traveling with children and in­ formation for travelers with special needs. This section provides links to additional Web re­ sources, such as the U.S. State Department, the National Center for Infectious Diseases, and the World Health Organization, which also pro­ vide travel information. The “Health Topics A-Z” section indexes the health topics avail­ able on the CDC Web site. New information is added to this section on an ongoing basis. Access: • Food Safety. This site provides com­ prehensive information on food safety. The “Consumer Advice” category includes gen­ eral food handling guidelines with addi­ tional information for pregnant women, se­ niors, and persons with immune dis­ eases. There is also information for spe­ cific food products. The “Kids, Teens and Educators” cat­ egory includes resources for educating chil­ dren on the importance of food safety. These resources include federal government Web sites, federal government/private sector Web sites, and state and local Web sites. This site also includes information on reporting food borne illnesses and product complaints. A c­ cess: • Hcalthflndcr. A service of the Depart­ ment of Health and Human Services, this well- organized site serves as “a free gateway to reliable consumer health and human services information.” The broad topic areas make in­ formation easy to locate. “Hot Topics” puts Web resources on current topics one click away. “Just for You” provides convenient access to resources for specific age or gen­ der groups. Information on minority health and family health are also included in this category. The information listed under each category includes links to Web resources and organizations. Some subjects may include links to electronic journals, databases, and other relevant resources. “More Tools” pro­ vides access to additional resources, which can be used to extend a search for health informa­ tion. Access: • HealthlnfoQuest. The resources on this Web site are the result of a workshop pre­ sented by Maureen Carleton, a medical ref­ erence specialist. The outcome of the work­ shop was a series of pathfinders to be used by public librarians and health information specialists. The Pathfinder Index provides access by topic. Librarians are encouraged to print the pathfinders for their own use as a reference resource or to use them in work­ shop presentations. Access: http://www.nnlm. nlm. nih. gov/healthinfoquest/. • National C ancer Institute. The “Can­ cer Information” section of this site provides access to a wealth of information about can­ cer. “CancerNet” contains information on top­ ics such as types of cancers, treatment op­ tions, clinical trials, coping with cancer, and support resources. The Cancer Information Service is a source of current information http://www.nnlm 1000 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2000 (contact information and the toll-free phone number are listed). This Web site also pro­ vides access to the Atlas o f C a n cer Mortality and to the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology & End Results) Program an “authoritative source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the U.S.” Other resources avail­ able on the National Cancer Institute Web site include Cancer Trials, Ethnic and Minority Health resources, and links to information provided by the Office of Cancer Comple­ mentary and Alternative Medicine. The Na­ tional Cancer Institute Web site provides in- depth information on cancer research and clini­ cal trials. Access: O th e r s ite s o f in te re s t The Consumer and Patient Health Informa­ tion Section of the Medical Library Associa­ tion has compiled an extensive list of evalu­ ated Web resources entitled “Web Sites You Can Trust.” This well-organized list is briefly annotated and is an excellent resource for additional consumer health information. Among the resources available on this site is a list of Web resources focusing on children’s health and parenting resources. A ccess: http://caphis.njc. org/consumerAll. html. • The Melanoma Patients’ Inform atio Page. This non-commercial site provides cur­ rent information for patients diagnosed with melanoma. The site includes selected read­ ings specific to the stages of melanoma. An “ASK Our RN” link, for submission of e-mail questions to an oncology nurse, was recently added to this site. The “Community” section of this Web site provides access to a bulletin board, a chat room, and other support re­ sources. Access: ■ Letter to the editor I have just read “Academic librarians as advisors” by Paul Studdard (C&RL News, October 2000). Never have I read such a concise and well written defense of, and advertisement for, our profession. People rarely understand what we are profession­ ally capable of, and this piece did much to strongly state our case and our cause. This is the kind o f article that should be featured in all of our professional me­ dia. While professions have nothing in the way of apologetics, but this article comes c l o s e .— G ary P arson s, F lo r id a A tlan tic University, p arson s@ fau .ed u n http://caphis.njc C&RL N ew s ■ D ecem b er 2000 / 7007 T h e C a m p a i g n f o r A m e r i c a ’ s L i b r a r i e s Heroes @ your library' L ib ra rie s a cro ss the U nited S ta te s and around the w orld are em bracing the C a m p a ig n fo r A m e ric a 's L ib ra rie s . To say than ks, upcom ing ads w ill list the honor roll of lib raries and lib r a r y o rg a n iz a tio n s th a t have joined the @ your lib ra ry c a m p a ig n . I f you are p lanning to p a rtic ip a te , send an e-m ail to a ty o u rlib ra ry @ a la .o rg , fa x us at 3 1 2 - 9 4 4 - 8 5 2 0 or w rite to the C am paign fo r A m e ric a 's L ib ra rie s , c/o the A L A Public Info rm atio n O ffice, 5 0 E a s t Huron S tre e t, Chicago, I L 6 0 6 1 1 . Please provide a b rie f description of your plans. Jo in us. Be a hero @ your library.